Read Rise of the Phoenix (Return To Avalore #2) Online

Authors: Elianne Adams

Tags: #Fantasy, #Romance, #Fiction, #SF Romance, #Science-Fiction, #Paranormal Romace, #Erotic Romance, #Adult

Rise of the Phoenix (Return To Avalore #2) (27 page)

“You have them? You’ll give them to us?” Brienne took a step closer to the woman. “Many lives are at stake. Queen Rhiannon’s safety rests in the balance, as does the salvation of an entire species.”

Aleani’s shoulders slumped just a little. “As much as I desire it, fate is not mine to alter. Trying to do so only brings more pain.” Without another word, Aleani stepped past them to face the wall behind the chest.

Evan heard the words she spoke, but as soon as she’d uttered them, not one word stuck in his mind. The wall before her shimmered and trembled as she wove her hands in an intricate pattern following the cadence of her words. When her hands dropped down to her sides again, two deep grooves, large enough for feminine hands to slide into, formed around one of the stones. The woman slid her hands in and, with a small grunt, pulled the heavy rock from the wall.

Brienne, eyes wide, remained where she was. Outwardly she was steady as always, when he took her hand in his, her fingers trembled.

“I believe this is what you seek.” Aleani pulled two rolled parchments from the wall. Her head hung for a moment before she turned and faced Brienne, holding one scroll toward her and thrusting the other at Evan. “When all is done, I hope our people can live as one again.”

He didn’t know what to say. For a moment he couldn’t move, could hardly breathe. He swallowed past a lump in his throat before reaching for it. “Thank you.”

The woman turned to Brienne once more, her eyes bright with unshed tears. “The peace you seek is within reach, but a high price will be paid. Be certain you know what it is you want.” She handed Brienne the scroll and turned to walk out the door again. “Believe it or not, I am never far from you. If you need me, call on me.” She glanced over her shoulder at Brienne once more before leaving.

Chapter 26

Once Aleani had left, Brienne and Evan made their way to the pinnacle of the city in silence. Evan sat on a stone bench on the perimeter, eyes trained to the dais at the center, but he didn’t see it, not really. He held the parchment he’d been given with a white-knuckled grip, crushing the old paper in his fist, but that too escaped his notice. As much as she wanted to tear her parchment open and read the contents, she waited for Evan to come to grips with this gift he’d been given.

He’d been silent for so long, Brienne jumped when he spoke. “Maybe we could read yours first?”

Nodding, she held up the scroll she’d been holding almost as fiercely as he had his. “Yeah, we can do that.” With trembling fingers, she unrolled the dry parchment, careful not to tear the fragile scroll.


Darkness begets darkness, where evil has laid ground.

To your bestial creature, forever be you bound.

Bloody rivers flow, while innocence still weeps.

To your darkened souls, forever you will keep.

Light begets light, forgiveness may be thine.

Once evil’s fiery fist releases and penance paid in time.


She read the words twice over before Evan cleared his throat, reminding her he was waiting to find out what she’d read. She wanted to scream. All this time, they’d searched for the scroll to break the curse, and for what? None of it made sense. She’d expected to find answers, but all she got was a riddle.

“I don’t understand. This doesn’t help me at all.” She handed the parchment to her mate even as she recited the words aloud for him to hear. “Can you make sense of it?”

Evan read the words then simply shook his head. “I’m sorry it wasn’t what you wanted, Brienne.” He brought his arm around her shoulder, pulling her closer to his warmth. “We can take it to the Elders, or Rhiannon. Maybe they can help us make sense of it?”

Shoving her disappointment aside, she forced a smile onto her lips. “If you aren’t ready to look,” she said as she nodded to the parchment crushed in his hand, “I’d understand.”

Evan looked down, his eyes widening when he saw the grip with which he held it. “I… no, it’s okay.” Taking a deep breath, he gently unrolled the yellowed paper. “It’s a letter from my mother.” The thickness of his voice had her swallowing hard right along with him.


