Released: MC Secret Baby Romance (New Adult Contemporary Biker Romance) (63 page)

BOOK: Released: MC Secret Baby Romance (New Adult Contemporary Biker Romance)
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“Eeeeuw…” She wiped her hand on her dress, as she wrinkled up her nose.


The floorboard creaked beneath her, as she stood up and stretched out her back.


A gruff voice yelled from the bedroom.

"It's Miss Kershaw, isn't it?"

"Yes." She hurried to the door and pressed her ear against the wood.

"It's almost nine!" He shouted. "And, you haven't come to unlock these damn shackles."

Jane looked at the doorknob, as if she was too scared to touch it. She contemplated what was on the other side of the door.

“Well, aren’t you coming in?” That angry voice again.

Opening the door, she saw her boss for the first time since the night before. She rubbed at the back of her neck and felt the ache that was twisting down her spine.

“I guess you didn’t have such a comfortable night either?” He looked up at her, his eyes connecting with hers.

There was something about the way he was staring so intently into her, as though he was looking into her soul. Yet, there was something else so utterly bewildering; his face looked weary with a thick layer of stubble on his chin. His eyes were rimmed with purple circles, and the sheets on the bed torn and destroyed.

“What the-?” Jane was in shock at what she saw. “What happed in here last night?”

“Oh, didn’t you hear?” Ferdinand suddenly turned up his lips into a crooked smile. “It was quite the party in here,” his words were dripping with sarcasm.

“I’m sorry,” was all she could say through her sense of awkwardness. “I’ll get you unchained right now,” and she fumbled for the keys.

She wanted to hate him and his arrogant manner. Yet, the more she tried to be repulsed by him, the more she seemed to be drawn to him and his magnetic charm. He oozed confidence and nobility while his aloofness only added to his haughty sense of entitlement.

“You’re different from the others,” he said out of the blue.

“Really?” she looked at him quizzically.

“Yeah, I mean…. Usually, the girls who respond to the ad are scared more easily. Congratulations for lasting the whole night,” he smirked.

“Well, at least I’m good at something,” she smiled back, as she released the final shackle.

Ferdinand stood up and stretched his limbs. His body was taught and toned, perfect and statuesque, and Jane found herself looking to the ground to stop herself from getting too excited. However, Ferdinand, sensing how bashful she was, turned to face her and patted her on the arm.

“You’ll do just fine here. I can see that,” and he made his way to the en-suite bathroom.

As the sound of the shower was heard, Jane looked down at the spot on her arm where he touched her. She was certain there was still a patch of heat emanating from it, as her skin tingled.

She gently touched her fingers to her cheeks and felt they were hot. Then, she imagined him in the next room, naked and in the shower.
Stop it Janey
. She tried to be stern with herself, but it was no use, the only way to stop herself opening the bathroom door was to leave, and she strode out of the bedroom and made her way downstairs.

“How is he doing this to me?” She clutched at her forehead in confusion. “This place is weird.”





“May I comment on how chipper you look this morning?” Gerard poured his boss a cup of steaming coffee.

“Thank you, Gerard,” Ferdinand nodded and smiled. “Last night could have been so much worse.”

“I presume the girl did as she was told.”

“Apart from a lapse in timing this morning, yes, she did fine. I remained in my place.”

“That’s fantastic.” Gerard almost cheered. “So, much better than that last girl.”

“Is that the one that fled screaming?” Ferdinand pushed a forkful of eggs into his mouth.

“No sir.” The butler began to arrange a vase of flowers on the window sill. “The last girl had an

“Oh, of course!” Ferdinand chuckled. “There have been so many, it’s hard to keep up,” he stopped laughing and stared into space in deep thought. “I better not make it a habit of mauling my staff to death,” and he resumed eating.

With the second night coming around, Jane was back in her employer’s bedroom. This time, Gerard was nowhere to be seen, and she had to manage all the chains and shackles by herself.

“I have to ask you a question,” she said nervously.

Ferdinand glanced at the clock and saw it was ten to eight.


“Why can’t that butler of yours do this? Why hire me?”

He went silent, as he looked her up and down with a mischievous look on his face.

“He has his reasons.”


Of course, he couldn’t admit that he’d had Gerard in his life for as long as he could remember and, if anything were to happen to him, if Ferdinand were to accidentally hurt him…. He couldn’t bear the thought and he shook his head to rid himself of the image.

“Well then,” Jane gathered the chains in her hands. “Let’s get this done.”

She was still swooning in his presence, still unable to take her eyes off of his body.

“Do you always sleep in just your underwear? Or are you just trying to impress me?” She blurted out before she could stop herself and she regretted it instantly, cursing herself mentally, as she looked to the floor.

Ferdinand; however, burst out laughing.

“You’re a spunky one,” he laughed, as he lay back, letting Jane secure his wrists to the bed posts.

She couldn’t help but notice he didn’t answer her question, but she had a hundred more.

“Goodnight Mr. Gilbert,” she wrapped a shaking hand around the door knob.

“Goodnight Miss Kershaw,” he smiled at her, feeling relieved that he’d finally found a housekeeper that had stayed for the second night.

Meanwhile, she wanted to leave and take her place in the hall. She wanted to put all the strangeness to the back of her mind, but she couldn’t.

“I heard noises in here last night, like an animal had been let loose,” she shifted from one foot to the other, as she spoke, worried he’d laugh at her again.

“Noises?” He asked in a mocking tone. “Maybe…. If you stay a little longer, I’ll let you see.”

She was still no closer to understanding.

“Mr Gilbert? What’ll happen in here when I close the door?”


