Read Sapphique - Incarceron 02 Online

Authors: Catherine Fisher

Tags: #Fantasy, #Juvenile

Sapphique - Incarceron 02 (15 page)

You would say that.
Incarceron's voice was rich with contempt.
You who cannot leave here because of your imperfections. But Sapphique's dream of the stars is mine now, and there is a way. A secret way, a way no one expects. I am building myself a body. Like a man c but greater, a winged creature. It will be tall and beautiful and perfect. Its eyes will be of emerald and it will walk and run and fly and in it I will put all my personality and power and leave the Prison an empty shell. You have the final piece that I need to complete it.

'Do we?'

You know you do. I have sought my son's lost Glove for centuries; it has been kept secret, even from me. It laughed, amused. But now that fool Rix has found it. And you have it here.

Keiro gave Attia a stare of alarm. The ice platform was floating now, and on each side the fog swirled so thickly they could see nothing of the tundra. She felt that the Prison had indeed swallowed them, that they were travelling deep inside its vast belly, like the man in the whale in Rix's patchbook.

Rix. His words flared in her memory The Art Magicke is the art of illusion. Waves lifted under the thinn
ing ice. Far off in the fog she
saw the links of a vast chain, hanging down. They were being washed towards it. Rapidly she said, 'You want it?'
It will be my right hand.

Keiro's eyes were blue and bright. She saw at once what he was planning. He said, 'You'll never get it.'

My son, I could kill you now and take it.

The Glove was in Keiro's hands. 'Not before I put it on. Not before I know everything about you.'

'Watch me.'

Lightning flickered. The fog poured in, over the horse, hiding them from each other. Attia gripped Keiro's elbow, felt his heat through the coat.

'Perhaps it's time we made a few conditions then.' Keiro was invisible but his voice was steely. 'I have the Glove. I could wear it. I could tear it apart in seconds. But if you want it, I could bring it to you.'

The Prison was silent.

She felt Keiro shrug. 'It's up to you. It seems to me this is the only thing in this Hell you can't control. The Glove was Sapphique's. It has strange power. Spare our lives and show us the way, and it's yours. Otherwise I put it on. And what will that make me?'

She could see him now. The fog retreated, drew back. In a moment of horror she realized that they were alone on a berg of ice in a wide sea of water, a greasy metallic ocean. It stretched as far as she could see in every direction, and
the two Eyes of the Prison slid into it and stared up at her thoughtfully through its slow, turgid ripples.

Your arrogance is surprising

'I've had a lot of practice,' Keiro said.

You cannot know what the Glove does.

'You don't know what I know.' He stared down, defiant. 'There are no little red Eyes in my brain, tyrant.'

Lights came on. High in the roof Attia glimpsed walkways and suspended roads, a whole Wing miles above them, where tiny dots that must be people clustered and looked down.

Ah but wha
t if there are, halfman? What if I
see even there?

Keiro laughed. It was hollow, but if the Prison had just named his own darkest dread he covered it well. 'You don't scare me. Men made you, men can unmake you.'

The voice was dry and angry.
Then very well, we will make a deal. Bring me the Glove and I will reward you with Escape. But should you ever attempt to put it on I will burn you and it to a cinder. I will have no rivals.

The chain hung before them. It was huge and heavy and it fell into the sea with a splash, the molten water sending up a thick spray that Attia could taste on her lips. As the metal rattled down they saw that a transitway was hauled behind it, a track that unrolled on the sea's heaving surface, vanishing into the remnants of mist.

Keiro hauled himself back on to the horse, but before he could ride Attia said, 'Don't even think about leaving me here.'

'I don't need you. I've got the Glove now'

'You need an oathbrother.'

'I've got one of those, too.'

'Yes,' she said sourly. 'But he's busy.'

Keiro stared down at her. His hair was long and damp; it gleamed in the light. His eyes were cold and calculating; for a moment she knew he would ride away. And then he leant down and hauled her up.

'Only till I find someone better.' he said.

The Queen held a State dinner that evening in the Claimants' honour.

As Claudia sat at the long table licking the last traces of lemon syllabub from her spoon she thought of her father. Seeing him had shaken her. He had looked thinner, his contempt less assured. She hadn't been able to stop thinking about what he'd said. But surely Incarceron, the very intelligence the Sapienti had created, could never leave the Prison, because if it did all that would be left would be a dark shell of metal. Millions of Prisoners would die, without light, air, food. It had to be impossible.

Trying not to think of it she watched Finn anxiously through the candles and wax fruit and hothouse arrangements. He had been placed next to the Countess of Amaby, one of the teasing, mincing women of the Court who were fascinated by his moodiness, and who would gossip maliciously about
him afterwards. He seemed to be
barely answering her endless chat, staring into his winecup, and drinking too much, Claudia thought.

'Poor Finn. He looks so unhappy,' the Pretender murmured.

Claudia frowned. Queen Sia had placed the two Prince Giles opposite each other, halfway down the table, and now from her throne was watching them both.

'Yes. Well, that's your fault.' Claudia put the spoon into her dish and looked straight at him. 'Who are you? Who's put you up to this?'

The boy who called himself Giles smiled sadly. 'You know who I am, Claudia. You just won't admit it to yourself.'

'Finn is Giles.'

