Read Severed Angel Online

Authors: K. T. Fisher,Ava Manello

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Romantic Suspense, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense

Severed Angel (15 page)

Chapter Twenty Five


I look at Angel and see he's watching me with dark, brooding eyes. "Come here baby."

How can I refuse him?

I remove my jeans and shirt, giggling at Angels groan of approval as I tease him with a slow striptease . I scoot up the bed, gently
resting down beside him, careful not to hurt him. Drinking in the sight of him. Fuck this man is sexy. He leans in and kisses me but not before I notice him wince. To save him further pain I lean into him, making sure he's fully lying on his back.

"Straddle me." He demands. I'm not sure this is such
a good idea. If I climb on top of him I know what will happen. Fuck it, it's an excellent idea. This can be my way of saying goodbye.

I smile as I do what he's asked. He's always in control, even when he's in pain and unable to move properly, he's still dominant.

We continue to kiss, our tongues dancing, my whimpers the only sound in the room. Angel thrusts his hard erection against me, making me quiver. My arousal deepens. I don't wait for him to tell me what to do. I create a trail of soft teasing kisses down his muscled chest, licking around his belly button and continuing lower. When I get to the waistband of his boxers, I grab either side of them, slowly easing them down. I lick my lips when I reveal his rock hard length. I'm eager to taste him. His cock jerks as I admire it, and I look back up at him. He looks between me and his cock, raising an eyebrow in an unspoken challenge. Naturally I accept, settling myself between his legs.

I lick my way up his length, swirling my tongue around the smooth tip. Just when he thinks I'm going to take him in my mouth I stop, licking my way back down. I keep going down, gently drawing his balls into my mouth and nipping at them with my teeth, drawing a deep groan from Angel. I love to tease him. It makes him impatient to take control, but this time he can't, allowing me the upper hand for a change. I'm tracing my tongue back up his length, repeating my route twice more when Angel thrusts hard against my mouth. "Don't push it Princess."

On a smile I answer. "What's the matter baby?"

His eyes darken. "No more teasing. Suck my cock." I pretend to think it over. "I'll hurt myself if I have to make you." he pouts.

I look at his serious face, realizing he's right. He won't care if he hurts himself, he knows that as well as I do. Damn him for ending my fun. I lean back down slowly, blowing lightly on his swollen tip. "Eve." He warns.

I take him as deep as I can, causing him to drop his head back onto the pillow and moan. "Ah, fuck
, yeah baby." I work him in my mouth, taking him as deep as my gag reflex will let me. I suck on the end of his cock, causing him to curse. I love having this control over him. With him wet from my mouth I manage to take him a little deeper. I suck hard as I come back up to the tip, beginning to stroke him up and down at the same time my mouth sucks. "Stop." I keep on. "Eve baby, stop. I'm gonna come but I want to come in your pussy."

Can't argue with that. I'm already naked so I slowly crawl back up his body, sitting astride him. When I'm positioned perfectly over him Angel pushes himself
in, barely entering me. I draw in a breath at how good this feels. He thrusts again, this time wincing as he moves. I know he won't admit that he's hurting so I take control. I lower myself so that he fills me inch my delicious inch. I torture myself by going slowly. When I've taken all of him I allow myself a moment to adjust. He's so big that I'm still not completely used to his size yet.

When I'm ready I begin to move. Angel leans in to kiss me. It feels like there's a lot of emotion in this kiss. I don't know what to think. He's probably just making sure I'm enjoying one last great fuck before I go home. Yeah, that sounds right. I want him to feel my emotion too. I
pour all of my feelings into the kiss whilst riding his cock. I hold onto his strong jaw, surrendering to the sensations that are now overwhelming me. Our connection has always been strong and I can really feel it tonight.

Our kiss comes to an end, we're staring into each other
’s eyes, both panting for breath. This is intense. It's just as pleasurable as the hard rough sex we normally enjoy. Not better, just different and on a whole other level.

"Fuck that feels good Princess." Angel growls under me. "That's it, ride my cock."

