Read Riveted: Drawn Series Book 1 Online

Authors: M. A. Stone

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Contemporary, #Literary, #Contemporary Fiction, #Literary Fiction, #Romance

Riveted: Drawn Series Book 1 (14 page)

“Don’t worry, it will fit,” he whispered against my

“Are you sure?” I whispered back. He chuckled.

“Sweetheart, we will go slowly. If it hurts, we will
stop,” he promised. I nodded and he leaned over me. I kissed him softly, at
first, then hungrily, to show him just how ready for him I was. Or rather,
thought I was. Kissing me still, his tongue entangled with mine, he positioned
himself over me and I felt the head of his cock rub up against my sensitive clit.
I was soaking wet for him and I wanted him inside of me so badly. He grabbed
himself with his hand and slid in me a little. Oh my god! Could this get any
better? I tilted my hips up a bit, to give him easier access, and he stilled my

"Let me baby," he whispered hoarsely. I bit my
lip and nodded. He groaned and then smiled.  He slid in a little
further and stopped. To me, it felt like there was something there, stopping
him. He stopped and then pushed all the way in. And there it was. Holy
mother of pearl! The pain was sharp, intense and I cried out, but not in
pleasure. He looked down at me and his eyes became worried.


“Look at me Bleu. Open your eyes beautiful, “he
whispered, placing soft kisses on my neck, cheek, forehead and then my mouth. I
opened my eyes and looked up at him.

"Are you okay?"

“Yes,” I said, recovering from the sharp pain. My heart
was racing and I breathed shallow, shaky little breaths.

“Bleu breathe. It will get better, I promise,” he said.
Leaning up, I pulled him to me and I kissed his mouth. I raised my hips up, I
cautiously grinded myself against him, biting my lip a bit. He moaned and moved
slowly inside of me. He kissed my neck, sucked on my earlobe and whispered in
my ear.  His kisses and slow thrusts made the pain go away a bit, and I
moved with him. We were both heated and I was wrapped around him so tightly it
made me insane.  The raw pain started to ease up a bit and was being
traded with aching pleasure. His mouth was all over me, leaning down a bit to
suckle on my breast, licking the nipple, before going back to my mouth. His
hips rocked, his cock slid in and out of me slowly. Calling out his name, I
came so hard over him, I felt dizzy. He grunted, whispering my name, touching
my face, not able to stop touching me. I continued to match his thrusts, the
ache building in me again, so damn quickly. He covered my mouth with his own
and moaned. His thrusts got faster and deeper, growling a bit as he came in me,
his hips banging into mine hard, filling me. I gasped and came around him
again, my vision getting blurry, my pussy aching deliciously, my hips bucked
again and again. He looked down at me and smiled. He took a deep breath, pulled
me to him and rolled us over onto our sides, so that we were facing one
another. He propped himself up on his elbows and looked at me.

“You are going to be the death of me woman!” he sighed.
He looked down and kissed me softly. Brushing my hair out of my face, he kissed
me again, our skin so hot and covered in a sheen of sweat. We were both
breathing hard. He got up and went into the bathroom, coming back with a warm
washcloth. He lay back down beside me and gently cleaned me up. With a soft
kiss, he gathered me into his arms. He felt so good wrapped around me. It felt
like I was home, right where I belonged. Sleep soon took me.


Sunlight danced over my face, tickling my eyelids. I
squinted and rolled over. Jack slept next to me and I looked up at the ceiling.
What did we do? Did he regret it? Did I? What was wrong with me? Wait nothing.
Did his kisses feel right? Yes. Did I have feelings for him? Yes. I definitely
had feelings for him. Was I scared? Hell yes. As if hearing my crazed thoughts,
Jack stirred and pulled me to him.

“Morning,” he said sleepily. He turned me to him and kissed
me so deep it made my toes curl. Apparently he was not worried about morning

“Did you sleep okay? Do you feel okay?” he asked. He
opened his eyes fully and studied my face. I gave him a shy smile.

“Yes to both. But I have to be honest, I don’t do this
kind of stuff Jack,” I said nervously. He kissed me again.

“Bleu, I had proof of that last night. If I had not
wanted to be with you like that, I would not have. I would have told you no,”
he replied and he kissed me again.

"Told me no? I think ultimately that is my choice or
, right?"

"True," he replied and nuzzled my neck with his
nose. I sighed happily and arched my back.

“I don’t want to be that girl,” I muttered. He grabbed my
face, a determined look on his handsome face.

