onths after Tristan
and I absconded to France, my youngest brother was born, a pretty-looking baby whom my mother named George… Not that my mother ever told us about the birth. We’d heard about it months after that from some tabloid. There were rumors that the child was never Lord Wolfe’s and how the two of them were sleeping in separate rooms.

“Glad to be far from any of that nonsense,” Tristan whispered as the two of us lounged across a comfortable lawn chair side by side. The mid-day sun was in the sky as we basked in its warmth together.

We’d moved into a flat in Paris, the Eiffel tower in view on the horizon. It was everything a girl could have wanted when she imagined herself living in one of the most romantic cities in the world.

“Think any of it’s true?” I asked, gently running my fingers along his bicep as we lay with one another.

“I couldn’t care any less,” he said, laughing as he turned to press his lips to mine tenderly. “I have you, and that’s all that I have to worry about.”

“You’re right,” I whispered soothingly. “They’ve taken up enough of our lives.”

I’d been left in relative peace ever since I’d left London in favor of Paris. Our absconding across the channel had raised a few headlines at first, but before we knew it we were old news by London’s standards. Everyone was looking for the next big scandal, and ours had had its fifteen seconds of the spotlight. We were slowly drifting into obscurity, and I wouldn’t have had it any other way.

Once I’d left I put Tina in charge of the day-to-day activities at the company, promoting her to CEO as I stepped back into a silent ownership role from my new home. After the dust had settled concerning Tristan and I’s affair we found that my client list had not been nearly as decimated as I had expected, with a good number of members of the upper class still happily accepting my company’s services. With business back home still booming, I felt that it was high time that I let myself relax.

I breathed a sigh of contentment as I let my hands begin to wander over Tristan’s body, allowing my fingers to gently caress the minute curves of his abs and down along his side. I followed those Adonis lines all the way down between his hips, caressing the soft mass of his cock, just barely running my fingers along its length, entertaining the idea of rousing it from its sleep to feel it filling me in the most intimate of ways.

Tristan moaned out ever so softly, his eyes fluttering shut as he enjoyed the slow, deliberate attention I paid to his slowly awakening dick. I couldn’t help but smile as he began to grow as I took him into my hand, wrapping it around his base and slowly starting to stroke him.

“Weren’t you just taken care of?” he asked, a wide grin splitting his face. It was true, only a few hours earlier Tristan had held me down as he plowed that massive cock inside of me, slamming in as hard as he could until my knees buckled. I bit down on my lip, already feeling my womanhood start to slicken with lust.

“Maybe I want more,” I purred, squeezing softly on his considerable girth as I continued to stroke his massive cock. “I’m always so hungry for it, lately… I can’t help it.”

Tristan laughed, a slow, melting laugh that made a shiver run up my spine and then back down between my thighs. I bit down harder on my bottom lip and whimpered, my nails ever-so-gently raking along the underside of his arm as I began to brush my lips over his skin.

“Who knew being pregnant would turn my prudish Gwennie into such a horny little minx,” he growled playfully, running his fingers in my hair as my lips turned south toward his groin. “It suits you.”

“Does it?’ I asked, lapping my tongue over his tip ever so slightly. “I wasn’t sure you’d really like dealing with your needy stepsister trying to sit on the cock every second of the day.”

Tristan let out another laugh as he pulled me into a deep, passionate kiss. “Clearly you don’t know me at all.”

I smiled, pressing myself into his warm body as I straddled his waist, my back arched as I slowly lowered myself down onto his stiff rod.

“I love you,” he whispered softly to me as I took him slowly deeper inside of myself, gasping out as that piercing slid right against my spot as I worked him in all the way to his base.

“I love you too,” I moaned out, looking down into his eyes.

As I began to move my hips at a torturous pace on top of his cock, I realized that my entire life had lead up to this moment, a moment of pure happiness with the one person I truly loved. I threw my head back, letting out a soft moan of pleasure as I felt his shaft twitch as I worked my hips against him.

I had spent so much time trying to match others with their perfect soulmate that the person I was always trying to set up was myself. All I needed was the right place at the right time and the will to grab what I’d always wanted.

My stepbrother, Tristan Wolfe—and his

ey to all
my amazing readers! I hope you all enjoyed ROYAL PRICK.

You’re not done yet! Keep turning pages for more two more bonus novels!


Part III

, that was so
,” said Kaitlyn, as she dug through her purse looking for her car keys.

“I know,” I said. “It was like, shitty comedy, meets shitty romance, meets shitty drama.”

“So... you’re saying it was a

She tried to suppress her giggles but couldn’t help herself. The way she was covering her mouth and choking back little snorts of air made
lose it too. Her laugh was contagious. It reminded me of the way we used to be when we were kids.

“You’re so dumb,” I said, struggling to keep my grin under control.

