Resistance (The Institute Series Book 2) (11 page)

“You know what has just occurred to me?” I ask. He looks at me expectantly. “You really need to learn to communicate better.” I smile.

“Me!?” he exclaims. “Why didn’t you ever say anything? Right up until we kissed two nights ago, I had no idea you were even interested. I thought maybe, possibly, something was between us the night before I left on assignment, but then you found out about the Resistance and it was like a wall went up.”

It’s true. I wanted so badly to kiss him that night before he left, but I kept telling myself it was too complicated. We were being sent to almost opposite ends of the country. I convinced myself that starting something with him that night would’ve been a mistake and I realise now, that it would’ve been. I don’t know if I would’ve forgiven him after finding out about the Resistance.

“Sorry. I left my flashing ‘I heart Chad’ sign back at the Institute,” I say sarcastically. “How could you not know? I turned the colour of a beetroot every time you touched me. Tate never stopped giving me crap about it. Not to mention, it seemed like you hated me from the beginning. That certainly wasn’t making me want to share my feelings.”

“I never hated you. Far from it.” He grabs my hand and starts drawing circles with his thumb. Looking down at my hands, I fear I may be turning that very shade of beetroot I was just telling him about. “That afternoon I first saw you in the foyer of the training office, I knew.”

“Knew what?”

“That you were going to be trouble for me,” he mumbles. “I thought that by being an arsehole, maybe you would stay away. Then it turned out, you were the one that Tate had been helping and I knew there was no way I could stay away.”

I narrow my eyes, trying to work out whether he’s full of it or not. “I think you’re lying again.” He smirks at my accusation. “But the arsehole thing worked.
from the beginning.”

“Fair enough. But clearly, you still couldn’t resist me,” he retorts triumphantly.

I laugh before the smile fades from my face just as quickly as it appeared. “Did you ever find her? Was she at the Institute?” I ask hesitantly.

He shakes his head. “Nope. She wasn’t. I don’t know where she is.”

It’s clear we’ve both been burned before. Did he mean it when he said that Jess ‘ruined’ his life? Ruin is a strong word. Then again, I do – did – feel the same towards Drew. I run over it in my head – if Drew didn’t do what he did, I wouldn’t be here. I’m as free as I’ll ever be, even more so than before I was arrested.

I remind myself to thank Drew later. As angry as I am at him for the months of torture I endured living in that place, I have to be glad that he did it. I wouldn’t have what I do now. I have my mum back, I have my family, and I have Chad.

“What are you thinking about?” Chad asks.

Don’t say Drew, don’t say Drew.
Idiot, idiot, idiot!

Chad lets go of my hand, but I grab it back. He snatches it away, climbs off the bed and stands up. “It’s always going to come back to him, isn’t it?”

“Umm, no. If you just let me explain…” I say, standing up to meet his eyes.

“Explain what? That you’re glad he’s here? That you’re having second thoughts about him, about me?” he yells.

“I’m not glad he’s here! I’m in your room, not his!” I yell back. “I
thinking that you have the right attitude towards your ex, that
I should try and do the same. If it wasn’t for him, I wouldn’t have you. You big … dummy.”

Chad serious face bursts into laughter. “Dummy? Really? You’re going to go with ‘dummy’?”

“Would you prefer butthead?”

“Get over here, you butthead,” he replies, pulling me to him and taking me into his arms. “I’m sorry. That guy just makes me so angry, you know?”

“I know,” I nod.

“It hurt when you chose to go back to him over coming here with me.”

“But I didn’t choose him. I chose Shilah.”

“It didn’t feel that way. You were so angry at me, I didn’t think you’d ever forgive me. I practically pushed you back into his arms.”

“Not true. I didn’t choose Drew over you. I would
choose Drew. And what arms? I never went back to him – not like that.”

“I saw the way you two were together. All of those days I watched you out on assignment. Can you imagine how hard it was for me to see that?”

I can only imagine what it would’ve been like. If I saw a girl with Chad like I was with Drew, I would’ve been pissed off too. But we were meant to be ‘married’ so there were a lot of moments where touching in public was necessary.

