Read Secrets of the Spiral Tower Online

Authors: Joe Woods

Tags: #Fiction, #Retail, #Suspense, #Thriller

Secrets of the Spiral Tower (18 page)

BOOK: Secrets of the Spiral Tower
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“That is absolutely horrible and it is going to wreck our economy. We’re wasting our blood and treasures in a senseless war of choice by the president for a cause that isn’t appreciated by the people of either country.”

“I had no idea you are so in-tuned to this war.”

“In tune? Yes. Against, yes. If we used those resources at home, just think what good we could accomplish. We could rebuild our highways, bridges, railroads, and national parks. We could even lower our national debt and stop borrowing from China.”

“Maybe you should throw your hat in the political ring.”

“I’ve thought about that, but decided against it. I want to get into the day-to-day operations of McKenzie Towing.”

“That’s good. Maybe you could take over and I could go fishing once in a while? That is something I haven’t done in several years, but would like to do again.”

“Then it is settled. You teach me the ins and outs of the daily operation, Caitlyn and I will take over and you and your buddies can go fishing.”

“Can we seal the agreement with a handshake?”

“Surely, a handshake and a kiss.”

“How much time do you need to get ready?”

“An hour should do it.”

“Now that you have properly attired me, we should go to the ladies shop and westernize your apparel. The black pants suit outfit looks sexy on you and I’m certain it would turn some heads. But it blinks out the message of ‘tourist’. And also, I want a George Strait white hat to complete my new look.”

“There is a good collection of hats at the emporium on the first floor. I didn’t buy you one because I’ve never seen you wear anything other than a Mississippi State University baseball cap.”

“That’s right. I’ve never owned a hat. But, since you’ve changed my looks, I’m changing my ways.”

In the back of her mind, Willow wondered why Connor was being so agreeable.

“I don’t have time to go shopping tonight, but we will tomorrow,” she said. “You’re just stuck with that tight pants suit for tonight. Yes, I know, it will stand out in your crowd of westerners, but that’s okay.”

“Whatever you say, dear.”

Again, Willow thought,
he’s just not himself. He’s too agreeable
I wonder what happened at the Alamo today. Could he have possibly met Charlotte instead?

It was a fifteen minute taxi ride to the Tower of the Americas. Both gazed out their respective windows and neither spoke as they zipped along the streets.

Willow broke the silence as the taxi turned onto Hemisphere Plaza Way. Seeing the Tower for the first time, she said, “This is impressive.”

When the taxi stopped at the east-facing portico, Connor stepped out and offered his hand to Willow. He took her hand and walked briskly through the rotunda to the glass enclosed elevator situated on the outside west-facing wall.

“This can be an exhilarating experience or a very scary ride. Hold on.”

Connor put his back against the steel doors and grabbed a hand rail in each hand.

Willow laughed.  “Still afraid of heights, huh?”

“Yeah, but I’m better than I was when we used to climb the spiral tower.”

The ride to the restaurant, a distance of 750 vertical feet equaling two and a half football lengths, took several minutes. As the sun set in the west, casting shadows back toward her, Willow was awe inspired. The meal was served in the revolving restaurant and by the time all five courses were served, the restaurant had traveled one complete circle, 360 degrees. The food wasn’t anything spectacular, but still good. Willow wasn’t completely at ease during the dinner. Seemed like each time a new dish was placed in front of her, her mind and concentration returned to the ‘Charlotte’ question.

“What’s wrong?” asked Connor, noting that she was not her exuberant self. “Are you still feeling the hangover from last night’s binge?”

Willow thought that may be a good way to disguise her feelings. “Yes. I guess I’m tired and not very hungry. My stomach is a bit queasy.”

“Do you want to leave or do you feel well enough for dessert? The Texas Delight is something special.”

“Maybe we should return to the suite. I’m sure after a good night’s sleep I’ll be better company tomorrow.”

“That’s fine. Let me pay our tab and we’ll head back. I’ll call a taxi.”

