Rescuing Their Virgin Mate[Pack Wars-Book 3] (8 page)

“I want you to relax,
sweetheart. I’ll take it as slow as I possibly can.” When his lips lifted, she
swore she saw a fang.
Holy smokes

She gripped his shoulders.
“Ah, Dirk?”

He ran his tongue over his
teeth and looked to the ceiling. After a few breaths, the fangs retreated.
“Sorry. You turn me on.”

Her heart skipped a beat.
“That’s okay.”

Just knowing Dirk would be
gentle settled her first time jitters. Her vagina vibrated and contractions built
under her belly. She should have been scared, but for some odd reason she

He slid between her legs and
widened them. She tensed and tried to draw them together, but his grip
prevented her.

trust him


She inhaled and when she let
out the breath, her body stopped resisting. Wanting the experience to be
amazing, she closed her eyes and sat on her hands to prevent them from
clenching. His palm cupped her mound and the warmth seeped downward. It was as
if he wanted her to get used to being with him. His tender care meant so much
to her.

His thumbs opened her lower
lips and his tongue barely touched her opening, but his sweet approach ignited a
passion inside her.

“That’s nice.” She meant it,

The next swipe of his tongue
was harder and caused swirls of desire to shoot up her belly. She’d never
experienced anything as wonderful in her life.

Once more, she pushed aside
right from wrong and concentrated on this amazing moment. He slid his thumb
above her opening and hit something that electrified her.

“Dear Lord in Heaven.”

A wave of lust stronger than
she thought existed grabbed her, and she panted out her breaths in staccato bursts.
Her delight must have been the signal he’d been waiting for because he slipped
a finger into her, forcing her to clamp down on him.

“We can’t have you milking my

She didn’t want to know why. Enough
shocks for one day, she forced her body to relax. It was hard, especially when
he wiggled his finger around in circles and hit spots that made more spasms
race through her.

If she’d known making love
could be this fantastic, she might have sought it out sooner. The little man in
her head was about to chastise her for her shocking thoughts, but she kicked
him aside.

She bucked her hips for more,
and Dirk rewarded her with another finger. The two together not only thrilled her
but set her on fire.

He removed his fingers, and
when the bed moved, she opened her eyes. “Is something wrong?”

“I’m getting a condom,
although I hate using them.”

“I don’t want you to.”

His mouth slightly parted as
if she’d given him a present. “But you could get pregnant.”

“The timing is good.” The
rhythm method wasn’t foolproof, but she’d deal with that later.

“You’re sure?”

“Yes. Hurry.”

Dirk crawled on top of her
again and supported himself on his elbows. Instead of entering her, he kissed
her with more passion that she could hope for. She was the one who demanded
entrance and their tongues dueled and explored. The effect of the kiss traveled
down her chest and over her belly, stopping when it arrived between her legs.
Oh, my

Their lips separated. He
nibbled her chin and then traced a line across her throat to a sensitive part
below her ear. The man seemed to know every place that turned her on.

The need to touch him grew.
She slid her hands from under her rear and clasped his back. Every time he
moved an inch, his muscles flexed, sending delightful signals to her brain.

“God, what you do to me,

He should be in her skin!

The way he said her name with
a slight flourish on
melted her. His penis poked her entrance and she widened her legs, needing him
to take her. Her musky aroma filled the air.

Instead of one big thrust,
Dirk made small forays. She grabbed his rear and squeezed, loving the way his
muscles bunched as he entered her. Dirk leaned over and kissed her, edging in
farther. That one extra inch stretched her wide. No way would he fit if he
fully impaled her.

She turned her head. “He’s
too big.”

His jaw tightened and he
closed his eyes. “I’ll stay right here for a minute so you can accommodate him.
Trust me, he’ll fit. Just give him a moment.”

Breathing more deeply, she
willed her muscles to relax. He must have sensed the change in her body, for he
drove in. At the quick stab of pain, her eyes burst open. She gasped. “I’m
fine. I’m fine.” The last thing she wanted was for him to pull out.

He was hers and she was his.
The union of their two souls was complete. Dirk’s eyes opened and the flecks of
amber became more apparent. He eased out of her and then thrust back in. Her
own lubrication eased the way. She might have been uncertain what to expect,
but her body sure seemed to like what he was doing.

Dirk devoured her mouth again
and plowed in. Bolts of electricity shot up her spine as he continued his
delicious sexual assault. Once he’d broken through her natural barrier, the
urge to join him in the thrusting took over. Her mind blanked and she lifted
her hips.

He grunted. She groaned.
Their kiss deepened as if they wanted to match their tongue movement to the
rhythm of their joining. He slid in and out with ease now, and with each
thrust, her body heated with desire. The tension in every cell escalated until
she wanted to burst. Her fingernails scraped on his shoulders, and she threw
her head back groaning so loud she didn’t recognize her own voice.

“I’m so close, sweetheart.”

The ride was about to end. She
gave in to all her urges and blanked her thoughts against everything but the
smell of his skin, the texture of his pliable muscles, and the lust coursing
through her. Her tight sheath widened and contracted, involuntarily pressing
around his large shaft.

As she arched her back, wave
upon wave of indescribable need claimed her. Her lower body pulsed and her
nipples tingled. She bucked as his hot seed pummeled her back wall. His
unleashed growl came close to scaring her, but she held on tight and let the
ecstasy wash over her.

His penis throbbed within
her, and her belly tightened. Sweat beaded on her body. She’d never been more
elated in her life. This had been right.

