Read Screwing the Superhero Online

Authors: Rebecca Royce

Tags: #Paranormal Erotic Romance, #Superhero, #super powers, #contemporary erotic romance, #Superman

Screwing the Superhero (11 page)

What? He’d agreed that easily? Ace never relented that fast on anything.

Draco cleared his throat. “Really?”

“If Wendy has an idea, I’m happy to work on it.”

Damn it. Draco closed his eyes. Clearly, his brother now had a thing for Wendy Warner. It was probably the story of her life that had done it. Growing up in the orphanage, being all alone … the tale pulled on the heartstrings. She had never spoken about her past, at least not to him. He only knew because he’d read about it in her file.

Now, however, she’d confided in Ace, which irked him more than he liked.

Well Ace could get the fuck behind him in line. If anyone was going to have a
for Wendy Warner, it was going to be him. He’d be damned if his little brother was going to usurp his place.

Unless, of course, Wendy liked Ace too. Then what would he do? Quietly stay in his room and try not to listen to the two of them going at it like rabbits? He shook his head; he’d have to move. Except, this was his house, so Ace would have to leave.

“Draco, are you still there?”

Shaking his head to clear his thoughts, he forcibly stopped himself from groaning aloud. “Great. Here’s what Wendy thinks happened. Have you ever heard of a transporter, like on that show she watches,
Space Adventures,
the thing that moves matter through space?”

“I like that show.”

He does?

“Um, I think it bears looking into. I’ve never heard of anyone inventing one, but then I’ve not been asking if anyone was working on such a project. I’ll ask the people who would know and get back to you.”

“Great.” Draco disconnected the line. He realized he could have gone upstairs and awakened Ace or just spoken loud enough to wake him. Calling was simpler.

In the corner of his senses, he heard Wendy hiccup and he wondered if she was going to cry. His heart raced at the thought. He couldn’t have more tears. No, Wendy’s tears did odd things to his insides. He’d actually thought he was going to have a panic attack when she’d started crying earlier.

Turning on his heel, he walked down the hall. Without knocking, he entered her room. Like earlier, she gasped as if she was surprised to see him but didn’t admonish him for not knocking. That was a good thing. It had been years since he’d had to try to conform to basic standards of conduct or, as his mother would have called it,

Having to start behaving now would be next to impossible.

“Did I wake you?” He’d been correct. She must have started crying while he was on the phone with his brother. Her cheeks were tear-stained.

She shook her head. “No.”

Crossing by her, he jumped onto the bed, relieved when it didn’t break. He’d had all the beds in the house doubly reinforced to withstand the way Ace and he would use them, but that didn’t mean they wouldn’t eventually succumb to his Superhero strength.

“Come here.”

She raised an eyebrow at him while she wiped her cheeks. “On the bed? With you?”

“I’m not going to bite you, Warner. It was a rough day for both of us. I just thought you might like to lie down with me”

Heaven help him if she said no. He’d be humiliated. He might never be able to look at her again.

Without a word, Wendy moved to him and lay down. She was small and fit nicely against him. He knew he took up more than his share of the bed, and he was admittedly a cover-hog. Pulling the plaid comforter over both of them, he pressed into her until she placed her head on his chest.

He could hear her heartbeat and her breaths easily now. Both had picked up considerably. He wondered if he made her nervous.

“You don’t need to be afraid. I can hear your heart beating way too fast. I promise this is going to be an entirely PG experience.”

Rolling over part way, she looked at him in the darkness. People had told him over the years that it was hard for them to see without light. He never had this problem himself. She might have looked slightly dulled as compared to how she seemed in bright light, but he could see Wendy perfectly, and, at the moment, her face was all eyes.

She bit her lip. “What if I didn’t want it to be

Draco’s mind ceased functioning at the thought. Had she just propositioned him?

He must have waited too long to answer because she spoke again, this time with obvious embarrassment in her tone.

“I’m sorry, Draco, I shouldn’t have said that. You’re being nice and I got really, really inappropriate. Please, it’ll never happen again.”

