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Authors: Susan Renee

Seven (15 page)

BOOK: Seven
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“Oh hey, Savannah. Nice to see you again. Oh by the way, sorry about your kid but thanks for the liver! Ya want to grab a drink sometime?”

Double fuck.

That’s a weight nobody ever imagines themselves needing to carry. Certainly not me, but fate can be a cruel bitch.


December 21, 2014

I have a truck load of Christmas presents for Ivy and not enough time in the world to get them all wrapped. To top that off, if there’s one thing I fucking suck at during any time of the year, it’s wrapping presents. How do women make them look so pretty with bows and glitter and shit? And isn’t the kid just going to rip them open anyway? Why spend all the time and money on shit that’s just going to be purposely ripped up and then thrown away? I’ll never get it, but I’m Santa Claus and that’s the way Santa does it…as long as this Santa has an elf’s help. I tap the quick dial number on my phone for Rachel. She can cut hair, surely she can wrap gifts.

“Hey Bryant,” she says.

“Hey. What are you up to tonight?”

“Uh…not too much. Just finishing up some Christmas shopping. Why? Is Ivy okay?

“Yeah she’s fine. I just put her to bed. Now Santa has a shit ton of presents to wrap, and Santa has to tie pretty ribbons and bows on his gifts, except Santa doesn’t fucking know how to do that kind of stuff so he’s going to need a little help. You cut hair, so that makes you a ribbons and bows expert right?”

Rachel laughs into the phone. “Ribbons and bows expert I am not, but I do enjoy making presents look pretty. Don’t ask me why the hell I enjoy it when people just rip it off and throw them away. I know it’s stupid, but yeah. I can help you. Want me to stop by on my way home?”

“Would you? I’ll feed you and I’m sure I have a few beers in the fridge,” I plead.

“Sure thing. I’ll be there in about forty minutes.”

I look at the clock, noticing that it’s not quite time for the salon to be closed yet. “Are you not working tonight? I mean, it’s okay if you need to stay there to help close.”

“Nope. I’m good. I left early. Audrey and Savannah are closing up tonight.”


“Savannah?” I ask innocently. “Who’s that? A new girl?”

“Oh, yeah. I haven’t talked to you in a while. Remember that girl from high school? Savannah Sanders?” she asks.

What the fuck? Is she serious?

My heart rate immediately starts to elevate. “Yeah. She lost her family in that car accident a while back,” I answer.

“Yeah that’s her,” Rachel confirms. “Anyway my mom and her mom are in the Red Hat Society together and got to talking about Savannah. I guess she’s really had a hard time getting over everything. I mean, not that I can blame her, but anyway, my mom told her in passing that I was looking for new people and her mom mentioned that Savannah actually had her Beauticians license. She thought maybe if Savannah got herself a job, she would start to brighten up a little. I really felt for her, and she was such a nice girl back in the day, so I called her and offered her a job.”

Holy shit. She’s working right down the street from me.

How the hell am I going to make this work?

She can’t ever find out what I know.

“Bryant?” Rachel asks.

“Huh? Yeah. I’m here.”

“Sorry I thought I lost you. Anyway, I’ll see you in a bit okay?”

“Yeah. Thanks Rache.”

All this time I’ve been able to keep my distance from Savannah, even with us both in the same tiny town. Why do I feel like no matter what I do, fate is going to force our paths to cross eventually? And what the ever living fuck am I going to do when it does?


Chapter 18


Her deep breath tells me she’s waking up. I look over at Savannah as her eyes open and she shifts in her seat, stretching just slightly. I catch sight of the side of her torso when she reaches her arm up to fix her hair. Thoughts of my hands on her body, my lips on her skin; they consume me, but I’m forced to swallow them back. She deserves to be treated like a damn queen and I can give that to her. But I’ll be damned if I let her think for even a minute that all I want is a one-night stand.

“Sleeping Beauty awakens.”

She looks at me with a just-fucked smile, the smile that says she’s comfortable and happy and not embarrassed one bit. Her confidence turns me on even more.

Damnit this girl.

“Yeah, sorry-not-sorry about that.” She chuckles. “I guess this truck is more comfortable than I thought. I wasn’t out long though was I?”

