Remembrance: A Contemporary Erotic Romance (Iris Series Book 4) (14 page)

“He says,
It better not be a man after you hired me to find one for you.  Get rid of whoever’s there.  I’m there in 10 minutes.
”  The butterflies in Janie’s stomach took flight.   

“Ahh!”  Tiffany yelled, then shot up off the sofa.  “Go put something sexy on.”  Currently Janie was wearing her yoga pants and a baggy sweatshirt.  “You need to show cleavage.  My brother’s a boob man.”

Janie remembered Luke’s comments about the same thing, which she thought was crazy.  Vanessa had mosquito bites in the breast department. 

“Come on,” Ayanna said, taking charge and grabbing her hand to lead her to her closet of clothes. 

“Wait!  I’m hanging with my best girlfriends here,” Janie blabbed while being pulled along.  “We’re not just going to pack up and call it a night.”

“Yes, we are!” Tiffany screeched.

“I don’t even know why he’s coming over.  I’m not going to just drop everything when he calls.”  Who was she kidding?  She was
going to drop everything when he called but she wanted to play a little more hard to get. 

Ayanna stopped dead in her tracks with Janie plowing into her.  Yan turned to the girls.  “She might be right.  We’re playing it all wrong.  She needs to say no.  That’ll piss him off and then he’ll come over here,” she turned to Janie, “and you can argue then have hot monkey sex.”

They all started cracking up as Janie laughed nervously at their ridiculousness before responding to his text.

Lukey, I’m busy.  What’s this about?

“You might as well put something on while we watch this play out.  If he says he’ll be here in ten minutes, he will,” Tiffany said knowingly.

“God, this is ridiculous.  You guys are making me crazy nervous!  I mean, it’s just Luke,” Janie sputtered.

“Get your ass over here and put on a low cut shirt and tight jeans,” Ayanna growled and pointed to the floor next to her.  “Let’s go,” she continued, digging through the closet.

Janie’s phone pinged and she grabbed it.

I need u for a wine tasting.  I’ll explain when I get there.  I’m 8 mins out.  Get rid of him, Janie, whoever he is.

Janie grabbed her stomach at the command in the text.  She read it to the girls.  Ryann was smiling and licking her lips as if imagining Janie’s night to come with relish.  Janie’s phone pinged again almost immediately.

On second thought, have him stay.  I’d like to meet him. 7 mins.

Janie began to giggle as Ayanna started pulling Janie’s arm through her sweatshirt and pushing clothes at her.  She told them all what the text said and they all whooped as she began putting on clothes Ayanna had chosen.

Shit, she was so nervous.  Ridiculous.  She texted back one more time. 

I don’t remember inviting u to this party.

Emily came over just as Janie finished texting and dressing.  “Here, smoke your eyes up a little,” she said going through her makeup bag. 

The last text came in and Janie read the final exchange out loud. 
“Tough.  See u in 5.
  He’s so friggin’ conceited,” Janie grumbled.

Within five of the most hectic minutes of her life, she’d transformed from comfy lounge clothes to tight boot cut jeans, low cut burgundy top that fit her curves just right, long necklace and matching chunky earrings, with her hair piled in a sexy mess on top of her head.  Had she mentioned the eye shadow Emily applied?


They all went back to the sofa area to sit, and her call box went off a moment later to announce his arrival. 


Chapter 6


All of the girls draped themselves on the floor and chairs as if they’d just been sitting around for the last ten minutes while Janie buzzed Luke in.  She looked through the peephole and watched him enter the area just outside her door, dressed for the cold in his slim cut jeans, burnt orange colored sweater with a blazer over it, and his leather shoes that looked like they cost more than her loft.  He had a striped scarf around his neck and was carrying her shopping bags with him. 

He looked annoyed, his stride quick and sure as he approached the door.  She smiled as he pounded against it, then she stepped back and slid the door open. 