“It drove me crazy seeing you with him. It took all the strength I had not to blow my cover, run up to him, and punch him in the face.”

Looking in his eyes, I see the depth of his feelings for me. I don’t need a supernatural ability to know what I’m seeing is real.

I kiss him, gently at first, but it escalates quickly when I pull him closer, pushing my body up against his. Our mouths come together, fitting perfectly like they were made for each other. I run my hands down his chest and grab him around his waist. He reaches up, his hands finding their way into my hair. I pull away, summoning all of the courage I have to take the next step. I know this is the moment.

Looking down as I undo the top button of his jeans, he lifts my chin gently with his finger.

“Are you sure you want to do this?” he asks, just as breathless as I feel, his chest rising and falling in exaggerated movements. “I don’t want to rush you into anything.”

There’s no question about it. “I’m sure.”


Chapter Nine


I’m awoken by lips touching my shoulder, kisses running up and down my neck. I smile as I roll over onto my back, welcoming Chad’s mouth on mine.

“Good morning,” he says, climbing over me and out of bed.

“Morning,” I say back.

“What have you got planned for today?” He starts getting dressed into his farming clothes; a loose fitting t-shirt and khaki pants.

“I think Cyrus wants us down in the training arena again. Not for another match, but for other things. I don’t know what,” I reply, sitting up in bed.

Chad nods and walks over, placing his hands on either side of me on the bed. He leans in, kissing me briefly.

He sits down next to me while he puts his shoes and socks on. “Don’t show off too much,” he says.

“I’ll try, but we both know I just exude awesomeness. I can’t help it most of the time.”

He laughs. “Well that’s true,” he says before his face turns serious. “I’m just worried they’ll want to send you to recruit others.”

“So let me get this straight. I can’t tell them I have a double ability because they’ll want to keep me here, but I can’t show the others up because then they will want to send me away? I’m sensing a bit of a contradiction here,” I say with a smile. “You don’t want me to go, but you don’t want me to have to stay here?”

He laughs, “I guess that is a bit contradictory isn’t it. How about this – I want you to stay here, but still have the choice to leave this place if you wanted to.”

“I guess that’s fair. I thought they wouldn’t want us recruiting anyway, seeing as we’re wanted by the Institute. Wouldn’t it be too risky to send us back out there?”

He shakes his head. “They’ve already asked me to go back to it now that you don’t need me as your handler anymore.”

“Oh. Can’t I just say no, like you did? You did say no right?” I start to panic at the thought of him going away.

“I said no. But I’ve been here a lot longer than you. I’ve paid my dues. I’m in a position to request what I want. For now I’ll be working on the farms, but I know my mum’s not happy about that. Something about wasting my ability on a job one of the ‘normals’ could do. I’m sure she’s trying to find me something somewhere else.”

“What if you were to change your mind and say yes? Maybe we could go recruit together?” The look Chad gives me, tells me that there is no way in hell that will happen, although I’m not sure why. “Why do they keep recruiting people anyway? I mean, I know why – to save them from the fate of the Institute – but what’s their plan? Do they have a one? Or is ‘the Resistance’ just a misleading name, designed to create the illusion that they’re doing something to fix the world but in reality, all they’re doing is hiding from it? I’ve been here a few days now and I don’t see an obvious agenda.”

Chad purses his lips. “They have a plan. It’s just not viable to put into action yet.”

“Can you tell me what it is?”

“I’m pretty sure their immediate plan is to build on what we already have. More numbers, more support.” He thinks for a moment, “I’ve also heard rumours about possibly taking Brookfield down and taking over the Institute.”

“Just rumours? So what you’re actually saying is – you don’t really know what the plan is yourself?”

He smiles, “I guess not. Now, get up lazy bum. We’ve got to get you down to training.”

“I think I prefer ‘butthead’ over ‘lazy bum’.”




I decide to go home for a quick shower and a change of clothes before heading to training. When I arrive at my place, I walk in to find Ebb still under the covers. Seeing as she should be on her way to the farms like Chad is right now, I jump on her to wake her up.

“What the hell?” a guy’s voice rumbles from underneath me. I let out a scream.

