Remembrance: A Contemporary Erotic Romance (Iris Series Book 4) (46 page)

He grabbed the box and opened it, revealing artisan versions of chocolate covered strawberries.

His mouth quirked up and he shook his head.  “
,” he muttered. 

She took one out before he could shut the lid then leaned back on the sofa, curling her finger so he would come closer.  He leaned back over her, his hands on either side of her.  She rubbed the decadent fruit over his lips and he took a bite.  Then she kissed him, mixing their flavors together, enjoying the dessert.

He took it from her hand and fed her the remaining morsel.  While she chewed, he spoke.

“Are there any other men you’ve made potential dates with who may pop up?” he asked, while plucking at her lips. 

She shrugged playfully.  “You never know, buddy.  With this sparkle thing going on,” she began.

He quieted her with his mouth, taking a slow and leisurely kiss to shut her up.  Any time he wanted to shut her up this way, was fine by her.  When he was done, her eyes were slumberous and her body was in a sexual stupor.  “That fuckin
g mouth of yours is going to keep me entertained for a very long time.”

Her lips kicked up into a lazy grin.  “Take me out and feed me, Daniels.  I’m hungry.”


Chapter 19


Janie walked into the Michelin rated restaurant on the Upper West Side with excitement as Luke walked in behind her. 
, a vegetarian friendly restaurant, had been known to Janie for ages, but she’d never been.  The lovely and quiet atmosphere contributed to the intimate dining space, and Janie buzzed with anticipation for the ultimate food experience to begin.

When they were settled in their seats, Luke said, “I thought maybe we could get the ve
getarian tasting menu.  What do you think?”

She bit her lip in happiness and reached across the table to take his hand in hers.  “Thank you for this.  I can’t wait to taste it all.  You can have meat though, if you want.”

He smiled back at her and shook his head.  “I’m good.  I’m actually looking forward to it.  Let’s order.”

They did and spent the next twenty minutes talking about her business and how excited she was about their day trip the next day.

“Let’s order you some lingerie if you like it,” he said. 

She clasped her hands enthusiastically then leaned forward to whisper.  “You have no idea how hard it is to find bras that not only fit well and support you, but also look sexy.”

His eyes drifted to her chest.  “You could just forget the things all together.  Works for me.”

She pressed her lips together in mock annoyance.  “You’re such a guy.”

“That I am,” his eyes met hers.  “I hope you like her stuff.  I’m looking forward to exploring a possible business relationship with her, perhaps adding her to

“I think that would be great,” she nodded.  “You already have
Fancy Fripperies
.  And their stuff is beautiful, but again, it doesn’t necessarily cater to a woman with a more voluptuous figure.”

“True.  So, we’ll see if we like Cleo Adams, and her
,” he said, wagging his eyebrows at her. “Let’s hope she makes a good bra.”

She laughed and then the waitress arrived with their first course.  After several minutes of appreciating the delicious fare set before her, Janie brought up
The Local Yokel

“I’d like to talk to Greg again about the silent backers from my business,” she said, referring to her, and Luke’s, lawyer.  “Usually, I send a thank you basket of food at the holidays to his office for them and he makes sure it’s sent to the appropriate people for me, but it would really be nice to know who they are.  I’d love to write them personal thank you’s.”

Luke nodded. 

“They’ve never wanted to be known to me, but I’m hoping I can get Greg to convince them to at least give me their names.  I’m so
grateful to them for all their help to me.  I just want to give them a thank you gift or something.”

“I know,” he said.  “Talk to Greg.”  His eyes shifted from hers.  She remained silent but continued to watch him.  When his eyes met hers again, she noted an innocent gleam in them.

She narrowed her eyes at him.  “You couldn’t possibly know who they are, could you?”

He waited a beat. 

“Do you?” she asked, confused.

He waited another beat and nodded once.  “Yes.”

“How do you know who they are?” she asked in complete surprise.  He looked down at his food calmly and took another bite.  She wasn’t done with him yet.  “Greg couldn’t have told you.  That would’ve been confidential information.”  Her brain went through various permutations.  “Unless you,” she waited, still processing, “unless you suggested my business to them in the first place.” 

She blinked at the emotion that hit her.  She loved this man more than she could possibly express to him, for she truly couldn’t have started her business without these unknown investors.

More silence…and her heart began to pound.  He seemed to be waiting for something and kept watching her.

“Or,” she said, her hands beginning to shake.  “Or you’re one of the investors,” she whispered.  She swallowed.  “Are you one of my silent backers, Luke?”

He took a deep breath and looked down at her hand on the table, entwining their fingers.  “Would it upset you if I was?”

Her eyes shimmered with the tears that were threatening her composure.  “Is that why you wanted us for your holiday party?”  She wasn’t sure she liked the feeling she was getting.

“No,” he whispered.  “I wanted you because I think you’re a phenomenal chef and a talented and creative cook.”  He swallowed.  “Answer my question.  Would it upset you if I was?”

One tear escaped, “Um.  I don’t know.”

He squeezed her hand and a look of worry passed over his eyes.  “Janie, I did it because I believe in you.”

She pulled her hand away to wipe the tear from her cheek.  God, she didn’t know if she should be pissed at him for keeping this secret, disgruntled because he’d been controlling things from behind the scenes, or
feel insecure because he felt obligated to come in and save her.

“Janie.  Baby, please.  Tell me what you’re thinking.”

“I’m thinking you didn’t think I could do it on my own.”

“Don’t do that.  Don’t let your insecurity color the reasons behind why I did what I did.” 

“So, you’re one of the backers then?”