“You will never be that girl Bleu. You never will. You
are a good person. Chloe is an excellent judge of character and your brother
always said nothing but good things about you,” he said firmly.

“I am confused Jack,” I said.

“You are reading into this way too much.  I swear I
can see the wheels turning in your little head as we speak. Relax. Go with the
flow. Enjoy this,” he replied.

“Enjoy this?” I whispered.

“Did you like kissing me? Touching me? Being touched by
me? Did you like it when I made love to you?” He asked. Those questions were
just asked by me a few minutes ago.

“Yes,” I said softly.

“I am not one of those guys who play games Bleu. I am not
like your brother; I don’t sleep with a new girl every night. I have not had a
girlfriend in years. I am 28; I am too old to be playing high school games. We
have known each other a few months; I have known your family for years. All
those times we spent together at work and here, it meant something to me
dammit. I have already told you that I am falling for you, “he said, his voice

“I am blind, stupid even. I have loved every minute we
have spent together. I guess that I did not want to make more out of it than it
really was. I did not want to read into things if nothing was there. It just
feels right to be with you. But I don’t know how to do this, a normal
relationship,” I replied, my voice cracking here and there.

“Heck if I know. I am not some relationship guru. All I
know is that I cannot stop touching you, thinking about you and falling for
you. I could spend this whole day here with you, inside of you and never ever
want to leave. You have gotten under my skin, and I am totally fine with that.
I am not all flowery and poetic, but I know what I want, and I want you. I have
no idea what a normal relationship is, or where to even begin.  But we can
figure things out together okay? And you can be definitely rest easy knowing
that I am not going to fuck your boss. Seeing as how I am your boss,” he said
with a laugh. I punched him lightly in the arm and he chuckled.

"See problem solved," he remarked.

“What about Axel?”

“I am not sure, we will have to figure that out too,” he


“How about I wipe all those worries away?”He gave me an evil
grin. I squealed as he dove under the sheets and a few minutes later, I was
lucky if I knew what my full name was.



Three weeks later 



Axel was still a no show.  No one
had any idea where he had gone and, he did not answer texts or calls. It had
been almost four months since I had made the drive down to come and live with
him. Jack and I had been an official couple for three weeks and I was a
very happy woman.

Today, Chloe, Abby and I were going
to the beach together and the day was perfect for it. Jack was working on some
drawings at a drafting table in his room and was not really paying attention to
what I was doing. We still had not moved my things into his room, but we slept
together every night, and I loved it. He gave me butterflies every time that I
looked at him. The sex was amazing and it made me all warm just thinking about
it. I could not get enough of him. In front of the mirror, I removed my jeans
and tank top. On the bed was my bikini. It was hot pink with black polka dots.
The top was a revealing halter top and the bottom was a boy short style. I
loved it. I bent over to slide the bottoms on and I heard a pencil drop. 
Jack came up behind me and I could feel his hot breath on my neck. In the
mirror in front of us, he eyed me up and down. He looked like a wolf about to
eat its prey. He grinned. He kissed my neck and I closed my eyes, sighing.

“You like?” I asked. He got closer to me and grabbed my
hips, pulling me to him, hard. I giggled. He was rock hard.

“Mm mm yes I like,” he replied, kissing my neck and
making me giggle again. I reached behind me and touched his head, rubbing its
smoothness. I spun around and brought his mouth to mine. He kissed my mouth
like he wanted to eat me alive. I got hot and wet thinking about that mouth on

“Ahem,”said a tiny voice from the doorway. Chloe was
standing there, her blonde hair flowing down her back. She was wearing a tiny
black and silver bikini with a skull print all over. She looked hot, and she
was curvy like me. She tapped her little foot on the floor and shook her head.

“Could you two break apart for a moment?” she asked with
a smile. Jack kissed me one last time and stalked over to his drafting table.
He looked up and shot Chloe a dirty look. I bit my lip to keep from laughing at
the two of them.

“Almost ready?” asked Chloe.

“Yep, be right there,” I said. She turned and left the
room, closing the door behind her. My flip flops were under the bed, so I bent
over to retrieve them, not really paying attention to Jack.  I gasped as I
felt Jack grab my hips, pull my bikini bottoms to the side and slide two
fingers inside of me, rubbing my clit with his thumb. It felt so amazing and I
moaned softly, not wanting him to stop. He leaned over me and kissed my neck.

“Have fun,” he whispered and slid his fingers out of me.
He spun me around and licked his fingers. Scowling at him, I grabbed my flip
flops and left. His laughter followed me out the door.

