Read Six Masters Island - The Cinderella Syndrome Online

Authors: Candace Smith

Tags: #Erotica

Six Masters Island - The Cinderella Syndrome (12 page)

Frances had a cramping feeling in her chest, and she knew that she was in love.
Even if she only had this magnificent man for this small period out of his life, she had experienced the passion of a man that most women only dreamed about.

On the fourth day, they reluctantly admitted they needed to continue their trip.
There was worry shadowing behind both their eyes, with Frances afraid of the time when Liam would ask her to leave, and Liam afraid of her answer when he asked her to stay.



Chapter V


“He calls her his angel,” Cynthia said.
“You should hear his voice when he talks about her, Alexander.
My poor little boy is so confused.”

Alexander hugged her while they walked through the dungeon garden, and they continued on towards Orchid’s cell.
“I was confused when I first saw you, Cynthia.
I was so damn angry at Ava when I found out that you were a member of the family… and being treated as their servant.
All I could think of was getting you out of there as quickly as I could.”

Alexander chuckled.
“God, I’ll never forget that woman’s expression when you stood up to her.
There you were in that plain rag of a dress, and she knew that no matter what she did, her daughters were ugly bitches just like she was.
Can you imagine how your presence must have tormented her?”

Cynthia stopped abruptly, and a slow smile crossed her features.
“You know, Alexander, I never really considered that.”
She turned and kissed him.
“You always know how to make me feel better.”

“Ah, my beauty.
Things worked out decidedly better for the storybook Cinderella, as well.”
He held open the door to Orchid’s cell and Cynthia swept into the room.

“Are you ready to try again?” Cynthia asked.

Orchid’s eyes flew to Alexander, and he tilted his head a bit.
After her failure yesterday… and the man’s visit last night… Orchid was terrified.
“Yes, stepmother.
I’m sorry I was unable to please you.”

“Training takes a long time for both of us, Orchid.
You’re worth it, and I’m willing to go over your lessons as many times as it takes so that you can move onto the next level,” Cynthia replied.

“Thank you, stepmother.”
Orchid shivered and held back her tears.
I’m never going to be found.
I’m never getting out of this place.

Cynthia unlocked her cage, and Orchid moved slowly towards the cross.
She turned her back and stretched her legs apart with her hands over her head, waiting to be secured.
“Oh my,” Cynthia said.
She looked at the stripes crisscrossing her Orchid’s back and bottom.

“Turn around, Orchid.
We’ll work on the front, today,” Alexander said.
He wanted his wife to see the extra time he had put in with the girl, and he felt his cock stiffen when the girl began to shiver.

Orchid felt her tears welling in her eyes.
The Master had spent hours strategically lashing her with both things that left marks and other devices that stung, but unfairly left no welt to show how she had suffered.
That was after Cynthia’s training all day, and the thought of them beginning all over with the other side of their canvas, petrified her.

She turned, and Cynthia secured her while Orchid watched Alexander remove his shirt.
The dark curls would be shining with sweat after lashing her, and she tried to remember his hands on her body, training her for the response stepmother wanted.

The whip curled around her waist.
Orchid bit her lip and rode through the burning pain.
Stepmother stood behind her, and after running a fingertip over the raising ridge of skin, she slipped her finger down to Orchid’s pussy.
She stroked slowly… almost tenderly… until her exotic flower dripped some of her fragrant juice.

“Concentrate on your cunt, Orchid,” she whispered in her ear.
“Think of your feathery walls releasing your scent.
Think of the petal of your clit while the air caresses it.
I want you to feel the whip as a lover’s kiss on your body.”

“I’m trying, stepmother,” Orchid cried.
“It just hurts so badly.”

“You must have managed at least once for Alexander to have ended his session with you last night,” Cynthia reassured her.

Orchid tried to remember the feelings and thoughts she was having when she was finally able to climax with the whip lashing her.
She closed her eyes… and focused on the memory of Alexander’s hands, gently brushing across the welts he had caused and speaking seductive phrases until her body had exploded with surprising force.

Cynthia smiled while she watched her Orchid’s aroused expression, and she nodded to Alexander.
The whip crossed over the tips of Orchid’s nipples, and she gasped.
Her eyes remained closed and her tongue darted out to lick her dry lips.
Oh, yes.
Like that… just… just a little harder,
Orchid fantasized.
The time before her capture… though it had only been a little more than a week… already seemed distant, and almost a deceptive lie of what her life had been like.
If she could please stepmother, Alexander would be happy with her.
Her fixation on the cruel man was a strange twist that neither of the sadists had counted on.

It took three more lashes before Orchid cried out, opening her eyes and frantically searching for Cynthia’s green stare.
She had already been punished before, for not acknowledging stepmother’s gift to her.

“Very good, my exotic,” Cynthia said.
“Tomorrow, we can move onto a new lesson.”

“Thank you, stepmother,” Orchid replied.
She stared at Alexander’s back as he led his wife from the chamber.

“I need to check Belladonna’s progress,” Cynthia said.
“She should be ready for Daryl.
Things are going to be a little awkward this collection, with my procurement of Orchid and Liam bringing home his angel.”

“Sloan has Pansy to keep him occupied until Kyle gets back with the red-head,” Alexander reminded her.

Belladonna was arched over the wheel.
Sloan had left her there after allowing her only one climax, and she was frustrated.
When the door opened, she looked up expectantly and her bottom lip began to immediately tremble when she saw stepmother walk in.
She had not seen her since the first horrible day she had arrived at the estate.

“How are you to greet me, Belladonna?”
Cynthia smiled at the fear and shock on the girl’s face.