'No, he isn't. It was convenient for you to believe that once. I don't at all blame you. If I'd had to face marrying Caspar I'd have done something as drastic, and I'm sorry for leaving you to such a fate... But you know you'd already started to doubt Finn even before I came back from the dead. Hadn't


She watched him in the candlelight and he leant back and smiled. Close to, his resemblance to Finn was astonishing, but it was as if they were strange twins — one bright, the other dark, one easy, the other tormented. Giles — she didn't know what else to call him — wore a silk coat of peach satin, his dark hair perfectly groomed and tied in a black ribbon. His fingernails, she noticed, were

manicured, the hands of someone who had never worked. He smelt of lemon and sandalwood. His table manners were exquisite.

'You're so sure of yourself,' she murmured. 'But you have no idea what I think.'

'Don't I?' He leant forward as the footmen cleared the dishes and set small gilt-edged plates. 'We were always alike, Claudia. I used to say to Bartlett

'Bartlett?' She stared at him, startled.

'A dear old man who was my chamberlain. He was the one I talked to most, after Father died, about us, about our marriage. He said you were a haughty little thing, but he liked you.'

She sipped her wine, barely tasting it. The things he said, his casual memories, disturbed her.
A haughty little thing.
The old man had written something almost identical in the secret testament she and Jared had found. And surely only they knew of its existence.

As small dishes of strawberries were served she said, 'If Giles was locked in Incarceron the Queen was part of the plot. So she must know Finn is the real Princes

He smiled, shaking his head, eating the fruit.

'She doesn't want Finn to be King Claudia went on, stubborn. 'But if he died, it would be far too suspicious. So she decides to discredit him. First she needs to find someone who's the same age, and who looks like him.'

Giles said, 'These strawberries are really wonderful.'

'Did she send out messengers through the Realm?' Claudia dipped a finger in the bowl of rosewater. 'They must have been delighted when they found you. A real lookalike.'

'You really should try them.' His smile was warm.

'A bit too sweet for me.'

'Then let me.' He swapped his dish for hers, politely. 'You were saying?'

'Only two months to train you. Not enough, but you're clever. You'd learn fast. First they'd use a skinwand, get the likeness exact. Then they'd drill you in etiquette, family history, what Giles ate, rode, liked, who he played with, what he studied. They'd teach you to ride and dance. They'd make you memorize his whole childhood.' She glanced at him. 'They must have a few Sapienti in their pay. And they must have promised you a fortune.'

'Or be holding my poor dear mother in a dungeon, maybe.'

'Or that.'

'But I'm to be King, remember?'

'They'll never let you be King.' Claudia glanced down at Sia. 'They'll kill you, when you've served your purpose.'

For a moment he was silent, dabbing his mouth with a linen napkin, and she thought she'd scared him. Then she saw he was gazing at Finn through the haze of candle smoke, and when he answered his light humour had vanished.

'I came back to save
the Realm from being ruled by a
thief and a murderer He turned. 'And to save you from him too.'

Startled, she glanced down. His fingers touched hers on the white tablecloth.

Carefully, she drew her hand away. 'I don't need saving.'

'I think you do. From that barbarian, and from my evil stepmother. We should stand together, Claudia. We should watch each other's back, and think of the future.' He turned the crystal glass carefully. 'Because I will be King. And I will need a Queen I can trust.'

Before she could answer a loud rapping came from the high end of the table. The majordomo was beating the floor with his staff. 'Your excellencies. Lords, Ladies, Masters. The Queen will speak.'

The babel of chatter hushed. Claudia caught Finn's dark glare, fixed on her; she ignored it and looked at Sia. The Queen was standing, a white figure, her pale neck glistening with a diamond necklace that caught the flamelight in its rainbow brilliants. She said, 'Dear friends. Let me give you a toast.'

Hands went to glasses. Down the table Claudia saw the peacock-bright coats of the men and the women's satins shimmer. Behind, in the shadows, rows of silent footmen waited.

'To our two Claimants. To dear Giles She raised her glass archly to the Pretender, then turned to Finn. 'And dear Giles.'

Finn glowered. Someone tittered a nervous laugh. In the moment of tension no one seemed to breathe.

'Our two Princes. Tomorrow the investigation will begin into their stories.' Sia's voice was light; she smiled coyly. 'This . . . rather unfortunate
situation will be resolved. The true Prince will be discovered, I do assure you. As for the other, the Impostor, I'm afraid he will pay dearly for the inconvenience and anxiety he has caused our Realm.' Her smile was icy now. 'He will be shamed and tortured. And then he will be executed.'

Utter silence.

Into it she said lightly, 'But with a sword, not an axe. As befits royalty.' She raised her glass. 'To Prince Giles of the Havaarna.'

Everyone stood, in a rattle of chairs. 'Prince Giles,' they murmured.

As she drank Claudia tried to hide her shock, tried to catch Finn's eye, but it was too late. He stood slowly, as if the long tension of the meal had broken, glaring across at the Pretender. His stillness made the buzz and chatter subside into quiet curiosity.

'I am Giles,' he said,' and Queen Sia knows it. She knows my memory was lost in Incarceron. She knows I have no hope of answering any of the Council's questions.' The bitterness of his voice made Claudia's heart thump. She put down her glass hurriedly and said, 'Finn,' but he stormed on as if he hadn't heard her, his gaze hard on the courtiers.

'What should I do, ladies and gentlemen? Do you want me to take a DNA test? I'll do it. But then, that wouldn't be Protocol, would it? That would be forbidden! The technology for that is hidden and only the Queen knows where. And she's not saying.'

The guards at the door edged forwards. One drew his sword.

If Finn saw he didn't care. 'There's only one way to solve this, the way of honour, the way we'd do it in Incarceron.'

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