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Authors: Beth Kery

Release (28 page)

BOOK: Release
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“I refuse,” she challenged gruffly. “Release the restraints, Sean.”
He sighed and set the plate and glass down on the bedside table. “Well . . . see, the thing is, we’re not at the refusal stage yet.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“We’re not having sex yet, Gen. Actually, I was going to feed you.”
Genevieve pried her gaze off his sexy mouth. “I’m not hungry,” she muttered at the same time that her stomach growled. The toast smelled delicious.
Despite his calm tone, Genevieve noticed his firm lips were pressed together in irritation when he stood. Much to her surprise, he unhooked the left restraint from the strap. Still holding her wrist, he sat on the bed and lifted the sheet. He proceeded to slide his body beneath hers.
Genevieve’s mouth was still hanging open in amazement a few seconds later when he attached the cuff to the strap again. Sean settled his back against the pillow and headboard, pulling her into his lap. When her right arm strained, he slackened the strap.
He kissed the top of her head while he tucked the sheet around her breasts. After he finished, he encircled her ribs. Genevieve gasped when she saw the way her breasts plumped on top of his forearms. His spicy male scent enveloped her.
She wasn’t only tied up spread-eagle to the bed, but Sean held her in a warm bear hug while she sat in his lap, his groin pressed to her bare ass.
“I swear, the things you come up with,” she muttered acerbically, perhaps trying to shield herself from the prickling, hot excitement brewing in her pussy.
“You nice and comfortable?”
“Yes.” She was nice and excited, anyway.
“Okay. Time for a little breakfast,” he murmured.
Her head shifted with his chest when he leaned toward the bedside table. He lifted a triangle of toast and straightened.
“Sean . . . I can feed myself,” she said disparagingly when he lifted the buttered, yummy-smelling toast to her lips.
“Humor me,” he rumbled. She felt his jaw move next to her temple and realized he watched himself press the toast to her mouth. Her lips parted instinctively when he pressed an edge to her lip. “Uh-uh . . . keep still, girl.”
Genevieve paused, her heart beginning to drum in her ears, as Sean slowly outlined her lips, oiling them with the warm, sweet butter. The fragrance of the toast filled her nostrils, making her mouth water. She felt his penis stiffen beneath her bottom. Her clit answered with a dull ache.
He inserted the corner of the toast into her mouth. “Go ahead . . . take a li’l bite,” Sean said gruffly.
When she did, Sean moved the toast an inch away from her lips while she chewed.
The flavor of toasted fresh bread and butter filled her mouth. Genevieve wondered if she’d ever tasted anything half so good. It was as if her taste buds had become exponentially more sensitive . . . more expert at handling their task. Come to think of it, she realized as she swallowed the toast, her entire body felt the same way . . . hypersensitive, hyperaware, hyper
for the sensual pleasures she had no doubt Sean would bring it.
Sean kissed her temple warmly when she swallowed. “Open up,” he whispered next to her ear. He pressed the toast between her lips again. They continued like that, neither of them speaking, until the slice of toast was finished and Sean reached for another. As he shifted in bed to get the toast, the forearm that cradled her breasts rubbed against the lower curves. When he straightened again with a new triangle of toast, Genevieve’s hips moved restlessly in his lap. She’d experienced an overwhelming urge to grind her ass against the rigid column of his cock pressing against his jeans.
“Genny,” he warned softly. He pressed the corner of the toast next to her lower lip and traced her mouth once again while their sexes throbbed in tandem. “Didn’t your mama ever tell you not to squirm while you ate your breakfast?”
“She might have mentioned it, yeah,” Genevieve whispered before she whisked her tongue along her lower lip, gathering butter. Sean gave a low growl of male appreciation. She felt his facial muscles tighten next to her forehead and cheek and knew he’d just smiled.
“Then be a good girl and keep still,” he admonished before he pressed the toast between her parted lips. Genevieve ate this piece more greedily. Sean said nothing, but she could feel his gaze on her while she chewed. He was always ready to insert another morsel of toast between her lips when she parted them.
By the time she’d swallowed the last bite, Genevieve was panting softly.
