Read Rune Online

Authors: H.D. March

Tags: #Romance

Rune (28 page)

Jess shrugged into her clothes. “I’m staying here.”

“No.” He rose and, gripping her shoulders, spun her to face him. “You’re not.”

She slapped his hands away. “Don’t you tell me what to do. I’m staying here, do you understand me?”

Rune didn’t want to give in, but short of kidnapping her and bundling her into his car, he couldn’t do much. He flicked a hand through his thatch of hair in frustration. “Jess, you let me know if there’s any sign of anything suspicious, you hear me?”

“I’m not deaf.” Her eyes flashed with unrestrained fury.

He wondered why she was so pissed. Okay, his words earlier on had come out wrong, yet surely they weren’t enough to cause this rabid reaction. But her shield was in place and he couldn’t read her thoughts.

“Jess, I need to sort this out, and then we are going to have a chat, a long one.”

She flung her hand in the air, and he ducked, it almost hit him. “Why, what’s there to talk about? I’m merely a passing fuck, a bit of fun.”

He gripped her shoulders. “Will you shut the hell up, woman, and stop talking bullshit!”

“Well, it’s true.”

“It’s fucking not.” He curled in a low breath and took deep lungfuls of oxygen. “Once I have this case wrapped up, then we’re going to have that talk. You will do this, Jess, and I don’t care what you say.” At the sight of her pale face, a hand stole into his chest and squeezed his heart. Rune stooped and slid his lips across hers, soft at first, tentative, a burst of passion erupted, and he pulled her close, his tongue seeking hers, tasting each sexy bud.

Shakily, he drew back, the desire clear on her face. She was his match in everything. And Rune also knew she was pregnant, the image of a foetus appeared each time he placed his hand on her stomach. But he needed her to tell him and was confused at her attitude, unless she didn’t want his child?

At that thought, a blast of fury rode his features. Because if that were true, then she probably didn’t want him either. And yet she’d shown him with her body, how it craved his, what she thought. Recalling the pain he’d sensed when he’d left her, he knew she had to have strong feelings for him. Yet still he harboured doubts, his own overriding passion pushing at negative thoughts.

He gave in with a resigned sigh; his hand stroked her hair. “Jess, please be careful, at least until I discover who’s after you, we already know why.” Rune answered her questioning glance. “The drive though.”


“I won’t be back tonight. I need to do some work, but tomorrow, sweet bitch, I’ll be here.” He brushed his lips over hers. Rune didn’t miss her chilled response. “Promise me, Jess.”

Breaking the stillness, raised voices roared from below, a cacophony of screaming echoed throughout the house. Jess covered her ears with her hands and briefly closed her eyes. She glanced up at the shock on Rune’s face. “It’s always like this; they hate each other, and the arguments never stop.”

With the suddenness of the onset, so followed the silence, chased by the slamming of the front door. A car revved up; its engine screamed and the tyres burned, screeching away on the tarmac.

“Think your mother has just left,” said Rune, not surprised at her reaction to a relationship. And he knew he would have to convince her that they wouldn’t be reduced to that before she’d even consider one. Without doubt, they’d have arguments, she was too stubborn and he too dominant. But it would never ever be on the level that her parents fought.


Once Rune left, Jess wandered aimlessly around the small house. She flicked at the remote, switching through channels. Jess had covered a hand across her mouth and tried not to laugh when George disappeared down to the fitness centre again, dressed in his gaudy pink Lycra. She didn’t have the heart to tell him how camp he looked. His round face beamed and the squirrel lazed atop his head.

She wondered if he fancied anyone down there because he appeared to spend nearly all his time working out in Cataya. Neither did she like to mention he wasn’t achieving anything, he still resembled a giant blancmange.

The day crept by slowly; she made a sandwich and threw up,
Thanks Gabriel
, and acknowledged her baby bump. A son, she was having Rune’s baby, a hint of shame blew over her that Gabriel would never see his father. Absently, she wondered if Rune would make a good dad and instinctively knew he’d be the best. A sorrowful drench of a tear trickled down her face at what could never be. No way would she put her son through the torment she’d suffered with parents constantly battling each other. And yet, relationships worked for other people. Her head ached with confusion at what she craved; yet, still the memories ripped over her. God, she wanted it, a life with Rune, she loved him, was carrying his child, but all he felt for her was lust? All he wanted was sex, whilst she adored him. It could never work. A tiny thought hammered at her, so, what if he did love her, what would she do about it then?