God I love it when he talks to me like that. His words spur me on. I move faster and harder, taking care to be gentle. I moan as his cock hits my inner wall, creating sparks that will no doubt have me spiraling into my orgasm. I'm in a weird situation right now. My body feels amazing while we're having sex, being this close to Angel is so special to me, but I also feel sad. Even though I'm experiencing these incredible sensations, I feel as if I could cry at the same time.

that Angel won't see my tears I lean in to kiss him some more. Angel's lips are addictive. I want to remember just how they feel. When I remember him when I'm back home I want to be able to perfectly recall everything about him. Every muscle. Every lick. Every kiss. Every tattoo.

"God I wish I could fuck you so hard right now." Angel complains. I grind against him some more. "I would bend you over and fuck you so hard you'd scream."

I sit up, continuing to move against him. His cock hits the magic spot. I'm taking him so much deeper, I throw my head back. Fuck, that feels so good! "Make those tits bounce for me Princess."

Fuck! Did I mention how much I love his dirty mouth?

My head is thrown back, my eyes closed and my hands are gripping his chiseled waist, trying to stay away from his injured shoulder. I don't see when he reaches over with his good arm and starts teasing my clit. Oh shit that feels good. He continues to torment my clit, showing no mercy. Our eyes lock together. "Come with me." he demands. And I do.

"Fuck, Gabe!" We climax together, my orgasm still rolling through me as we fall together in a sweaty heap.

When I've gathered enough strength I slowly climb off him and head to the bathroom to clean myself up. I bring a damp cloth back to the bed, taking my time gently cleaning my man. I pick up the sedative that Doc gave me. Angel rolls his eyes when I hand it over with a glass of water. "You need painkillers to be able to sleep." I place a soft kiss on his forehead.

He swallows the pill and water as I take a deep breath. I wasn't exactly lying to him.

I climb into bed and he pulls me closer to him. My back to his front, his arms surrounding me. I love spooning and sleeping like this, I'm really going to miss it. I hold back the tears that are threatening to fall. This will be the last time he holds me. I won't see him again.


I'm holding Eve as we lie in bed. We've been this way for about ten minutes. I keep thinking about what I need to say and how I should say it.

That was fucking intense sex. I'm proud of my girl for blowing my mind like that. Who knew taking it slow could be just as good as hard sex? Maybe I should let her go on top more often. Then again, I like being in control too much.

I was trying to show her how I felt through the way I held her, looked at her, and kissed her.

"Eve?" She's always so drowsy straight after sex. I hope she's not fallen asleep already.

"Hmm?" I smile, she sounds so fucking cute.

"I need to talk to you Princess." My throat's
still sore, but I just manage to rasp the words out.

I'm starting to feel like I'm falling asleep. I need to get this out soon. Eve slowly rolls over, looking at me with her sleepy eyes. Her hair is messy, her face is flushed. She's
so damn gorgeous.

I want to tell her everything. I want to explain how I feel, that I want her to stay. I want her to bring Elizabeth over, I'd love to meet her. They can both come live here, we'll find a house together. I don't want my old lady and daughter living in the clubhouse. I want to say these things, but I can't. My body feels weighed down and so tired, my eyes unbelievably heavy.

"Gabe?" I tear my eyes open, I love hearing my name spoken by her.

I look at her beautiful face. "I wanna talk."

My voice sounds odd, it seems to come out of my mouth slowly.

Eve giggles. "Yeah, you said that." She plants kisses on my chest, up my neck and finishes on my jaw.

I try again. "I want you..." But I can't finish. Why can't I fucking talk?

"I want you to..." My words are cut off again.

I suddenly realize what's happening. That wasn't a painkiller Doc gave to Eve. It was a fucking sedative. I should have know he'd so this. He always does it to the brothers when they have to rest in order to heal after as serious injury. He knows we don't want to by laying around healing.

"Doc." I manage to speak out loud. Eve gives me a guilty look
. "I'm sorry, he told me it was for the best. You need your rest Gabe." She kisses my cheek, settling back beside me. I want to scream at her that I love her but I can't! It's fucking frustrating!

I want to demand that she goes and gets her baby girl and comes back here to stay with me. I'd protect them both with my life. I don't want her to fucking move on! I don't want any fucker anywhere near her, but I can't get my fucking words out!