I clear my throat and shake my head “Nah, only a few minutes. Nor nearly enough to drool on my shoulder or anything.”

“Hmm.” Her lips purse.


“A few minutes huh?” She smirks when she leans forward and taps the digital clock on the dashboard. “I would believe you if the clock didn’t say three-thirty!” She laughs.

I suck in my breath and scrunch my face. “Busted. Okay. Okay, you slept most of the way and you snore like a damn troll. Does that make you feel better?”

Savannah slaps me on my arm. “I do not snore like a damn troll, you big liar!”

I love it when she laughs. I could listen to her laugh all day.

Taking my hands off the wheel for a second I raise my hands in defeat. “Alright. You got me. You weren’t out that long and I selfishly enjoyed every minute of watching you sleep. That’s my story and I’m stickin’ to it.”

Within minutes I’m pulling into Savannah’s apartment complex and helping her out of the truck. I’m at a little bit of a loss because it’s the middle of the day. This isn’t the end of the night where I kiss the girl and then walk away thanking God that I never have to see her again. This is completely different. I want to kiss this girl. I want to lay her down and make love to her in the middle of the goddam afternoon, but I have places I need to be if the bar is going to be ready to go for the night.

“Penny for your thoughts?” she asks quietly as we walk up the steps together.

I feel the heat rise in my cheeks. I vowed to handle this girl with every honest thought I had except for the one thing I can’t ever bring myself to tell her. “Well Seven, I was thinking about how I was going to kiss you before I left you. I mean, it’s not the end of the night so hopefully I’ll get to show you a proper good night kiss a bit later, but I am leaving you for now so…you know…”

“Yeah…I guess you’ll have to try a proper goodbye kiss then…”

Fuck! This girl knows how to turn me on.

If the blush on her face doesn’t give her thoughts away, her body language does. She stands in front of her apartment door with her hands hanging on her back pockets, causing her chest to push forward, closer to me. I try to remain calm, focusing on taking one breath and then another.

For a moment we don’t speak. I make the mistake of letting my eyes travel down her body one last time but they come to a quick halt. The swell of her sweet breasts peek out of the tank-top underneath her button-down shirt. The way she stands in front of me, it’s like she’s offering them up to me, free for the taking.

Soft and gentle or rough and hard?

Focus, Bryant!

Soft and gentle or rough and hard?

I don’t know which way to go. I want to be gentle with her, but when I finally make eye contact with her she’s biting her bottom lip and I’m gone. I can’t hold back any more. I step into her, immediately grabbing onto her so my weight doesn’t slam her into the door. With my right hand I hold tightly to the hair on the back of her head, pulling just slightly enough so that her face reaches up to mine. Being taller than her has dominant advantages. I slide my left hand under her chin and around her ear, holding her face as I bring my lips to hers with vigor and force. She rewards me with a relieving sigh, happy to have her breath taken away by my lips. She moans when I press my body harder against hers. The feel of her chest pressed against mine, our breathing in tandem, it’s all I can do to not lift her up and wrap her legs around my waist.

I lick her bottom lip slowly, savoring the taste of her mouth, wishing I could taste more of her. The desire I feel for this woman is like nothing I have ever felt before. I want to slow down. I want to take my time and savor every fucking minute with her, but when her tongue reaches out to meet mine, we find a rhythm that I don’t ever want to break.

“Bryant.” My name said breathlessly between kisses.

“Seven.” I slow my pace until our lips separate. I kiss her lips softly again before kissing her cheek, and her nose, and finally her forehead, all the while trailing my arm down the side of her body until my hand rests just underneath her chest. I could do it. Holy fuck I want to slide my thumbs softly across the front of her, so I can feel the hardened peaks; I want to see her aroused. I want to know that it’s me that makes her feel that way. I want to help her let go. I want to make her mine. Her eyes are closed as if she’s waiting for me to make that move, but damnit, the hallway is no place for that and I can’t stay now.

Another time.

It’s okay.

“I should go,” I say quietly. I feel like a shmuck walking out on her after what we just did in this hallway. What I wouldn’t give to keep going. “I have to get to the bar so I can be there when the band arrives.”

“Yeah. Okay,” she says, watching my every move.

What is she thinking?