He looked her in the eye and seemed to be struggling, then finally said quietly, “I
the backers, Janie.”

She took a moment to process what he’d said then covered her mouth as a sob came out unexpectedly.  She moved her hand and fanned her eyes to stop the waterworks.  Luke was her backer?  Her one and only backer?

“Just you?  You’re the only one?” Her voice was incredulous.  “That was two years ago, Luke.  You’ve been backing me for two years?  Since the beginning?  Just you?”

He sent her a tender smile and shrugged, looking wary, as if he wasn’t sure if she was going to hit him or kiss him.  “Yeah.”

“Luke.  Why?  I hadn’t even proven myself yet.  Why on earth would you have put your money into something like that?  What if I had failed and you’d lost your investment?  God,” she said, grabbing at her stomach thinking of that possibility.

“I believed in you.  You just needed that first little bit of help.  Everyone does when they start out, Janie.  That’s what investors do.  They weigh the pros and cons they see before them, then they take a calculated risk.”  He reached for her hand.  “It didn’t even seem like a risk to me.  I knew you would succeed.  It was only a matter of time.  But I didn’t do it to make back money.  I did it,” he hesitated, “I did it because I wanted to help.  I wanted to watch you bloom into the business woman you’ve become, the success you’ve become,” he said, holding her hand firmly so she couldn’t pull away.  “You’ve turned out to be a very wise investment.  On many levels.” 

His eyes were begging her to understand.

She finally leaned back, removing her hand from his, trying to gather her wits so she wouldn’t make more of a scene.  Dabbing at her ey
es, she said, “Were you ever going to tell me?”

“Someday.”  He watched her.  “I wasn’t trying to be deceptive.  I just wanted to help and I wasn’t sure how you’d feel if you knew it was me who was the investor.  I figured if you thought of me as a brother, you might feel weird that it was me.  Please,” he said.  “Please tell me I didn’t screw this up.  Please.  I don’t want this to be what comes between us.  I had the money, you were just starting out, I wanted to help, I –”

She didn’t care what kind of scene she was making.  She grabbed his face and leaned over to give him the biggest kiss she could without having them call the police to arrest her for indecent public behavior.  Her eyes were wet and she sniffled, but kept her lips resting on his.

“I love you,” she whispered.  “I love you, Lu
ke Daniels.  I feel like I’m going to burst sometimes because I can’t contain it.”

“God, you scared the shit out of me,” he said, stroking her hair from her face and nuzzling her lips. 

“I don’t want my insecurities to get in the way.  It just made me feel,” she paused and thought of her wording, “I don’t know.  It’s the whole
baby girl
thing.  It makes me feel like you were the big brother taking care of the little sister.  Like you continue to see me as a little girl who can’t do it on her own.  And I’m desperate for you
to see me that way anymore.”

“I promise you, that wasn’t my motivation.  My feelings were already changing for you when I invested.  It really was a combination of seeing you as a wise business venture coupled with the fact that I thought the world of you and believed you were go
ing to make it.  Again, everyone in the beginning needs a little help to get started.  That’s what I wanted to be.  I wanted to be the one to help you.  I believed in you, Janie.  Please believe me.”

She covered his mouth with her fingers.  He sounded so concerned and she wanted to soothe him, let him know that even in the midst of her insecurities, she understood.  “Shh,” she said.  “Okay.  It’s okay.”

He closed his eyes.  When he opened them, he nodded, still touching her face. 

She grabbed his hand.  “It makes me love you more.  That you would believe in me that much to invest your money like that.  I’m humbled.”

“I do believe in you.”  He took a deep breath, getting his emotions in check.  “Now that the holiday party is under your belt and you’ve proven to so many how accomplished you are, I think it might be good to talk about something else that’s been on my mind.”

He looked so serious.


“You know
encompasses many different companies all based in New York.  We deal mostly with fashion designers and their product, but at
’s core, all of the companies are illustrating a philosophy, a lifestyle.  Gastaldi Wines are being brought in.  But I’m wondering what it would look like to bring in a food service company.”  He watched.  And waited.  He was letting his meaning sink in.

He continued when she didn’t say anything.  “I’ve been thinking you guys would be perfect, a perfect addition to the
family.  Your client base would grow exponentially and
The Local Yokel
would become a part of the largest growing conglomerate in the City.  You would be our ‘go to’ catering company for events and such.”

She processed what he said.  “Like we’d be on retainer?”

“Maybe.  It’s something that needs to be discussed obviously.”

“And you would get a cut on all of our other gigs?”

He nodded, “Yes, but we would work out the details so they were satisfactory to both you and Ayanna.”

“I’m finally able to pay you back, you know,” she said.  “We’re in the black and your party helped do that for us.  It’s kind of weird, isn’t it?”

“If we let it be, it is.  You’ll pay me back, like you would any investor.  Then you’ll move forward.  I love your food, your vision and philosophy, everything you’ve done with your business.  If I didn’t have a history with you, and I’d been to events where you’d catered, I’d
be having this conversation with you.”

She let go of an excited sigh.  She remained silent, her mind going in a million different directions.  “Let me think about it a little and talk to Ayanna.”

“You should.  And if you feel more comfortable and the time comes where we negotiate a deal, we’ll get a second lawyer from Greg’s firm involved.  I want you to feel completely assured that your needs are being met.”

She smiled.  “I trust you.”

He smiled back and looked like a king on a throne.  “That means the world to me, baby.  You can always trust me.  I just want to make sure there is never a question of impropriety.  This is a business proposition, but you also happen to be the woman I love, so I don’t want there to be any doubts about anything.  My first priority is that you’re completely secure and taken care of.”

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