Read Rev Me Twice Online

Authors: Adele Dubois

Rev Me Twice (6 page)

Tomas nipped her shoulder and pumped his cock between her
legs with more urgency. His breath came in short, hard bursts against her skin.
His hands cupped her breasts and massaged. When he pinched her nipples and his
body tensed against her, his cock shot warm come in rapid bursts against her
pussy. Droplets clung to her trimmed pubic hair and then washed away in the
water stream.

She leaned back to rest the full length of her body against
his and closed her eyes. Contentment filled her. Tomas cupped falling water and
rinsed her pussy to wash away his semen and her juices. He lowered his mouth to
the hairline at the back of her neck and laid kisses there. Tingles followed
the brush of his lips against the sensitive hair follicles. Crystal shivered
with pleasure.

Tomas turned her around, held her tight in his arms and
kissed her. “I’m here, Crystal,” he whispered against her mouth. “Whoever
messed with you is gonna pay.”

* * * * *

When Crystal and Tomas opened the apartment door the
following morning on Crystal’s way to work, camera flashes and a chorus of
shouts greeted them.

“Ms. Miller, any theories about why someone wants to hurt
you?” a reporter shouted over the crowd.

“Is it true you put yourself through school as a stripper?”
another hollered. Video cameras rolled and microphones waved.

“I’ve heard you can climax in under ten seconds. Want to
comment on that?”

Crystal squinted from the bright, invasive lights, more
brilliant than the nine o’ clock sunshine. She put her hand up to cover her
eyes and then turned back to her apartment. Tomas followed, holding her waist
to support her while they hurried inside. Crystal slammed the door behind them.
“Jesus! Just what I was trying to avoid!”

“Someone read the police blotter. Knows about the
ransacking. The information got out faster than I expected,” Tomas said.

“I’m a porn star who also happens to be a meteorologist,”
Crystal replied, rancor tingeing her voice. “Sex sells. Why else would they
care about a dinky cable station?”

The bell rang and fists pummeled the door. “Ms. Miller. We
just want to talk to you!” a woman’s voice shouted.

Tomas kissed Crystal’s cheek. “I’ll get you out of here.
Let’s go out through the kitchen and the back door off the garage. My Harley’s
parked in the alley. Got everything you need for work?”

Crystal hoisted her handbag higher on her shoulder. “Yep.
I’m ready.”


Tomas had his motorcycle revved and screeching into the
street before the press knew what hit them. He opened the throttle, leaned
forward and shot into the wind with Crystal close against his back.

Who had the fucking power now?
The press looked like
a sea of urchins behind them. Tomas smiled and gained speed as they hit the
open highway.

He’d have to stay close to Crystal and the investigation to
see where it led. His buddies at the local precinct would keep him informed as
a courtesy. When he called his brother Antonio last night while Crystal slept,
his brother promised to stay in touch with his contact there. However, FBI
involvement as this stage was premature, his brother had warned. Nosing around
the investigation might piss off perfectly capable officers. Antonio promised
to stay in contact and offer his help on the down low.

Tomas made a mental list of what he knew, so far, while the
warm city air breezed over his face. One. Whoever had written those letters
knew Crystal’s real name and stage name. Two. The ransacking was most likely
the work of a WCNT employee. Three. Whoever it was wanted to reclaim the
evidence, not hurt Crystal as the letters stated. What the hell was going on?

If someone wanted to hurt Crystal, they would have waited
for her to come home, assaulted her and then taken the letters. Instead, a
young woman had avoided breaking and entering by gaining access to the
apartment under false pretense. She’d taken what she wanted and left. There was
no robbery and no vandalism attached to the crime. Nothing to indicate the
threats would be carried out. Odd.

Tomas’ deliberations came to a halt as he and Crystal
approached the television station. Goddamned press was stuck to the front of
the building like slugs on wet rock.
He revved the throttle to get
their attention, making as much noise as possible. Tomas watched while the
paparazzo turned toward the motorcycle. “Hang on, baby!” he shouted. Tomas
aimed the Harley straight at the crowd.