It was sunny and warm; the beach was not too crowded. We
plopped close to the water and set up a cooler with drinks and food behind us.
We spread out our towels on the sand and relaxed, the sun beating down on us.

"So I talked to your Uncle yesterday," Abby
blurted out. I lowered my sunglasses and looked at her.

"Why would you see my Uncle Tangler of all
people?" I asked. She grinned.

"Well I stopped to see Lamar on his lunch for a
little quickie, and your Uncle was talking to the principal of the school. You
know your Uncle teaches up at the high school now right?" she said.

"A quickie?" asked Chloe.

"That's all you heard?" Abby asked Chloe. Chloe
stuck out her tongue and then popped a Twizzler in her mouth.

“They are trying to get pregnant,” I informed Chloe. She
nodded in understanding and looked back to Abby.

"Hmm, I thought he was still at the junior high.
What was up with my Uncle?" I asked her.

"Apparently he has been hiding out from your Aunt
and her nesting that she is doing. I filled him in on what was going on with
Axel and he is not pleased," she replied.

"Not cool," I remarked.

“He said that there is really nothing that he can do
about the situation. He said he would talk to Spike and see if maybe your
cousin has any idea where Axel is. He also said that he was going to talk to
your Uncle Sid. See if his contacts can find out anything,” she explained.

“Thanks Abby. I have not had a chance to go see Aunt
Almeida. Her house is a madhouse. Poor Uncle Tangler,” I said. She nodded. She
was thoughtful for a minute.

“Has anyone
from Axel at all?” asked Abby.

“No. I am really worried about Axel. But we
are.” responded Chloe.

“I am thinking of hiring a private detective to see if
they can come up with something. I am out of ideas.” I replied.

“That might be a good idea, “replied Abby.

"We have the business handled, but it’s not like
him. None of this is like him," said Chloe. I nodded in agreement.

"I think I am definitely going to go the detective
route. Especially based on the fact that we have not seen hide or hair of him,
my Uncle Tangler has no clue and this is so out of character for my
brother," I said. The girls both nodded in agreement. Then I smiled.

“Oh I forgot to tell you, Dad is getting out tomorrow!”

“What? That is great! Where is he going to stay?” asked

“I called my aunt and she said he could stay in her
house,” I replied. Abby raised an eyebrow.

“What? How is that going to go over, especially when even
your Uncle does not want to be there?” asked Abby. I laughed.

“I will let those two figure it out. I am definitely not
getting in the middle of all of that, “I replied.

“Nice. Well its cool that she is going to let your Dad
stay there,” remarked Chloe.

“Yeah. She and Dad are like Axel and I were. She is
younger and he has always looked out for her. They went through a lot of
heinous shit growing up and Dad is like her father really. It’s about time
someone took care of him,” I replied.

“I remember her from the trial. She was always sitting
there behind your dad. I even remember when his ex girlfriend or whatever she
was, Kaci, took the stand. That crazy bitch sat there on the stand, lying
her damn face off and your Aunt lost her shit. Your Uncle Tangler had to haul
your Aunt Almeida out of the courtroom, pregnant and all,” said Abby, shaking
her head and grinning.

“What trial?” asked Chloe with a confused look on her

“My father was convicted of killing my mother. His alibi
was not all that great. The lady that he was shacking up with, I guess she was
pissed off that my dad was going back to my mom, so she lied on the stand. The
cops did not have a whole lot of evidence, so they figured it was open and
shut. He has been in jail for over 12 years. My oldest brother, Beau, he took
off three years after my Dad was put in jail, and we have not seen him since,”
I replied. Chloe's eyes widened.

“That is rough. I am so sorry. Hey if you are going to
hire that detective, maybe he can find your other brother for you too?”

“I don’t know Chloe. With Axel missing, Dad getting out
of jail and Aunt Almeida on the warpath, finding Beau might be just too much
for all of us to handle,” I replied. Abby nodded in agreement.

“Beau was always kind of a loner. Except where his mom
was concerned. He shut down after her death. He did not have many friends and
never dated. He was really into sports though. He was sort of isolated from the
rest of the family,” remarked Abby.

“She’s right. He did not even come to my Mom’s funeral,”
I replied. Chloe’s eyebrows shot up.

“At the time, we thought it was just grief. Now I don’t
know,” I muttered.

“What are you going to do as far as your Dad goes?” asked
Chloe. She was munching on another Twizzler.

“Well I had planned on talking to Jack about my Dad
possibly working in the shop with Skeeter. He had mentioned something about
needing another mechanic there. He knows Jack and Skeeter from when they hung
out with Axel. Dad is old friends with Jack's mom. And like I said earlier, my
aunt is letting him live in her house, which is a few blocks from us Chloe,” I

“Sounds like a plan. But does he know about all of this?”
asked Abby.

