Read Sizzle Online

Authors: Holly S. Roberts

Tags: #General Fiction

Sizzle (18 page)

BOOK: Sizzle
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Gabriella raises her voice and throws a not so nice look at the dog. “No, Two-dogs, you will stay out of my kitchen.” This is followed by a string of Spanish at Mak.

The dog’s eyes are on Kiley and he whines long and loud. Mak laughs. “He knows you love him, Gabriella, and he can’t help being drawn to the wonderful smell of food.”

The dog lowers his body to the floor at the entrance to the kitchen and Mak steps over him. “I decided to spend a half day at the office and come home early. Any chance there’s enough for me?” I receive a wink from Mak as Gabriella goes off on another string of Spanish.

“You know I make enough to feed this family. There will always be food available in my kitchen. Sit down and I will bring you a plate, Señora.”

“Who do we have here?” Mak asks as she takes a seat on the other side of Kiley. “And who is this?” she adds and lifts the doll’s wet arm. The doll has now soaked the front of Kiley’s shirt.

Gabriella places food in front of Mak and reaches for the doll. She looks straight at Kiley. “I will place her in the dryer and she will be ready when you finish your meal.”

I’m surprised when Kiley hands her over. Gabriella marches from the kitchen with the doll in hand.

“Kiley, this is my friend Mak. Mak, this is my niece, Kiley.” Damn I actually tear up with the introduction.

Kiley’s hand falls to her side and she suddenly jerks it up. The dog is standing there and swipes his tongue over Kiley’s fingers. I’m about to say something, when Kiley lowers her fingers back to the dog and he gives her another gentle lick.

Kiley smiles.

It’s amazing and now I really want to cry. It’s only a small step, but it gives me hope. Kiley forgoes her fork and sticks her fingers into the spaghetti. She reaches out and offers a piece of spaghetti noodle to the dog. I hear a sigh and look to the door of the kitchen. Gabriella has her hands on her hips. She shakes her head and without saying a word, walks over to the sink and begins running water. She really is a softy.

I look back at Kiley when Mak talks to her. “Kiley, honey, you can help me feed Two-dogs after you eat. He really likes you. I bet he would chase his ball if you tossed it for him.”

Mak receives no reply, but Kiley awkwardly picks up her fork. She scoops up noodles and puts them in her mouth. I’m saddened that she automatically does what she’s told without hesitation. I pat Two-dogs on the head. Four legs is better than my two at the moment and I’ll take any help I can get.

Kiley eats everything on her plate. I’m surprised her small belly can hold it. She also drinks two glasses of water. Mak and I talk about the office and she tells me about one of the women who is having a relationship problem. We don’t mention anything about escorts, but it’s reconfirming that this is not the place for a child. I need to take her to my mother and we need to start a new life.

Kiley’s a mess when finished and I’m thinking we need another bath. Gabriella takes over and cleans her fingers, arms, and face expertly. She takes Kiley’s hand, speaks to her in Spanish, and the two of them walk from the room followed by Two-dogs.

“They’re going to fetch the doll from the dryer and feed Two-dogs his dinner.”

“Do you think Kiley understood?” I ask in dismay.

“Most likely not, but Gabriella has a way of getting through to people and dogs.”

I’m sad that Kiley didn’t respond to me as well as she did Gabriella, which is ridiculous. Whatever it takes to draw her out of her shell, I’m game. I just feel so helpless in my ability to know what she needs.

“How are you holding up?” Mak asks.

“I’m doing everything I can not to scream at the top of my lungs,” I say with a grimace.

“Well in that case, you’re doing a good job of it.”

I shake my head. “Only because I don’t want to cause more damage than has already been done.”

Mak takes my hand. “I saw a lot when I was a police officer. It’s never easy, and seeing it happen to your own flesh and blood must be even harder. She’s safe now. She has Alex and Moon’s protection for life. The trouble with Fox will end soon. What are your plans?”