I kiss her forehead one more time, letting my lips linger at her hair line, breathing in her scent and committing it to memory.

As if I could forget.

With a hand on each of her shoulders I softly say to her “I…I had a wonderful day with you, Seven. Every single moment with you was…perfect.”

She slowly smiles. I feel her hand on my bicep rubbing back and forth.

She could do that all damn day.

“I had a perfect day with you as well, Bryant. Thank you…I really did enjoy myself, and you.” She blushes. “I’ll see you tonight though right?”

Yes! She’s coming!

God, I hope she’ll be coming soon…

“Absolutely. I’ll be the guy at the bar serving all the hot ladies.” I wink at her so she knows I’m just teasing.

“Oh yeah? Well I guess I’ll be a hot lady then.”

“You already are, Seven.” I shake my head eyeing her body one more time before I leave. “You already are.”


Chapter 19


As soon as I shut the door, I run to the window to watch Bryant walk back to his truck. I stand back from the window just enough that he won’t know that I’m watching him. I see him appear in the parking lot and immediately my body responds. The heat, that tingle in my stomach, the blush in my cheeks…that good-bye kiss was…hot! I could’ve stood in that hallway all afternoon, not giving a damn who saw us. I bet Patty Prude next door could learn a few things if she watched for a while.

I watch Bryant walk back to his truck, open the door and then turn to look up toward my window. Instinctively I gasp and step back, afraid of just being caught ogling at him. I watch his head fall back as he takes a deep breath, releasing it with a huge smile across his face. He touches his lips with his hand before sliding his hand over his face and slipping into his truck.

He’s happy.

With me?

I almost wish he could see that my expression matches his at this very moment.  He made feel happy today, special, like my life mattered to someone. That’s a feeling I haven’t had in a while and it was nice to feel it again. I was so wrong about Bryant Wood. He’s not at all the douchebag I once thought he was. I guess life changes people. I’m a testament to that as well, and now that I’ve had a taste of what Bryant is offering, suddenly living doesn’t sound so bad.


Once I’m out of the shower I send a text to Rachel making sure she’s good to go for our girl’s night at Wood’s tavern.

Me: Are you ready for a little Jennifer Hudson action tonight?
Rachel: Woot! Hell yeah I am, girl! What time?
Me: Tell the girls eight? I need to do my hair and rethink my outfit. Want to come help?
Rachel: I would LOVE to! I’ll be over in an hour. Girl, when I’m done with you, Bryant’s not gonna know what hit him.
Me: Counting on it!

Rachel is right. Bryant has no idea that the girls and I have these break-into-song moments at the salon. I’m usually the girl who keeps to herself, but every now and then the old me seeps out and I want to do something carefree and fun. Together Rachel and I have worked up quite the song list…but Bryant doesn’t know that. Karaoke and a few drinks tonight will be perfect. Now I just need to focus on looking like the hot lady without looking like the desperate hussy.

I decide on a flirty plum colored strapless tunic dress covered with my denim jacket and, of course, my trusty cowgirl boots. Rachel helps pull my wavy curls up into a loose ponytail to expose my neck since “guys love that” she tells me. Big dangly earrings and a long necklace complete my look for the night and for the first time in years I look at myself in the mirror and approve. I look good. Really good. In the next two hours, we’re walking into the bar ready for a good night.

Like a moth to a flame my eyes immediately find Bryant. He’s standing at the bar pouring a beer for a few customers. When he looks up, he sees me walk in with the girls. At first I’m not sure he notices that it’s me and not just some other girl, except he’s staring.

He notices.

“Dude what are you doin’?” I hear the guy at the bar say. Bryant blinks and looks back to the guy talking to him and immediately I see what happened. Bryant jumps back and laughs, shaking his head, before looking up at me and winking. Beer from the tap is overflowing the glass Bryant is filling.

“Sorry about that, man.” I hear Bryant say to his customer. He chuckles to himself, grabbing a towel to clean up the spilled mess. “I guess I was just distracted for a minute there. Here ya go.” After wiping down the glass quickly, he hands the customer his beer. Once the customer rejoins his party, Bryant looks over to me. I step over a little closer to the bar so I can say hello to him.


