Read Relatively Famous Online

Authors: Jessica Park

Tags: #General, #Fiction

Relatively Famous (21 page)

“Can you write it for me?” Dani didn’t want to look at the words she was going to have to say.

“Yup. Okay, I got her address. Shoot.”

“I know what you did,” Dani started, “ Don’t call me, don’t write me. Stay away from me and my mother.”

“Are you sure you want me to send that?” Kayla asked. “Maybe you should try and talk to her first. See what she has to say?”

“No. Send it. There is nothing she could possibly say that will excuse what she’s done. Sam isn’t my friend anymore
. M
aybe she never was.”

“Look, I haven’t known you that long, but this doesn’t sound like you.” Kayla said. “It sounds like

“It’s me now,” Dani said.

“Hi, girls!” Olivia’s voice trilled across the pool area.

“God, she’s here again?” Dani muttered as she waved.

“Mark and I are going sea kayaking in a few hours. You want to come?”

“No, thanks.” Dani floated away from Olivia.

“Okay. We’ll be inside for a while if you change your mind.” Olivia didn’t conceal the disappointment in her voice.

“Maybe another time,” Dani called over her shoulder. After Olivia had gone inside, Dani said, “You know what? I want to invite a friend over.”


“Bridgett. She’s actually a friend of Mark’s, but I think she’d like to come swimming with us.”




Mark stared at the two women in front of him: Olivia, in her long khaki shorts and
, and Bridgett, in her red bikini and Chanel shades. Too bad he and Olivia hadn’t left earlier so he could have avoided this awkward meeting. Olivia, at least, looked amused as she eyed Bridgett’s voluptuous curves, but Mark was nervous and confused. What the heck was Bridgett doing here? Had he made plans with her?

“Oh, my God, Mark!” Bridget bubbled. “I’m
happy to see you! Where have you been hiding yourself?” She flung herself forward and hugged him tightly, bouncing on her toes with excitement.

“Um, Bridgett,” Mark said as he extricated himself from her grip, “this is Olivia. Olivia, this is Bridgett.”

Olivia held out her hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you,” she said politely.

“You, too. Are you Mark’s sister or something?”

“No, she’s not my sister,” Mark said awkwardly. “She’s my, er, she’s my girlfriend.”

“Oh.” Bridgett wrinkled her forehead. “That’s a bummer. I was so happy about coming over. Well, I guess I’ll go swimming with Dani since I’m here. Bye!” she said happily and left for the pool.

Mark clapped his hands together and tried to figure out how to explain this to Olivia. Having that half-naked girl show up at the house for a date did not reflect terribly well on him. He turned to Olivia. “Liv, I have no idea why she is here. I’ve been out with her a few times, but I haven’t talked to her in a while.”

“It’s fine. I’m not mad.” Olivia looked remarkably calm.

“You’re not? I mean, I’m glad.” At least she wasn’t getting territorial and nasty about this, but couldn’t she look the slightest bit jealous? “It doesn’t bother you?”

“Mark,” Olivia said. “I know
didn’t call her.”






Chapter 41


“The food looks great here,” Dani said as she looked at the menu.

“I’m glad you suggested this restaurant. I haven’t been here in ages,” Mark said.

“I thought it would be nice for the three of us to go out together.” Dani beamed at Olivia, who was sitting next to her in the round booth. “Kayla said she and her family eat here a lot and it’s great. When I called to make the reservation, they said they were booked, but once I mentioned your name, Dad, they immediately had room. Pretty cool, huh?”

“You’re in a good mood tonight,” Mark commented
threw an arm around Dani’s shoulder. “You seemed a little down for a few days. I was beginning to wonder if something was going on.”

“Nope. Everything is perfect.” Dani said sweetly. “Have you eaten here before, Olivia?”

Olivia shook her head. “Mark has been taking me to a lot of fancy places. I always thought those trendy restaurants were more about seeing and being seen, but the food has been surprisingly great.”

“See? I told you,” Mark said triumphantly, reaching across Dani to touch Olivia’s hand.

Dani had a hard time focusing on what to order, but then, she wasn’t really here for the food. “I don’t know what
to get.”

“Mark, why don’t you order for both of us?” Olivia pushed up her sleeve, revealing a glimmering tennis bracelet.

Dani glared at the diamonds. She knew Olivia would never choose anything like that herself, even if she could afford it. Olivia wore jewelry with beads and stones.

“So, Dani, I have my audition for Evan’s movie this week.” Mark paused. “I hope I don’t let you down…” Mark raised his glass in a toast.

Dani clinked her glass against his. “No, you would never let
down, would you?” She looked accusingly into his eyes.

Mark changed the subject quickly. “I’ve really got your party plans in gear now. It’s going to be the most amazing Winter Wonderland ever. I’ve rented a snowboard simulator, and there will be servers wearing Russian hats, giving out Sno Cones, and giant stuffed polar bears. All the seating will be in sleighs. And there is even going to be an ice rink so you can skate with your friends!”

“It sounds like the biggest send-off party
,” Dani said. Obviously, Mark could not wait to get rid of her, and what better way could there be to celebrate her departure than a blowout party?

“Good evening. I’m Jenny. Would you like to order drinks before dinner?”

Dani looked up at the shapely young woman who stood by the table. The woman was even more beautiful than she’d imagined. Her black sleeveless mock turtleneck and black pants clung to her figure, and her short haircut accentuated her defined bone structure.

Jenny raised an eyebrow in Mark’s direction. “Mark Ocean,” she said flirtatiously. “It’s been a long time, hasn’t it?”

“Jenny? It has been a while.” Mark rose from his seat and gave her a hug. “I can’t believe this. I had no idea you were working here now.”