He didn’t speak a word, but just stared at the ceiling, as he waited for her to leave.

“Goodnight Miss Kershaw,” he repeated.

And, she closed the door and sat on the floor once again. The noises came quickly; grunting and moaning with the rattling of the chains. It sounded as though the bed was being lifted from the ground with the heavy wood rocking back and forth.

Jane wanted to scream, but as she opened her mouth, nothing came out, as her voice was left strangled in her throat with fear. But, more than anything, she wanted to see what was going on behind the door.

Dare I?
She thought, as she stood up. Her legs were wobbly as she walked, her thighs trembling as she tried to remain calm. As her hand reached out to the door, she could see her fingers quivering while her palm grew sweaty.

Before she could control herself, she watched herself pull out the keys and place one into the lock.
I shouldn’t be doing this. The agreement was that I stay in the hall.
But, it was as though she felt possessed in a quest for the truth.

Pushing the door open a few inches, the growling grew louder and she recoiled back for a moment, terrified that she’d see something she didn’t want to. However, if she could stand up to Lee, she could look behind a door.
It can’t be that scary, can it?

She was wrong. As she looked around the door, she saw him there; the vast beast pulling its heavy weight against the chains. She screamed and fell backward, landing on the floor with a thud. Where she left Ferdinand was now occupied by a gorilla, one that was savage and wild with a gaping mouth as it roared, and muscular arms that could tear off a man’s head. The animal’s eyes fixed on hers in outrage and she fled. Slamming the door behind her, she ran as fast as she could, dashing down hallway after hallway until she reached the great hall. Collapsing into a seat, she tried to regain her breath, but it was no use. She was shaking very violently, trembling with such terror that it consumed her body.

“So, it seems it has been revealed,” the voice came from behind her.


Jane jumped, as she turned round to see Gerard emerging from the shadows.

“What is that thing?” she pointed her finger up the stairs.

The butler sighed, as he relinquished himself to the task of explaining.

“It seems as though there’s no going back for you,” he explained. “So…. I guess you must know. Come with me.” He waved a hand for her to follow him.

He led her to a door at the edge of the hall and hesitated for a moment.

“Are you sure you want to know?” he checked one last time.

She nodded.

“Ok then…. But, there’s one condition. If I tell you, you are not allowed to leave this house again.”

She thought for a second before answering.

“I have nowhere else to go anyway,” and the tears came to her eyes.

Taken back by her answer, he continued to lead her through the door and down a set of stairs. The path was dark and slippery with the damp of the old building welling up through the walls. Meanwhile, the staircase wound itself around and around until Jane found herself at the bottom, staring into a cavernous room.

“What is this place?” she clapped a hand to her mouth. “It’s more like a museum.”

“Not quite,” Gerard corrected her.

Lining the walls were portraits of Ferdinand’s ancestors, but they were nothing like the paintings above ground. They were all animals; each face a savage and dangerous beast. They were all gorillas….

“Are you telling me… Are they…” Jane was stuttering, unable to get the words out.


“Shapeshifters?” Gerard smiled. “Yes. Our dear boss comes from a long lineage of very wealthy billionaires, yet insurmountably dangerous shapeshifters.”

“I’m going insane. This isn’t really happening. I’m going insane.”

“It’s a common response,” the butler walked over to the far side of the room with his voice echoing around the walls. “Although… You’re doing better than the other girls. Especially the last one.”

“Why?” Jane was still holding her face. “What happened to the last one?”

“Mathilda, I think her name was” he ambled his way to a tall cupboard and proceeded to unlock it. “was not as lucky as you.”

He opened the door and Jane’s eyes grew wide, then she began to shake once again before her legs buckled and she fell to the floor. In front of her lay the most gruesome scene. A body, one of a young girl, yet she was mutilated with large gashes ravaging her skin. Her face was almost destroyed, her clothes ripped from her frail body. From what skin Jane could see, she was blue, but turning a mottled purple. She was dead, and had been for quite some time.

Jane gathered her thoughts and with all her strength, she stood up and ran. She ran until she was at the top of the stairs, and then into the great hall. She pumped her legs until she was out the main door and running headlong into the icy night.

She gasped and struggled as exhaustion took hold of her, but still, she ran until she eventually collapsed halfway down the long drive.

“They’re fucking monsters!” She sobbed into her hands. “Psychos!”

Somewhere in the distance, a fox shrieked. Looking up to the sky, Jane noticed it was a full moon.





“You’ll catch a cold, Miss Kershaw,” the haughty voice was above her.

She looked up to see the face of the young, handsome billionaire looking down on her with concern.

“I heard you got quite a fright.”

“I…. I’m not sure what I’m doing out here,” Jane stammered.

“Fear can do peculiar things to the human psyche.” He offered her a hand and she took it. “Now, let’s get you inside.”

“You- you- you’re different now. It can’t be true, can it? You’re not the same animal I saw last night?”

“I’m afraid I am,” Ferdinand said while still gripping her hand. “The world is crazier and more bizarre than people give it credit for.”

Once inside the house, the young man led her through the hall and into a grand living room. The fireplace was roaring and he stoked the fire before picking up a blanket and wrapping it around the housekeeper.

“It seems as though the tables have turned,” his words sounded threatening despite him not meaning it. “Or rather, it is now my turn to take care of you.”

He ushered her to a large, leather armchair and tucked her in. Still in a daze, she lost herself in his green eyes and felt herself swoon beneath the touch of his deft hands, as he wrapped her up.

“They’ve never stayed this long,” he bit his lip in thought. “You must be very special,” he said affectionately.

BOOK: Released: MC Secret Baby Romance (New Adult Contemporary Biker Romance)
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