Read Second Chances Online

Authors: Cheyenne Meadows

Second Chances (28 page)

grin could only be called playful and mischievous. “Oh, yeah. Besides, I expect
you to finish what you started.”

chuckled. “You think I’d leave you hanging?”

features morphed into a half-hearted frown. “You do and I’ll have to take
matters into my own hands.”

image that statement brought forth set his libido on overdrive.

A moan
left his lips as he stared down at the woman who had captured his heart.

wrapped her hand around his bobbing dick and began to stroke. “So big. I still
can’t believe we fit together.”

sweet torture became too much to bear. He shackled her wrist and backed her up
against the bed. “Lay down, April. Let me show you again how well we fit.”

complied, flattening out on her back, her head on the pillows at the top of his

paused a moment to savor the sight of her naked, aroused, and waiting for him
to sink his aching cock into her core, sending them both to heaven in the
process. As he watched, a blush appeared on her cheeks. She lifted a leg in
order to try to shield her femininity from his view.

Not happening.

quickly digging a condom out of the bedside table, he rolled it on with
practiced ease, his gaze still glued to April.

climbed on the end of the bed, encouraging her thighs to part with a firm,
guiding hand. “Open for me, baby. Let me see.”

face blossomed all the more. He smiled at the reminder of her innocence.
“Feeling shy?”


gaze locked on hers. “You’re beautiful, April. Just perfect.” He nudged her
thighs once more. “Give me room, sweetheart.”

she did, he stretched out in the open space, his face against her swollen

Uncertainty carried heavily in her voice.

It’s okay. Relax. Feel.” He intertwined his fingers with hers, hoping to
provide a reassuring force as he introduced her to another aspect of sex. He
dipped two fingers of the other hand back into her honey pot, and ran his
tongue along the seam.


repeated the motion, lapped up some of the copious, tasty cream, then centered
his attention on her clit. “Delicious. Addictive.” He blew on the small nub. “I’m
going to love watching you come as I eat you out.”

grip tightened on his hand. He flicked his tongue around her clit, and licked
directly over it in a slow, sensual rub. She lifted her hips as if pleading for

He gave
it to her. Clamping his teeth ever so carefully around the sensitive area, he
suckled gently, then worried her clit with a few tender lashes before sucking
once more.

cried out and bucked, her body tensing tighter with each additional caress.

and over he worked the area, pushing her level of arousal constantly upward
while savoring every sweet cry along the way. After her initial hesitation, she
responded openly, her body showering his fingers as he drew out every ounce of
passion she could give.

feasted, strummed, and licked, all the time denying the pounding need in his
cock, the tightening of his balls, and the urge to take her before she reached
her climax. Intent upon giving her pleasure, he refused to stop short. April
deserved this and so much more.

lipped her clit and groaned, the vibrations sending a tremor through her body.
Persistently, he pressed her further.

body tightened more, the muscles of her inner core clinging to his fingers as
if they were a buoy in the vast ocean. Adding more vacuum, he gave her
everything he had, needing to send her over the edge more than he needed his
next breath.

screamed out his name mutely and lurched before the first rhythmic contractions
clamped down on his fingers. Still he continued, not about to withdraw until
the very last ripple left her body. He moved with her near frantic gyrations,
determined to stay the course.

After a
minute, her body relaxed, sinking back into the mattress as if in exhaustion.
Her breath still came in near desperate gasps, but began to slow and her core
eased, releasing his digits held captive during her moments of ecstasy.

he sat up, noting the flush to her skin, the scrunched up expression on her
face, the look of hot passion plundered and released. He lifted up and crawled
over her in order to kiss her swollen lips.

met him after the first brush, pouring sweetness into the affection. Even in
aftermath, she still turned him on. Big time.


eyes opened revealing a banked fire rife for the taking. He’d pleased her, but
she was up for another round. The look on her face combined with the way her
hands rubbed his back told him she had just gotten warmed up.

thing since he couldn’t wait another minute to join their bodies.

he knew she needed the intimacy the position allowed, while he preferred the
top position, taking command, and running the show. Not that he didn’t care for
trading off. Just the opposite. He’d take April any way he could. Just at this
moment, he needed to make love to her, not just settle for a quick fuck. The
difference didn’t go unnoticed by him.

distracted and overcome with hunger, he pushed the thoughts to the backburner.
Right now, he had more important things to attend to. Like making April go
crazy under him.

settled into the V of her thighs, lowered his body, and slid his arms under
hers. Unable to wait a second more, he lined up the angle, and began a slow,
determined penetration.

eyes widened as he sank home.