“I’m still modeling but the money here is good. What have you been up to?” She rested her hand on Mark’s shoulder as he sat back down. “You look wonderful, but that’s nothing new.”

“You know, the usual. Jenny, this is my daughter, Danielle McKinley. She’s been staying with me for the summer.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you. You’re just as attractive as your father,” she said approvingly. “Mark, I didn’t know you had a daughter.”

“Neither did I. It’s a long story.”

“You’ll have to tell me sometime.”

“Sure. I guess.”

Dani glanced at Olivia. Mark had not taken his eyes off Jenny since she’d come to the table
and it was clear that he had completely forgotten about Olivia.

Jenny finally dropped her hand from Mark’s shoulder. “Let me bring some wine to the table
and then I’ll take your order.”

Olivia stared calmly at Jenny as the server strutted to the bar. “She is lovely, isn’t she, Dani?” Her voice was cool and even, and caused Dani to shift uncomfortably in her seat.

“Yes, very lovely.” Dani took a sip of her water. “How do you know her, Dad?”

Mark broke out of his trance. “Oh. We, uh, we used to go out.” He looked at Olivia. “A long, long time ago. I don’t think I’ve seen her in two years.” Mark quickly changed the subject and began asking Dani what else she might like at her party. “How about one of those guys that carves ice sculptures with a chainsaw? That would be fun.”

“Whatever you want. I’m sure it will be amazing.” Dani didn’t care what went on at her party.

When Jenny returned to pour the wine, Dani could see that Mark was trying not to look at her. Mark took a taste from his glass and nodded for her pour more.

“I’ll have some, too, if you don’t mind?” Olivia asked Jenny with a smile.

“Oh, yes, certainly.” Jenny began to fill her glass.

Dani reached quickly across the table for the bottled water, sending Mark’s glass toppling over. The red wine splattered across his shirt and into his lap. “Oh, my God, I’m so sorry, Dad! I can’t believe I just did that. I’m so clumsy.”

Jenny rushed to Mark’s side and knelt down next to him. She began dabbing at Mark’s chest with a napkin. “This is terrible. I don’t know if it’s going to come out.” She pressed the napkin against his thigh.

“It’s okay, really,” Mark tried to take the cloth from Jenny’s hands. “I’m fine.”

“Why don’t you come into the back with me, and I’ll get some seltzer and see if we can get it out?”

“I guess so.” Mark appeared reluctant to go with her.

“Dad, you really should let her help you. It’s all my fault
I’d feel better if you could at least save your clothes,” Dani insisted.

“I guess you’re right.” Mark stood up and looked at Olivia. “I’ll be right back.” He let Jenny put her hand on his back as she guided him away.

Dani watched as Olivia took in the image of Mark and Jenny together. “I guess he’s never really going to change, is he? He’s always had a thing for women like her,” Dani said.

Olivia rested her elbows on the table. “You may be fooling your father, but you’re not fooling me.”

“What do you mean?” Dani asked innocently.

“I know exactly what you’re doing. You tracked down a beautiful, seductive ex of your father’s, and then you gathered us all here to prove that I am not your father’s type and I never will be.”

Dani held Olivia’s fuming stare but didn’t respond.

Olivia continued. “You also invited Bridgett to the house. Why? Hoping that I would be threatened by her boob job and stilettos? What I can’t figure out is why you would do this to your father and me? You set us up just to break us up. I don’t suppose you’re going to explain yourself, are you?’

Dani crossed her arms and watched her father return to the table without Jenny. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, Olivia.”




At home, Mark changed into a dry shirt. He returned to find Olivia pacing the floor with both hands on her hips.

“What’s wrong?” he asked.

“What’s wrong? Are you blind?” Olivia stopped pacing just long enough to shoot him an exasperated look.

“Aw, you’re not upset about that waitress, are you?” Mark stepped behind Olivia and wrapped his arms around her waist. “I was just surprised to see her.”

“Obviously. Are you aware that you didn’t even introduce me? That I fell off your radar the minute that perky girl appeared?”

“I didn’t introduce you?” He turned Olivia around to face him. “I apologize. Really. That was inexcusable. It won’t happen again.”

“Mark, Jenny is the least of our problems.” Olivia stepped away from him.

“What problems?”

“Do you really not see that Dani is doing everything she can to break us up? And, I have to give her credit, because it’s working.”

“Dani? Breaking us up?”

“Oh, please. She
me to see you flirting with other women. And the worst part is that you were.”

“I was not flirting with anyone, and what makes you think Dani is against us?”

“Gee, let’s see. Bridgett showing up out of the blue, Dani knocking over wine so that your ex-girlfriend has a chance to rub you down? The way your innocent daughter casually mentions to me that you’ll never change, that you’ll always be a bachelor who will want every other woman in the room except the one you’re with. You haven’t noticed? Dani is acting like a manipulative, spoiled kid, Mark.”

“Hey, don’t you talk about Dani like that,” Mark warned.

“Do you even know your daughter? Look at the ridiculous party you’re planning for her. Polar bears and sleighs? And that dress you bought her might be right for a twenty-five-year-old, but not for a teenager. None of that is Dani. It’s all you.”

“I’m doing the best I can with her, and whatever is going on between us has nothing to do with Dani.” He was angry now. “Why are you picking a fight with me?”

“I’m not picking a fight with you. If you can’t see what Dani is doing, then I don’t know what to say to you. I’m not going to put up with her behavior.”

“You’re going to try and hold a fifteen-year-old responsible for your jealousy?”

“This isn’t about jealousy, Mark. I can handle myself just fine. But you have to get your daughter under control. I don’t know why she wants me gone, but she does. I’m not doing this any longer. I can’t stand watching
orse, I can’t stand watching you be so oblivious while she sabotages us.”

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