The dampness of a tear slipped down her face, marking her cheek, because she knew the answer, she’d leave him free.


She drifted into a restless sleep to eventually awaken in semi darkness. The onset of evening darkened the sky. Jess blinked and rose; flicking the light on, she checked the time. The front door slammed open, and George lumbered in.

“You’ve been down the gym all this time?” she asked in surprise. Stretching, Jess rubbed at her eyes; heck, she felt exhausted.

“Yep, there’s a rather tasty instructor down there.” He gave a wicked wink, and the squirrel lurched on his head.

Jess wondered how he coped with it in a workout. Then his words registered and she grinned. “Thought there was a female that lured you there. What’s she like?”

He gave a cough and turned, ignoring her question. “I’m off for a soak in the bath, see you tomorrow, Jess.”

She stared after him, her mouth dropping open; it moved, yet no words came out. Just what was he hiding? And decided she may have to take a trip down there to discover who this woman was. Switching the TV off, she hauled her ass up the stairs to the guest room.


Jess lay in bed; the sheet covered her lower half. The gentle snores of George reverberated through the thin wall of the adjacent room. She’d heard him stomping around in the bathroom before his bedroom door slammed closed. Quiet her father wasn’t.

An ache scoured over her. She felt horny again and blamed Frazer; she also missed Rune like hell. It was only when she’d returned to her room that she’d noticed her mobile on the cabinet; he’d obviously collected it and dropped it there when he’d come.

She tried to close her lids, then pinged them open; she dropped her hand and had a flurry of a feel across her fanny. That came back as a rejection. Jess wondered how the hell she was going to manage without Rune in her life because he had wrecked hers. Suddenly, a sharp medley of a tune ripped around the room, indicating a text.

She picked it up ready to read a note from Kitty, and her eyes widened, it was Rune.

Thinking of you laying here.

She grinned.
What are you doing?


Jess let her hand wander down over her belly.

Yep, I can picture my cock deep inside you, sweet bitch.

Am I your bitch, Rune?

Always and forever.

Are you far off? Is your hand creasing over your head teasing your eye?

Now you know why I call you my bitch.

Don’t forget the sweet.

Always that, little one.

Do you love me, Rune?

Of course, I love everything you give me.

Well try a two fingered salute, now piss off.

The twat, he’d wound her in and thrown her out. She’d really fallen for it, that he’d actually had feelings for her, possibly loved her. Well he could go to hell, the phone rang, and she knew damn well who it would be.

And knocked it off.

Take that you bastard, and let her fingers crease between her folds, dip in and tease her clit, but her orgasm had died.


Chapter Twenty-Four

Rune cursed at her piss off line and the fact she wouldn’t answer. Along with how his cock had wilted because he hadn’t come. Then instead trained his thoughts on his job.

He checked out the sites where the killings had taken place and made notes on each town. When he’d keyed in the name that had repeatedly cropped up, he’d been surprised at first.

Rune went with gut instinct, nothing else to go on. With a hunch, he’d dug into the archives. The map lay open, darted with tiny red pin marks. He studied it and Kobe Sinclair ticked every box. The one glaring fact remained, he was vampire.

He read and reread the notes that had been sent over from his search. His attention burned over every single word. Sinclair’s wife had been slaughtered over a century ago, and he’d sworn to avenge her at the place where she had drawn her last breath. Yet, frustratingly, there was no mention of where she’d died.

The date of the first atrocity was the anniversary of when she’d been killed; after that, they were sporadic. The murders all over the place, yet stuck in a cluster. But what was the link? Could it be coincidence, but he didn’t think so.

Rune sucked in an angry grip of breath; he knew Sinclair was his man, but how to prove it?


