Read Regency Rogues Omnibus Online

Authors: Shirl Anders

Regency Rogues Omnibus (108 page)

BOOK: Regency Rogues Omnibus
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Then another uncontrolled moan of arousal escaped her throat in tandem with her hips undulating sensually over Law’s lap and his turgidly presented penis beneath. She was passionately seeking more stimulation and pleasures dedicated to her pussy, and she gained leverage with one elbow on the seat allowing her to roll her mound over his penis as she opened her thighs like any eager woman in heat. The cool night air flashed across her juices clinging there, and suddenly she leaped the barrier of longing into overpowering hunger combined with urgent need.



Chapter Twelve



Law squinted his eyes as his hand groped Affinity’s naked ass and she rotated her pubic mound over his rock-hard dick. Somehow passion had sideswiped him by just the mere and thrilling sound of Affinity’s arousal, that woman’s sound of need and desire, rousing his senses tenfold, flaming his lust higher.

Then somehow Affinity found purchase, rising upward urgently to meet him with her searing lips covering his, while his hands found the tie to her cloak, pulling it open and tossing it aside, just as her tongue slid frantically against his tongue. She was forceful in her urgency, pushing him back against the seat as her hands tugged open his jacket, pulling it halfway down his arms. Then she jerked his shirt open, popping the buttons as she bared his chest wildly kissing him.

He could only raise his hands to amorously fondle and grope her nude buttocks and hips as she slathered his jaw with torrid kisses, moving down the side of his throat. When she passed his collarbone and reached the muscular left mound of his chest, she began to nibble, then kiss, then nibble. A groan was tossed from his throat as his fingertips caressed through the crack of her ass.

Affinity moaned against his chest, wriggling her ass higher as though begging for more, so he did it again, intimately thrilled, feeling the sultry heat around the pearl of her anus, and then he dipped his fingers a bit lower to the puffy bottom lips of her cunt. The wetness drooling there incited his ardor and he relished the knowledge that those juices readying her cunt was all for him.

Affinity swayed her ass for him as she latched onto one of his nipples with her lips and she sucked on the nub enthusiastically. His body tensed with the carnal sensation as he gritted his teeth in bliss. Then he realized that he was holding back his response from her knowledge and he groaned showing his appreciation.
No, Lord, more.
, Affinity, bite it.”

Affinity hummed in excitement against his nipple as he circled his finger over the yielding pearl of her ass, and then she bit the very tip of his nipple.

“Yes,” he hissed with unique pleasure thrashing through his gut, then lower spiking his cock. Yet she was already there nibbling and licking his taut belly, wetting his flesh, as her fingers tugged on the buttons to the pocketed front of his breeches.

Yes, oh God, yes.
His mind already knew where she was going and every fiber of his body strained for it, as his sexually enthusiastic nymph adjusted her body, coming down between his legs with her knees on the rocking carriage floor. He looked downward seeing the long strands of her hair trailing over his chest, belly, and thighs as she reached upward with one hand grasping the thickness of her hair into one handful.

“Hold it, Law, hold onto my hair,” she commanded hastily, while her other hand peeled back the pocketed front of his breeches and his turgid red-fleshed cock sprang free. It was tilted upward like a thick pole right before her nose as he held her hair out of the way.

Her gaze of dark hazel desire turned up to him as she wet her curvy lips with her tongue, and said, “I want you, Law. I want your cock. I have only dreamed of this since reading your words. Oh, Law, they inflame me so.”

Lord! His free hand cupped the side of her cheek as she used both her small hands to grasp the base of his cock, bending it toward her mouth like a long stick of sugar candy. He could stop her. He should stop her. He could not! God, he wanted this so badly, his body shook with the temptation, and then it was too late as he cried out with the feel of Affinity’s tongue wetting the head of his cock.

,” Affinity gasped in her throat, as her naked tongue lapped over the bare head of Law’s hefty penis. It was hot and delicious and so smooth, it tempted her tongue to feel more of the shape, and the eroticism of having her mouth on Law’s sex quivered through her body. She could feel the hot blood pounding in the base, thickening and stiffening the shaft more. Just then the cock head slid up her tongue and a pool of hot seed leaked out of the slit. This excited her so much that moans slid from her throat, and she lapped the seed back in her mouth to taste it.

“Oh,” she mewled in heavenly delight . . . it was so creamy and hot, and so intimate.

She tightly pumped her hands on the root of Law’s heavy male organ and she grinned in happiness at Law pressuring her head and ultimately her mouth back down to his cock head. A sure sign of his carnal enjoyment!

She slid her lips over the head and it was so wide that her mouth stretched into a tight, “O” around the width. It was like crowding something too large into her mouth and for unknown reasons it spiked her ardor higher, making her pussy flush hotly and her naked bottom wiggle with abandon. The torrid heat of Law’s thickset penis pressed against her tongue as the head pushed against the roof of her mouth. Then suddenly, his hand stopped pressing and turned to tugging her hair and dragging her mouth back wetly up the shaft.

Some of her mind returned from the completely erotic sensations overwhelming her, and she remembered to suck and move her hands tightly up and down the base. Oh God, it was the most exciting thing she’d ever done, and her pussy ached so badly with stimulation that it throbbed between her inner thighs.

“Mm, mm, mm,” she moaned around Law’s rigid penis pumping in and out of her mouth, filling it, leaving and filling it again, as he guided the motions faster by tugging on her hair.

“Ah, Lord,
, sweetheart,” Law groaned.

Oh! “Mm, mm!” Affinity moaned excitedly with her body rocking and bounding to and fro as she sucked Law’s big penis faster into her mouth.