Dusty…” She bit his shoulder and tilted her pelvis. “More. I need more.”

chuckled, pleased with her immediate response. “Wrap your legs around me, baby.
Hold on tight. We’re going on one hell of a ride.”

As she
did so, he edged deeper.

whimper went straight to his cock. Languidly, he rocked, a slow, easy motion
meant to touch every inch of her snug core and wring every drop of erotic
rapture from her once more. Taking advantage of their closeness, he rained
kisses on her neck, licked up to her earlobe, and nibbled the delicate feature.

lifted to meet his thrusts, digging her heels into his back along with her
short nails. He might carry marks tomorrow, but he didn’t care. Not when she
writhed under him in pure bliss.

it. Take me. Deep. Just like that.” He groaned as he reached the very depths of
her channel, lightly bumping into her cervix.

jumped and mewled, but didn’t appear to suffer any discomfort from his actions.
Going with the flow, he kept up the leisurely pace, let their chests rub
together, and soaked up the thrill of one intense round. The closeness felt
right as did the way she wrapped herself around him and clung as if he were the
rock in a steadily shattering world. The electrical current between them seared
him so deeply, he knew he’d never be the same.

he stroked in and out. Over and over again. Building the fire between them to a
white hot raging level.

back arched as she latched onto him in a near desperate hold. A yelp followed.

peered down at her, read the expression on her face, and kept up the tempo with
steely determination. Tingling and tightening warned of his impending climax.
Stubbornly, he pushed himself further, needing her to topple before shooting
his load. “You have me ready to come, baby. So fucking hot I can’t last.” He growled
and nipped at her collar bone. “Let go, already. Fly with me.” The last words
came out on a low, drawn out moan as he slammed into the peak of rapture and
began a freefall of absolute rapture.

he realized she hit the same pinnacle as her core clamped down so tight when he
plunged balls deep he couldn’t move another inch if he tried. The hard
contractions milked his cock, demanding every drop from his balls, and then
some. Eagerly, he complied.

A soft
roar was lost between her lips as she kissed him with authority. He
aggressively took control, shoved his tongue inside, and played with hers as
wave after hard wave washed over him. His dick pulsed in a sharp rhythm that
then began to fade as he glided back to earth on a cloud of sexual satisfaction.

blew out a breath and lightened her hold on his body, her fierce grip lessening
to tender touches. “Wow.”

lifted up enough to stare down at her, pride coursing through him at the
happiness he saw clearly written across her face. “Liked that?”

She licked his chin with the tip of her tongue.

He felt
Damn good.
Tired. Sated. And
very satisfied too. Not just physically, but somewhere down deep as well.

would he have believed the first day she walked into his stable that she would
steal his heart and offer hers in return. Despite their ups and downs, she
stayed the course and stood by his side, her belief in him intact.

meant a lot.

locked their lips once more, softly, thoroughly, before breaking apart again.
“You taste so good.”

“I have
a confession to make.” She stared up at him with a mischievous grin.

that?” Curious, he kissed her chest and waited.

“I used
your toothpaste. But, not your toothbrush. I just used my finger instead.”

chuckled. “You’re welcome to use my toothbrush and toothpaste anytime you

thing you love me. I have a feeling if anyone else stole your toothpaste, you
might shoot them in the foot.”

laughed. “I just might.” He sobered and kissed her gently. “Come to think of it,
you should bring a few clothes over too. You probably don’t care to run around
in the same scrubs day after day. Or the buff. As much as I might like it.”

mouth fell open. “You mean it?”

I think I can spare some closet space.” He nuzzled her cheek.

that mean you’re gonna keep me?”

He met
her gaze steadily, saw the hope, and grinned. “Yeah. I’m going to keep you.”
For now and always
. The words lodged in
his throat, but he knew she got the gist by the beaming smile that lit up her

“I love
you, Dusty. You make my life full and happy.”

matched her joyful expression. “I love you too, April.” He smiled ruefully.
“I’ll try to keep you…full.” Pulling back, he thrust lazily forward.

eyes flashed with burning desire. “I’ll hold you to your word.”

“You do
that because I’ll always keep my promises to you.” He sealed his lips over
hers, meshing them together as one, as he started up with the sweet lovemaking
again. Promises were never taken lightly. This one, especially. April provided
comfort, acceptance, and a balm to his raw moods and nightmares. More than
that, she showed him how wonderful love could be.

intended to hang on to the best thing in his life for he understood one thing
well. He couldn’t live without a soul and April shared his.