He stood there and gave her a casual once over, his eyebrow shooting up after looking at her outfit.  He began to look around her into the loft, when she blocked his way.

“You know what, Mr. Daniels?  You really know how to ruin a good time,” she said in a low voice, as if she didn’t want her ‘guest’ to hear.  “Things were just about to get interesting, too.”  She wagged her eyebrows at him.

He glared and walked around her into the room.  Once he saw the girls smiling back at him from the living area, he looked back at Janie giving her a
you’re a pain in my ass
look.  He turned back to the girls who were all saying hello to him in their own ways.

, ladies.  What are my favorite women doing tonight?  Plotting the take down of the male population, no doubt,” he said dryly.

They all beamed at him.

“Actually, we were celebrating Tiff’s birthday again because we didn’t have time to talk when we all went out dancing,” Janie said from behind him.

“It’s my birthday too,” he said, pretending to be upset he wasn’t invited to the soiree.  “How come I wasn’t invited?” 

“And,” Janie said with emphasis, “there’s other news.”  Janie’s eyes were practically shooting sparks she was so excited.

“Yeah?” Luke asked with interest.

All the girls began laughing at once and Ayanna held up Ryann’s hand dramatically, showing him the ring.

“Hey, looky there!  I don’t remember seeing that when we were all salsa dancing,” he laughed and walked over to hug her.  “Let’s see how he did,” Luke said, inspecting the ring.  “Beautiful.  The boy done good,” he teased.  “He told Mike and me about the ring last weekend, and we all talked a couple of days ago so I knew it was happenin
g soon,” he smiled at Ryann.  “I’m thrilled for you guys,” Luke said genuinely excited.  “Congratulations, Ry,” he said sweetly and hugged her again, still chuckling happily.

He turned to them all and said, “Well, now I really
feel bad about breaking this up, but I need Janie tonight.  It’s important.  Don’t hate me.”

“That’s okay.  We were actually just packing up,” Tiffany said.  It was barely 9 o’clock and they all shuffled to get up and pick up their glasses.  “We’ve been at it for a couple of hours now,
so…” She let her voice trail off then nailed her brother with a look.  “What’s so important that you need Janie so much?”

“We’re working on a potential deal with a winery upstate and I want some of the wine for the party next weekend.”  He turned to Janie.  “I need to know what’s go
ing to work best with the menu.”

“Oh,” Janie said, a little flustered.  “Well, we already arranged for the alcohol.  Right, Yan?”

Ayanna nodded, smiling.

“That’s okay.  I’d like to have one section of the terrace dedicated to just their stuff, and I’d like you to check it out first,” Luke said.  “So.  Sorry to break up the party.”

“You could’ve fooled me,” Janie grumbled, annoyed with how easy it was for him to come in and take over.

“No worries.  I gotta get movin’ anyway.  You don’t need me at the tasting, do you?” Ayanna said, slipping her feet into her shoes and sending a shit eating grin toward Janie.

“No, we’re good.  Enjoy the final weeks of freedom before this slave driver makes you partner,” Luke said.

“Well, good.  I wanted to go home and make crazy love to my man anyway.”

“Yeah, me too,” Ryann said getting up.

“Me three,” Emily said, laughing at Luke’s expression. 

He turned to his sister after Emily’s comment.  “Don’t even say it,” he said, pointing at her.

“Don’t look at me.  I’m currently without a man to make crazy love to,” Tiffany huffed. 

“That can change, you know,” Emily said in a sing songy voice, then she held up her hand waiting for the argument.  “Just sayin’.”

Luke covered his ears.

way, have fun you two,” Tiffany said.  “Lucas, she’s already put down a few glasses of vino so take it easy on her, okay?” she said, ever the big sister.

“Got it,” he said, kissing his twin and the others goodbye.  After they’d all left, Janie stood before him, her hands on her hips.

“You can’t just text and have me running, Luke.  I do have a life.”