At first the press corps showed interest in the bike heading
straight for the front door of the building. Tomas watched as curiosity changed
to consternation, then fear. A female reporter ran out of the way and a male
jumped to the side. A dozen pairs of eyes went wide and people scattered as the
Harley drew close enough to skin knees and elbows, blowing heat and fumes in
its path.

“You crazy bastard!” A paparazzi screamed. Tomas only
laughed in return, aiming the Harley directly at the front door. When they
reached the glass entryway, he slid to a halt and Crystal hopped off the bike.
She ran inside before anyone could get to her. Though most of the journalists
had moved out of the way, one cameraman caught the entire event on film. A
reporter spoke into her microphone.

Tomas turned the Harley around and headed for the parking
lot. “
!” He waved a hand and disappeared around the side of the

* * * * *

Crystal was yelling at Marv in the green room when Tomas
entered the building from a rear exit. A security guard had let him in. He came
up behind Crystal and stood at her side while Marv frowned and rubbed his bald

“Someone from this studio is after me and it’s up to you to
find out who!” Crystal shouted. “You’ve got spies everywhere.”

Marv lifted his hands. “What do you want me to do? The cops
were here early this morning. I answered all their questions. They looked
around. Talked to the staff. If they learn anything I’m sure you’ll be the
first to know. Then I’ll fire their ass and we can both press charges.”

Crystal looked up helplessly at Tomas. “The police won’t
find anything, will they.” It wasn’t a question. Crystal sounded resigned to
the obvious.

Tomas told her the truth. “Without the letters as evidence,
there’s not much they can do. They’d need a confession or an eyewitness. You
admitted that everyone has access to your dressing room and the police aren’t
going to take fingerprints from your apartment in the absence of a major crime.
There wasn’t even forced entry. Your landlord let the person inside.”

“Yvette saw the woman. She’ll identify her.”

“Maybe. The woman can say your place was trashed when she
got there. She let herself out, according to Yvette. There’s no one to refute

Crystal scowled. “So unless there’s an assault or a body,
I’m screwed. The police won’t do more than ask questions.”

Tomas hated to admit she was right, but replied anyway.


“Yeah. That too.”

She looked up again at Marv. “The least you can do is put a
lock on my door so nobody else can get in without a key. I’ll keep one and you
take the duplicate. Deal?”

Marv acted like she’d just driven a hard bargain. “Okay,” he
sighed. “Jesus. What a day.” He shoved his hands in his pants pocket and walked
off. “See you on the set,” he said over his shoulder as he strolled away.

Tomas rubbed Crystal’s tense back muscles. “I’m off this
weekend and so is my brother. Want to take a ride to Annapolis? He’s staying
with Lisa at her place. He said they have something to show us.”

Lisa Gibson, Antonio’s girlfriend, owned a Saltbox house
near the bay that she shared with a roommate. Crystal liked Lisa, though they
were different types of women. Lisa was a conservative, all-American type and a
computer geek who earned a comfortable living in the electronics field. Crystal
had been a stripper at the
Tongue and Cheek
when they’d first met at
Tomas’ graduation ceremony from the Naval Academy.

Lisa had come into town graduation weekend to break up with
her cheating boyfriend, Rick Bennett, who was also graduating from the Academy.
She met Antonio on the way to axing Rick and they’d been together ever since.
In an ironic twist, Tomas and Rick had been roommates and Tomas knew what kind
of rat Rick had been.

Rick “The Baller” Bennett was a notorious womanizer who’d
deserved to get the boot. It remained a mystery to Tomas why Lisa hadn’t found
out sooner what kind of cheating jerk he was. When Lisa broke up with him, Rick
tried to enact revenge by threatening to post a sex video of her on the
Internet. Antonio and Tomas hatched a plan to get the video back.

“A trip out of town sounds great. I could use a break.”

“On Monday, I want to bring Yvette to the set before your
weather segment. Have her look around. Maybe she can identify the woman who
came to your apartment. There’s nothing stopping me from getting to the bottom
of this.”

Crystal kissed his mouth. She tasted like cherry lip gloss
and smelled like heaven. “Remind me to suck you off later for being such a good

Tomas kissed her back. “Believe me, I won’t forget.”