“I don’t want any more,” she said when he leaned over to grab another slice. He went still, and she wondered if he’d heard the edge in her tone. It’d sounded like irritation, when in reality, Genevieve was only confused by her profound sexual reaction to eating
Well . . . being
toast by Sean while she lay naked and restrained in his lap.
He set the piece of toast down. “You sure? You seemed awful hungry.”
“Yes. I’m full,” she assured him.
“How about some juice then?” He started to reach for the glass of orange juice, but then grunted in dissatisfaction. He straightened on the bed, and Genevieve shifted with him.
“My fingers are all buttery.” He held several fingertips before her lips. “Go on, girl. Clean them off.”
Heat rushed into her cheeks and sex. She stared. The sight of his long, blunt-tipped fingers glistening with oil struck her as profoundly sexual. She thought of the times he’d pushed one of those thick fingers into her pussy. When he’d withdrawn, her juices had gleamed even more greatly on his skin than they did now with the butter.
“Yeah, that’s it. Suck it nice and clean, girl.”
Genevieve blinked at the sound of his raspy voice. She hadn’t told herself to move, but suddenly she suckled on Sean’s thick forefinger all the way to the knuckle. She pulled on him strongly while she ran her tongue over his skin, eager to find the traces of his flavor mixed with that of the butter.
Sean groaned and inserted his middle finger between her lips. She tightened around him and cleaned that one just as thoroughly. By the time he inserted the forefinger of his other hand, both of their breathing had escalated.
“You have such a gorgeous mouth,” he murmured as he slowly sawed his middle finger back and forth between her pursed lips, and she drew on him tightly. He pressed his lips to her hot cheek while he watched himself penetrating her mouth. “Are you gonna suck that hard on my cock, girl?”
Genevieve moaned harshly even as she continued to suck on his finger. She wriggled in his lap, desperate to come into closer contact with the hard, hot cock next to her ass.
She whimpered in loss when he withdrew his finger and used both hands to still her squirming hips.
“Didn’t I tell you? None of that,” he drawled.
Genevieve realized she was panting hard through her nose. It stunned her, how aroused she was from eating toast from Sean’s hand and then sucking on his fingers. How fair was it that he had such a profound effect on her?
But she could have cared less about the justice of her arousal at the moment. Right now, all she could think about was the unbearable, aching burn between her spread legs. Her nipples prickled beneath the soft sheet. As if Sean were a magician who could read her mind, he grabbed the top of the sheet in both hands and carefully folded it back, exposing her heaving bare breasts.
she moaned. She began to shift again in his lap, desperate for friction on her tingling pussy. Once again, however, he stilled her with his hands, holding her immobile against his hard thighs, groin, and abdomen.
“I’m going to have to give you a good spanking if you keep that up.”
Genevieve went still. There had been lightheartedness to his tone, but she’d caught the steel of threat in his warning.
He leaned over and grabbed another triangle of toast. Genevieve bit her lip in order not to cry out in wild arousal when he plumped a breast with his left hand and rubbed the buttered side of the toast against the beading tip. The rough surface of the bread gently abraded her nipple as he coated it with warm butter. He coated the erect crest until it glistened and turned his attention to the other aching nipple.
When he’d anointed both tips, he set down the toast and cradled her breasts in his large hands.
“Mmmm, look at that,” he admired as he plumped them from below, making the dark pink nipples poke out in further pronouncement. She felt his cock lurch against her ass. Genevieve closed her eyes, overwhelmed. She thrashed her head on his chest, but he just continued to softly mold her breasts to his palms while he stared at the oiled, erect nipples.
“I used to think I was gonna go crazy if I couldn’t touch your breasts, and I’m not saying that figuratively, either,” he spoke quietly near her ear. “If I told you the number of times I jacked off while I thought about fucking them, you’d never believe me in a million years.”
“Sean!” His name burst out of her throat in stark need. “Please don’t.
stop teasing me. Are you punishing me for leaving? Is that what this is about?”
