Read Secret Relations: Women in Hollywood, Book 1 Online

Authors: Sheila M. Goss

Tags: #Singer;Hollywood;Love;Romance

Secret Relations: Women in Hollywood, Book 1 (17 page)

Chapter Forty-Five

“Stop already,” Charlotte shouted out loud as her alarm beeped several times. With her eyes barely opened, Charlotte reached over and hit the snooze button for the second time. She didn’t get home until after two and the clock beside her bed read six thirty in the morning. She needed to get up because she needed to meet with Raquel, an actress in her twenties with a drug addiction problem. Raquel’s reckless behavior was now affecting her career. She got fired yesterday for coming on the set high. Charlotte’s job was to prepare Raquel for an interview with one of the networks.

Charlotte moved in slow motion but got dressed and out of the house in time. On the way to her client’s house, she called Felicia.

“Reschedule my morning appointments. I’m going to help get Raquel out of this mess, but after this, she will need to find someone else to represent her. I can’t help someone who doesn’t want to help themselves.”

“Calm down. You said that the last time, remember,” Felicia reminded her.

“But I mean it this time. This is it. She’s too old for this. Get the rehab set up and I’ll be dropping her off at the facility right after this interview.”

Charlotte’s phone beeped. She saw the number display on car’s console. “Let me get this call. I’ll call you when we leave Raquel’s house.”

Charlotte clicked the button to switch to the other call. She blurted out, “I was going to call you.”

Sean responded, “Can you do lunch today?”

“I wish. Remember the problem I went to resolve last night? Well, it’s moved over into today. I won’t be back in the office until after lunch.”

“You have to eat sometime. Let’s meet for a late lunch.”

“Sean, I’m not trying to blow you off, but today, I really can’t.”

Charlotte talked to Sean until she made it to Raquel’s house. “Baby, I’ve got to go. I’m here and I see the paparazzi is too,” Charlotte said, as she honked her horn to alert the paparazzi to move out of her way as she drove up the driveway to Raquel’s house.

“This is going to be a long day,” Charlotte said, right before getting out of her car to face the mess her client caused.

Later on that night, Charlotte lay on her stomach enjoying the feel of Sean’s hands.

Sean kissed the top of her back. “I told you I give good massages.”

“You’re supposed to be rubbing,” Charlotte said, as she turned her head to the side and closed her eyes.

“Like this?” Sean asked.

“Yes. I like that,” Charlotte responded.

Sean continued to massage the small of her back. His hand lowered. He began massaging her buttocks with both of his hands. “You can’t get this type of treatment at the spa.”

He replaced his hands with his lips. Charlotte squirmed. “Sean, come on now. You’re supposed to be massaging my full body. You haven’t even made it to my legs yet.”

“Oh yes. The legs. Just wait until I get to those body parts.”

Charlotte smiled. She was enjoying the feel of Sean’s hands and the softness of his lips when they touched her body. It didn’t take long for her full body massage to turn into them making love. Charlotte cried out his name and fell on top of him. Their bodies were drenched down in sweat. “Now, I don’t feel guilty about not working out today,” Charlotte said.

Sean grinned. “That was just the appetizer. Are you ready for the main course?”

“What am I going to do with you?” Charlotte asked.

Sean shifted in the bed where they were now side by side looking each other. “Love me and let me love you.”

Charlotte looked at him as she spoke. “You know I love you. There shouldn’t be any doubt about that.”

“I don’t doubt your love. I just want to make sure you and I are on the same page. I don’t want there to be any misunderstandings between us,” Sean said.

Charlotte touched Sean’s face. “You’ve been nothing but kind to me. You put up with my demands and I’m grateful. I love you, Sean Maxwell, and there’s nothing you or anyone else can do about it.”

Charlotte leaned forward and kissed him. She gently pushed him down on his back. She continued to kiss him as she positioned herself on top of him.

Charlotte stopped kissing him and sat on top of him and began bouncing up and down and rotating her hips. Sean reached his hand forward and rubbed her nipples.

“Ooh, baby,” Sean moaned over and over.

Charlotte swung her hair from side to side, as she rode Sean like he was a thoroughbred horse. Sean grabbed her by her hips. Her pace increased. Her movements seemed to be driving Sean over the edge. The more she moved, the louder Sean’s moans got. Charlotte could feel herself coming close to the brink of an orgasm.

She leaned down and covered Sean’s mouth with hers. Sean held her tight as they came to a climax together.