* * * * *

When they returned to her apartment that night, the
reporters were gone. Earlier in the day, several had called WCNT to request
interviews while others had asked for a statement. Crystal finally complied
when she realized the press wouldn’t go away until she talked. After her
segment, she’d conducted a press conference and allowed pictures to be taken.
Her story would make the eleven o’clock news and tabloid headlines for who knew
how long on the Internet.

Crystal took Tomas’ hand and brought him into the kitchen.
She pointed to the table in the center of the room. “Sit on the edge.”

Tomas chuckled and hoisted himself up on the table.
“Planning a late snack?”

“Damn right. I’m going to eat

“Aren’t you going to kiss me first?” He reached out and
pulled her to his chest with a laugh. “I’m not just a cheap piece of meat.”

Crystal tweaked his chin. “Oh poor baby needs foreplay.” She
giggled and the sound was so unlike her that Tomas leaned away to study her
face. When she stared up at him with a sparkle in her eyes he’d never seen
before, he wrapped his arms around her shoulders and hugged her closer. Could
she have finally come to realize she needed him?

Tomas buried his nose in her hair and ran his hands across
her back, his mood lifting despite the recent events. Crisis often brought
couples closer. He didn’t say a word, and neither did she, as he savored her
warmth and scent and the feel of her heartbeat against his.

After a moment, he brought his hand to her jaw and lifted
her face to receive the deep kiss he offered. She touched her fingertips to his
hair and then stroked his scalp while she returned his kiss and sighed against
his mouth. He couldn’t recall when she’d responded to him with such tenderness.

Until now he hadn’t realized how much he’d needed that from

In more typical Crystal fashion, she ended the kiss abruptly
and then nipped his bottom lip. She didn’t meet his eyes while she pulled his
shirt free from his jeans and struggled to open the snap at his waist. Tomas
understood she was regaining her emotional balance while she fumbled with his
clothes. Crystal had always been more comfortable with sex than sentiment.
Still, their relationship seemed to be making progress.

Tomas returned to their game. “You’re a woman of your word.”

Crystal smiled like a
with a secret. “Who gives
the best head around.”

“I won’t argue with that.” Tomas leaned back on his elbows
and unzipped for her. Crystal eyed his crotch and shimmied his jeans and boxers
down over his hips. His erection sprang out of his clothes and brushed the fine
hairs along the line of his navel. He lifted up while she pulled his pants down
to his ankles. A tremor went through him simply imagining what Crystal’s mouth
would feel like in about ten seconds.

She ran a hand through the trimmed dark thatch of hair
surrounding his cock and spread her fingers to lightly scratch the skin
beneath. Her other hand cupped his sac and massaged while she teased him with
the fingertips stroking his tuft. His balls tightened and goose bumps peppered
his skin while she played.

He knew she’d continue to taunt and tease until the veins
running the length of his shaft swelled near to bursting and the engorged head
turned purple with torment. When that happened, she’d stroke him and pump his
length, but she still wouldn’t suck. Her eyes would meet his in a challenge to
determine which of them could hold out longer.

His shaft swelled again and a pearl of moisture formed at
the tip of his thick cock’s head. He figured she wanted him to beg. Waited for
him to breathe out the words, “Suck me.” But Tomas would never beg. He’d play
her little sex game because it would intensify his climax. He’d sit back and
watch her caress, stroke and massage until Crystal made her next move. She’d
offered him a promise and he’d never known her to go back on her word. That
knowledge made their little drama all the more exciting.

Clear essence gathered at the slit on the tip of his cock.
Crystal smoothed it over the surface with her thumb in a seamless arc and
watched him shudder. Her thumb moved to the vee of his glans on the underside
of the head and stroked that most sensitive spot with his natural lubricant.
Tomas hissed between his teeth. He’d heard that the male glans and female
clitoris were equally responsive. If that were true, he could understand why
Crystal loved to have her tender clit licked and stroked.

Thoughts of her sweet pink pussy made his mouth water and
his pleasure soar. After she sucked him off and he recovered, he was going to
fuck her until she was the one who begged for mercy.

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