Leaning over, he pressed his mouth to hers ceasing her rant before it went any further. Yes, she’d been inappropriate, but he’d never been so happy to be propositioned in his life. Though he knew all sexual experiences ended up frustrating and incomplete for him, he wanted her like he’d never wanted anyone before.

Her mouth was soft and pliable under his. Using his tongue, he pressed through her closed lips until their tongues met. Wendy smelled like heaven, like a million delicious scents that had occasionally wafted through the windows of other people’s homes when he’d been growing up—cinnamon, vanilla, rosemary. He couldn’t name them all, but each smell served only to make his already throbbing cock harder.

He’d meant only to kiss her, nothing further. He hadn’t wanted her to think he didn’t desire her. The kiss was supposed to have been “just a taste,”’ both to show her how sexy she was and finally, to feel her against him.

Only, it wasn’t turning out that way. Now that he had a nibble, he wanted the whole thing. He groaned as her arms came around his neck.

Unless … .

He pulled his head back. “You want
, right?”

Her eyes were cloudy, her lips already swollen from his kiss. “What?”

. It’s me you want, not Ace, right?”

Wendy arched an eyebrow. “Do you think I’d be doing this with you if I wanted Ace?”

Her tone suggested she found his question amusing, not insulting, and he was relieved.

“I just had to check.”

She shook her head. “Why would you think I—?”

He didn’t let her finish, pushing his lips to hers again, this time wanting to growl with delight. His heart pounded and he knew he was going to have to tone it down if he was going to have any chance of not hurting her later.

He ended their kiss, staring down at her in the darkness. “Wendy, you need to know something about me.”

She grinned.

“What are you smiling about?”

“I just realized this might be the thing about you I learn today I didn’t know yesterday.”

God, she was adorable. He sat up, running a hand through his hair. She reached out, grabbed his arm, and pulled herself up beside him. “I’m sorry; you wanted to tell me something serious, and I made a joke.”

“It was funny. It was a good joke.” Now that he’d been interrupted, he didn’t know if he wanted to tell her. Maybe they should just call off the entire thing altogether.

He’d go back to his room.

She squeezed his arm. “Tell me.”

“It’s not easy for me to be intimate with anyone. The extra strength. I have to be careful, on my guard the whole time. I’m worried about how strongly I want you. I’m concerned I’m going to hurt you.”

“I don’t understand.”

“Come on, you know what I mean. I tear my clothes; I destroy chairs. I can’t be counted on to keep my cool. Most of the time, I barely care about the woman; I don’t feel a tremendous amount of passion, but with you … .”

He saw a wash of emotions cross her eyes and he couldn’t identify any of them.

Why oh why one of his superpowers wasn’t the ability to read minds, he didn’t know. It would make things so much simpler.

Finally, she spoke. “Okay, so now I have to tell you something.”

Rubbing his nose, he looked at her. Something was going to have to give. In the next minute they were either going to fuck or he was running back to his room. It was actually amusing when he thought about it; he never ran from anything. Courage was job-requirement, and now, here was this little woman making him want to cower like a frightened child.

“What’s that?”

Her cheeks had turned a delightful shade of pink. “I’ve never actually been with anyone so I’m not certain that I know precisely what you’re referring to.”

What? “You’re a virgin?”

“That’s what I just told you, yes.”

“What’s wrong with the men you hang out with, Wendy?” He realized he was shouting and he lowered his voice. Ace could hear them if he felt like listening; Draco didn’t need to make it easier on his nosy brother.

“Well, for the longest time I wasn’t hanging out with any and then later, there was Kyle and the rest of the guys at the
Space Adventures’
club. Kyle was obviously interested, but the others kind of just see me as member of the group, not as a woman.”

“And other than that, you spend all your time in that online game.”

She nodded. “That’s right.”

“If you think the fact you haven’t been with anyone makes me want you less, you’re wrong.” It was true. If anything, he’d gotten hotter thinking he’d be the only one to touch her, the only one to know her sexually. All of the time she’d sat outside his office, he should have dragged her in and taken her over his desk. His hands shook; he gripped the bed. “It just makes me even more concerned I’m going to be too … much.”