“Please, stepmother, can this slave attend you?”
Belladonna knew that she did not have to be unbound for the woman to find a way to use her.

“Sloan tells me you understand the positions of servitude, and that you are working hard to blossom,” Cynthia said.
She pinched a nipple tightly between her nails and noted the girl trying to squeeze her thighs together in response.

“I’m… I’m still a little wobbly when I stand from a kneel, stepmother.
Master Sloan lets me practice in the afternoon.”
Belladonna hoped they would decide she still needed the handsome man’s training.

“That comes with practice, my flower.
I think you are ready for Daryl to train you.”
Cynthia smiled at the girl’s frightened sob.
The flowers always fell for whichever trainer was working with them, because it was the fear of the unknown that terrified them.
It took both Sloan and Daryl to train them first, so that they could handle the sometimes overly zealous twins.
Cynthia thought of Kyle, and his unpredictable reaction when he found out Liam was bringing his angel home.

Belladonna was watching stepmother’s eyes and thinking about losing Master Sloan.
Her eyes flew to her pussy, and then up to Master Alexander’s face.
He was an older, dashing vision of the Master Sloan… and he stroked her juices with the same adept talent.

“Look at me, Belladonna,” Cynthia directed.
She watched the girl’s lip tremble in frightened humiliation while Alexander manipulated her.

“Oh… oh…” Belladonna gasped, and tried to shift her hips.
Her pussy was squeezing so hard that her cream dripped down the wooden arch.
Her eyes glanced down once into the man’s aroused stare, and then back at stepmother.

Cynthia stroked her hair.
“That’s right, Belladonna.
You look at stepmother when you are being rewarded.”
The girl was blossoming much faster than Cynthia had anticipated.
She must have come from a depressing, shadowed garden.

Belladonna’s silent tears rolled into the hair on the sides of her face, and in total debased passion she began pushing her hips up to the hand caressing her pussy, until stepmother’s pleased smile acknowledged her climax.
“Very good, Belladonna.”

It was the oddest sense of relief to have made the cruel woman smile.
Master Sloan will be so pleased with me,
Belladonna thought.

It was not Master Sloan who entered the cell next, and Daryl chuckled at the despair in the girl’s eyes.
While he collected the devices he wanted, he said, “I bet I’ll see that same look on your face when you realize our training is over.”

Belladonna sincerely doubted it when he laid things on her stomach.
“Open,” he ordered casually, and worked a ring gag behind her teeth.
“This way you won’t make a mistake and bite, and have to be punished.
Kyle has a never ending obsession with cock-sucking, so it’s better to be prepared.
We’ll use it for a while until you think you are trained not to need it.”

Belladonna was terrified.
The new Master was maybe a few years younger than Master Sloan, but his green eyes reminded her of stepmother.
His nature seemed much calmer than either of the two.
He inserted a dildo into her, and turned the attached vibrator that rested on her clit onto low.
He knew that Sloan would have increased her arousal, so that anything higher would distract her too badly.

She had pretty blue eyes and the fresh appearance of a girl who did not put out easily.
Daryl wondered how her mouth and throat would feel while he taught her not to gag when she swallowed him.
Her hips were already rolling in frustration, searching for more manipulation.
Belladonna whined when he lowered his jeans and she saw the size of his penis.
“Impressive, huh?
All of us lucked out in that department,” Daryl grinned.

With her head upside down on the arch, there was a clear path to her throat.
Daryl only pushed through the ring until he saw her stomach buckle.
Belladonna smelled the musk of his sack when it brushed against her nose.
Something about the scent caused her pussy to clench frantically, and it took her a moment to register the soft skin of his shaft pumping into her mouth.

“Concentrate on your pussy and your breathing, Belladonna, and the gagging will subside.”

Belladonna tried to do what he said.
It would only mean punishment if she balked.
There was a salty liquid beginning to mix with the taste of his flesh, and her stomach gripped again.
Daryl pushed deeper, and her stomach retched in earnest while she frantically tried to breath.

“Feel the vibration on your pussy, Belladonna.
Breathe through your nose; you’re not choking.”

Yes… yes I am.
You don’t know
, she panicked.

Daryl felt the wonderful tight convulsions of a virgin throat around his cock.
He pulled out to let her gasp, and then plunged deeper.
She was crying and whining around the gag, but obediently kept her head still.
“Good girl, you’re doing fine.”

No… no, I’m not.
Please, I want Master Sloan
It was a long time before he reached down and increased the speed on the vibrator.
As he predicted, her own effort to climax disrupted her focus while he thrust to completion down her throat.
He withered from her mouth and felt the warm gasping breath as the vibrator finished its task.

“That was a very good first effort, Belladonna.
I don’t think it will take you too long to ask to have the ring removed.
Sloan will be pleased when I tell him what a good session we have had,” Daryl said.

Master Sloan… yes, tell him I did good.
Tell him to come see me… I want to see him

Daryl noted the almost pleading excitement at the mention of his brother’s name.
He would be able to use this through quite a few more sessions, he predicted… at least, until the girl’s focus was directed towards pleasing him.

He left her and walked back upstairs to report on Belladonna’s performance.
Mother wanted to talk to them about something over lunch.
Both he and Sloan figured it had to do with Orchid, and they sat in stunned apprehensive silence when she told them about Liam and Frances.

Where Daryl was still trying to wrap his mind around Liam finding a young woman to bring home… the brothers had secretly avoided any attempts at relationships other women in their society tried to orchestrate… Sloan came to the more dire consideration.
“How do you think Kyle is going to react?”

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