My sweet boy, Evan,

It saddens me to have to deliver this letter. More than anything, I wish there was another way, but fate has a way of doing what it intends, regardless of our personal desires. My visions have been troublesome for some time, and I fear the time for what I’ve seen is coming near. I’ve asked Mariella to take your sister from Avalore the moment she is born. Her light must survive the years to come if we are to have any hope for the survival of our people. Don’t for one moment think I am unaware of the suffering you’ll go through, what all of Avalore will suffer, but I’ve no other choice.

I’ve seen the strong and capable men you and your brothers will become. It is that strength that will hold our people together and see them through the trials they will go through.

Evan’s voice broke and he couldn’t continue. Taking the parchment from his trembling hand, Brienne continued reading the letter to him.

More than anything, I regret not being there for you, your brothers and father. I love you all and this beautiful child growing inside me more than I can adequately express. Please tell your father to release his guilt. He wears it like an anvil, and I do not wish that for him. I would not have wanted him to follow me into the next life. You and your brothers needed him to see you through the difficult times, and he honors me by taking care of my sons. He must know that I understand and will wait for him until fate brings him to me again.

Tell your brothers I love them and have seen great things for you all. The time has come to start living your lives and find joy again. Do not waste another moment on regret as I have not a single one. I love you, my son.



Once she was done, Brienne gathered him in her arms, pulsing energy into him, giving him the only comfort she could until the silent sobs tearing him apart subsided.

They made the trip back to Avalore in silence, both too lost in their own thoughts to carry any kind of conversation. Back at the palace, Evan left to find his father and siblings, leaving her alone with her thoughts.

Frustration beat at her. How could something she’d put so much hope on turn out to be so useless? She read the curse, over and over, the words repeating in her mind until the walls started closing in on her and she’d needed to get away.
What am I supposed to do now? I’m no closer to an answer than I was a year ago.

Her old home, when she stopped by for a change of clothes, was just as she remembered. No one had entered since the day she’d left. The yard, overtaken by vegetation and weeds, looked like it belonged in the forest, not in the city where it dwelled. The pictures on the walls, now covered in a thick film of dust, held the faces of her family. Each one had fallen prey to the darkness; the hopeless madness obliterating the light within until nothing remained, leaving her more and more alone with each successive death. Unable to stand the memories, she’d come to the one place where she’d always found solace—the waterfall.

Warm mist kissed Brienne’s cheeks, yet she could have been sitting in her tent in the Dark Lands for all the attention she gave it. Floral notes perfumed the air, seeping into her, bringing her peace and balance. She’d come to the waterfall often as a child, running away from her studies to take in the beauty and serenity, then later as an adult to ease the pain and push back against the darkness threatening to overtake her.

Queen Rhiannon had all but told her of the sacrifice required. “The curse is the result of centuries of greed, and bloodshed.” Rhia’s words echoed in Brienne’s mind. She didn’t need to read the scroll. The words were engraved in her, begging to be deciphered. “Light begets light, forgiveness may be thine.” Her heart thudded. There was only one sacrifice great enough to undo decades of pain, death and destruction. Part of her wanted to scream and deny it, but she knew the truth. No other Avalorian would give their light to a species that had caused them so much suffering, so much pain. The light of the Avalorian people would free the Erritrols. Without a doubt, she’d give her life for her pack, for Avalore and for Evan. How could she not? Once the curse was broken, the Erritrols would have no reason to want Rhiannon dead. They wouldn’t need their women’s light or their lands. The beasts would be free. For the first time in centuries, the Erritrols would truly live and feel joy and love again. It was a high price to pay, there was none higher, but she had to do it. One life exchanged for so many.

The pain of watching Evan use his life energy in battle, knowing he’d chosen death in the Dark Lands still pierced her heart when she thought of it, and above all else, she wished she could spare him that agony. No one else would suffer at the loss of her life, but he would grieve. Their energies had merged, and their beasts had staked their claims. It was too late to sever the bond, too late to save him the heartache.

