Read Rosemary's Double Delight Online

Authors: Heather Rainier

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Western, #Erotica, #General

Rosemary's Double Delight (17 page)

Rosemary saw Tessa glance at him then look at the screen on the phone and murmured to him, “Someday, you never know. I might stop being such a chicken.”

Rosemary giggled as Max put his arm around her shoulder and smiled while Tessa took the picture, and then she said, “My friend Grace always says, ‘Seize the day and live life with no regrets.’”

Tessa giggled, blushing prettily, and said, “I’ll bet she would know, too!”

“Yup.” Turning to Max, Rosemary said, “Thank you for the pictures.”

“Hey, no problem at all. Baby doll, if anybody asks, I’ll be right back. I’m gonna get a bottle of water from the cooler. You need anything?”

“No, Max, but thanks for asking,” Tessa replied, her eyes twinkling at him.

Max swaggered away, a crumpled red bandana hanging from his back pocket. Rosemary admired the tattoo at his neck and the ones on his arm again then turned back to Tessa. Tessa’s eyes were a little glazed, and her cheeks were pink again as she watched him confidently saunter away, completely at ease through the mostly female crowd.


Rosemary snickered. “Wow, you are totally into him, aren’t you?”

Never taking her eyes off of Max’s ass until he disappeared from sight, Tessa murmured, “Oh,
. Am I ever. But he lives in Houston and our schedules are crazy.”

Rosemary crossed her arms in front of her and asked expectantly, like she was talking to an old friend, “Are you gonna take a ride with him tonight?”

Tessa looked up at her seriously, speculatively. “I should, shouldn’t I? I have blue jeans in my suitcase, and I could tie back my hair. But I’m kind of intimidated by his Harley. What if I’m…” She paused, pointing at her curvaceous backside.

Rosemary couldn’t suppress the naughty little grin that spread across her face as she said, “Tessa, if he
you on the back of his Harley, you can bet that he can
you being back there. Seems to me like he kind of likes…” Rosemary mirrored Tessa, trailing off and pointed at her own backside.

Tessa blushed and giggled again. “You’re right. I think I might do it.”

A whole horde of adoring fans discovered Tessa’s table, and Rosemary winked at her and whispered, “
Go for it
,” then waved.

“We’ll be in touch with you.”

Rosemary walked around a while longer. Meeting Tessa and Max was definitely the highlight of the morning spent at the convention, or so she

She was snapping pictures of a group of cover models who were all hamming it up and posing together when her eye was drawn by a glimpse of a red bandana. She realized it was Max then looked back to the group of models to take another picture and did a double take.

Max had walked over to a table positioned about half a row down from Tessa’s and then moved behind it and sat down. Rosemary’s mouth fell open in shock when she took in the banner on the front of his table. On the wall behind Max hung a full-color reproduction of

the cover art for the latest bestseller, written by one of the biggest selling, most popular authors in the erotic romance genre.

A woman walked up to Max and shook his hand. He spoke briefly, smiling at her, then removed a paperback from a box under the table and autographed it for her. The woman thanked him profusely then stumbled away in awe, showing her giggling friends his autograph. He caught Rosemary staring open-mouthed at him and chuckled, giving her a crooked little grin.

She walked over to his booth. “
Lorelei DeVeaux?” she asked, her hand on her hip.

“Een zee flesh!” he said, grinning as she laughed. “So what did Tessa say about me? Isn’t she something?”

“She sure is. So, ‘Bad Dog’ lives a double life as best-selling author Lorelei DeVeaux. I had no idea. I guess I don’t get out enough.

your books.”

Max pulled some from a box, signed them, and gave them to her as he said, “Here’s one for you and for your two girl friends.”

Rosemary thanked him and he asked cheekily, “So did you tell Tessa what a nice guy you think I am and how it’s so obvious I adore her?”

“Well, your name did come up in the conversation, but I can’t tell you what was said.
think you should ask her
to take a ride with you tonight. She might change her mind. You never know. So, you live in Houston?”

“For now, but I’m moving soon.”

