Read Sinister Kisses (SKALS #1) Online

Authors: Adriana Noir

Tags: #SKALS

Sinister Kisses (SKALS #1) (11 page)

His head snapped up as the little princess let out an ear-piercing shriek upstairs. It had been a long day and he was more than ready to retire to the more peaceful surroundings of his suite. Bounding up the steps, he found his niece standing in the hallway. She’d crammed her fingers in her mouth and fat tears rolled down the rounded slopes of her cheeks. The boys stood sheepishly behind her, the look on their faces anything but innocent. Shooting them both a dour look, he crouched down and plucked
Mia’s hand from between her trembling lips.

“What happened, baby?”

“Dey slammed my fingers in the door.” Her chubby little legs pumped as she danced in place. “Owwwwie!”

He examined her dimpled digits, bending them gently. Running a finger over the red indent, he shook his head and scooped her up. “You’re okay,
pumpkin. Let’s go get you some ice though, just to make it feel better, okay?”

She nodded against his neck, her cheeks leaving hot wet patches in their wake.

“We’re sorry, Uncle Seb. It was an accident.”

“It’s not me you should apologize to, Christian. Your cousin’s the one who got hurt.”

The young boy scowled and hung his head. Kicking the carpet with his toes, he gave a begrudging sigh. “I’m sorry, Mia. She’s just such a pain in the butt! She never leaves us alone.”

Sebastian lifted an eyebrow at his nephew and adjusted the
squirming toddler on his hip. “Is that an apology or an excuse?”


“You boys finish up your game and get ready for bed. I’ll be up in a minute to say goodnight.”

, sir.”

A few minutes later, he had
Mia tucked into her frilly white bed and the soft glow of a nightlight flooded the lavish space. She beamed up at him from beneath the covers, still clutching the plastic bag of ice. Leaning over, he kissed her forehead with a promise to keep her door cracked and a reassurance he was just down the hall as always.

The boys had
already scrambled into their bunk bed by the time the peeked in on them. The blue multisport comforters were just coming up over their bodies, and their hushed whispers filled the room. Sebastian shook his head and smiled from the doorway. The two couldn’t have been any closer if they had been cousins.

“You know the rules. Keep the TV down and lights out at eleven.”

“Yes, sir,” they said in unison.

It was a force of habit for Josh’s son, being raised by a military parent. Christian happily followed Aiden’s lead. Regarding them for a minute longer, he felt a twinge of pity for his nephew. His home life was an unstructured mess. Most of the time, it bordered on utter chaos.
It was no wonder the kid clung to anything that resembled order. A frown darkened his face as he pondered the situation. Maybe someday his brother would find his balls and get his wife in check. He snorted. That was doubtful. For whatever reason, Lucian seemed to enjoy being a doormat and unfortunately, he was dragging his poor kid down with him. Right under some vicious four inch heels. Sighing, he reminded himself that it was none of his business. He had his own house and his own affairs to keep in order.

“I love you boys
,” he stated softly. “Goodnight.”

“Love you too, Uncle Seb.

Peaceful silence enveloped him the moment he shut the doors to the master suite. His eyes darted over the bed before his gaze traveled to the far end of the room. Taylor lay curled up on the chaise lounge, a soft c
ashmere throw spread across her legs as she read. Hearing him enter, she set the book down and smiled. Sebastian regarded her for a long moment, unsure if he wanted to return the gesture or not.

“I thought I asked you to get ready for bed,” he stated, turning to tug off his shirt.

Taylor’s expression faltered as he looked her way. “I am ready. My clothes are changed, my teeth are brushed…”

“And yet you aren’t in it.”

Her forehead creased with confusion. “I was waiting for you.”

Sebastian nodded and stripped off his pants. “We seem to be having a little breakdown in communication this evening. To be honest, I’m having a hard time understanding why that is. Am I not being clear?”

“I…I did what you asked.”