Closing her eyes, Brienne breathed deep. Home. It had been many years, even before going to the Dark Lands, since she’d had such a deep-rooted warmth and peace invade her body. Even knowing she faced death, she was at peace. It wasn’t that she didn’t fear it, or that she wished for it, but there was a certain serenity in knowing what loomed ahead and the good that would result from it.

Evan’s scent drifted on the breeze, heralding his arrival. The birds continued their chirping and nothing betrayed the tranquility she’d found, yet she knew the moment he landed next to her. The subtle vibration of his energy reached for her, drawing her to him as easily as the water cascaded down the waterfall.

When she opened her eyes, her sight blurred with unshed tears. Blinking fast, she did her best to dry them. Standing before her was the one person in all the lands who could make her question her decision. Love mixed with worry shone in his eyes as he gazed down at her.

She didn’t dare tell him what was to come. She didn’t want to see the pain in his eyes knowing little would stop it. He’d try to keep her safe and out of harm’s way, but destiny had other plans. Why, now that she’d found him, did she have to be without him again? Maybe in the next life they’d have more time together.

“Brienne.” He sat next to her, his finger tracing the damp path down her cheek where her tears had won the battle and fallen.

“I’m sorry, I should have told you I was going, but I needed to get away from the palace for a while, and you needed some time with your family. I hope I didn’t worry you too much.” She tried to smile, but when his brows furrowed, she doubted she’d managed very well.

He leaned forward to press his lips onto her damp cheek, stealing her tears. Past regrets surged to the surface, leaving her soul raw, but she shoved them aside. Forcing an outward calm, she leaned into him with a shaky sigh.

“We’ll figure this out, don’t worry.” Even before his arms surrounded her, his energy held her close.

“I know.” If this was all she’d have of him, their future cut short, then she wanted everything. She shifted her weight so that she turned into him and straddled his lap. “I just don’t want to be without you again.”

“You won’t be. I’m going with you.” Evan’s jaw clenched and his arms tightened where he’d brought them to circle her waist.

If only it were so easy. With her head on his shoulder, she breathed in his scent. He thought she was talking about rejoining her pack, but she couldn’t bring herself to correct him. “I want you to know that I never meant to hurt you. When I left Avalore, I thought you’d be relieved I’d gone, not hurt.” A soft tremble began deep in her core. “I’m sorry I did that to you. I’m sorry I wasn’t a better mate.” The soft words held all the regret buried deep in her soul.

He pressed a kiss to her temple. “The fault wasn’t all yours. I never should have said the things I did when the Elders approached me. Had I been less focused on finding Rhiannon, you wouldn’t have left in the first place.”

His hands came to rest upon her shoulders, pulling her back far enough for his gaze to find hers. “What can I do to erase that frown and dry those pretty eyes? Seeing you cry rips my soul to shreds.”

Sniffling, she dried her cheeks with the backs of her hands. She didn’t have much time left with him, so she sure as hell wasn’t going to waste it crying. “Just love me. That’s all.” Pressing her lips to his, she let herself melt against him. She wanted him, heart, body and soul. Here at the base of the waterfall where her childhood dreams had soared and where she’d almost given in to despair before leaving Avalore. She wanted to forge a bond so deep that when she woke in the next lifetime, she’d find the thread, as fragile as it may be, and follow it back to him without fail.

Every ounce of love and tenderness poured from her soul into the kiss, but she needed more. Only the clothing they wore separated them, and still it was too much. Her trembling fingers left his shoulders to find the small buttons of the cotton shirt he wore.

Try as she might, she couldn’t keep her fingers steady enough to undo even one little button. Her frustrated groan had him smiling against her lips then kissing along her jaw and neck to find the spot where he’d marked her. Tongue swirling, teeth nipping, he took her hands and brought them to his shoulders before taking over the task of removing his shirt. Only once the last button released did he bring her hands to rest on his bare chest, their combined moans drowned out by the water crashing at the base of the falls.

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