“Thanks for understanding. I’m sorry I’m such a drag tonight.”

“No problem. We all get that way from time to time, especially after consuming as much monkey juice as you did yesterday.”

In less than thirty minutes, they were standing in front of the door to the suite when Connor asked, “Shall I carry you across the threshold?”

“Oh, that would be romantic. Let’s give it a try.”

After unlocking and opening the door, Connor picked Willow up and nestled her against his chest and carried her into the room. He kicked the door shut behind them and preceded to the bedroom, where he gently laid her on her back side. Leaning over, kissing her on the lips, he whispered, “I love you, beautiful girl.”

Hearing that comment, a tear ran down her cheek. She pulled him in close. “I love you, too.”

Tears welled in her eyes. She turned away so he wouldn’t see.

It was midnight before Willow felt well enough to get up and change into her pajamas. Connor was sound asleep, inhaling and exhaling deep breaths.

Willow pulled a chair up close to Connor’s side of the bed, sat down, and in the dimly lit room watched him sleep. He was so peaceful. She sat perfectly still remembering some of the good and foolish times she and Connor had. Weighing heavily on her mind were the secrets they shared. Now Charlotte Keady has come into her consciousness. Could she represent another secret? The tears falling from her eyes intensified.
I don’t want to wake him, so I had better move to another room
. Curling up on the living room sofa, clutching a pillow up against her chest, she spent a very lonely night, soul searching and wondering about her future with Connor.

Chapter 14



Willow was awakened by a ringing phone.

“Hello, this is Willow.”

“Willow, this is Tony.”

“Why hello, Tony. How are things in New York?”

“Quite lonely with you out of town. When are you coming back?”

“Oh, Tony, I’m not exactly sure. I’m buying a house here and soon I’ll move out of New York permanently.”

“Really? When did you make that decision? I thought you and I were becoming a couple.”

“Tony, this is something we need to talk about, but not over the phone.”

“Well, when and where? Maybe I’ll fly down to Mississippi tomorrow.”

“That’s not a good idea. I won’t be in the state tomorrow. As a matter of fact, I’m in San Antonio.”

“San Antonio? Okay then, I’ll meet you there.”

“No, Tony. That isn’t a good idea either. Let’s put this conversation on hold.  I’ll be returning to New York in a couple of weeks and we can settle this matter.”

“Settle this matter. What do you mean? That sounds so cold. What about the night we spent together in Manhattan? And later at your condo?  Didn’t you enjoy that? Seems to me like you did.”

“Tony, that was a very pleasant evening, but that’s all. You shouldn’t read anything else into it. It was just a ‘flash-in-the-pan’ at a time when I was very excited about my upcoming trip to China. That’s all. There was no long term commitment attached to it.”

Hearing only one side of the conversation, Connor was becoming very interested in learning more, so he listened carefully from the other room.

 Willow ended the conversation with Tony saying, “When I have an opportunity, I will call and let you know more of my plans. Until then, take care, bye.”

With that exchange, Willow closed her phone and turned her attention to Connor, who had walked up behind her.

“What’s up? Who was that?”

“Nothing. He’s an acquaintance of mine at the office. We’ve dated a few times, but nothing serious.”

“What about this ‘flash-in-the-pan?” What exactly does that mean?”

“Don’t be jealous, now. He and I went bar hopping one evening, and both had too much to drink. He was so drunk, I didn’t think he could make it home safely, so I invited him to stay in my condo and sleep it off.”

“You mean he slept in your bed with you?”

“Yes, but it didn’t mean anything. It just happened—not loving like you and I enjoyed earlier.”

“I don’t think your ‘vacation’ here is going to be very much fun.”

Grabbing Connor’s right hand and kissing it, Willow said, “Darling, I love no one but you.”

Connor pushed Willow away.  “Not now. I’ve got to walk around and let my head clear. You just shook my tree. I don’t like the thought of sharing you with another man. When were you going to tell me about Tony?”

“Connor, Tony is history and means nothing to me. I will straighten him out when I get back to New York. I want to concentrate on us now.”            

