Romance: Seducing The Quarterback (14 page)

BOOK: Romance: Seducing The Quarterback
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Chapter Three


Scarlet sat uneasily on the front seat of the car. August
hadn’t told her where they were going, but she guessed the driver already knew
where since they drove away from the office building right after both of them
were seated.

He insisted that she sat with him at the back, however, she
was firm on keeping the boss-bodyguard relationship while they were still
outside the confines of his mansion. As much as possible, she wanted to limit
the number of people who knew about their living arrangement to prevent
unnecessary rumors from spreading and to strongly block media from digging into
their private affairs.

A billionaire boss living with his secretary and personal
bodyguard, would be a setup which she didn’t want to happen. The secrets held
within the walls of the mansion, the same secret that kept them together in one
roof since childhood, should remain just that, secrets.

“Don’t you want to ask why Sasha isn’t with us?”

Yes, she was dying to ask him why her sister, who had a
gloomy aura and piercing gaze just a while ago, had to ride
a different service car bound to a different direction. But instead, she
glanced at his way through the rear view mirror.

“She needs to take care of an annoying mutt. His intrusive
ways of acquiring some business and incessant demand for a business meeting had
finally bothered me. Sasha can perfectly handle him.”

She must admit, her twin was more than an eye candy. She can
be seductive and compassionate as well as being atrocious and vile. And she has
tricks up her sleeves when dealing with men. These were the qualities they
different in so many levels.


Though tough and determined, she, on the other hand, was a
softy. She was good at setting rules and effectively implementing discipline
and order, but she had never embraced her femininity. Well, she stopped being a
hopeful young woman and became a chevalier of her own self.

“What are you thinking about?” he asked in a soft voice.


“You’re doing it again, thinking less of yourself.”

She rested her head on the window and stared at nothing in
particular outside. There was no point in denying it, he would just insist on
the idea which would lead to a conversation that would only stress her out.

“Sometimes, I wish you didn’t know me that well so I can
keep to myself some thoughts I do not want to share. Sometimes, it would be
better if you would just look away from me for once.”

“Do you really mean that, Allie?”

She shut her eyes tight. He was the only one who called her
by that name and it came to be when they were young and confused. There was a
time in their youth that they weren’t seeing each other as playmates,
as brother and sister, but as a beautiful person from the
opposite gender. They had nearly committed an irrevocable act out of lust if
not for Sasha’s intervention.

Her twin climbed up the tree house at the back of the
mansion at the right time. August was giving her lessons about how to treat her
womanly needs, which she willingly accepted and eagerly applied right away. He
was her first kiss, first crush, and perhaps her first love. A first of so many
things. He showered her with affection and spent more time with her than Sasha.
Those days were probably the time Sasha had developed what she later called the

August complex


“I don’t think you do. You’re probably scared. Scared to try
again, to give in one more time...”

“Let’s no talk about this. Cancel whatever plans you have. I
want to go back to the mansion.”

“Running away again, Allie?”

“Will you just stop! For heaven’s sake, August. This isn’t
the appropriate time.”

“There is never an appropriate time whenever I want to talk
to you about us. Reasons. You have a lot, as a matter of fact, enough for you
to keep avoiding this conversation. So, please tell me, when exactly is the
right time, Scarlet?”

“No! I refuse to talk about this. We should head back to the

There was a sudden pang at the back of her head. As
stressful as the repetitive confrontation that never got resolved, she would
avoid further lengthening it. Yes, she would run away if that was the only way
for him to get off her back.

“Mr. Mitchells, Scarlet, we’re being followed,” the driver
broke the tension between them while constantly glancing at his side mirror.

Scarlet put aside her inner turmoil to focus immediately on
the situation at hand. She got carried away by her own emotions she had brought
her guard down. This was the reason why she didn’t want her personal feelings
to get mixed up while doing her job. She completely loses her sense of

She instructed the driver to turn right on the next
intersection instead of heading straight. They needed to be in a busy street to
minimize the chances of being attacked by whoever was following them.

As she continued to direct the driver where to go, the car
that was chasing the
, had sped up and was now at par
with their car. She couldn’t see who were inside the black SUV because the
windows were tinted. But their intention was made clear when one window rolled
down revealing a high powered gun aimed at them.

“Get down!”

She took off her seatbelt and jumped at the back of the car
to protectively cover August with her body.

“You need to beat the red light, Lionel.”

The driver stepped on the gas to push their engine to more.
Their car was zigzagging through the pile of cars in the less crowded street.