Blackness takes over and I fall into a deep and undisturbed sleep.


I feel bad about giving Angel that sedative now. I hoped tonight he'd have told me how he felt about me. Fuck this, if he won't then I will.

I take a deep breath. "Look, I'm going home tomorrow. I wanted to tell you...Well I know we're nothing serious but I..." I stop and bite my lip. "I love you Gabe."

There's no answer. I realize he's fallen asleep. I smile a tiny sad smile. "It's fine, I didn't expect you to say the words back anyway. I just wanted you to know. I'm going back to Elizabeth tomorrow, I'm going to try to move on. I won't ever forget you."

I hold onto Angel's arm as sleep starts to claim me, silent tears rolling down my face.

Chapter Twenty Six


Waking up slowly, I feel the heat of another body at my side. Angel looks peaceful, the stress of the last few days seems to be leaving him now. He hasn't woken with nightmares either in the last week which is a bonus. He never has told me what they're about but I leave him to it.

When Angel understood what Doc had given him I felt guilty as fuck. He was right to do it though, Angel would have been in too much pain otherwise, and he's too proud to say anything.

I look at the clock, realizing I have to make a move. It's going to break my heart to leave this man, but I need my daughter more. This isn't a life for her. It wouldn't be fair for me to bring her into the middle of this thing between Angel and
me when I don't even know what's happening. My return ticket has me flying home to England in just a few hours. Angel never asked me to stay, we never discussed me going home either, but he knows I'm leaving today. He didn't say anything last night, but that's fine. I didn't really expect him to. To him this was just a casual hook up.

Whilst Teresa and I have re-built our relationship, it will never be quite the same again. I think too much happened between Elvis's death and Teresa's wedding. Certain words were spoken and can't be taken back. Other than the fact I've fallen in love with this man, there's nothing else for me here. Angel made it clear at the start he doesn't do relationships, and as amazing as the sex has been, I don't do casual. I don't like to share. I smile at the thought of seeing Elizabeth, I've missed my baby girl. There were times these past few weeks I never thought I'd get to see her again.

Rising carefully from the bed, wanting to avoid waking my sleeping hero, I head to the shower. The hot water soothes away some of the aches and pains, but I'm not sure I want them all gone. They're a memory of the smoking hot sex I've been enjoying so much of lately. Truth be told, I don't think I'll ever experience sex like that again. I want to hold on to and cherish these memories of Angel.

Pulling my hair into a loose top knot, I wipe the steam from the mirror and examine my face. Despite the hot sex of the past few days I've aged a little. There are lines and creases where there were none before, testament to the nightmare I've lived through. A permanent reminder. I dress slowly, wanting to draw out these last few moments alone with Angel, even if he is sleeping and unaware of my presence. I'll take what I can get.

There's a gentle knock at the door, signalling my time is up. Teresa stands on the other side, pulling me close when she sees the tears falling down my face. "Oh sweetie." She hugs me tight. "It's probably for the best."

She wipes a tear away, only for it to be quickly replaced by a fresh one. "You're making the right decision. You have your baby girl to think about." I know she's right, but at this moment my head and my heart are pulling me in opposite directions. Stepping away from Teresa, I move towards the bed, taking my last memory of Angel as he sleeps. I lean over, gently placing a kiss on his forehead, before turning and grabbing my bags.

As I enter the living area there's a small group of people waiting to see me off. I look over to see Sue, Diane, Dragon, Disney, Ink, Cowboy and even Prez is there. I get passed around as they hug me goodbye. Prez huffs his shoulders and gives me a quick hug, muttering "Take care."

He plants a chaste kiss on my cheek. It's obviously more emotion than he's comfortable showing as I hear him mutter "Fuck it." before quickly heading off in the direction of his office. The others take turns hugging and kissing me again.

Ink gives me an extra long hug. "I'm sorry about all that shit."

"Don't even worry about that." I hug him back, then I'm drawn into a three way hug with Diane and Teresa. There's a few tears shared.

"You better bring that beautiful girl to come and see me." Diane snuffles.