“Oh, really? Why?”

Max looked around to see if anyone listened to them. “Well, I can write from anywhere, and Tessa doesn’t believe in long-distance relationships. I own property outside of Austin, and I’ve always planned on building a house there. I figured I’d go ahead and get started on it, maybe start building a life to go along with it.”

Rosemary nodded in approval. “Two best-selling erotic romance authors in a relationship together, wow…”


“Setting the sheets
,” Max whispered melodramatically with a smirk, “She’d reduce me to ashes with that brilliant, sexy mind of hers.”

Rosemary’s mouth popped open. “Oh, you’re good!”

Max looked over her shoulder, his eyebrow raised, and a knowing smile lit his face. “No, I think
good,” he said speculatively, grinning as his suspicion was confirmed.

She jumped when she felt warm hands slide down her forearms and rough, callused fingers entwine with hers.

“Hey, Rosemary,” Evan murmured in her ear, nodding at Max.

“Hi, baby,” Wes whispered. “We’ve come to collect you for lunch. From the looks of things in here, you’ve been having a good time.”

Allowing them to pull her to them for a kiss one at a time, Rosemary nodded and said, “It’s been a lot of fun! I met all kinds of publishers for the girls and some of my favorite authors. Speaking of which, I’d like you to meet Lorelei DeVeaux.” She giggled as she indicated her new friend. “This is Max. DeVeaux is his pen name.”

“Really? Pleased to meet you, man,” Evan said as he held out a hand to shake with Max. “I think we need to thank you for secondary benefits. Your book is on her bedside table at home.”

Max laughed good-naturedly with them. “Max Stone. Hey, you’re welcome, man. Glad to be of service. So, you’re...?” Max asked curiously, looking for some sort of confirmation, winking at Rosemary.

“Max, these are my fiancés, Wes and Evan Garner,” Rosemary said, lifting a hand to each of them respectively. “They’re taking me to lunch.”

A wide grin appeared on Max’s face. “Wow. Seriously?”

“Rosemary, do you think that’s a good idea?” Evan said, glancing at Wes.

“Honey, if there was any place in the universe where I wouldn’t worry about judgment over our relationship, it is surely within these

walls. You should read some of Lorelei’s hot ménage love scenes,”

Rosemary said, giggling as she slid her arms possessively around their waists. “I brought that one from home with me this weekend. Maybe we need a bedtime story tonight.” A thrill went up her spine when she heard their faint growls.

Max pulled out a promo card with the cover of the new book on one side and his e-mail and Web site address on the other, wrote on it, and handed it to Wes. “It’s a pleasure to meet the two of you. If you’d be interested, I’d like to chat with you sometime, purely in a research sense about your relationship dynamic.”

Wes glanced at Evan, who shrugged but didn’t look put off by the idea, and nodded. “Sure, we’ll get in touch sometime. Good luck with your writing. It’s nice to meet you, Max.”

“Same here. It’s nice to meet you, Rosemary. And thanks for the good word you put in for me with Tessa. So you think she’d take a ride with me tonight?”

Rosemary grinned at him and said, “Bad Dog, I’d bet money on it.

Good luck, I think she’s quite a catch. Does she know you’re planning a move to Austin?”

“Naw, not yet. I don’t want her to feel pressured.”

“I think knowing you’ll be closer might encourage her. Tessa’s beautiful and kind, too.”

“Isn’t she, though? Thanks, Rosemary. Enjoy your lunch.” A few seconds later, the same group of giggling fans that had descended on Tessa earlier discovered Max, and Rosemary said good-bye.

“You mean he’s not gay?” Wes whispered in her ear as they walked away, their arms still wrapped around her. She shook her head as she glanced back at Max and winked. Several of the girls were gawking at the three of them.

Rosemary overheard one of the girls ask Max, “Are those three cover models from one of your ménage romances? They’re really


Chapter Fourteen

Evan had given Rosemary the choice to return to the bed and breakfast for a little down time, take a riverboat ride on the San Antonio River, or visit the Rivercenter Mall. Rosemary had opted to make the short trip back to the bed and breakfast. A choice Evan’s eager, hardening cock was all on board with.

