Read Sleeping Dragons Omnibus Online

Authors: Ophelia Bell

Sleeping Dragons Omnibus (4 page)

Animus: Chapter Six

rika glanced at the corner where Kris stood as if he could give her some kind of signal that she was on the right track, but he only stood passive and intent while he watched. It had to be torture for him to witness all this and not be able to find his own release until the end. His lips twitched a bit which she took as a positive sign. She climbed onto the platform and straddled the naked statue, positioning herself over the polished jade phallus. Jesus, was she really about to fuck a statue? Her vaginal muscles clenched painfully, a sure signal that she needed this, and if what Kris had told her was true, this was the only way for her to find a release. She was already flushed with need and Eben looked even worse off.

“He wants you, can’t you see it?” Eben said.

She laughed, but the jade man’s face seemed to be looking up at her with needful longing. Like she was teasing him by not fucking him right now. He was pretty, with wide-set eyes, a square jaw, and full, kissable lips. If he’d been a living man she’d have been instantly attracted to him. She impulsively bent over and kissed him. His lips were almost as warm as flesh, and just as smooth even though they were hard, polished stone. Up close she was startled to realize that his skin had an odd geometric texture. Scales, she realized, though the pattern was faint. And he had horns protruding from his hairline, almost completely obscured by the carved waves of his hair. Not carved,
, if what Kris said was true.

“You’re already in love, aren’t you?” Eben asked, stepping closer and drifting his fingertips across the red stone of the man’s face. “I don’t blame you. He’s… otherworldly. And you need to fuck him now.”

“Damn, you can be an asshole sometimes. You want to see me fuck this cock, huh?”

“Yeah, baby.”

She poised herself over the huge erection that jutted up between the thighs of the statue and pressed down slightly.

“How does it feel?”

“Shut up.”

Eben leaned over the end of the platform and laid his own kiss on the lips of the figure.

“You’re in love with him, too,” she said, breathless at the zing of sensation the velvety-smooth stone between her thighs evoked even with just the tip of it penetrating her.

“I just want to see if he can make you come as hard as I do,” Eben said. “Considering he’s inanimate.”

She sank down further, unsure whether she could take the entire length of the jade cock into her, but when her hips rested on the statue’s hard thighs and his thick tip pressed into her deeper recesses she had her answer.

“Tell me how it feels,” Eben said. He was leaning over the end of the platform, his hand clutching at the head of the statue. He gripped his cock in his hand, clearly wanting to stroke it but hesitating for reasons she was all too aware of herself.

“Incredible.” She couldn’t think of any other words. All she knew was that she needed to keep fucking. She pumped up and down, each stroke hitting her in just the right places. Every single one… the shallow little sensitive spot that she could reach herself when she jerked off, and the deeper spots that almost paralyzed her with how good they felt.

Eben continued stroking his cock in front of her. He looked so desperate for an orgasm she felt sorry for him, but within a second he groaned and his cock erupted in a stream of creamy white cum that covered the statue’s face. Her own orgasm was a knife’s edge away, and when she watched Eben come she surrendered. She slammed herself down on the cock she’d been riding and succumbed to the waves of pleasure. Her pussy clenched on the stone and she cried out, crazed with the exquisite sensation of release. The statue beneath her warmed perceptibly and an answering pulse throbbed between her thighs.

Something was wrong. The air vibrated with a loud, guttural sound. Her body shifted up, but she was barely conscious in the aftershocks of her orgasm. She heard the sound of chains breaking. Taloned claws raked her back making her cry out at the sharp pain that seared her skin, but it was nothing to the pleasure still rocketing through her. The cock inside her expanded in girth and a long tongue swept itself across her breasts leaving her nipples tingling. When she opened her eyes the shimmering visage of a dragon greeted her briefly before coalescing into the very human-looking face of the man she’d been fucking. Still was fucking. He gasped and embraced her, thrusting his cock so deep she grew dizzy.

“I’m awake,” he murmured. “And you… are

He held her close and nuzzled at her breasts. “You are a joy to wake up to. So tasty.” She froze, clutching her hands in his mane of red hair. His skin had become the hue and texture of normal skin, but his eyes and hair remained the same blood red as the stone he’d apparently been sculpted from.