She touched his cheek, turning his head until he looked at her. What he saw almost took his breath away. Wendy was the most open woman he’d ever known. She played no games; she had no wiles; as far as he could tell, she had no idea how to flirt.

Wendy wanted him and she was offering herself to him. He’d have to be crazy to turn her down. Even if she was his Handler and he was the worst kind of hypocrite for giving Ace crap about doing this very thing himself. Tonight, he was willing to make a mistake, if that’s what this was. He needed to be with Wendy.

He exhaled. “All right, I realize this might not be the sexiest way to start this but we have to agree on some rules.”

He watched her swallow hard.


“Yes, rules. You have to promise to tell me if anything I do hurts you.”

“Draco.” She leaned over and bit his shoulder gently. “Do you have this conversation with all your women?”

“I think you might be surprised to know the number is a lot less than you might think. I like to be seen; it’s good for business and the image I created, but I don’t go home with many of them and no one comes here.” She’d bit him and God, he liked it.

He was now so hard he was going to have to get out of his pants before they grew so painfully tight he injured himself peeling them off. “Having you here is much more intimate.”

“All right, so I’ll tell you if I don’t like something if you promise to stop mentioning other women right now because it’s really killing my confidence.”

He took her chin in his hand. “Why?”

“Because it is.”

“Tell me why.” He wasn’t going to let her hide. If something was bothering her, she needed to tell him.

“Shut up, Draco.” She kissed him, hard, pushing him backward. Truth was, she couldn’t shove him anywhere he didn’t want to go. Men twice her size couldn’t budge him, it came with the superpowers, but he let her move him down.

Her mouth was on his, and this time she was the aggressor, demanding he meet her tongue for tongue, stroke for stroke.

Experienced women knew how to manipulate their mouths to best increase their pleasure, to get him to do what they wanted him to do. Usually, he found it amusing.

Wendy had no past to call upon and what she was doing was purely instinctual, less practiced, and God above, it turned him on.

Wrapping one leg around her, he flung her over until he was on top, never letting go of her mouth. She groaned and it sounded like it came from deep within her throat, making him shiver. He wanted to be inside her more than anything. Holding back was going to be difficult. He was desperate to have her wrap her legs around his waist while he drove himself endlessly inside of her.

That wasn’t, however, how he was going to take her virginity. He would fight for finesse, even if it killed him.

“I want to look at you.” He tugged at her pajama top. “Take it off.”

Her fingers shook as she fiddled with the buttons. With a curse, he pushed her hands away and ripped the damned garment off her body. “I bought it for you, I’ll buy another one.”

“Or you can let me go home and get my own clothes.”

“Little girl, I may never let you out of this bed let alone out my house.”

Looking at her now bare chest, he felt like the luckiest damned fool ever to walk the planet. Tonight, if he did his job right, he’d introduce her to a world of sensual pleasure she’d never known.

“My breasts, they’re kind of too big, I know.”

“Too big for what?” They were more than a handful and he loved it, had always loved that about her.

“Too big for most things, actually. If I try to run without wearing a really,
tight sports bra, I get a black eye.”

“Quite an image.” Moving so they were chest to chest with only his arm holding him above her, he smiled down at her pained expression. “Let me let you in a little secret—men like boobs. To us, there is no such thing as too big.”

She laughed and her cheeks turned a deep shade of red. “I guess I’m a little worried now. It must have been all the talk about all of the women you do this with; I’ve seen their pictures in the newspapers. I don’t look like them. I’m really much rounder than—”

He silenced her by placing a hand over her mouth. “If you’re about to say something disparaging about yourself, I don’t want to hear it. You’re beautiful, and I’ve had the pleasure, and I mean
, of looking at your curves in the outfits you wear to work for four years. This is your first time doing this; I’d rather not have to spank your sweet ass, but I will if you keep it up.”

She swallowed. “Spank me?”

“Until you beg me not to stop.”

“Ah, I don’t know if I’d like that.”

He leaned down until he could whisper directly in her ear. “Trust me, Wendy; you’d beg me to do it again but not tonight.” He reconsidered his statement. “Well, maybe later tonight.”

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