I feel guilty, but I say what I need to. “I can’t stay here. When I know she’s safe, I’ll take her to my mother. We’ll figure something out. I need to find a job.” I flush and look up. “Something tied to my education.”

Mak smiles gently. “I knew the first time I saw you that escorting wasn’t in your blood. It was difficult for me in the beginning to accept that the feminist movement is about more than equal rights. It’s about the right to decide your own path even if it’s not the one I would choose. My job is to keep the women safe so they have that choice. That’s why I took over the business and I don’t regret it. Moon has more of a problem with me heading up his escort service than I do.” Her smile changes and she rolls her eyes. “Okay, I hate the constant drama and you’re lucky you weren’t around long enough to get involved. If it wasn’t for Cori, I’d go nuts. She’s my best escort and can smack down a room full of women without laying a hand on anyone. Me, I really miss my Taser.”

How can I not laugh? I didn’t meet the other escorts. Mak makes them sound like a dysfunctional family who she obviously loves. Gabriella and Kiley walk back in and this time Kiley’s not holding Gabriella’s hand. Her arms are wrapped tightly around the doll.

Gabriella picks up the chair by the table and carries it farther into the kitchen while speaking. “Kiley and I are making tortillas. I will teach her the recipe and she will help me roll the balls. I have explained that it takes hard work to be a woman in this world and the sooner she knows how to do these things the better. We make a good team, sí?” She looks down at Kiley and smiles as she lifts her up so she’s standing on the chair. “You hold onto the counter and don’t fall down. I will get what we need.”

Kiley stands and watches Gabriella in fascination as the woman brings over a large bowl and a large bag of flour. I continue watching as Gabriella explains the recipe and what they need to do. She pours the entire bag of flour into the bowl, runs it under the water without measuring, lifts it out of the sink, and has Kiley place her hands in and help her stir. Half the directions are in Spanish, but Gabriella patiently shows Kiley what she needs to do. The woman is amazing, and I realize I’m even further out of my league than I thought.

Mak leans in and fake whispers, “There are two men in the weight room right now who are hot and sweaty and delicious. Well mine is, I don’t know about yours. Both are the perfect eye candy when real women are hard at work in the kitchen and the rest of us need something to occupy our lazy minds.” Gabriella responds in Spanish and Mak laughs and replies in English. “I’ve been trying to get you to teach me how to make those since I moved in. My feelings are hurt, so I need to do something to lift my spirits.”

“Just remember I changed those men’s diapers, Señora.”

I stand to follow a laughing Mak. “Do you mind, Gabriella?” I ask.

“No, me and this young lady have much work to do. When this is finished, we will take a siesta. You go entertain your man.”

My man. God, I wish he truly was. “Gracias.”

She smiles. “De nada.”

Chapter Twenty


gym. With the loud music, I don’t actually see them, but I know that Celina is standing there as surely as I know the sun will set today. She’s a vibe beneath my skin and the closer she is the more intensely I feel her. I keep lifting the set I’m currently working on and hear Madison whistle. I have no doubt it’s intended for her husband. I glance over and sure enough she’s not looking my way, but Celina is. Crazy, hot need simmers in her eyes. She’s so easy to read. I don’t think she would mind if I stood up and rubbed my sweaty body all over her. Of course my cock hardens at the thought and I have a feeling this workout is about to be cut short.

Madison walks closer to Moon. “Gabriella is the child whisperer as well as the food Goddess. We decided that the mental abuse being thrown at us in her territory was too much to handle, so we came looking for some eye candy,” she informs her husband. Moon grabs his wife and does exactly what I want to do to Celina. “Oh, big boy, what strong muscles you have,” Madison teases. She shuts up when he kisses her.

Celina’s eyes remain locked on mine. I clang the weights into the bar holder and sit up. I grab the towel beside me and wipe my face. Leaving my shirt and the towel behind, I stand and walk to Celina. I hook her hand in mine and lead her from the room, which is about to get too hot for my tastes. I’ve stopped wondering when the newlywed thing would wear off for those two. Right now, I have my own woman to play with and I’m taking advantage. I hustle her from the room and lead her straight to my apartment.