“Whatever. You know I’m funny.” She burst into another fit, and I followed suit.

By now, curious movie-goers were staring from all corners of the parking lot, probably startled by the two twenty-somethings losing their minds somewhere off in the darkness. Or maybe they just wanted in on the joke…

The lock clicked, and I popped open the passenger-side door. The aroma of popcorn and butter was still thick in my nose. It had seeped into my clothes and hair.

“Take me home, driver,” I said. “I have to be to work early tomorrow.”

“Driver? You better watch your mouth, or I’ll drop you off at the bus station.” She cocked an eyebrow at me and smiled. “...Let you hang out with all the creeps who like to stay up late on a school night.”

I narrowed my eyes and smiled back. “You wouldn’t do that to your bestest friend in the whole wide world.”

Kaitlyn turned the key and the engine made a soft purring noise. It was nice to sit in her plush and reliable BMW. It was nothing like the temperamental beast I drove around town. There was a special kind of comfort that went along with not worrying over whether the car would start.

“You should quit that job, anyway.” she said. “It’s not like they’re paying you enough for all the work they give you.”

She was right. I had been with the firm for almost three years, and I hadn’t seen a single raise. My responsibilities, my workload, and even my workspace had expanded, but my pay stayed the same.

Too bad it wasn’t that simple. And for as sweet and good-hearted as she was, Kaitlyn seemed to struggle with the concepts of hard work and responsibility. She was a “trust fund baby” through and through and when you paired that with her angelic face and perfect little body, it was easy to see how she found the world at her feet.

“So, I guess that means I can move in with you?” I quipped, “Because, without that job there’s no way I’m making my rent. Let alone the electricity, the gas, my phone…”

“Okay, okay…” she said.

“The credit cards, my student loans…” I continued.

“I get it!” she yelled. Her face was apologetic, but her eyes still made the point.

“I know what you’re saying,” I said. “But, it’s just too crazy right now. When things calm down a little bit, I’ll ask for a raise.”

“You could always come work for my dad,” she said. “He would hire you in a second.”

“I really appreciate it; it’s just…”

“I know,” she said. “You like to do your own thing. I respect that, but the offer still stands.”

s the car
rolled down the rain-soaked street, I let my mind wander to less stressful times. Things would have been easier if everything hadn’t fallen apart. Kevin wasn’t the best guy on the planet but he had always been there for me… Until the day he wasn’t.

It had been six months since things ended. I caught him browsing Tinder on his phone… And a quick swipe through his recent text messages told me
I needed to know about his extra-curricular activities…

Kevin tried to tell me he could change. Unabashedly, he begged me to stay. He talked about our future together and what I would be throwing away as if he was presenting a case in the courtroom. There was talk of the time we had already invested, of how he was going to be getting a huge promotion soon, and how hard it was going to be to split up now that we had put all of the bills in both of our names.
Like the fact that the fucking gym membership was a joint account would be enough to convince me to stay.

I wondered how long he’d been cheating on me, and how much that contributed to the way I’d been feeling about our relationship. It was a betrayal I could never forgive.

Kaitlyn was prattling on about some reality tv thing she was into, but I couldn’t focus on it. It didn’t matter though, because the girl barely stopped talking long enough to take a breath. She never noticed when I wasn’t listening.

I let my hips sink back into the heated seat and propped my forehead against the cold window.

“Remember Kevin?” I asked, cutting her off mid-sentence.

“Uh, yeah… you mean the Kevin who had the personality of a wet paper bag?”

“The Kevin that spent more time messing with his fantasy football stuff than he did paying attention to you?”


“The same Kevin that you said fucked like he was on horse tranquilizers? The Kevin who had booty calls in every city he visited on business?” She rolled her eyes as she spat my own words back at me.

“Well, I mean, he’s been calling me again… He wants to be with me, and he’s finally about to make partner at the firm,” I replied quietly.

“Bria! C’mon, are you serious? That guy was… just… sad. I mean, really, he-,”

She must have noticed the frustration on my face because she cut herself off.

“Listen, Kevin might have the looks and the money, but he was a capital A Asshole. You should put yourself out there before you even
about going back to him. You owe it to yourself to try because you can do WAY better.”

I wanted to defend myself but she was right. I hadn’t given the single life a fair chance, and truthfully, I needed much more than the promise of a warm body lying next to me every night.

“Oh, shoot! Stop here!” I said, as I noticed the lit neon sign in the gas station window.

“What? Why? We’re almost to your apartment.”

“They’re still open. I need to get eggs.” I said.

“Just do it tomorrow or something. Who buys their eggs at a dirty gas station, anyway?”

“C’mon, stop. I really need them. Egg-whites for breakfast every morning. That’s my new diet thing and I don’t want to break my streak.”

