Released: MC Secret Baby Romance (New Adult Contemporary Biker Romance) (36 page)

BOOK: Released: MC Secret Baby Romance (New Adult Contemporary Biker Romance)
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Meanwhile, Reuben was inside the cabin watching from a distance. He was smoothing back his disheveled hair and watching his protégé with pride.

“Good girl,” he looked on with glee. “You’re one of us now.”



The End…

Bonus - Mated by the Bear




I kicked my bike up a gear and reveled in the smooth purring of the engine, as I raced down the highway. Nothing could get me here—not the idiotic decisions of my pack, not the creeping sense of dread that had begun to tinge my days, nothing. There was only me and the road, and the rumbling beast between my legs that promised everything would work out in the end.

I wanted to go somewhere where nobody knew who I was. The last thing I needed was a show of deference to my authority when all I wanted to do was pretend that I didn't have any authority at all. I wanted to be a nobody, a drifter, and I knew just the spot.

Cranville was two hours outside of Bellacourt, and a million miles away from shifter life. There hadn't been a shifter living within twenty miles of this city for some time. So, I would make it my haven.

The bar that I pulled up to, Harrington's, was starting to get busy already. Bikes lined the pavement outside, and I slotted mine in between two Harleys that begged to be ridden; neither was as sweet as mine.

I was thirsty for more than just the long ride. I thirsted for the sense of freedom that I got on my bike, but at all times. I wanted to be free of the constraints put on me by my own god damn society, but I wasn't thinking of that. I was a drifter now. I had no worries.

The seats at the bar were all taken by gruff bikers with long, scraggly beards and beer bellies that tugged at the front of their leather jackets. That didn't surprise me. While Cranville was a small town, the biker population was considerably high in comparison to the regular people.

I peered around for somewhere else to sit. It didn't matter where; I just wanted a cold beer and to watch the hours go by without someone bugging me about petty pack problems.

My eyes glued to a girl sitting near the back, her eyes on her phone, and a strained expression on her face. She was by herself, a barely touched beer sitting in front of her. Her auburn hair and blue eyes pulled me closer, but the freckles that dotted her nose were what really sealed the deal. She was gorgeous, and all dolled up to boot. There may as well have been a sign over her head reading "Nick, this way."

I slid into the seat across from her, and her face tilted up at me in surprise.

"Jason?" she asked, though I could tell she already knew that wasn't the case. Her expression went from surprised to confused to appreciative. Whomever she had been expecting, I was clearly a better deal.

"Nick," I corrected. "I don't think Jason's coming."

Her sigh told me I'd been correct in my assumption. She'd been stood up.

"That obvious, huh?" she asked, bearing a caustic smile.

I shook my head. "Lucky guess."

A waitress came over before she could say anything else, and I ordered a beer and a plate of nachos.

"Please, make yourself at home," the girl said sarcastically when the waitress had left.

I smiled at her, trying my best to seem less intimidating than I knew I looked in my leather and stubble. "I'm not just going to leave a beautiful girl by herself when she's come all this way to meet someone," I said. "And, I'm hungry." I winked. "We can share."

She blushed and looked down at her beer, raising it to her mouth to take a sip. "I'm Juliana," she said once she had placed it back down.

"I'm Nick."

The waitress brought my beer over, and I clinked glasses with Juliana. She had a little round face and long lashes, giving the appearance of innocence. I could tell though, from the way she drew her eyes rakishly across me that she was no stranger to the body of a man. Good. I liked my girls experienced.

A small voice in me told me that I shouldn't be doing this, that I had obligations to my pack, but I didn't listen. I was a drifter, nothing more.


While initially, I'd been a bit shell-shocked that a guy as gorgeous as Nick had just plopped himself across from me and started a conversation, I began to warm up to him as soon as I realized that Jason really wasn't coming. Not to mention that Nick was a considerable upgrade.

With his brown hair, dark eyes, and five o'clock shadow, he fit the tall, dark, and handsome stereotype to a tee. The scar that ran along the lower side of his jaw, and that I could only see when he tilted his head back to drink, made him look dangerous.

All in all, he was every girl's wet dream, and hell, if I'd walk away from that.

I was still a bit apprehensive, of course. I was an accountant; I didn't take risks. But, if I told myself in advance that it would be a one night thing, then there was no risk, right? And, I was frustrated that I'd been stood up. That was just plain rude.

Nick was charming as well. He had an aura that demanded attention, and I was more than happy to be attentive to him.

"So," he said. "You don't seem to fit the general vibe of the place." He gestured at my skinny jeans and floral tank top. "What's got you in a rough and tough biker bar?"

I snorted. "It was where my date wanted to meet," I said. "They have chicken wings on special tonight."

Nick let out a bark of laughter, tilting his head back so I could see that scar again. I wondered how he had gotten it.

"And he couldn't even show up for the wings," he commented. "What an asshole."

I sipped my drink and grinned. "Them's the breaks."

Nick matched my grin, spearing me with his gaze; "his loss, my gain."

I broke contact with those deep, endless pools of darkness. Biting my lip, I looked over to see if our food was on its way out. Really, I just needed an excuse to take a little breather. He was hot; too hot. What had I done to deserve this kind of treatment? Or rather, what was wrong with him?

But, when I looked back and studied him, I saw no malice in his eyes, no disorder. He seemed just a normal guy, out for a beer.

"What are you doing here?" I asked to satisfy my internal doubts. "Surely, a guy like you has better things to be doing on a Friday night than hanging out at a biker bar with a girl who got stood up."

He relaxed back into his chair just as the waitress came over and slid the nachos in front of us. I dug it. I truly was starving.

"I needed some air," he said.