 Recognizing that Connor was very upset, Willow again tried to soothe his feelings. She leaned forward and moved closer to him.  “This isn’t the setting I had envisioned to ask this question. But, given the circumstances of the moment, I don’t want to wait any longer.” Hesitating and taking a deep breath, Willow asked, “Connor, will you marry me?”

Connor flinched as if he had been struck by a bolt of lightning.


“I know you’re angry with me at this moment, but I truly want to marry you and spend the rest of my life in Vicksburg with you. Why don’t you give it some serious thought? This could be our pre-honeymoon get away. Maybe we should get married here in San Antonio.”

“Wait, this is moving too fast for me. Honestly, I have dreamed of marrying you, but this really comes as a great surprise. Are you sure you want to do this now?”

“Yes, but it’s probably not a good idea to get married in San Antonio. I want Daddy to be with us when it happens. I want him to ‘give me away’.”

“I have thought about this many times, but not recently. I always wanted us to have kids and rear them on the river in the towing business. To me, that would be a measure of repayment from me to Rupert for his grandkids to inherit and carry on the McKenzie Towing business. Since he has been so good to me, I feel the need to repay him.”

“Connor, you know Daddy thinks of you as his own flesh and blood. You have repaid him by taking over when he was unable to carry on.”

“I know, but I have been overly compensated. I could never have come this far financially, had it not been for him. I always thought Woody would someday emerge, and become my boss. After all, he is a McKenzie.”

“Yes, that was a possibility, but I’m sure Daddy recognized you as the better person for the job, and to carry on his legacy, since Woody was involved in the Ole Bruin Mills Company.”  

Rubbing his head as he had seen Rupert do before making a huge decision, Connor thought,
this has been quite a day. Looks like my
life is about to make a drastic change.

 “I need to call Daddy.”

“No. It’s nearly eight o’clock. He is asleep by now. Wait and call him tomorrow.”

“Good idea. But don’t let me forget.”

“You seem to be awfully interested in tracking me, and your Daddy. Don’t be such a blood hound.”  

“Connor, give it a rest! We’re going to be flexible. I want to find out what attracted you and Daddy to San Antonio so much.”

Sensing a bit of testiness in Willow’s voice, Connor said, “Calm down. You’re going to ruin a good vacation, if you don’t ease up a bit.”

Willow laughed. “Woody always was my great protector. He manufactured alibis for me many times. Not that we ever did anything really bad, but there were a few awkward moments trying to explain things to Daddy.”

Chapter 15



After receiving her undergraduate degree from Mississippi State University, Willow moved to New York. She was financially secure due to her father’s towing business, but had a huge desire to become successful in her own right. After completing her advanced degree at New York University, the corporate world lure was too much for her to resist. Just like her father, she was in search of a demanding, challenging, and rewarding career. The bigger the challenge, the better for her and the harder she tried.

Because of her high academic achievements, first in her class, she was given an opportunity to join the elite advertising firm, Smith Redding National/International Advertising Agency (SRN/IAA). She had worked there five years when a Chinese Corporation representative, Mr. Chin Lim, approached seeking representation. His corporation had developed a new skin care product and wanted to introduce it to the American public. But trade restrictions between China and the United States, as well as possible patent infringements, stood in the way.

In a briefing, Mr. Lim described the dilemma his corporation was facing. Recognizing this as a huge opportunity in dealing with the U.S. government, but also from the standpoint of a major U.S. corporation making a similar product, Willow was eager to accept the challenge. She and other SRN/IAA executives, realizing that Mr. Lim would be talking to other firms for representation, quickly assured him that their firm is not only the best in New York, but also the best on the planet.”

“That’s a big claim,” Mr. Lim said. “Hope you can live up to it.”

Willow said, “Trust me. We will.”

At the conclusion of the briefing, Willow had several pages of notes that captured every issue Mr. Lim discussed.