Three months later.


outdid yourself, Carrie.” Delia looked around the large kitchen her face full
of appreciation and awe.

woman in question smiled. “I had lots of help.”

finished smashing potatoes and set the pan aside. “We couldn’t let you do all
the work.”

when you’re feeding this many.” Tess clicked the burner off.

appreciate all the help. Every bit of it. Including the dish washing
afterward.” Carrie winked at the other women.

collective moan carried across the room followed by chuckles.

let’s get this meal on the table. Then, we’ll lasso the men into doing the
dishes.” Delia picked up the pan of stuffing and headed out the door.

like a plan to me.” Tess followed holding the handles of two more side items.

lugged the heavy dish of mashed potatoes out, holding the door open for Carrie
who brought the oversized turkey.

After a
couple more quick dashes for the remaining items, the whole family sat down at
the long dining room table, eyeing the feast.

This looks delicious.” Archer grinned at his wife.

other men agreed.

taking her seat next to Dusty, April felt a cold nose press against her jean
clad leg. Glancing down, she found Holly, the latest acquisition to the family,
laying her head against her leg. “Aww. Do you need some attention?” She patted
the dog with affection.

doesn’t she?” Dusty stroked the German shepherd’s back. Ben wedged himself
between them, nearly stepping on Holly in the process. “Jealous, huh?” He
scratched behind Ben’s ears.

little over a month ago, April received the call from the military dog adoption
office. Her turn had finally come, but she had to drive to San Antonio, spend a
couple of days learning about the animal and what commands they had been
taught. Thankfully, Brand and Tess volunteered to watch over the stable for the
weekend and Miracle accepted Tess without a single ear pin or ripple of
nervousness. With everything covered, Dusty loaded up Ben and they all headed to
Texas to meet and greet.

short trip proved enlightening in numerous ways. Dusty showed her the sights
and stayed right by her side, attentive and caring as they spent the day
visiting the base, learning about the dogs, and preparing to adopt another. The
nights sizzled as they came together in heated passion, love, and such deep
emotion, she knew she would never forget his touch, his caresses, the sultry
grin he gave her before he launched her into yet another entirely new realm.
Her stomach flip-flopped at just the memory of the look that turned her to
pudding each and every time.

tidbit revolved around Dusty’s entering an Army base for the first time in
several years. He held his head high and moved with such striking grace, all
the military personnel paused to stare. While Dusty wore civilian clothes,
April knew they saw much more than an ordinary man. They saw a SEAL, a man due
respect, one with pride, courage, and sheer guts. The trainers treated him with
supreme reverence and camaraderie, greeted Ben with enthusiasm, and offered
them their choice of dogs. Though he never once mentioned his former ranking,
he didn’t have to. Everyone knew from the first glance.

could still see Holly, sitting in the back of her pen, shaking with fear. Although
they had five dogs to choose from, a couple of them puppies who simply lacked
the high drive to succeed, she gravitated toward Holly. Dusty did as well.
Still unsure, they brought Ben over and what happened next sealed the deal. Ben
stood at the gate to the kennel, staring intently inside. Holly perked up, her
ears pricked, and she stood. Gradually, she approached them, her tail began to
move, and after a minute, she tried to lick Ben through the wire. Her fate had
been sealed at that moment. The two dogs had been inseparable since.

most of the other animals, Holly had her own story. After three tours of
Afghanistan with the SEALs, she developed such severe post-traumatic stress she
would curl up in a ball and quake in terror. She’d lost one handler along the
way which seemed to scar her toward other missions, and she hadn’t bonded with
other men like she had the one who sacrificed everything. The military sent her
back to training, to no avail. She’d curtail any reward, her eyes dulled, and
she became depressed. Nothing seemed to bring her out, so they decided she
would be better off adopted out to a caring family rather than trying to force
her back into action, despite her younger age of four.

A few
weeks retired from duty, she’d blossomed. Entirely comfortable now, she found a
steady companion in Ben, who showed her the ropes, played with her, and
snuggled up with her at night. A pair if April ever saw one.

of pairs, she studied the man sitting beside her. While starting out fairly
rough, they’d found common ground, and discovered love. He made her feel
special, happy, and fulfilled all her dreams. Four years ago, she’d given up on
men entirely. Now, she sat at a huge family gathering, beside the man who stole
her heart.

As if
sensing her gaze, Dusty turned. He smiled warmly, his brown eyes lighting up
with softness and affection. Never would she tire of that particular look.

Love birds. Are you going to eat or just sit there and stare at one another all
day?” Evan nudged Dusty in the ribs, still holding a pan of food.

rolled his eyes, accepted the food and spooned out a few bites. “You’ll be
there one day, little brother. Just wait and see.”