Chapter Forty-Six

The next morning over breakfast, Charlotte asked Sean, “How’s your new assistant working out?”

“So far, so good,” Sean responded, while pouring himself some orange juice.

Charlotte rubbed her foot up and down Sean’s leg under the table. “Thank you for the massage. It was just what I needed.”

“I’m here to please.” Sean licked his lips.

“Don’t do that,” Charlotte said.

“You mean this.” Sean licked his lips again.

Charlotte tightened the belt of her robe. “Sean, I’m not playing with you. I don’t have time to fool with you this morning. I have several stops to make before going into the office.”

“Speaking of office. Did you get the flowers I sent?”

“Yes, babe.” She got up and wrapped her arm around his neck and kissed him on the cheek. “They were beautiful. So much stuff was happening that I forgot to tell you.”

“No problem. Just wanted to make sure you got them.”

“I did. They’re lovely. You’re spoiling me with the flowers.”

“If you moved in with me, I could spoil you even more.”

Charlotte released her arms and leaned over him to get his empty plate. “I’m not sure about that. I’ve tried the living together thing before. It didn’t work out.”

“There you go bringing your past into our relationship,” Sean said, but regretted it as soon as it came out of his mouth.

“Am I supposed to repeat previous mistakes? No. I learn from them and try to do better going forward.” Charlotte placed the dirty dishes in the dishwasher.

“You’re right. I’m wrong for even saying it.” Sean stood and walked behind Charlotte.

She moved away. “I really don’t have time. I’m already leaving later than I’d planned on.”

Sean threw both of his hands up. “I get it. I’ll leave you alone so you can get dressed. While you’re doing that, I’ll finish cleaning.”

Charlotte walked up to him and kissed him. “Thank you, baby. You’re a sweetheart.”

“No kissing. Don’t want to start something you can’t finish,” Sean pouted.

“I’ll make it up to you,” Charlotte said, as she walked away.

“I’m going to hold you to that promise.” Sean washed the pan and tray she used to cook their breakfast on.

He used Charlotte’s spare bathroom to shower. She was fully dressed by the time he walked into her bedroom with nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist.

Charlotte whistled. “I might have to reconsider your offer. I can see myself coming home to this every night.”

“Don’t play with me like that. I’m serious about you moving in,” Sean said. He took out a pair of boxers, jogging pants and shirt from his gym bag.

He removed the towel giving Charlotte a clear view of his naked behind.

“I’ll think about it. That’s the best I can do for now,” Charlotte countered.

Sean put on his boxers. He turned around to face her. “I’ll take that for now.”

Charlotte handed him a key. “I have to go. Lock up when you leave. My alarm code is 9168.”

They kissed and Charlotte left him alone. He placed the key on the nightstand and continued to get dressed.

When Sean arrived home, he saw what appeared to be two people in a heated discussion outside of his front door. He rushed and parked.

“What’s going on here?” he asked.

Priscilla spoke first. “He won’t let me into your house. He says, I’m not on the list. How come I’m not on the list, Sean?”

“Mr. Maxwell, I mean, Sean, I was only doing my job. You instructed me to only allow people on the list inside when you’re not around,” Taylor said.

Sean looked at Taylor. “You did good. Go inside. I’ll take care of her.” Sean grabbed Priscilla by the arm in an attempt to lead her towards her car.

She jerked her arm away. “I tried using my key but it didn’t work. I can’t believe you. You changed the locks on me. What’s wrong, Sean? Do you not trust me anymore?” Priscilla crossed her arms, tapped her foot and looked at him.

Sean ignored her questions. “What are you doing here?” he asked.

“I came to talk to you about getting my job back but I see you’ve already replaced me.”

“You can never be replaced. But as I told you over the phone, you and I can’t work together any more. You must move on.” Sean tried to remain calm but Priscilla was trying his patience.

Priscilla started laughing. “This has got to be a joke. You’re punking me for that TV show aren’t you. Okay. It’s funny. Ha ha. Now come on, Sean.”

Sean grabbed Priscilla by the arm and practically dragged her to her car. He opened the door. “Bye, Priscilla. I think it’s best you don’t come around here anymore. I will have Taylor pack any belongings you may have left behind in the office and ship them to you. But as of this moment, you are no longer welcomed on the premises.”

Priscilla poked her lips out. “I’m sorry okay.”

“Bye, Priscilla,” Sean said. He folded his arms and watched her speed away.