“No, Taylor
, you didn’t. Is there a reason you are avoiding our bed?” he asked, turning to face her. Her mouth opened and closed without sound. Uncertainty lined her face as she glanced at the object in question. A silent shake of her head was all she managed to muster. Sebastian’s eyes narrowed slightly. “Then please get in it.”

Laying the book aside, she peeled back the throw and stood. Her gaze darted to the rumpled blanket and he watched the conflict surge through her as she struggled with the urge to fold it. The muscles on one side of his jaw knotted. Crossing his arms against his chest, Sebastian bit his tongue and waited.
After a long pause, she finally crept across the room and slid between the blankets. A small tremble wormed through her as he pinned her with a stare. Shaking his head, he moved to turn out the lights.

Her body stiffened as he eased into bed beside her.

“Are you trying to test my patience?” he asked quietly.

She squirmed beneath the comforter.

“I’ve warned you
several times that I am not a patient man. I asked you politely to get in bed. It was a simple request, yet you still felt the need to make me wait.”

“I was scared,” she whispered. “You seem angry.”

“So you decide to further test that theory?” he asked, raising an eyebrow in the dark. “Tell me, Taylor, if it’s not my anger you want then what is it you are trying to accomplish here?”

“I…” she blew out a shaky breath.
“ Sebastian, please don’t be mad at me. I’m sorry. It won’t happen again.”

“No,” he agreed. “It won’t. When I tell you to get ready for bed, that means I expect you to be ready and in bed when I get here. Is that clear?”

“Yes, Sebastian.”

“Good. Don’t make me have this conversation with you again. You won’t like me if I have to continue repeating myself, and
you’ll like the consequences of avoiding my touch even less.”

The mattress shifted. He stared up at her as Taylor leaned over him, her inky hair spilling across her face. Even in the darkness, he could see the hurt and confusion wounding those beautiful eyes. Gooseflesh erupted beneath the feather light stroke of her fingers as she trailed them across his chest. He bit back a groan as they danced lower and swirled across his navel.

“Is that what you think?” she whispered. His head fell back and he closed his eyes as she pressed her lips against his fevered skin. “I wasn’t avoiding you, Sebastian. I was waiting for you—eagerly and impatiently waiting.” She kissed a slow path across his chest. Her warm breath fanned against his abs, and he jerked as her cool fingers dipped beneath the blankets to squeeze his shaft. “I love the way you touch me,” she whispered. “The things you do to me, the way you make me feel…”

His brow quirked in question.
What happened to his bashful little minx? One thing he knew for certain, her words were almost his undoing as was her touch. He shuddered with anticipation as her breath fanned lower. Winding a fist in her hair, he pulled until he wrung a soft cry from those sensual lips. His cock throbbed. If she was so eager to please, he would let her, but she wasn’t going to tease him in the process. Pushing her head down, he groaned as she took him into her mouth. Searing heat enveloped him and he drew in a raspy breath, winded from the pleasure. His fingers tightened in Taylor’s hair, guiding her down further.

She whimpered, sending delicious shockwaves through his system. Moaning low in the base of his throat, Sebastian m
et her downward strokes and plunged deeper. The hot suction of her mouth was staggering. Combined with her keening mewls, the torment threatened to send him over the edge. Hauling her back, he used his hold on her hair to drag her up the front of him. Taylor shivered, regarding him with wide bewildered eyes. Urging her thigh over his hip, he searched her face, looking for any sign of reluctance or deception. He sagged against the pillows as she slowly impaled him. The tight grip of her body was almost too much. A beautiful look of bliss carved her face as he filled her, followed by a whimper of pain. She was swollen and sore, but it wasn’t enough. He had to have her. Grinding her down, he rocked beneath her, driving deep into her womb. Taylor’s head fell back, and the room echoed with her startled cry. Her nails sank into his chest as he pushed even deeper and Sebastian clenched his teeth, fighting to keep a tremulous hold on his self-control.

“Prove it to me,” he ordered. “Prove you want this.”