“You’re not going to eat me, are you?”

He chuckled and latched onto one of her breasts, sinking his teeth in slightly but not breaking skin. He kept steadily thrusting up into her.

“I might
you, but no… we don’t dine on humans. You’re much more fun to fuck.” His voice was deep and resonant, the timbre teasing at her eardrums with every word, caressing the depths of her mind as thoroughly as his cock caressed her pussy walls.

“Do you have a name?” she managed to gasp out between panting breaths. She’d come again very soon now that he was reciprocating.

“I have many names. You awakened me, it’s your choice.”

“Ah.” It was increasingly difficult to focus, but she had to know. “You don’t have your own name?”

“I do. My name is Gevaerentethessis. Humans tend to not like long names though, so you pick one, my love.”

“Geva?” she panted.

“Yes, I like it. Your friend is about to die from need.”

“My friend?”

“Yes, the one who so graciously ejaculated on my face earlier.”

“Oh God, sorry about that.”

Geva licked his lips but otherwise ignored the splatter of cum that graced his cheeks. “No need to apologize. He tastes young and healthy. But very needful. Is he for my mistress?”

“I guess he is,” she said, wiping the remnants of Eben’s orgasm off Geva’s cheeks. “Eben?” She glanced over Geva’s shoulder. In spite of an epic orgasm, Eben looked shellshocked and still aroused.

“Your turn, sweetie.” She looked over her shoulder at the purple jade figure on the seat behind them.

Eben walked in a near-dazed state and knelt in between the statue’s spread thighs. He always was so attentive that way, Erika thought. He loved going down on women.

“He looks competent,” Geva whispered in her ear. The hot breath sent a pleasant tingle down her body that settled right in her clit.

“He is.

“Would you like to watch while I fuck you?”

Oh, did she. She let him turn her around and position her on her hands and knees where she could see Eben begin to service the statue of the female dragon.

“I hurt you,” he said and she felt the sting of his fingertip graze over the edge of the wounds he’d laid into her back when he’d climaxed.

“Just a little. I don’t mind.”

“Let me fix it.”

The air shifted around her and a huge shadow loomed above her. She glanced back to see a large red dragon, its velvety snout gusting warm clouds of red steam along her back. The sensation made her shiver, but the scratches stung less and less.

“That feels nice,” she said. Geva’s forked tongue flicked out from his snout and she shivered as it tickled over her skin. The warm, velvety wetness of it slipped around and teased at her breasts, then snaked back and explored between her thighs. The forked tip of it stroked between her pussy lips, tasting her until she moaned. She stared back over her shoulder at the thick column of flesh that protruded from between his massive, scaled thighs. It was half again as big as it had been when he was human, but she craved every inch of it now.

“You like the way I taste?” she asked and was startled to hear the very intelligible response in a deep, gravelly voice.

“You taste alive. You taste beautiful. Hmmm, I could taste you for eternity.” His heavy claws tightened slightly around her hips and her exposure to him aroused her further.

“Will you fuck me like this?”

“My dragon form is too much for human women.”

“Please. I can see you want me. I can take it.”

“Oh, I do. If you desire this form, I will go slowly.” The beauty of him had her mesmerized even more in his true form. His wings stretched out behind him, quivering in his apparent need to take her. His glowing red eyes flashed with lust.

He nuzzled her behind and flicked his tongue in a tickling trail along her spine while moving closer. Soon the scorching heat of his thick tip pressed against her entrance.

“Oh, yes! Do it!” she cried out, pushing back, inviting him in deeper. His rumbling response vibrated through her entire body, amplifying her desire. The stretch of her pussy walls made her groan when he began pushing into her. When he was fully encompassed within her he paused and bent his long head down over her shoulder, teasing his tongue over her breasts again. This was so surreal, but it all felt so right. Geva began moving carefully at first. He fucked her with long, languid strokes, filling her up while she watched Eben attentively lick the jade pussy of the female dragon.

“Worship her pussy well and you will be rewarded,” Geva said, directing the statement at Eben. “You can fuck her to life that way.”