“He does not have much of a choice. That lawyer that I
spoke to, he said there were conditions to Dad’s release. So whatever they are,
he has to follow them. But I am going to take him out to dinner, in a public
place to break it to him. Tons of witnesses,” I replied with a laugh. Chloe
giggled. I just hope my Dad did not flip shit when I told him his new game


The next morning, I woke up before Jack and tiptoed into
the bathroom. Turning on the shower, I climbed in. Humming to myself, I let the
hot water hit my skin as I tried to calm the butterflies in my stomach. My Dad
was going to be out of jail. My Dad was going to be out of jail for good! It
was a good thing. I just hoped that everything turned out well with Axel and
this shit that had been going on did not cause my Dad to go back into jail.
Drawn men were known for being stubborn, hot headed jack asses. Then again,
looking at my Aunt Almeida, the women were not any calmer.  Turning off
the water, I jumped as the bathroom door opened and a sleepy boyfriend walked
in. He planted a kiss on my cheek as I wrapped a towel around myself.

“I liked the view before,” he muttered as he got out
stuff to shave. He looked exhausted. He had been at work until 2 am working on
a chest piece for a former classmate. He had to be in early to open shop for an
extra early appointment.

“Want me to bring you breakfast before I go to prison?” I
asked, leaning against the doorframe. He grinned.

"Words that I never thought I would hear my
girlfriend say to me," he replied with a laugh.
 I was his

"Is that a yes?" I asked as I leaned against
the bathroom sink.

“That would be awesome baby,” he replied. He went back to
lathering his face and head with shaving cream as I went into the bedroom to
get dressed. I went into the bathroom to give him a kiss before I left. He
kissed me and then climbed into the shower.

Stopping off at Starbuck’s, I grabbed him a latte and a
huge blueberry muffin. Walking out I looked up and I could have sworn I saw
Barbie pulling out of the parking lot. Shaking my head, I figured I was just
tired and overly nervous about the day ahead of me.

The shop was fairly quiet and Chloe was sitting in the
waiting room reading a magazine and sipping a smoothie when I walked in.

“Hey chica, what’s up? “I asked her. She looked up and
smiled. She had on electric blue leggings and a black and white checkered tank
with Alice in Wonderland on the front. Her blonde hair was all pin up curly and
she looked all sorts of awesome.

“I thought you had to go pick up your Dad?” she asked.

“I wanted to stop and bring Jack some breakfast. He did not
have time to grab anything this morning,” I replied.

“What a nice girlfriend you are!” she mocked. I shoved
her playfully. She giggled.

“Shut it,” I said with a laugh. We walked to the back
room together. Matt was cleaning up his station and Skeeter was lounging on the
couch talking with Jack who was at his drafting board. They looked up and
smiled. Matt came over and gave me a hug and patted the top of my head. I gave
him a smile and watched him walk back to his station. Skeeter nodded to me.

“Hey guys,” I called out. Jack smiled and came over. He
took the paper bag with the muffin in it and the latte.

“Your breakfast has arrived sir!”

“Thanks baby. Much appreciated!” He kissed my cheek and
sat back down next to Skeeter.

“How come you are back here?” Chloe said to Skeeter.

“Well Bleu had said she wanted to talk to me before she
left for the prison. So here I am!” He gave me a blinding grin.

“Aww where’s my breakfast?” asked Matt, pretending to be
offended. I giggled.

“Next time, place your order and I will be more than
happy to bring you something too,” I replied. Jack frowned.

“Uh uh my woman only brings me breakfast,” pouted Jack.

“Dude, really? Bleu and I are like bff’s now. She
friended me on Facebook and everything!” said Matt. Jack groaned and I laughed.

“Uh oh, I sense trouble in the bromance,” said Chloe with
a snicker. Matt shook his head. I looked at Skeeter and rolled my eyes. He
grinned. I walked over to Skeeter and looked down at him.

“Hey Skeeter, I wanted to know if you still needed help in
the garage?”

“You have no idea! Craig quit yesterday and I am one man
short for a mechanic. People are starting to pull their bikes out and get them
ready and I am usually slammed this time of year!” he replied. He was all
animated and loud, his hands flailing around like Chloe’s did when she talked.

“Well my Dad gets out of jail today and he was a kick ass
mechanic before he got put away. He really could use the job and I figured that
since you ran the garage, I would talk to you.”

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