Dirk kissed her forehead and
rolled over, taking her with him. She raised her head and watched the smile
reach his eyes.

He wiped the hair from her
face. “You were amazing. Did I hurt you much?” The glimmer in his eyes dimmed.

“Only a little, at first.”

“As much as I want to stay inside
you, I need to let you rest.” He eased her off him.

Flecks of blood dotted the
sheets. “I think I ruined the bedding.” Blood was hard to wash out.

“That makes two of us. I’ll
be right back.” He ducked into the bathroom. Water ran. He returned with a wet
towel. “I meant I ruined you, but that means I get to keep you.” He tapped her

Could this man be any

“How about we sleep in my
bed?” he said. “We’ll change the sheets in here, tomorrow.”

“Okay.” She reached to gather
her sleepwear when he placed a hand on her shoulder.

“Would you mind staying

The decadent act appealed to
her. “I’d love to.”


Clay rolled around in bed and
even plastered a hand over his ear to stop the grunts and moans of ecstasy from
filtering into his brain, but nothing worked. Three times he’d half shifted,
but he controlled his body by concentrating on something other than Elena. His
cock was still rock hard, and he couldn’t keep the hair from sprouting. This
damned mating stuff sucked. Unless he made love with her, he’d be plagued for
the rest of his life with this strong yearning.

From the way both Elena and
Dirk looked all goopy-eyed at each other, those two would be together a long
time. So where did that leave him?



He could be a jerk and claim
her, but she wasn’t ready to love two men. Her strict Catholic upbringing
forbade it. Even if he showed her a lot of happy triads, she might not be

Still, he worried about her.
She was vulnerable and scared. After being housed in a cage for two weeks and
sold in a human trafficking scheme, it might take years of counseling for her
to cope. She’d been freed only a few hours ago and already Dirk was sticking
his dick in her.

. What had his friend been thinking? He
should have turned her down. If Elena hadn’t been their mate, he would have
ripped Dirk right out of her bed. However, when the time came for her to lose
her virginity, no one was more tender or kinder than Dirk. Personally, Clay had
never bedded a virgin and honestly never wanted to. The responsibility was

He rolled over and buried his
face in his pillow.
. He wanted
her, but she’d never allow herself to be with two men at the same time.

. His timing sucked.

There were plenty of happy
couples in ménage relationships, but Elena wouldn’t have hung out with any of
them. His only choice was to be friendly and comforting but keep his cock as
far away from her as possible.

luck with that, buddy.


The next morning, Elena
rolled over, and it took a moment to realize she wasn’t in the guest room. Dirk
wasn’t in the bed, either. After falling asleep the moment Dirk hugged her, she
hadn’t had time to reflect on what happened between them. Now she let her mind
wander, but her stinging vagina demanded some attention.

“Ugh.” She sat up and decided
a shower was necessary before she relived the glory of their union. She stood
and glanced down at her naked legs. “Whoops.” Her pants and T-shirt were in her

Not comfortable with walking
down the hallway naked with Clay around, she checked out Dirk’s bathroom. She
figured he wouldn’t mind if she used his shower. His razor, toothpaste, floss,
and mouthwash sat on the granite counter. She ran her fingers over each item and
thought about him getting ready in the morning. A sense of pride infused her.
She still found it hard to believe her first real experience was with such a
wonderful man.

Soft voices filtered into the
room. Both men were up. Once she turned on the water, she wrapped her hair in a
towel to keep from getting it wet and stepped under the warm stream. The moment
she rubbed the soap on her tits, they pebbled. She closed her eyes and pictured
what Dirk would do to them if he were here.

Until the glass door slid
open, it hadn’t registered that he’d stepped into the bathroom.

“Good morning, sunshine.”

Without thinking, she covered
her tits and mound.

He laughed. “I think it’s a
little too late to be shy.”

“I guess that’s true, but I
don’t feel comfortable being naked.” In the light, every flaw showed.

He slipped off his shoes,
unzipped his pants, and stepped out of them. The man didn’t wear underwear.
. Lust shot through her. What was
wrong with her?

“I can help with that.” He
grinned and tossed off his shirt.


“I can help desensitize you.”

“What does that mean?” She
liked the sound of it, but wanted to make sure he wasn’t expecting them to have
sex. She was too sore.

He walked into the shower and
turned her to face the running water but kept her far enough back so that the
spray dropped in front of her. He reached around her, wrapped one arm around
her waist, and pumped the soap dispenser with the other.

“This is what I mean.” He
rubbed her breasts with the soap, and his slippery touch excited her.

“This probably isn’t such a
good idea.” She twisted in his arms to speak face-to-face. His penis slapped
her belly. “Oh, definitely not a good idea.”

He dropped back his head and
laughed. The sound was one she could hear hundreds of times and never be tired
of it. “Don’t worry. I know you need a break. Ignore him. He’s here to get
clean, too.”

Her bold side surfaced. “Can
I help?”

He groaned. “Your kind of
help will get you in trouble.”

The devil on her shoulder
made her reach out and grab his erection. The slick water allowed pumping her
fist easy. “Maybe I need to see if he tastes any different from last night.”

Dirk clasped her shoulders.
“Who are you? Yesterday, you were this shy little filly, and today you’re
wonderfully brazen.”

She liked that analogy. She
shrugged. “I don’t know. I’ve decided to just do what feels right.” And forget
about her upbringing for another day. She’d already sinned.

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