“You okay with leaving Kiley in Gabriella’s hands for an hour?” I ask as soon as I shut my apartment door behind us.

“An hour?”

“Could be longer,” I growl.

She’s nervous and I like it. I want to do very nasty things to her, as well as fuck her six ways to Sunday. When she leaves my bed, I want her raw and knowing that I’m the man who slid my cock in and out of her pussy so many times she aches with it. And, given the chance, she would fuck me all over again. It’s a primal feeling I’ve never had before.

I was so proud of how she reacted at the house where they held Kiley. Her small gasp was nothing when she saw all the blood. Most people would have run screaming. Not this woman. She did what she had to do. Everything about her turns me the fuck on.

I place my hands on her hips and walk her backward to my bedroom. Her fingers land on my shoulders. “I need to shower. I’ll be three minutes,” I say as we enter my room. The disappointment in her eyes is priceless and a growl of need comes from my throat. She steps in closer and circles her arms around my neck. “You naughty girl,” I whisper.

She goes to her toes and kisses me. My dick is filled with as much testosterone as my muscles are from the workout. Scratch that, it’s having this woman’s hands on me that’s making my cock as hard as concrete. When I’m with her, the demons fade. Maybe that’s the allure. Though any man who could walk away from the sexual appeal Celina exudes is seriously wacked.

I pull back. “Stand here for a moment.” She watches me. Her eyes are burning cinders of the most incredible blue. I walk behind her where she can no longer see me without twisting her head. I place my hands on her hips and she jumps with a half moan, half laugh. I lean in and inhale her scent. When I exhale, small goosebumps appear on her arms. “Remove all your clothing in the bathroom. Leave them behind and come back out here. Shoes too. Do you understand?” I whisper in her ear.

I remove my hands and step away.

She doesn’t look at me as she walks into my bathroom. I gaze around the room. Having Celina in here is a combination of every wild fantasy I can imagine and by damned I’m going to live each one of them. My world is no place for her niece. Hell, it’s no place for Celina. Tomorrow I’ll come up with a solution. Right now I refuse to think beyond the next hour.

She walks out in only her panties and I can’t help my grin. She sees it and manages a small nervous smile of her own. I firm my lips. “Come here,” I tell her in a voice that allows no argument. She walks forward, her breasts jiggling with the movement. Her hips sway just a bit. She’s built so perfectly. She’s made to be fucked by me. Only me.

She stops a foot away. The panties are shear bits of lace. I step into her and reach down, slipping my fingers inside the thin material. I pull and the panties tear apart in my hands.

“Ow!” she says in surprise.

“You’ve been a bad girl, Celina. You should have followed my instructions and these,” I hold them up in front of her, “would still be usable.”

Her eyes travel from the torn lace in my hands to my eyes. “You scare me,” she says so simply.

I toss the panties to the floor and lift one arm so I can grab the back of her neck. “I should scare you. I’m not a good man.” I thread my fingers into her hair and pull her head back.

In her innocence, she answers, “I think you are.”

She’ll never know how truly bad I am. Never see the blood running from my fingertips.

“Then I need to show you some of my wicked side, Celina.” I lean in and rub my jaw across her cheek and whisper in her ear, “I’m going to hurt you so good that you scream for me.” I release her hair and clasp her hips. “First, you’re going to suck me.” I bite down on the warm flesh of her shoulder and she jumps beneath my fingers. “You’ll take the edge off my need so I can fuck you for an hour straight.” After a harder bite, I push down on her hips and she goes to her knees. She lifts her head and blinks several times. Those eyes of hers will haunt me forever. I need that image and I hope I can conjure it at will when the others are weighing me down or keeping me from sleep. She’s afraid, but there’s unbelievable trust too. It’s written in her expression.

BOOK: Sizzle
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