Taylor waited near the front door.

Sean walked inside and closed the door. “I’m glad you didn’t allow her into the house.”

“She’s crazy,” Taylor concluded.

“She’s upset because I fired her.”

“So that’s why she kept yelling about not being replaced? For a moment I thought she was a crazy ex-girlfriend.”

“I’ve dated some crazy women in my time, but Priscilla wasn’t one of them,“ Sean said, as he walked off with Taylor fast on his heels.

Chapter Forty-Seven

The next few weeks, Sean balanced his schedule between writing new songs and taking additional acting lessons from Rose. Taylor was working out as his assistant. Things between him and Charlotte were going well; except he still hadn’t convinced her to move in with him.

They were seated on his couch. He had her feet in his hands massaging them. “What do I have to do to convince you that it’s time for us to take this relationship to another level?”

“I think things are perfect just the way they are.” Charlotte leaned her head back and enjoyed her massage.

“I want to wake up with you. I want to hold you through the night. I want to smell your essence as I fall asleep.”

“That sounds like a song. You should write it,” Charlotte teased.

“I’m serious. Charlotte, it will save us both time. Either I have to drive to your side of town or you have to drive here. Living together will be convenient.”

Charlotte moved her feet and crawled and got on top of Sean. “You’re making some valid points. But you keep forgetting, we’re supposed to keep our relationship a secret. If we move in together, that’s going to be impossible.”

“I’m ready to come out. Come out to the world and let them know I’m with the most wonderful woman in the world,” Sean said.

“Knowing you feel that way is enough for me. I’m not one of those women who need to stake claim to her man in public. I know what we have. I know regardless of what I read in the news or on one of those gossip blogs, you’re committed to me.” Charlotte kissed him.

They heard someone walk in the room and clear their throat. Charlotte jumped off the couch. She rubbed her hands down her pants.

Sean sat up. “Taylor, I thought you were gone for today.”

“I’m sorry. I forgot my iPad. I hadn’t synced it with my phone today and didn’t want to forget any tasks.”

Charlotte looked at Sean and then at Taylor. “We might as well tell him.”

Sean said, “Taylor, you know Charlotte right?”

“Yes. She’s here a lot.”

“As I’m sure you’ve figured out, she’s more than just my manager.”

Taylor waved his hand out in front of him. “Sean, whatever you do is your business. I’m not one to judge.”

Sean laughed. “Charlotte’s someone special to me. She’s my lady. I’m committed to her. If it was up to me, she would be living here.” Sean looked at Charlotte.

Taylor rubbed his hand on his pants. Sean could tell he was nervous.

Charlotte added, “What Sean is trying to say is that, we’re a couple; however we don’t want the public to know it. So we would like for you to keep it under wraps.”

Sean said, “Yes. Please don’t let anyone else know. Even if they ask, just direct them to me for a response.”

“Or me,” Charlotte added.

“Oh okay. People online are curious about who you’re dating. Especially after some of your Instagram photos.”

Charlotte looked at Sean. “Have you been posting pictures of me on Instagram that I don’t know about?”

“Guilty as charged. That big butt of yours is famous, baby.” Sean laughed.

“Taylor, unless you want to be a witness to murder, I suggest you get your iPad and get out of here now because Sean’s about to get it.” Charlotte removed a pillow off the couch and hit him with it.

Sean picked up the pillow off the floor and they were involved in a pillow fight.

Taylor left the room.

They ended on the sofa with Sean on top of Charlotte. “I bet you he thinks we’re crazy,” Charlotte said.

“He’s all business all the time. I’m trying to get him to loosen up a little,” Sean said.

“Just give him some time. He’s trying to feel you out. He takes his job seriously.”

“Enough talk about Taylor. I want to get back to our conversation.”

“You mean the one where you were telling me how special I am and how I make your world brighter and your toes curl.” Charlotte’s smile widened.

“No, it was the one where you told me you were going to consider moving in with me because you can’t stand sleeping in an empty bed.”

Charlotte wrapped her arm around Sean’s neck. “You make it so hard to say no.”

“Then say, yes.” Sean pouted.

“All I can say is I’ll think about it.”

“But you keep telling me that.” Sean tilted his head to the side and frowned.

“I’ll give you a definite answer soon. I promise,” Charlotte said, right before kissing Sean.

Sean knew she was trying to distract him from the question. He wouldn’t press further…for now at least. Instead, he enjoyed the feel of her soft lips.

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