“What’s going on out here?” Ebb says as she comes out of the bathroom wearing only a towel. Her face lights up as she sees us and starts laughing. I look down at the body beneath me to see Hall smiling up at me. 

“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry,” I say to him as I climb off the bed.

“Good to see you again too, Allira.” He laughs, sitting up and rubbing his hand over his thick, dark hair. He goes to stand, but hesitates. “Uh, Allira?”


“Would you mind … umm … turning around?”

“Oh! Right.” I turn to face Ebbodine who’s still laughing at the whole thing. I feel my cheeks flush. “I didn’t think you would remember me?” I say to Hall while completely focusing on the wall in front of me.

“Of course I remember you,” he says unconvincingly. “Okay, you can turn around now.” I turn to see him shirtless, but at least he is wearing pants now. “I better get going.” He walks over to Ebbodine and kisses her cheek, soft and quick, before grabbing his shirt off the floor and leaving.

Once he’s gone, I stand there with my arms folded, waiting for an explanation. Ebbodine ignores me as she saunters over to the chest of drawers that separates our beds and grabs out clothes to change into.

Not like that
, hey?” I ask.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she replies smugly.

“Uh huh. Of course not.”

“What happened with Chad last night?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I mimic her, but I wonder if my face is giving anything away. She studies me and I tell myself to stay cool, to keep eye contact. She smiles when I find myself glancing away from her analytical stare. “Shouldn’t you be on the farms by now?” I try to change the subject.

“I have the added luxury of not having to walk there.” Oh right. “So, was it any good?” she asks, coming to the conclusion that what happened last night did in fact take place.

I shrug. “No big deal. You were right about that.” And she was. I woke up this morning feeling absolutely no different than yesterday. I’m the same, he’s the same. I don’t feel the supposed closeness that I’ve heard is meant to happen after, but I don’t feel distanced from him either. I feel nothing. I begin to wonder if that’s a bad thing.

“Not what you were expecting?” she asks.

“I guess I didn’t really know what to expect.” She just nods sympathetically and goes back to getting ready for work. “Okay. I’ve spilled. Your turn,” I say.

“No big deal,” she says, but her grin gives away more.

“I’m not going to have to find somewhere else to sleep again tonight, am I?”

She responds with a laugh.
Damn it.




I get to the training arena to find I’m the last one to arrive. Licia, Drew and Shilah turn to look at me as I make my appearance and I get the sudden cringe worthy notion that they know what happened last night. Ebb could tell, but surely that’s only because we talked about it, right? I tell myself that it’s not possible for them to know, reassuring myself to calm down.

“Allira? Come in, Allira. Hello? Anyone home?” I’m brought out of my thoughts by Shilah, trying to get my attention. “The whole council is here,” he whispers to me.

“Oh,” I mutter, as my eyes size up the group of people huddled near the war games arena.

“Good morning, Allira,” Cyrus says to me, walking over to us. He grabs my hand and pulls me into the group. “There’s still a few people to meet.” I nod and reach out to the first person to my left to shake their hand. Only then do I realise it’s Chad’s mum and I’ve already met her.

Smooth as always, Allira,
I think to myself as I withdraw my hand.

“Allira,” Belle says nodding her head.

I nod back and open my mouth to say her name but then I realise – what do I call her? Mrs. Williams? Belle? Yesterday Chad introduced her as Belle, but does that mean I have the authority to call her that? Is it disrespectful to call her by her first name? Too much time has passed now to call her anything so I decide to just say nothing.

Standing next to Belle is a middle aged man – he’d be at least fifty if his thinning silver hair is any indication. “Hi Allira. I saw your match yesterday. Very impressive,” he says, stretching out his hand to shake mine.

“Thank you,” I reply with a smile, taking his hand.

“Allira, this is Connor,” Cyrus tells me.

“Nice to meet you,” I say politely.