Kaitlyn sighed as she turned her signal on and slowed at the entrance. “I’m too good to you, you know that?” she said. “But hurry, ‘cause I’m not going in.”

“It’s fine, you don’t have to wait,” I said. “It’s only a five-minute walk from here and I could use the fresh air.”

She stared at me quizzically as we pulled up to the glass front of the building. “Are you sure you’ll be okay? Because I was joking. I don’t mind waiting.”

I threw the door open and stretched my tired legs out into the cool night air.

“Uh, I think I’ll be fine rich girl. I know this isn’t Beverly Hills, but it’s not like I live in the hood. I’ll text you when I get home.”

“Okay, you better. And don’t even think about calling ‘Mr. Limpdick’ because you know that’s not what you really want.”

I slammed the door shut with mock anger and put my hands on my hips.

She gave me the finger, then smiled and nodded toward the young guy working behind the counter inside. He had been watching our little interaction.

Kaitlyn flipped her hair and gave him a tantalizing wink before putting it in drive and disappearing into the night.

an adequate carton on the third try. The first one I opened was a mess of broken shell and leaking yolk. The second was simply missing two eggs. Maybe this area was a little more “hood” than I had been willing to admit.

With future breakfast in hand, I made my way to the counter. The poor kid working the register, all 145 pounds of him, could barely stand to speak, let alone make eye contact with me. Somewhere in between my amusement at the shy cashier and my efforts to fish a credit card out of my purse, another customer slipped into the store.

My brain registered the familiar “ding” that every convenience store front door makes when you walk through it, but I didn’t give it any real thought until I realized that the new arrival had made his way into line behind me.

I don’t know why I felt off about it, but I did. He had a looming presence. The air around him stunk like cheap tobacco and I could practically feel his hot breath on my neck. Was he standing
close, or was I imaging things?

The shy cashier’s hand shook like a leaf as he handed back the receipt. I realized that maybe I wasn’t the one having an effect on him as he glanced apprehensively over my shoulder.

I suddenly wanted nothing more than to get out of here.

“Anything else?” the cashier asked.

“No… Thanks.” I replied, grabbing my credit card and quickly making my way to the door.

Once outside I started to feel better. I couldn’t completely shake the feeling I had in the store, but my unease was quickly settling as I took in a breath of the cool night air. I couldn’t wait to get home and throw open the windows.

My condo was in a cute, older building on the west side of town. It sat just a couple of blocks off the main drag and backed up to a beautiful greenbelt. On quiet mornings, I could sit on my back patio and listen to the birds talk. It wasn’t the most luxurious of places, but it held a certain charm and struck the perfect balance between city and suburbs. It was one of the few things in life I was really proud of.

A quick succession of footsteps snapped me out of my condo reverie. I couldn’t be sure if they came from behind me because of the strange acoustics on the side street, but the sound was definitely made by leather slapping pavement.

I drew a sharp breath, held it, and waited. Silence. Everything inside of me suggested I should look back over my shoulder, but I couldn’t force myself to do it. My logical brain told me there was nothing to be concerned about. The footsteps were probably inconsequential. It was just someone walking to their car or letting their dog out…

But my intuition screamed

All at once I was struck by my foolishness. How could I be so stubborn to think it was a good idea to walk home this late at night? Why did I insist on telling Kaitlyn to go? Why did I leave the relative safety of a busy gas station if something didn’t feel right?

I steeled my nerves, let the breath go slowly, and walked. Any sense of safety that I was holding on to disappeared when the mysterious footsteps returned to match my own. I felt my pace quicken. It was happening almost automatically, like I was on autopilot.

I still couldn’t force myself to look back, but it didn’t matter. There was no mistaking where the steps were coming from.

Whoever was chasing me had abandoned all pretense of trying to hide their intentions. He was running just like I was, but his feet were hitting the ground faster.

Up ahead, I could see the corner where I’d catch the bus when my car was in the shop. And just around the bend was the small daycare center where my sister used to take my nephew. But at this time of night, it might as well have been the dark side of the moon. There wouldn’t be anyone around to help me.

If I could just make it within shouting distance of my building, maybe someone would come out. One of my neighbors would recognize my voice and want to know what was going on.

My legs fired like pistons and I ran with the stride of an athlete, although I hadn’t been one. It wasn’t going to be enough. The footsteps were louder than ever and closing fast. I tried to yell for help, but nothing came out. My voice caught in my throat and stayed there no matter how hard I willed it.

He couldn’t have been more than twenty feet behind me when I remembered my cell phone. The puff-puff-puff of his outgoing breaths now coincided with his heavy footfalls.

I yanked the phone out of my back pocket without losing much speed. It unlocked with one quick swipe. Thank God I had removed the passcode when Kevin and I broke up. My thumb found its way over the phone app and I was almost there. If this bastard was going to grab me, it was all going to be recorded by the police.

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