Their attacker hadn’t fired a single shot yet, but she knew
the moment they slowed down, it’s either the car will be filled with big holes
will be blown to pieces. She needed to think of a
way to at least save August.


“No, you listen to me. Whatever you’re thinking, it won’t
happen. We are all getting out of this alive. Do you hear me, Scarlet?”

“I need you safe.”

“And I will be. But no suicidal attempts, do you hear me?”

She glanced at him with fear. It was not helpful that she
was having ill feelings,
was looking
at her with hope reflected in his eyes. And he
was waiting for her to respond so she nodded.


He wrapped an arm around her shoulders and took the gun from
her hand.

“I have already turned on the security alarm in this car.
Policemen and one of our private security group will be with us in a few. I
want you to remain calm and keep your focus straight ahead. Don’t mind anything


She nodded and snuggled closer to him. The warmth of his
body, his natural scent, both w
too familiar. Too
comfortable it made her relax despite the situation. His touch had always made
her feel secure and protected. Years may have left a scar in her, but it didn’t
take away the familiar bond she once shared with him.

Soon enough, their private security was able to catch up
with the car chase. The presence of a backup car had alerted the attackers and
a shot was fired at their direction. Luckily, the driver was quick enough to
swerve the car a little to the right, the bullet landed on one of the back

The loud screeching of the car echoed through the night. And
just like that, the attackers finally left them. The police cars were now hot
on their trails.

Scarlet winced in pain as their car rolled twice
on the
dirt before stopping upside down. The pounding of her
heart was ringing loudly it made her breathing labored. Glancing up, she saw an
unconscious August with one of his arm still wrapped protectively around her.

“August? Wake up.”

The lightly slapped his cheek in the hopes of waking him up,
but his eyes remained closed. Her fear had escalated to horror at the thought
of losing him. She kicked the windows with her shoes to break the glass. When
she succeeded, she crawled out of the car and ran to the other side.

The door didn’t budge when she tried opening it so she had
to break the glass window as well.

“August! Hang in there. I’ll get you out.”

Grabbing his jacket, she pulled his unconscious body out of
the car. He was a tall man with medium sized, well-toned body. His weight was
no joke she wasn’t making progress in pulling him out.

“Wake up! August, wake up! Why are you so heavy!”

She tried pulling him out again, but her strength didn’t
stand a chance against his weight. Frustration was starting to build up. She
wanted to cry as she continued to wake him up
when a
slippery red liquid was gradually gliding down his neck and into her hands.

“No! No! No! Wake up! Wake up!”

Chapter Four


August had a deep cut on the upper right side of his
forehead. Despite the amount of blood that gushed out of his wound, Scarlet
decided not to bring him to the hospital. Instead, she called their family
doctor and had him tend to his wounds at the mansion. Since
hadn’t figured out yet who had sent those men after them that night, it would
only be wise to keep him away from
public and the
mansion was the safest place for him and everyone else.

His room was dim even with the night lamp switched on. A day
had already passed by since the accident and she only saw him awake once for a
few minutes. The doctor had to keep him sedated for his wounds to completely
heal and for his body to recover.

Seeing him peacefully sleeping with a bandage on his
forehead, she was aching inside. She was never lenient with the security
measures every time they were out of the mansion. And the one time she
intentionally dropped her guard down because she got caught
up with her own emotions, was the same time h
lost his life. How could she have become so careless?

“Please tell me you’re not crying,” August whispered with a
croaky voice. His eyes were half closed, but he was facing her.

“How are you feeling?”

It was better to focus on his health at the moment. She
could deal with other things later when he recovers.

“It feels like I have a cut right here.”

He touched the bandage on his head and rubbed it gently.
After blinking a few times, he sat up and rested his back against the
headboard. Stretching out his hand, he gestured for her to hold it and join him
on the bed.

“I’m too weak to take advantage of you right now. Besides, I
don’t bite.”

She sighed in relief knowing he was doing well with his
recovery, seeing he was still a tease. It wouldn’t be a risk for him if she
would do what he wanted and so she accepted his hand and carefully climbed up
the bed. Initially, she wanted to sit at the end of the bed, but August pulled
her with more than enough force, she lost her balance.

Scarlet landed on top of him with her hands pushing against
his chest for support. Looking up, she found him staring down at her with a
desire on his eyes. A smile formed on his lips as he held her in place by the
waist. He then brushed her hair with one hand as he slowly lowered his face to
kiss her.