The CEO, John Smith, Willow and three other executives dismissed themselves while Mr. Lim was served refreshments. They needed the private time to discuss which partner would be the principal point of contact for this contract. The CEO asked for comments.

Willow jumped in with both feet, speaking up quickly to volunteer for the position. Staring at Willow, one of her peers told her he thought the job was too big for her.

“I don’t think you have enough experience to handle the problem, especially since it has the potential of involving Congress and other large firms.”

In a condescending voice, Michael continued, “You probably didn’t pick up on the fact that this will most likely involve testimony on Capitol Hill in front of a Congressional Subcommittee. When you start talking about trade restrictions that opens up a big bag of political issues. You may even become involved in paybacks to Congressmen under the table or in other ways.”

Willow spoke up quickly. “Well, I may not have as much experience as you, but I can hold my own with any person in Congress or anywhere else.”

The CEO recognized that Willow’s toes had been stepped on. “Hold on, folks. Let’s take a practical look at this issue. If we’re talking about beauty products, no one in this room is better qualified to do that than Willow. While I agree in the five years she has worked here, she hasn’t had the opportunity to step up to the plate in such a pressure-packed, demanding, and multi-faceted situation.  However, she has taken on some non-traditional clients and performed beautifully. Here’s the deal, I will head the team and Willow will serve as the senior technical advisor. Michael, your role will be that of a logistical coordinator. Unless there are other reasons and objections, I’m ready to make our proposal to Mr. Lim.”

Hearing no further comments, John said, “Let’s all put on a happy face and join Mr. Lim.”

They filed back into the meeting room, their faces displaying no hint of the discord they had experienced only moments before.

John began the conversation. “Mr. Lim,  Ms. Willow Kingston McKenzie will serve as our senior technical advisor and as such will have a major role in determining, from a female’s perspective, the direction we take. We will put a package together in the next two weeks for your review. Obviously, we will need all of the specifics about your product for our information and inclusion in the response as necessary. We will be able to handle all of the details for $5 million, $1 million of which must be furnished at the time of contract signing and another one third sixty days and the remainder when all of the hurdles are removed. Are these terms acceptable?”

“Lady and gentlemen, I must say that I’m delighted that you have selected Ms. McKenzie for this important aspect of this venture. One of the reasons I selected SRN/IAA is because of Ms. McKenzie’s outstanding reputation. You see, I’ve done quite a bit of research on your company before coming in today. If you had selected a male representative, I would not agree to contract with you. Congratulations on a job well done.”

Willow, seated opposite from Mr. Lim, stood up, extending her hand. “Thank you. You can rest assured that we will accomplish your goals.”

“Thank you, Ms. McKenzie. Now, all we have to do is draw up the contract.”

John Smith spoke up saying, “Mr. Lim, Why don’t you, I, and Ms. McKenzie leave that task to legal staff. We should go out on the town and celebrate. We will send your contract over and then meet you again in five days if all is agreeable to sign the contract.”

“Mr. Smith, I accept your offer. Could you all meet me at the Waldorf Astoria, say around six this evening?”

“You can count on it, Mr. Lim.”

Closing his briefcase, Mr. Lim replied, “I’m looking forward to seeing you then.”

“Mrs. Moody, will you please escort Mr. Lim?”

As the door closed John, Willow, and two of the executives raised their arms in a triumphant gesture. In a non-congratulatory voice, Michael said, “Well, I hope it works.  I’ll do my assigned part, but remember, I’ve got other important work to do also.”

*   *   *

The evening social with Mr. Lim went by as smooth as silk. The trio stayed out until midnight at which time Mr. Lim said, “Ms. McKenzie and Mr. Smith, I really must call it a night. Thank you so much for showing me the sights in New York.”

“You’re welcome, Mr. Lim. But don’t you think we need to be on a first name basis? Please call me John and this beautiful lady Willow.”

“Good, John. Just call me Lim. All of my friends do.”

“Lim it is then. We’re all friends with a common goal. I know you have other business in New York to take care of, so we’ll see you again in my office in a few days to review our progress.”

Lim said, “That will work for me.” 

