Read Rewritten (Unwritten Book 2) Online

Authors: Lauren Runow

Tags: #Romance

Rewritten (Unwritten Book 2) (17 page)

BOOK: Rewritten (Unwritten Book 2)
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m with a group of older men dressed in suits standing around a long black table as I explain the drawings on the blueprints in front of us. The thin paper keeps rolling back into the roll so I set my phone on the corner of the blueprints to keep them in place while my hand holds the other side.

“Now gentlemen, as you can see, when we put the elevator over here, it opens up this wing for easier access to have two gym areas, which will be a huge selling point for the penthouse apartments. This way they will have their own private gym.”

My phone is on vibrate and it shakes showing a call coming in. My client looks down and scours his eyebrows, handing me the phone, obviously irritated by it. “I take it this is a call you want to take?”

I grab it and see the Calvin Klein ad of Nichole with “I’m Fucking a Model” written as the name. I gasp since I had no idea Nichole programmed my phone with her number, let alone like that.

“I must apologize. That is extremely inappropriate. She must have been playing with my phone. I really had no idea it was programmed like that.” I silence the phone and stick it in my pocket, trying to move on with my client like nothing happened.

Once I’m back in my office, I pick up the phone and smirk as I see the missed call saying “I’m Fucking a Model.” Smiling, I redial her number. This chick just keeps getting better and better.

“Well, hello there,” Nichole answers.

“So, I did get your number after all.”

“Yeah, I liked making you think I wouldn’t give it to you though.”

“I love the reminder of who I’m fucking but my client who handed it to me didn’t think it was as cute.”

Nichole laughs out loud, “Shit, sorry. What did they say?”

“Nothing, thankfully. They didn’t look too pleased though. You’re lucky I’m digging your sexy ass,” I laugh.

“Well… can I make it up to you tonight? Say, my house at ten?”

“No, I’ll pick you up at seven to take you to dinner.” Wow, that came out of nowhere. I never take a girl to dinner but it just felt right and I didn’t even think about it before I said it. Now that I have though, I’m almost excited about where to take her.

“I told you, that’s not necessary.”

“Well, I think you need to make something up to me so I say it is necessary.”

“Fine. You can take me to In-n-Out.”

“Ha! Just for that I’m going to take you to the most romantic restaurant I can find.”

“No, really. Just come over at ten. Maybe I’ll let you stay the night again to make it up to you.”

I smirk, “I’ll be there at seven. Be ready,” then hang up before she can dispute me anymore.

A few minutes later my text message dings with a link to a YouTube video from Nichole. The video starts off kind of crazy showing naked kissing girls, S&M play and animals. I’m kind of shocked a girl would send me something like this, even from someone like Nichole. That is until I hear the words to
Casual Sex
by My Darkest Days talking about a couple not dating, just having hardcore casual sex.

I text back:


Oh it’s on now… be ready at 7


I text Charlie, hoping Allison can help me out as more ideas for tonight pop into my head.


Can you ask Allison what size Nichole is for a dress?


She says 4 but wants to know why?


She’ll see. Thanks bro.



At seven exactly I ring Nichole’s doorbell. She answers and I get the exact reaction I was waiting for. Shock, surprise and finally, lust written all over her face and I fucking love it.

I’m wearing black suit pants, a tie and a vest with a dress shirt underneath, smiling slightly while holding a Versace bag out to her.

“Shut up,” Nichole says. “What is this? I said you could take me to In-n-out.”

“And I said I would take you to the most romantic place I know. I’m keeping my word. Here, go put this on.”

Nichole tries to hide her smile but I see it as she asks defiantly, “How do you know it will fit?”

“I have my ways. Now, go get dressed,” I say in a low whispering voice.

Turning around, she walks up the stairs as I walk through the door and shut it behind me.

“Are you going to come in and watch me change?” she offers.

“No, I want to see you come out, displaying for me the beauty I see in you, even with all of your clothes on.” Damn, did I really just say that? I shake my head, realizing even more that this chick is really starting to get to me.

While I’m in the kitchen waiting my phone goes off three times.
Fuck, Beth, not now. Leave me the hell alone!

She opens the door just as I’m powering down my phone and slipping it in my back pocket. We lock eyes and my face lights up as she walks toward me. She turns around to give me the entire view of the white, floor length gown with a plunging neckline all the way to her stomach leaving her cleavage completely open. Rhinestones moving all the way up from her hips to her breast in horizontal rows line the sides, showing her bare skin underneath.

Her hair was originally down and I’m so glad she decided to pull it up, leaving a few strands around, exposing the back of her neck and looking sexy as hell.

My chest tightens and I grab it, whispering, “Nichole…”

“You like?”

“Wow, the hanger did it no justice. You look amazing.”

“Well, so do you. Now where are you taking me?”

“It’s a surprise. After you…”

She gives me a small kiss on the lips, “Thank you for the dress.”