Stopping just a few inches away from her lips, he allowed
himself to appreciate her beauty. It was visible in his expression that he had
been wanting and waiting to hold her like that again. He had been very patient
with the things she stood for and he was considerate enough to give her freedom
to choose the kind of life she wanted to have, regardless of the fact that both
she and Sasha didn’t have control over their lives
They were bound to serve the Mitchells.

“I miss you so much, Allie.”

His hot breath tickled her senses as he whispered those
words on her ear. His hand that was caressing her cheek earlier had trailed
down to her lower back, pulling her closer to him. It made her gasped both in
surprise and anticipation. And it was all he needed to finally kiss her.

Scarlet nearly moaned when his lips touched hers. They were
warm and gentle against her trembling lips. He slowly sucked her lower lip at
first, but soon it became more aggressive prompting her to respond back with
the same intensity. His tongue slowly snaked its way inside her mouth, tickling
her inner self. This time, she moaned as she relaxed and freed herself from the
reservations she had put up
for so long

His kiss was too familiar she could almost guess how her
body would react to his advances. The memories from the past, their youthful
desires that took over them one fateful afternoon flooded her mind. It was just
like how they were before.

She wrapped her hand around his neck as he sat up and
cradled her in his lap. When they pulled away for air, she saw the sparkle in
his eyes that she had not seen for years. Those bright and soulful eyes that
looked at her with adoration which gave her a sense of belongingness. She smile
genuinely this time and moved to kiss him again.

His hands crawled inside her shirt
gently rubbed every part of her skin. The friction of the contact pleasured her
substantially she just had to mimic his hand movements. Seconds later, her
shirt was already on the floor.

Gently, her body sank on the mattress together with his. She
stared at the ceiling while he explored the corners of her shoulders, down to
the center of her body. Her breathing had become heavy and frequent, her skin
started to burn. The moist that his lips left as he marked her skin with his
tongue was like gasoline that was on fire.

“I want to make love to you tonight.” He whispered again
lips were pressed lightly on hers.  

“Will you be okay?”

His wounds hadn’t healed yet and the light blue bruises all
over his upper body still looked fresh. Making love to her might harm him.

“I will feel much better if you allow me to. There’s nothing
you can’t heal within me.”

He kissed her again, biting her pinkish lips. He was an
expert teaser and she would often fall for it, even until now. She smiled and
to continue.

Putting aside logic and critical thinking, she would worry
about the aftermath after the deed
done. But for
now, she would savor the moment and accept his love. What mattered at the
moment was her growing need for him inside her.

August didn’t waste time in bathing her
with words of love and promise. He pulled down the remaining cloth wrapped
around her hips while continuously playing with the skin just above her
womanhood. She gasped as he traced the outer layers that covered her aching
needs. He was touching her down there like a delicate flower, smoothly getting
in and out of her using his fingers.

She had to stifle a labored groan, whatever
he was doing to her with his hands were driving her mad. The gentle entries of
his fingers were making her squirm, she had to pull out a few strands of his
hair, which made him stop. He raised his head to look at her.

“I need you. Right now.

He smiled seductively at her before
crawling up to kiss her again. This time he had the sense of urgency, as if he
was suddenly in a hurry to enter her. As he hastily removed his own clothing, the
bruises he obtained from the accident were now bothering him. He had stopped to
hold his chest.

“Are you hurting?”

“I’m fine.”

“Are you sure? Maybe this isn’t...Ahh!”

Scarlet’s eyes grew wide as she was caught
in surprise. He got inside her without any reservation or care for himself.
Despite the discomfort he was feeling, it didn’t stop him or his manhood from
wanting her so badly.

“August...” Her whisper was a mixture of
overflowing desire and genuine concern for him


He began pushing and pulling inside her
with a beat she hadn’t expected would come out so soon. He was fully ready and
lustfully hard inside her. His thrusts were pounding her down to the bed making
her hold unto him dearly for support.

“Slow... Ah... You have to...”

Whatever she was about to say was drowned
away by her pleasured moans. He was on it and going for the finish line soon.
There was no time to waste, he was almost there as she was about to explode.
Her moans died down and was replaced with an outcry of intense glory.

She was nearing her climax and the
convulsive pleasure she was having while he pounded her a little harder than
the last every time he pushed inside her made her body arc upward.


“Scream for me, Allie.”

She couldn’t explain in words the ecstatic
pleasurable sensation she had going inside her when she finally exploded. She
just had wrapped her legs around his to keep him deep inside her. And with a
few more thrusts, he followed her

BOOK: Romance: Seducing The Quarterback
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