He walked slowly toward her and stopped when his toes were nearly touching hers.  “You like teasing me, don’t you?” His voice was husky.

She backed up a little, feeling crowded.  “What do you mean?” she asked innocently.

“Uh, huh,” he sounded dryly then took her hand and led her to the door.  “Come on.  We got some drinking to do.”

“Wait, I don’t even have any shoes on,” she groused.

He stopped and looked at her toes.  “Alright, well, tick tock,” he said.  “Wear my boots.  It’s cold out.”

“You’re such a friggin’ bossy pain in my ass,” she grumbled good-naturedly, walking over to her bedroom area to dig for her boots.  She made sure to bend over to give him a view.  “And they’re
boots, thank you very much.”

She heard him swear as she wiggled her butt. 

“Lace them in the car,
.  Let’s go.”

The use of the Spanish term of endearment caused her to pop up and blink at him.  He didn’t even react but rather moved his hand to hurry her up.

“Why are you so impatient?” she asked while shoving her feet into the boots.  “Didn’t you say a man should be patient?  That’s on the list, I remember.  You come in here expecting me to drop everything, then rush me around like the place is on fire.”  She stopped at her wording and turned toward him just as he glared at her, both of them remembering the fire from which she’d escaped months earlier. It had been a very close call.

He sighed and looked away for a moment.

“Sorry,” she mumbled. 

He put out his hand for her to take it and she walked over placing her hand in his.  It was a natural thing for them to do but felt strange nonetheless.  Things definitely had shifted, just as Tiffany had said.

She grabbed her long funky coat and he perused her outfit before they left.  “You need a scarf.  To cover up your chest.”  His eyes skittered down to her low cut shirt.

“My chest is fine.  It’s very warm,” she said smacking her lips.  Another Spanish swear word came out of his mouth while they locked up her place.  “I wan
t to know what you’re saying to me every time you curse me out.  I’ve tried Googling some, but you say them too fast and I can never find them.” 

“Oh well,” he said drolly as they arrived at his car.  After Janie said hello to Kenneth, they were on their way.

“Well, I want to know.  Maybe I’ll ask Tiff or your mom what you’re saying to me.  You’re always so exasperated.”  She didn’t know why, but it made her smile.

“That’s because you’re an exasperating woman.  And you will not ask Tiffany or my mom.”  He gave her a look of warning. 

She smiled and grabbed her phone quickly.  “I just want to call Jem real fast,” she said. “I’m so stinkin’ happy for them.”  She did and they both congratulated him on the engagement.  After the phone call, she leaned back.  “So, where are we going?”

“Back to my office.  They’re setting up there.  I’d like you to pick two reds and two whites, okay?”

“Okay.  You’re more the wine connoisseur than I am, though.”

“I thought it would be good for you to meet them, and there’ll be a few more people there to introduce you to.”  He hesitated.  “I didn’t mean to interrupt your night with the girls.”  He was looking at her sincerely, genuinely sorry for stopping the gathering.

She smirked at him.  “Who are you kidding?  Yes, you did.  Well, you meant to when you thought it was a man in my living room and not four women.”

He pursed his lip, examining her face.  Even though it was dark in the limo, she thought she saw his eyes move to her chest then back up again.  “You should be thankful it wasn’t a man in your living room.”

“Why?  What would you have done?” she chuckled.  “Last I checked, I was over 18.”

“You asked me to find you a man.  If you’re go
ing to do it without my help, just tell me so I’m not spending all my time looking for one.”

“I told you.  While you’re looking, I’m keeping my options open.”  She waited a beat.  “Are you really go
ing to look for one?” she asked, trying to hide the disbelief from her voice.

“You asked me to, didn’t you?”

This conversation was seriously depressing her.  She shrugged in response to his question.

“What?  You’ve changed your mind?”  His voice was low.

Put on a happy face, Janie.

“Nope.  Have at it.  Just don’t forget my list.”

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