"So, you came to a bar?" I asked quizzically.

He shrugged. "Maybe it's better to say I needed some space."

"That's cryptic," I said dryly.

He popped a chip in his mouth and chewed. "Does it matter?" he asked.

This time, I met the challenge of his eyes and thought about his question. Did it matter? Honestly, probably not. If I were going to have a one night stand with the guy and never talk to him again, the only thing that mattered was that he was hot and that I could stand him. Check and check.

"I guess not," I said finally, "to getting space and being stood up."

We clinked glasses and tipped them back, drinking heartily. I was already feeling lightheaded bubbly, my favorite stage of intoxication. It was a stage that made promises of things to come—much like Nick's gaze.


Damn, she was hot. I couldn't believe that she wondered why I'd want to be sitting with her. If she only knew the things her sultry stare was doing to my cock, I doubt she'd ever question my motives again.

I couldn't wait to take her home. I would have taken her into the back alley right then if I didn't have it in my head that I wanted to take some time with this one. She had a body that I longed to explore, and I wanted to take my time doing so.

We drank and chatted for another hour or so, finishing up the nachos and trading little stories about our lives. Nothing personal, but I got to know enough about her to know that she was nothing like the girl I was supposed to marry back home.

Not that there was anything wrong with Heather. She was a sweet girl, but lacked the aplomb and assured grace that Juliana possessed. While Heather was demure, Juliana had a measured confidence that struck me. She was analytical, I could tell, but I could also tell that she had analyzed our present situation and had been happy with what she found.

She offered to call for a cab, but I said that I'd brought my bike. Since I hadn't had much to drink, she agreed to let me take her for a ride.

I handed her my spare helmet when we got outside and told her to hold on tight. As she straddled the seat behind me, her tight thighs gripping at my hips, she held on very tightly indeed. I loved it. That girl could press herself against me so hard that I couldn't breathe if she wanted. I'd die happy.

I rolled out and down the streets that she called into my ear, the engine of my bike nearly drowning her out. I liked that she had to get real close to say anything. I could feel her breath on my neck, and it caused a jolt of electricity to zap straight down to my balls.

I couldn't wait to get her inside.

When she told me to stop, I pulled into the drive we'd stopped in front of and kicked down my stand.

"This is an interesting place," I said.

It wasn't. It was a ramshackle little house with peeling paint and a roof that was in bad need of repair. It’s only redeeming feature was the beautiful and well-kept garden on the front lawn.

"It's not," she said, snorting as she got off the bike.

I followed suit.

"My landlord doesn't really believe in fixing up things when they break," she explained. "I've been at him for months, citing all sorts of codes and renter rights. He comes in and starts to fix something, and then heads off to god knows where." She blew a piece of the straight hair that had landed on her forehead after removing the helmet. "Honestly, if the rent wasn't so cheap, I'd be out of here."

"I thought you were an accountant?"

She gave me a grim smile. "Just got out of school," she said. "I started a little late, and now I'm in my mid-twenties and up to my neck in student loans." She gestured around her. "Behold, the fruits of my labor."

I laughed and pulled her toward me, inhaling the sweet smell of her shampoo. "Well; at least, if we break anything, it won't matter," I purred into her ear.

I pulled back and saw a smile light up her face. "You make a very solid point, Nick."

I leaned down and pressed my lips into hers, willing my drifter persona to take over, to lead me away from thoughts of responsibility and action.

She was my rock in this endeavor. Any time my mind started to drift, the feel of her body tight against mine, held in the vice grip of my arms, brought me back to earth.

She moved against me, already grinding up against my crotch. As I had suspected, this girl knew what she was doing. I hardened instantly, already wondering what delightful little things I'd discover next about this mysterious girl—what other tricks she might have up her sleeve.

Winding my hands in her hair, I pulled her face closer, my tongue invading her mouth dominantly. The way she moaned let me know that she was mine for the taking, and it sent a thrill through me. I touched her everywhere, not giving a crap whether her neighbors might look out and see or not. She was mine for the night, and I wanted everyone to know it.






Holy hell, he was a good kisser. I had never had such a passionate, panty-dropping kiss. He captured my mouth and owned it, giving me pleasure in a way that a kiss normally would not. It was everything I could do not to tear his clothes off in the driveway and ride him to perdition.

I managed to drag myself away just long enough to pull him to my front door, unlock it, and push him inside. As soon as we were through the door, he slammed me roughly against the wall. It didn't hurt, but damn it was hot.

He found the bottom of my shirt and tore it off. His hands were rough, as they slid across my skin, causing a tingling sensation to spread in their wake. I wanted nothing more than to feel them between my legs.

I didn't have to wait for long.

By the time we were in my bedroom, both of us were naked. Our clothes had been tossed aside on the way, and I knew it would be a hassle to go pick them all up, but I didn't care.

Nick was big. After he threw me on the bed, I took a moment to assess him, and decided there was a statistical improbability in my room. No guy that hot ever has a dick that big. I smiled; James' loss, my gain, right?

"You look so good like that," he said, stroking himself.

Normally, I would have felt self-conscious about my body. Who didn't? When guys wanted to get a good look at me, I usually tried to keep their attention on my tits, not my belly, and that generally involved some yoga-like concentration.

With Nick, I didn't care. I felt sexy. I felt powerful.

I felt a great need.

"Get over here," I said.

He didn't waste any time. One second, he was at the foot of the bed, the next, he was firmly anchored between my thighs, the tip of his cock pressing against me. He kissed me again and I nearly died from the pure erotic anticipation that I felt.

BOOK: Released: MC Secret Baby Romance (New Adult Contemporary Biker Romance)
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