“You’re more than welcome. Seeing you in it is the best present I’ve ever received.”

We walk down the staircase and Nichole turns to me, “Wait, there is no way I can get on the back of a motorcycle in this dress.”

“I know, that’s why I got us this…” I point to a stretch limo sitting a few doors up from her house with a chauffeur holding the door open, waiting for us to get in.

“You have got to be kidding me. Paul, you’ve lost your mind.”

I grab her hand. “This way I can fuck you through the streets of San Francisco. The way you look in that dress is making it hard to contain myself. But first, dinner.”

I’m not sure why I just said that, I have no intention of having sex with her in the limo. Crazy, I know, but I never even thought about it when I reserved the car. All I could think about was putting a smile on her face and being here, in this moment, I’m realizing that sex never even came to my mind and I’m shocked that it didn’t. This is the first time I’ve done something for a girl that didn’t revolve around getting in her panties. The thought should freak me out but surprisingly it’s not.

Nichole walks to the limo and sits down, smiling as I sit beside her, grabbing her hand. “I thought the dress was present enough for me but I was wrong. That smile is the best thing I’ve ever seen.” I lean in and kiss her softly as the limo drives away.

We drive to the Mission District to a place called Lazy Bear. As she steps out of the car Nichole looks at me, “Wait, how did you pull this off? You have to buy tickets to this place that are nearly impossible to get.”

I lean down to whisper, “I’m the architect that designed it. I know the owner and did it more as a favor so I called in a favor in return.” I wink at her as I escort her inside.

We enter the restaurant to see two long tables with an open kitchen at the end of the long room. Wanting it to feel more like a dinner party, rather than a normal restaurant, the Lazy Bear only offers communal seating and two serving times for its guests so everyone shares their dining experience.

I thought it would be perfect, taking away any insecurities Nichole may have felt at a romantic restaurant with just the two of us seated together.

A hostess shows us to the end of the table, closest to the kitchen area. The chef sees me and instantly walks over to us. “Paul!” He reaches out his hand to shake mine. “You finally made it in. We’re so glad you decided to join us tonight.”

“Thank you for squeezing us in. This is my date, Nichole.”

“Hello. You’re in for a treat tonight. The snacks will start shortly along with your wine. I hope you enjoy your time with us.”

“Thank you,” Nichole smiles sweetly. The chef walks away and Nichole looks at me, “Date?” she raises her eyebrow, questioning my terminology.

“Well, I couldn’t say this is the girl I’m fucking and I thought if I introduced you as my girlfriend you would go running out the door so I took the safe road. What should I call you?”

Nichole smiles, not responding to my question and looking down at the menu, which is a notebook with a pencil that reads
A Field Guide To Lazy Bear.

We are served an eleven-course meal that starts with snacks and then a tasting menu. Each course is served with a wine pairing making the entire experience extremely unique.

We engage in conversation with the people seated next to us and the night moves along perfectly.

After dinner we walk back to the limo and climb inside.

“So, is this when I get to fuck you in a limo?” Nichole teases grabbing my tie and pulling me close to her.

My mouth tilts up to my cocky smile, “Not yet. I have something else planned first.”

“Paul, I told you. You don’t have to do this. I’m already going to fuck your brains out.”

I kiss her sweetly, “I know. I want to though.”

We discuss dinner and all the unique things we tried as the limo drives to Union Square, dropping us off at the Starlight Room located on top of the Sir Francis Drake Hotel. The high-end cocktail lounge sits on the 21
floor with views of Union Square and the rest of San Francisco.

I reserved us a VIP table and we’re seated right away. Nichole looks at me as she slides into the circular table. “Paul, really, this is too much. We could have sat at a normal table.”

I grab her hand, looking straight into her eyes, softly replying, “I don’t know what happened to you in the past that makes you feel like you have to be a bad ass when it comes to guys or to make you feel like you don’t deserve a special night. Obviously no one has ever tried to sweep you off your feet. Please let me.”

Nichole’s face goes flush and after a brief silence she leans in, kissing me on the cheek, whispering, “Thank you.”

Sitting back up straight, Nichole looks around the bar and I see a slight look of fear in her eyes. The VIP booth gives us more privacy than the restaurant did and this is definitely more of a real date now. She knots her hands in her lap as she bites her bottom lip.

I reach down, grabbing her hand firmly commanding her to look up at me. I remove my hand from hers and bring my thumb to her mouth pulling her lip out from her teeth. “Don’t be scared doll. Just breathe.”

I place my hand on her cheek and she slightly leans into my touch as her eyes reach up to meet mine again. A slow smile comes over her face as she lets out a slow ragged breath.

She slowly moves toward me, cuddling up in my arms for a brief moment before the waitress comes over to take our drink order.

We sit there all night, enjoying one another’s company while drinking some of the Starlight Room’s specialty drinks.

Once back in the limo I look at her asking, “My house or yours?”

BOOK: Rewritten (Unwritten Book 2)
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