His hands paused in their molding action. She felt his gaze on her even though she kept her eyes averted. “I don’t want to make you suffer, Genny. I just don’t like when you deny the obvious. Some things are too good to run from, no matter the circumstances. Some things are worth fighting for.” His hands moved again, massaging her sensitive breasts. He pushed them up from below, sending the tips farther into the air. She grimaced in rising agony.
He refused to stimulate the needy nipples.
“I’m not a coward, Sean,” she grated out.
“Show me you’re not,” he rasped near her ear. “Tell me what you want.”
He kissed her heated cheek. “Can you be more specific?”
She lifted her eyelids slowly. From the corners of her eyes, she saw that his gaze was glued to her breasts as he molded the flesh gently.
“Touch my nipples,” she whispered.
Once again, she felt his cock surge against his jeans and her left buttock. She watched, mesmerized, as he released one breast. He pressed his forefinger to the nipple of the breast that he still held, gently rubbing the melted butter into the turgid flesh.
Pleasure jolted through her. She jerked in his arms and moaned.
“Shhh,” he soothed, even as he proceeded to do just the opposite of what would calm her down. He once again gathered both of her breasts in his hands, using the tip of his thumb to rub and agitate the oiled crests.
“Ohhhh,” she moaned uncontrollably. His chin tilted.
“Open your eyes,” he ordered gruffly. “If you don’t watch, I’ll stop touching you, Genny.”
She slowly pried open her eyelids at that gentle threat. For a taut, delicious minute, they both watched while he expertly finessed her glistening nipples. When he lightly pinched both crests at once with his thumb and forefinger, his actions attenuated by the sensual glide of oiled skin against skin, Genevieve groaned in mounting frustration and once again wiggled in his lap. This time she pressed at a downward angle, trying to stimulate her spread, wet pussy.
Sean ducked his head beneath her arm. Genevieve cried out in protest when he shifted his body beneath her, and she was deprived of his hard heat.
She watched him as he stood by the side of the bed. He turned toward her. Her eyes widened when she saw the length of his penis pressing along his left thigh, the thickness of it stretching the denim tautly.
She glanced up at his rigid face.
“Breakfast is over. I’m going to make love to you now.”
“Yes,” she whispered emphatically.
His mouth quirked. “I was telling you because you’ve got the right to say ‘no’ now.”
She pulled the restraining straps taut and stretched, curving her spine, her arching back causing her breasts to thrust toward him. His blue eyes blazed with heat.
You’re acting like a freakin’ cat in heat,
Genevieve thought wryly. But it was a distant thought that barely penetrated the sensual haze that enfolded her.
she hissed once again.
Sean’s nostrils flared as he stared down at her. Genevieve bit off her protest when he walked toward the foot of the bed instead of joining her. He removed the slack in her ankle restraints, and then did the same with her wrists. When he was done she was once again snugly restrained to the bed. She wished he’d make eye contact with her as he went about his erotic task with so much efficiency, but kept his gaze averted as he grabbed the sheet and blanket and bared her body.
He finally met her stare. Genevieve thought she understood why he hadn’t looked before.
His gaze scorched her.
Her pulse leapt madly at her throat. Her anticipation had never felt so acute. She watched—mesmerized—as Sean unfastened the buttons of his jeans. He peeled open the fly as far as it would go and sunk his hand down the crotch of his underwear. Genevieve held her breath as he carefully revealed inch after inch of thick, succulent cock.
Then he released himself. The heavy cockhead fell, bringing the stalk down with it.
He straddled her on the bed, his cock jutting lewdly from his unfastened jeans.
“You’re an exhibitionist, do you know that?”
Sean’s smile was as innocent as warm milk.
“What d’ya mean, girl?”
“You know what the sight of that,” her eyes flashed down to his erection poking between the fly of his jeans, “does to a woman.”
He leaned down over her, his arms supporting his weight. His velvety smooth, deliciously heavy cockhead brushed the skin on her hip. He brought his face to within inches of hers . . . close enough for her to breathe his clean skin and spicy cologne.
“I’m only interested in what it does to you,” he rumbled. His gaze skimmed down over her turgid nipples.
BOOK: Release
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