After Lim stepped out of the limo, John turned to Willow.“This deal is going to make you rich.”

“John, I’m already comfortable, but I believe you can’t get too much money.”

“You’re right, Willow. You know I’ve never dropped you off at your condo. The chauffer always does those types of things for me. This is a real treat for me. Do you think we have time for a night cap in your condo? “

“Oh, John, not tonight. I’m really tired and I want to get an early start tomorrow on this mission.”

“Understand. Maybe some other time though.”

“Yeah, later. Good night, John and thank you for sticking up for me in front of Michael.”

“No problem. I had a sense Lim wanted you, so it wasn’t a hard decision for me. See you at the office.”  

Although it was nearly two in the morning when Willow’s head hit the pillow, she was too wound up to go to sleep. Her mind was alert and churning with thoughts and a little bit of apprehension.  But she wasn’t about to let anyone at the firm see her sweat. She wondered if she had bitten off more than she could chew. As always, when faced with a tough problem, where her skills fell short, her will to excel took over. At five in the morning, she was up taking a shower and putting on a confident face, one that would truly be tested time and time again.

By half past six, with her usual black bag on her shoulder, she was out the door headed to the subway station. From the station to work was a forty-five minute train ride, one that gave her an opportunity to focus even more on the task ahead. Over the thirty years she had been in New York, riding the same subway route at least five days a week with the same people, she became friends with several commuters. Each day, they exchanged greetings and engaged in small talk about the sport that was in season. Too much time was spent on the New York Yankees, but they were in the news even when it wasn’t baseball season, but not this morning. One of her fellow commuters, Tony, said, “Willow, you seem pre-occupied today. Is something wrong?”

“Oh no. Nothing is wrong. I’ve got a lot on my mind about work today. I’ve got a huge workload to do in a very short time.”

“Big advertising job, huh?”

“Yeah. Probably the biggest of my career.”

“Really? A career maker or breaker?”

“Yeah. That’s a good way to put it.”

“I’m sure you’ll come out on top. You always do. And besides, you’ll get all those professionals at SRN/IAA supporting you.”

Willow laughed lightly. “Well, let’s just say most of them support me. There is one character that has shown his, pardon the expression, ass.”

“Willow, you know by now that no matter how hard you  work at being a team player, it is inevitable that someone is going to resent you because, if not for other reasons,  the fact that you’re a beautiful, successful female.”

“Thank you, Tony. You’re a great friend and I appreciate talking to you each morning.”

“Willow, I don’t believe I’ve ever told you, but I have a degree in psychology. That was my undergraduate major and a stepping stone to becoming an attorney before I moved into the brokerage business.”

“No, Tony. I didn’t know that. As long as we’ve shared rides, I thought I knew everything about you. You’ve been keeping a secret.”

With a slight grin on her face, Willow asked, “Do I owe you anything for your expert clinical opinions?”

“As a matter of fact, you do. I would like to take you to dinner tomorrow night. If you accept, all charges for the ‘free advice’ I’ve given you, will be paid in full.” 

“Free advice? I should be the one buying you dinner. I didn’t realize you had been analyzing me, but thinking back on some of our conversations, I can see where you caused me to refocus a few times.”

“Then, is it a date Friday evening? What if I come by about eight?”

“Tony, I don’t know exactly what my schedule will be, but it sounds great. I accept your invitation conditionally. I’ll call you later today.”

“Great, Willow, I’m looking forward to it.”

“Me, too.”

The train pulled into the station and Willow and Tony departed in opposite directions waving to each other.

Walking briskly, as she always did, she was thinking
Tony has been a good commuter pal for several years but I’ve never entertained the thought of dating him. Handsome and successful but there just didn’t seem to be the slightest twinge of romantic chemistry between us. Maybe there is. Maybe I need to look at him differently

She had had many offers in the past for an evening on the town, but all seemed to have an ulterior motive. This one was different, or so she thought, and she became excited at the prospect.

BOOK: Secrets of the Spiral Tower
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