Evan and Rosemary received another dirty, disapproving look from the same woman they’d encountered the night before in the dining room as they quietly made their way upstairs. This time a friend sat with her and they both glared at Rosemary with censure in their eyes.

“Were we too noisy last night?” Rosemary whispered to Evan as they topped the first landing.

“Nobody complained to either me or Wes.” Evan squeezed her hand. “Her imagination has probably run wild, and she thinks we’ll be up there swinging from the light fixtures or something. Try to ignore her.” He and Wes had made reservations to take Rosemary out to a nice restaurant later that night. He counted it a bonus that they wouldn’t have to see that woman downstairs in the dining room again.

Rosemary giggled and shrugged. Maybe she hadn’t noticed the way he shielded her from the view of the two unfriendly women as they’d turned to gossip with each other as he’d led her up the stairs.

His goal right now was to be alone with Rosemary and relax together for a few hours. Once in the room, she turned to Evan with a beautiful smile and stripped. He’d planned to take it slow, but she was naked inside twenty seconds.


“Baby, how are you, after last night, I mean?” Evan asked, his cock screaming in protest for him to shut up and get on board with

The sight of Rosemary, naked and wanting him, still stole his breath from him. “I’m going to need a few days rest before we try anal or a ménage again, but otherwise, I’m fine. My body tingles anytime I get near the two of you because I want more.”

Behind his fly, his cock bobbed and twitched, ready to be of service. “Well, you can have
, but I’m letting you set the pace, okay? We even have time for a nap, later.”

“That sounds perfect. I’m happy I get to spend some time alone with you today. I figured you wouldn’t mind missing out on shopping at the mall.” She giggled as he rolled his eyes, knowing that he’d rather take a poke in the eye with a sharp stick than go to a mall.

Evan sat down on the edge of the bed and drew her to him, nuzzling her fragrant cleavage as he wrapped his hands around her curvy hips and squeezed her to him. He breathed in her mouthwatering, womanly fragrance and smiled as he remembered waking up with her sprawled limp over him that morning.

Her torso had been half draped over his as if he’d pulled her over him when he’d rolled to his back in his sleep. Her head rested on his other shoulder and her cheek, chest, and breasts were plastered to him.

Her flesh was warm and tender from being under the cozy covers.

He’d buried his nose at her throat and lay there breathing in her tantalizing scent, slightly floral-like soap mixed with her natural essence. That was how he looked forward to waking up each morning very soon, the scent of her surrounding him, breathing her in and out.

“I love the way you smell, Rosemary. So sexy. Like my woman.”

Rosemary sighed and sounded happy as she slid her fingers into his hair, massaging the muscles in his neck and then lightly grazing her fingernails down his back, giving him shivers. He released her, unbuttoned his shirt and let her slide it from his shoulders. Boots,


jeans, and boxers followed then he backed up to the pillows at the head of the bed, bringing her with him. Crawling into his lap, she straddled him and pressed him to lie down.

Thunder rumbled distantly, and he was vaguely aware of the sound of raindrops splattering heavily against the window glass. The room was cool and dim, and the sound of the rain contributed to the languorous mood of the afternoon that lay before them. He wanted to savor each moment alone with her.

Rolling onto his side with her, Evan drew her lush body to his and suckled her nipples in complete quiet contentment as his arousal for her grew. He swept his hand from her neck, down her spine, and to her ass then lifted a thigh and drew it to him, fitting her more intimately to his body. He sought out her full lips with his own and relished her kiss, smiling when she playfully teased him with the tip of her tongue at his lower lip before pulling her closer to kiss her more intensely.

Rosemary’s long, curly hair fell to his chest and shoulders, and her intoxicating scent invaded his nostrils again. She straddled his thighs, brushing her hard nipples over his chest as she relaxed against him. His hands stroked slowly over her satiny smooth back, back and forth, enjoying the feel of her skin and the sweet, solid presence of her lying on him like this.

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