Bryant lifts the countertop door and walks out from behind the bar, his towel draped over his shoulder. My breath hitches at the sight of all of him. His light denim jeans distressed in all the right places, paired with a form fitting black t-shirt. Damn the man can dress himself, that’s for sure. As he walks slowly over to me and the girls, I see his lips twitch. I can’t tell what he’s thinking but he’s not smiling like I expected him to be.

“I thought you said you were going to be one of the hot ladies tonight?”


I’m completely taken aback.

“Come again?” is all I can think to say, although I certainly don’t want him to say it again. I heard him loud and clear the first time.

Bryant shakes his head eyeing my legs, my chest, my neck, and finally meets my questioning eyes. “On a scale of one to four, I would say you’re drop dead sexy.”

Oh, thank God

Bryant leans over, holding my head with his left hand so he can whisper in my ear. “I’ve got to make you come a first time before I can make you come again, Seven, but that is definitely something we can talk about. You look fantastic tonight.” He kisses me lightly on my neck right below my ear and I nearly go weak in the knees. The girls giggle behind me and for the first time in a long time, I feel shy.

“Thank you Bryant,” I say quietly. Clearing my throat, I look behind me and proclaim to the group, “Let’s drink ladies!”

“Are we going to see you in action tonight, Bryant?” I ask, raising my eyebrows in a challenge.

I hope so.

He’s got the sexiest voice.

“We’ll see.” He grins. “We’ll see how the night goes. What’ll it be ladies? Your drinks tonight are on the house.”

We all place our orders and find a good sized table near the front so we can watch the band. Both Bryant and Rachel have said that Bourbon Creek is a fantastic band with a lot of talent. There’s definitely a level of excitement in here that I’ve never experienced. I’m looking forward to watching the action.

Two cranberry Old Fashions later and I can officially change my name to Tipsy. The music is great, the laughter with the girls feels fantastic and the constant flirting with Bryant throughout the night is ramping up my hormones. The alcohol I’ve consumed is definitely making me brave.

“He really likes you, I can tell,” Audrey says across the table.

“Oh, I completely agree.” Rachel raises her hand like we’re in a damn classroom. She’s obviously feeling the buzz as well. “He’s smitten. He hasn’t taken his eyes off you all night.”

“You mean tits and ass!” Heather shouts. “He hasn’t taken his eyes off her tits and ass.” My eyes nearly bulge right out of my head but I giggle nonetheless.

“Not true!” I try to defend him but who I am kidding? I’ve noticed him cast looks my direction several times throughout the night. Tonight I feel sexy and important, like I matter to someone. It wasn’t too long ago that I stood at that bar and watched Bryant flirt with other women. Women who were clearly prettier than me. Women who were obviously looking for a free drink in exchange for a booty call, but that’s not the Bryant I see tonight. Tonight I see him not pay a second’s notice to any of the women who try to throw themselves at him. He only has eyes for me. It’s endearing.

Rachel gives me her best smug smile, like she knows me better than I know myself. “Whatever you say Savannah, but there’s no denying there’s something there between you two. I mean, if you don’t see it…”

“I see it,” I assure her. “I don’t know. Right now, we’re two adults, who have been through hell, and just want to have some fun together. He’s not the guy I remember him being back in high school. He’s…sweet…and protective…compassionate.” I shrug. “I don’t know, I like him.”

I look around the table and the girls are all smiling at me in that “aww she’s falling in love and it’s cute” kind of way. Rolling my eyes at all of them I motion for our waitress so I can order another drink. It’s then that I hear a familiar strum of a guitar playing what sounds like the intro to a song everybody knows since it’s played on the radios around here many times a day. I turn to watch the band once again, thinking to myself that the voice of Bourbon Creek’s lead singer wouldn’t be able to sound as much like Sam Hunt as others might want him to. The introductory chords are played over and over again to the point that I’m assuming I’m wrong about the song selection until I spot him in the corner of the room. Bryant Wood with a microphone in his hand.

Oh God he’s not…

He walks up to the small stage where the band is playing softly and says “So I spent some time with a girl today…” The entire bar hoots and hollars, shouting cat calls and “Get ‘er done’s”. Obviously it’s no secret that Bryant knows his way around the ladies.