Taylor bit her lip. Tears welled in her eyes as she struggled to stay seated. Grabbing her hips, he drove harder, watching the staggering combination of pain and determination play across her face. Her whimper broke on a sob. Hands splayed against his chest, she curled her fingers, her knees trembling with her efforts not to move. The pressure was unbearable, even for him, but he wanted more. Rocking beneath her, he ground upwards and drew another keening whimper from her throat. Her nails raked against his skin in a silent plea. She trembled, and his eyes locked with hers in open challenge. A taunting smile curved his lips when she sat tight, her body throbbing around him.

“Cum for me, Taylor,” he said quietly. Reaching between them, he ran a finger over her slick slit.
Her hips jerked involuntarily, and he arched to keep the pressure.

can’t,” she panted. “It hu-hurts.”

“Focus on the pleasure, not the pain.

It was an unrealistic expectation at best, but that
never stopped him from trying. Her efforts were humbling, but if the beads of sweat on her brow and the tortured twist of her face were any indication, Taylor was going to cave. He wasn’t sure what he would do then. Perhaps shove a pillow over her face and fuck her so hard she screamed. The moan that tumbled past her lips caught him off-guard. Watching her, Sebastian stroked her little nub harder and faster, loving the battle of agony and ecstasy that took place on her features. Taylor writhed against his fingers, her face contorting for the briefest of seconds. Then it happened.

Her body exploded into a violent spasm.
She gouged his chest with a strangled scream, her already tight walls clamping around him in a painful grip. Sebastian groaned as she shuddered, massaging him in a series of vicious contractions that opened her up and drove her down deeper with each throb of release. Surprise tore through him, ripping away the last bit of his control. Pumping up into her, he ignored her lofty cries and came in an instant of pure shuddering joy.

Sebastian lifted her, easing Taylor from his body. Tears streaked her cheeks as he rolled her onto her side and cradled her
tight. It wasn’t often someone managed to take him by surprise, let alone so completely. He ran his fingers through the damp tangles of her hair and kissed her face.

“You’re a good girl, Taylor,” he murmured a
s he drew the covers up over them. “Such a good girl.” His eyes closed when she pressed closer, curling up against his chest in search of warmth and reassurance. She clung to him while he rubbed small circles along her spine, her small body still trembling with the strain.

“I love you, Sebastian,” she whispered. “Please forgive me.”

“There’s nothing to forgive. I love you, too, baby. More than you know.”


Taylor’s eyes popped open as the bed dipped unexpectedly. For a moment, she held her breath, praying it wasn’t Sebastian rolling over in search of her. As much as she loved him, she wasn’t sure she could endure another round of his attention so soon. Her body still ached in a dull reminder of the night before. Soft sunlight filtered through the windows assuring her morning had come despite the exhaustion still coiled through her limbs. The mattress bounced again, this time more rigorously. Sebastian stiffened and let out a pained grunt beside her as Mia’s cheerful giggle flowed through the room.

“Wake up, Unc
o Sebby! Wake up!”

The bed shimmied as she
scrambled up the mattress, climbing over top of him. Rolling over, Taylor smiled as he grunted again and a low chuckle spilled from his throat. The sweet little girl sat straddling his ribs, bouncing on her knees. Big blue eyes sparkled with delight beneath the tangled blonde shocks of her hair. Cupping his cheeks between her dimpled hands, she rubbed them vigorously.

“Up!” she demanded. “I’m hung

l right already,” he laughed, capturing a chubby hand to kiss her fingers.

“Your cheeks are poky.” She pouted. “Dey hurt.”

“No one asked you to maul them, kiddo,” he teased with a wink. “And what did I tell you about coming in here?” He shook his head at her confused expression. In a fast, fluid strike, he flipped her onto her back and tickled her tummy as she thrashed, screaming with laughter as she tried to get away. “You’re supposed to knock, you little monster!”

y!” she squealed. “Otay! I’m sorry!”

Chuckling, he scooped her off the bed and stood before setting her on her feet. “Next time knock first, princess. Go get the boys up. Taylor and I will be down in a minute.”

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