Cyrus moves along the line. The next is a woman, late thirty-ish with long blonde hair that is curly and untamed. “This is Millie,” Cyrus tells me. “Just like Paxton, she’s not Defective,” he states. I shake her hand too and give her a nod hello. “And this,” Cyrus says, moving on to the last person I am yet to meet, “Is Marlo.” I take her hand, realising I had sort of already met her yesterday. Well, not met her – I saw her, with Cyrus. She’s Cyrus’s other wife. I actually forgot to ask Chad about that last night – the whole two wives thing.

Mum is standing next to Marlo, and as I count down the line, including Mum and Cyrus, there are six council members. I count again, confused.

“I thought there were eight council members?” I ask.

“There are,” Mum replies. “There’s Paxton, but he won’t be back for a while.” Oh, of course. Oops. I feel bad that I was able to forget about him so easily; the man who gave me my freedom. “And Tate … well … We haven’t really gotten around to replacing him yet.”

I actually assumed they had already replaced him. Tate made it perfectly clear three months ago that he wasn’t going to come back.

“So what’s the plan for us today?” I ask.

“We’ll run you through some basic training and see how you go. As the next few days progress, you’ll get into more intensive training and we’ll make our assessments next week,” Belle replies in a tone that would make you think I asked when the first slaughter would commence. “We will only be observing you today and for your final assessment. Cyrus will be the one working through the training with you.”

Cyrus then leads us over to the obstacle course while the rest of the council members remain where they are.

As we start walking, Drew comes up beside me. “Gee, way to piss off the mother-in-law already,” he nudges me, smiling.

“I know, right?” I reply.

“What did you do?” he asks.

“I don’t even know.” I suspect I didn’t do anything and Belle is just using up her left over resentment towards Chad’s last girlfriend, Jess. I don’t want to get into that with Drew though. “I think she just has a stick up her arse,” I joke. I hear the sound of a throat clearing and I turn to find that Belle has been following us after all. Drew bursts out laughing and I hang my head in shame. “Yup. That’s about right,” I mutter.

“Okay. So, how about we get you all running the obstacle course. We’ll be observing your fitness and strength,” Cyrus tells us as we line up to start. “We’ll move onto target practice after lunch to evaluate possible recruiting positions you might be suitable for.”

Suddenly I feel like I never left the Institute.

The obstacle course, while slightly different than the Institute one, is easy to get through the first time round. I take my time, ensuring not to overdo it like Chad instructed. The council stand by, watching us, and it takes all of my concentration to not embarrass myself by falling over or face planting into a pole. Drew and Shilah race ahead of Licia and me, but after a while even she takes off. I don’t think I’ll have any worry of being ‘too good’ in front of the council.

“Water. Need water,” I pant after running the obstacle course for what feels like the entire morning. I sit on the ground with my head between my knees. A bottle of water appears in front of me and I grab it. Looking up I see Shilah with a smirk on his face. “Shut up,” I tell him, which only makes him laugh.

Licia sits next to me, just as energetic as she was when we started. Shilah and Drew join us. As soon as Shilah sits, a feeling of nerves and desire starts oozing from Licia. I can’t help but giggle. Poor girl has a crush. I look to Drew and see he’s sensing the same thing.

“So where are you hoping to get placed?” Licia asks quietly. She didn’t say it to anyone in particular but I know who she was directing it at and it wasn’t me. But I answer her anyway.

“I’m hoping to work on the farms,” I reply.

“The farms?” Drew asks.

“Didn’t get enough of that at home, Allira?” Shilah scoffs.

I shrug. “I like it.”

“Well I have a feeling I won’t get much say in what I’ll do,” Drew says. “Clearly they all think I’m still going to try and escape.”

“What about you, Licia?” Shilah asks and I see her cheeks blush a little. Not enough for a boy to notice – they barely notice anything – but it’s there.

“I don’t know. I’d love to do what Allira did for me, for others,” she replies.

“I was thinking about that, too,” Shilah says.

“Really, Shilah?” I ask.

“Why is that so hard to believe?” Shilah snaps at me.

“It’s not. I think you’d be really good at it, actually,” I say carefully. I want to say ‘I’d miss you, and worry about you and would hate that I wouldn’t know if you were safe or not’, but I know how much Shilah would hate that. “I know they’ll be looking for someone to do that. They asked Chad to go back to it, but he said no.”

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