Jess rose and raced to the toilet; heaving her guts up, she gripped her stomach. Her face pale and ashen, she eventually struggled to her feet. God, she hoped this didn’t last for long, Jess didn’t do sickness, and wiped at the tears that had accompanied every heave. But at least now she was forced to admit without doubt she was carrying Rune’s baby. Her periods usually on time, now absent along with her slightly swollen belly and now this. Hell, she didn’t need a pregnancy test, everything pointed to it, including her demon dad naming her son. But sometime soon, she would need to book a doctor’s appointment, do all the things required for a mother-to-be. It was just a shame she wasn’t too sure what the hell she was having.

Finally, she ambled downstairs to another sight that made her want to throw up. George bouncing around in the lounge in his florescent Lycra and furry squirrel. “You’re up early,” she muttered. Jess had experienced a restless night, she felt like shit, and now, this pink marshmallow that appeared to be her father didn’t make her feel any better. She was cross, horny, and in a bitch of a mood, missing Rune.

“I’ve got the gym again this morning; why don’t you come along?”

Jess gave him a bleary glance and tried not to appear too keen. She’d intended going with him to discover his latest lady love. “Do I have to do anything?”

“Nope, there’s a nice coffee bar there, or you can watch if you want.”

She gave him a dismal glance. “Maybe, give me an hour and I’ll be ready.”

“Make it half an hour.”

Jess rose, finishing the coffee that George had pushed at her. “Won’t be long.” She had no intention of staying alone, and besides, Rune’s words rang through her. If she was at risk of an attack, then surely a gym would be the last place that would happen.

Her phone pinged, and she checked her text. It was from Kitty.

Hi hun what r u up to today?

Just off down the gym 2 watch George in action, catch u soon xx

An hour later, she was wishing she’d stayed at home. Of a slim female instructor there was no sign. Although she had to admire the muscles of the Adonis leading the class. He was olive skinned and lithe, not bad at all.

But the antics of George skipping and hopping around the gym made her giggle. He held onto the irate piece of fur on his head and jostled and jiggled every inch of the pink material. Why pink for fuck’s sake? For one, it was for women, and two, it clashed with his red squirrel.

She shook her head, cringing as he leapt around resembling a salmon swimming up river. Every ripple shuddered and rolled in a never ending swirl of fat. Finally, she could take no more and headed for the café.

Taking her pick from the several empty tables, she sat down and studied the place. It was a wintry display of stainless steel, cold and unwelcoming. Probably to shift whoever sat on their ass into the gym, she decided. Jess slurped from a frothy coffee, full of carbs and calories. She swiped at the moustache across her lips and continued to wallow in the heady delight, jumping when a shadow covered her.

“Mind if I take a seat?”

She eyed the stranger with suspicion, checked his green eyes and shivered. There was something about him, he was good looking, not in the same rugged way as Rune, yet something familiar tugged at her.

Her brow raised in a quizzical arch.

“I’m Kobe Sinclair, the owner of this place.”

“Really? Then, please sit.” God, she sounded like an extra in some seedy, low-budget film; she couldn’t believe how she spoke. Then thought of Rune, and the sarcastic comment he’d return with.

“I haven’t seen you here before, er—” His gaze pinned her.

“Jessalyn, it’s my first time, my father is a member here.”

“Really? And who would that be?”

“George Chambers, it’s only recently he’s joined.” She hugged her cup and continued to take slow sips.

“Can’t recall him, but we do have a large membership.” He slid his eyes over her from top to bottom. His interest was clear. “And you, not into keeping fit?”

“I’m pregnant.” The words fell out of her mouth and she wished she could gag and kick herself. Apart from her parents, no fucker knew, least of all the father, and here she was telling a stranger that in a few more months she’d be giving birth?

Quickly, she followed on, yet noticed the shock registering on his face, and dismissed it. “But please, keep it secret. I haven’t told Dad yet.” She didn’t need to wonder which one, it could be either of the three. Rune that suspected, George that didn’t have a clue, or Frazer that had already worked out the sex name and probably what school he’d be going to. She had a strong feeling he was going to be very much a hands-on grandfather; heck, he’d admitted as much. Jess didn’t even bother trying to analyse why he’d ignored her for thirty years; she’d never discover his reason.

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