After I agree, they see me safely settled in the driver
’s seat of my rental car, having loaded my luggage for me. I've declined an escort. Satan's behind bars now so the threat is over. I need this last couple of hours on my own to adjust to my new reality and to maybe shed a few tears in privacy.

The journey back to the airport is uneventful. I return the hire car, moving through check in and boarding on auto pilot. The plane moves along the runway, taking off into a deep blue, cloudless sky. I can't help thinking I've made the wrong decision, but it's too late now. I'm devastated at leaving Angel but I'm so excited about seeing Elizabeth soon



I'm woken by the deep, throbbing pain in my shoulder. Fuck! Getting shot hurts.

I reach for Eve, pretty sure she can distract me with that sexy mouth of hers on my cock, just like she did last night. The sheets beside me are cold. I open my eyes to see her side of the bed empty. I don't have a good fucking feeling about this.

Struggling from the bed with only one good arm I reach for my shorts, pulling them on one handed. The clock
’s showing late afternoon. Doc's sneaky sedative really fucking knocked me out.

Then I see it. An envelope with my name on it is laying on Eve's pillow.

What the fuck!

I curse some more trying to get the envelope open with just my good arm and pull out a handwritten letter. Shit. Tell me this isn't what I think it is.


I couldn't bring myself to wake you to say goodbye, you looked so peaceful sleeping. Leaving you is hard enough without having to look you in the eye as I say it. As badly as I want to stay and see where this thing between us is going, I miss my baby girl more.

I've got to be her Mummy, she needs me more right now than you do. Truth be told, I need her just as badly.

I'll never forget the short, but amazing time we've spent together, the memories of you will keep me warm when my bed is cold and lonely. And yes, the sex was fucking hot and the best I'll ever know!

Take care of yourself and thank you for keeping me safe.



Fuck! Shit! Fuck!

I reach for the closest thing to me. The alarm clock and smash it against the wall, the broken pieces falling to the floor.

I can't remember what time her fucking flight was, so head out of the room in search of Teresa. She'll know, and with any luck I'll get to the airport before she leaves and
fix this.

I reach the living area and don't understand what I'm seeing. Prez is cursing under his breath, Teresa is sobbing loudly and everyone looks like their dog just died. "What the fucks going on?" I question.

Prez looks up at me. Suddenly I don't want to know. The look on his face is scaring the shit out of me, Teresa's cries have gotten louder since she caught sight of me.

"Satan..." Prez stumbles with his speech. "Satan's out."

What the fuck?

How on earth is he out of jail so quickly?

"There was a fuck up on the paperwork, his bastard of a lawyer got him out on a technicality."

"Fuck, I need to get to the airport now!" I almost collapse to the floor, I'm in so much pain right now but I can't risk losing Eve.


The ride to the airport was hell, my shoulder felt every jar and bump in the road. Doc dosed me up on painkillers before we left. Cowboy's driven here like a bat out of hell. We're lucky he didn't get stopped for speeding the way he flew along some of those roads.

We pull up at the drop off for departures, Cowboy helping me out of the vehicle then running back to go park. I enter the airport, where the fuck do I start looking for her.

Spotting the British Airways flight desk I pull the flight details from my pocket. Teresa had them ready for me as we set off in the truck.

The blonde assistant behind the desk looks me up and down, obviously not liking what she sees judging from the sneer on her face.

"How may I help you, sir". Fucking bitch. I hand over the flight details and she takes them slowly. Why the fuck can't she hurry up, does she not
realize how important this is to me right now.

"I'm sorry sir, that flight has just departed." She gives me an odd look. "Funny that, I could have sworn I already checked you in."

I crumple to the ground in agony, I'm too late. Eve has left me. That's where Cowboy finds me.

"I'm too late" I sob into his shoulder as he tries to help me stand.

"Don't you dare give up Angel!" he chastises. "We'll sort this, I promise. That's what brothers are for." We limp back to the truck together. He's right, we'll sort this and I will get Eve back. We reach the truck, ready to head back to the clubhouse. My brothers will help me work a plan out.

I lay back against the seat, defeated for now. "I love you Eve, don't worry Princess, you're mine, and I'm coming to claim what's mine."

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