Until then, I’m starving, so get a move on with the food.”


leaned over and whispered in her ear. “Looks like you two patched things up.”

nodded. “I couldn’t help but notice your big shadow.” She grinned as she

shrugged, but the smile on her face told the story. Unless April missed her guess,
Brand and Tess were totally smitten with one another.

long, everyone had full plates and dug in, commenting on the rich taste of the
large meal. Idle conversation popped up now and again as hungry people ate with

“Oh, I
almost forgot.” Archer spoke over the chatter, garnering everyone’s attention.
“Remember that bastard who owned your filly before she was rescued?”

paused in mid-chew. “Yes.”

I looked into the case.”

sipped his drink. “It’s out of your jurisdiction.”

But I have a buddy in Colorado who was all too happy to look into it for me.
Seems he tracked down the man, found him with horses on his property once

gasped, fearing what would come next.

waved his hand. “They weren’t in such desperate shape this time and have been
rescued by the humane society already. But, more importantly, that breaks his
promise to keep him out of court. The bastard is in jail, waiting for the whole
book to be thrown at him. Not just this instance, but all previous ones as
well. He’s looking at ten to fifteen and as angry as Luke was, I’d bet he’ll
collar him for every single day of the term.” The lawyer grinned wolfishly.

his father, smacked him on the back. “Well done, son. I couldn’t have done it

you, Archer. From the bottom of my heart. That’s the best news I could wish
for.” April smiled brightly at him, before turning to Dusty. “At least he won’t
be able to hurt other horses again.”

under the table, Dusty took her hand and gave it a squeeze. “And your horses
are safe and more than spoiled, thanks to you.” He leaned over and kissed her
cheek. “Sometimes families come in handy.”

better believe it.” Evan leaned around Dusty to see April. “You getting tired
of this baboon, yet?”

chuckled, her gaze taking in Dusty’s face. “Nope. Not even close.”

damn.” Evan went back to eating.



An hour
and a half later, leftovers had been put away, the men chipped in to help wash
dishes, and the kitchen and dining room gleamed with cleanliness. Full and
lazy, everyone retired to the living room to digest and rest before time forced
them to get moving once again.

stood in the doorway, watching everyone else find a seat. In no hurry, he
simply leaned against the wall, Ben at his side. Automatically, his eyes locked
on April as she chatted with Tess. Her sheer beauty and genuine goodness stole
his heart. Months back to be exact. Yet, he’d waited for this moment patiently.
First of all, to give her plenty of time to solidify her feelings and their
relationship to grow. Secondly, he’d envisioned the perfect scenario over and
over again. In front of his family. After all, it only seemed fitting since
they had a small part in getting him and April together.

a small, red, pint-sized bag out of his pocket, he stood the handles up and
gave the object to Ben. Without hesitation, the dog gripped the lightweight
object in his mouth. Leaning down, Dusty whispered in his ear. “Take it to
April. Go.”

watched as Ben obediently trotted over to April and sat in front of her.

this?” She took the small sack, praising Ben and patting him for the delivery
service. After peeking in, she plucked a square velvet box out. Her eyes
widened. Slowly, she opened the lid, looked inside, then blinked up at Dusty in
stunned surprise.

strode over, bent down on one knee, and took the box from her hand.

Will you marry me?”

whole room fell silent.

heart thudded as if he’d run a mile sprint. Yet, he only had eyes for April.
Joy radiated across her face as tears welled up in her eyes. He could hardly
breathe waiting on her answer.

Oh, yes!”

launched herself into his arms, sending both of them crashing to the floor. He
salvaged the ring as his back thudded against the hard floor. Laughter and
applause followed.

barely heard anything else except for April’s whispered words of love. He
rained kisses across her face until the dogs wedged themselves in between,
licking and nosing, wanting to be part of the fun.

With a
chuckle full of happiness, he sat up, taking April with him. Finding the ring
once more, he slipped the symbol of their feelings on her shaking finger. “You
showed me kindness, goodness, compassion. Made me realize that second chances
are possible and that true love is real, if you only look deep enough.”

single tear fell down her cheek. He wiped the drop away with his thumb.

worth more than all the gold in Fort Knox to me.” She hugged him tight. “You’re
the special one. Everything a woman looks for in a man and then some. I’m just
thankful you chose me.”

nuzzled her neck. “How could I not? You spoiled me for anyone else. But, that’s
okay. I don’t want anyone else. I just want you. For the rest of our lives.”

She brushed her lips over his. “A lifetime and then some.”

this mean April’s no longer available?” Evan’s voice carried across the area.

The entire room answered in unison.

hell,” Evan grouched dramatically.

laughed and nuzzled his treasure. His soul soared as joy carried him on wings.
All the years of sidestepping commitment taught him a valuable lesson. When you
find the right one, hang on to her with everything you have.

done just that.


The End

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