“No, no, no…it’s not like that,” he says with a wave of his hand. “This girl is a special girl and spending the day with her was the best thing to happen to me in a long time. I’ve had this damn smile on my face all day.” He shakes his head, chuckling partly to himself before looking up to find my gaze. “Anyway, she told me she likes rap music and I called bullshit. I don’t believe her…but just in case, this is the best I can do, so here goes.”

Bryant starts into the beginning of Sam Hunt’s “Take Your Time”
The song is about not wanting to steal my freedom, not wanting to come on too strong, but just wanting to take some of my time. If I wasn’t drunk I might actually tear up a little bit because Bryant makes no hesitation of singling me out in the crowd. If this town didn’t know that Bryant and I spent the day together, they do now.

He finishes his song, thanks the band and turns to the crowd. “Who’s next ya’ll? It’s Karaoke Night LIVE with Bourbon Creek!” The crowd in the bar cheers as several people raise their hands and make their way to one of the band members to check out their repertoire list. A quick wink and nod to Rachel and she knows just what to do. I watch as she hops up from her chair, swallowing down the rest of her drink, and makes her way up front.

“Well, what did you think, Seven? Was that rap enough for you?” Bryant appears at my table and wraps an arm around my shoulder.

“Well I don’t know if I would constitute talking in the middle of a song as rap, but not bad. I can give you props for that performance.”

“Ah well thanks. That was all for you. I promise the next one won’t be so mushy.” I feel his lips on my head as he stands above me.

“You don’t do mushy? Cause I would beg to differ if you said no.”

“Oh Seven, I can do mushy with the best of them but this crowd doesn’t need to see that. That can just be privately for you,” he whispers in my ear so the girls don’t hear him either. The closeness of his breath on my ear makes me close my eyes and inhale to try and take control over my body. Maybe it’s just the alcohol, but having Bryant around me, watching him tonight as he watches me, knowing what we both probably want but are too shy to take, I’m aching. It’s been a long time but I’m going to need some relief, sooner rather than later. This man makes me want to step out of my comfort zone but I’m not sure how comfortable I am going there with him just yet.  He makes me want to forget my past though. Maybe not forget it, but live past it.

“Uh huh…just for me you say? Is that how you earned the nickname Bryant…
the Giant
Wood? You know, privately with the ladies?” I whisper back to him using his nickname so he knows I’m purposely flirting. I flip my loose ponytail over my shoulder and take another sip of my drink, making sure to keep eye contact with him the entire time. Lowering my glass, I lick my lips before biting my lower lip in a smile.

I think I’m turning myself on.

You’re being a tease, Savannah.

Meh. You only live once…or in my case…sort of twice.

I watch as Bryant swallows and tries not to react to the obvious signs of attraction I’ve just displayed. It’s fun to watch the player become flustered. “Nah, that’s just the nickname the guys on the football team gave me. You know how it is. Guys being guys…but I’m sure you could wrestle the giant anytime you wanted, Seven. You just say the word.”

Yes, please.

“Hmmm I don’t know…would I have to wear one of those WWE costumes?” I ask teasingly.

Bryant closes his eyes and bows his head. I can tell he’s smirking but I’m not quite sure what he’s thinking.

“Damnit woman you know how to make a guy question his control. To answer your question, no. You don’t have to wear a costume, but fuck if you wouldn’t look fantastic in one of those tight little numbers.”

I hear the keyboard start to play and look up to see Rachel standing on the stage waiting for me. This is my cue. It’s time to play. Bryant watches as I boldly shoot the rest of my drink down my throat and wipe my mouth with the back of my hand. “I’ll keep that in mind, Mr. Wood. In the meantime, I have somewhere to be.” I hop up a bit unsteadily from my chair.

“Savannah where are…”

There’s not time to answer him. I wink at him before making my way to the stage. Rachel hands me the microphone just in time for me to turn around and look at a very shocked Bryant watching us. I try to hold in my laughter so that I can keep in character. He thinks I can’t rap or that I don’t like it, but shit, I’ll show him. Alcohol is freely flowing through my veins and encouraging me to let go of my inhibitions as I point to Bryant, channel my inner Iggy Azalea and begin to rap.

“I should’a known that you were bad news,

from the bad boy demeanor and the tattoos…

…and a little trouble only makes for a good time,

BOOK: Seven
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