The words seemed to make no sense to Erika, as full as she was with Geva’s cock, but Eben apparently understood and licked with increased fervor. He groaned in elation a few moments later then rose up on his knees. Eben looked like he was about to fuck the statue, though all Erika could see was his tight, muscular backside and the clench of it when he thrust into the statue like she was actually real.

Through her fevered haze of ecstasy she asked, “Geva, what did he just do?”

“He woke her up. That part of her, anyway. The rest will come. Now, I need to make you come.”

All it took was the rumble of his deep voice and a series of solid thrusts that reached the deepest parts of her. Soon Erika’s eyes fluttered closed and her body spasmed in an earth-shattering orgasm. His thick cock pulsed red-hot inside her, then receded, his entire shape dwindling back to human again and pulling her back with him. He embraced her and she rolled over, looking into his red-hued eyes.

“I just fucked a dragon, didn’t I?”

“Yes. And you will again. You are too tasty to let go of easily.”

“What about Eben?”

“She seems to like him,” he said.

Erika glanced down to the bench where the other dragon had been. Now Eben was seated with a pretty violet-haired woman riding him. After a few minutes the purple-haired beauty yelled out a resonant cry and her wings unfurled then embraced them both in a violet cocoon. Erika could just barely hear Eben’s familiar orgasmic yell as his hands clenched at the dragon-woman’s bottom, yanking her down hard on his cock while he came.

“Who is she to you?”

“My mistress. Or she was in the last cycle. I misbehaved. She was my jailor of a sort, but my penance has been done now that you have awoken me.”

“So what happens next?”

“Now, we make love some more. Every climax feeds the Queen’s well. Soon we awaken the twins. And I do hope you brought a virgin with you. She’s the secret ingredient. The magic will tell her what to do all on its own.”

“A virgin?” she asked, but became distracted when he shifted down her torso and his tongue elongated and slipped between her thighs. He toyed with her clit until she couldn’t think straight.

“How do you do that?” she asked when coherent thought returned to her.

“I can transform any of my body parts at will into the shape I desire. My natural form is this…” His body shimmered and a second later he was a resplendent red dragon, four times the size of a man. Then his tail disappeared and his legs became human along with his torso. All that was left was the dragon head atop the very beautiful muscular shape of a man with a huge hard-on.

“Show me your human face again. I like that face.”

He smiled at her when the face appeared again. “I like this face, too. But my human tongue is not as functional as my dragon tongue.”

“No, your dragon tongue is definitely much more… ah… functional.”

“I thought you’d prefer that one,” he said, grinning at her with perfect white teeth. God, he was pretty. He even had dimples. If she’d seen him on the street she’d have done a double-take, thinking, “Who summoned a Viking?” what with his long red hair and ample muscles. When he’d been stone it was hard to imagine his personality, but now she warmed to him. She wanted to know his life story, but first she really just wanted to fuck him again. She glanced at Eben and saw him in a tender conversation with the dragon-woman, who was now curled up on his lap nuzzling at his cheek. The woman really did like him. Her wings were still extended and drifted through the air in a lazy rhythm, sending pleasant gusts across Erika’s skin.

“I want to make you come again.” Erika heard the words while watching Eben mouth the very same ones to the dragon girl on his lap. It took her a second to realize that the words she’d heard had come from Geva, not Eben. She extracted herself from her fascination with Eben’s love tryst to pay attention to the far more fascinating creature in front of her.

“I could fuck you all night, but I have work to do,” she said. “We need to awaken the twins. How do we do that?”

Geva grinned. “If the guide has followed the laws of the ritual, you will have brought enough humans to complete all the phases.”

“Yes, there are seven of us, counting Kris.”

“Then we just need to fuck until the next phase begins on its own, so you choose. Work, or… um…

“Kris can’t just go lay hands on the doors and make them open like he did with this one?”

“Kris has a very specific role to fill here,” Geva said. His glance into the shadowed corner reminded her that they’d had an audience all along.

Kris nodded. “I can only open the first door. The others will only open when each phase is due to begin, but it won’t take long.”

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