Ah, Ah
, Affinity. Lord. Oh, sweet, you are driving me wild,” Law groaned, tossing his head as his hips humped up and down. “Oh
.” He pressed on Affinity’s head, “
it, darling, Ah!”

Law’s legs clamped against Affinity’s sides, as his testicles flexed. Lord, the pleasure was gutting him. He could feel the wetness dripping down his cock and he could hear the slurping sounds of Affinity’s mouth sucking rapidly on the largeness of his cock. Suddenly, he had to see her eyes. He had to know. He tugged her hair and rasped with a voice he could barely speak with.

“Look at me,” he choked. He could feel the seed rising up his shaft. “Oh God, sweetheart, look at me!”

Affinity’s passion-dark eyes riveted to him as he saw his cock plunging in and out of her red lips. Ah Lord! He strained his belly to the breaking point holding his seed back, as he panted . . . “I’m going to come!” He needed her to take it, only if she willed it.

His turgid cock popped out of her mouth for one split second, as she cried excitedly, “In my mouth, darling. Fill my mouth!”

Ah Lord! Law’s hips bucked upward as his fingers curled into fists in Affinity’s hair and he cried out, nearly like a wounded animal. But it was rapture. It was pleasure so intense, it blinded his sight of Affinity’s eyes as his seed ejaculated.

Law’s seed hit the back of Affinity’s throat and pooled so largely that she had to swallow around his big plunging organ. His penis flexed in her mouth and more seed splashed, but this time the creamy hot substance was not as much and it coated her mouth and his penis, as she sucked her mouth up and down the shaft. The moment was so stunning that she was completely lost in all the heady and carnal sensations. But then, a feeling of pride and intense closeness to Law began to seep through her body, as she slowed her mouth’s movements over his still throbbing organ, little by little.

She was aroused as never before, but overshadowing that was a feeling of sweet pleasure for giving Law such pleasure, and then the clinging intimacy of it all seemed to rise like a vaporish aura between them as she laid her cheek to Law’s penis and she sighed.

His fingers lightly stroked her hair and she finally became conscious of the carriage’s rocking movements. She was a woman that had just satisfied her man and the feeling was wonderful. She could overlook her own arousal and she strove to do so. Madam DeJonge had explained that men, after their release, lost their interest in sexual activity for a while. However, she did say that after a proper amount of time, different with each man, they could be enticed again.

Affinity wondered what Law’s proper amount of time was,
but no
, she chided herself silently, she’d not come here for that. She had come here explicitly to please him and to give him something else that she’d prepared. Both things were meant to hopefully bind him closer to her and entice him into seeing her again, and the glowing quality that she felt at the moment made her feel that they would see each other for a long time to come.

Law’s hands moved slowly from her hair to her shoulders. “Sweetheart, come here.”

Law was urging her upward with his endearment singing through her mind. He seemed purposely intent as he pulled her sideways into his lap, and then he began kissing her. “Let me taste myself on your mouth,” he whispered with the blackness of his eyes gazing deeply into hers.

She smiled at him heatedly, wrapping her arms around his shoulders, and then his lips were kissing hers again. Perhaps, Madam DeJonge had been wrong, she thought, as Law swept his tongue through her mouth slowly and thoroughly.

Law lifted his lips from hers as she sighed deeply, and he said in a husky low voice, “Tit for tat, darling.”

“Law,” she purred, undulating on his lap, instantly thrilled.

“You look like a woman aroused, sweetheart.” he murmured, as his hand stroked sensual warmth over her thigh just above her stocking tops. “What is this you are wearing or not wearing I should say?”

Affinity giggled with a husky teasing sound, and then she drew back to arch over his lap in a sweeping pose. “Do you like it?” she asked. “I am all yours,” she flourished playfully dramatic.

Law’s hand brushed over every place he named, “Bared breasts, rosy nipples, a lacy black corset, a bare pussy covered only in silky curls, naked thighs, sheer black stockings, and let’s see here . . .” Law lifted one ankle. “High-heeled scarlet slippers. I would say, my lady, was set out to seduce someone.”

Law’s hand stroked back up her stocking clad leg toward her inner thigh, as she watched his face intently. “Is it working?” she whispered.

He chuckled, just as his fingers cupped her pussy and he pulled her strongly back up to him. She squealed lightly at the swiftness. “You have the proof upon your lips.”

His mouth covered hers with a soulful kiss of passion, while his hand kneaded her mound and pussy lips beneath in several slow-bodied squeezes and releases. She moaned into his mouth as he slowly began to suck on her tongue, and she felt his other hand at her breast lifting the weight upward and massaging the fullness.

“Law,” she gasped against his mouth when his fingertips tweaked her nipples lightly.

“You like that?” he asked in a hush.

“Oh, yes,” she moaned restlessly, undulating her hips.

“Lay back. Let me see you, sweetheart.” Then, he laid her back so that her spine arced over his lap and her head and feet came to rest on the seat. His hand stayed heatedly cupped over her mound and aching pussy beneath, while his other fingers traced her mouth and she licked the tip of one. “A feast,” he murmured. “You are beautiful and flushed with arousal, my sweet.”

The thrill of hearing Law calling her beautiful, stretched the contours of her body sensually over his thighs, as she purred, “For you, Law, only for you, for your big cock caressing my mouth and filling it with your hot seed.”

His fingers twitched over her pussy with one burrowing deeper between the creases where she was wet and needy. “Where do you learn such things, you lovely vixen? You are so sexual.” His other fingertips began to feather over her breasts.

“It is a secret, Law, that you must convince me to tell you.” Then, she moaned on the last word as he plucked one of her nipples.

“Ah, a challenge?” he murmured. “You are all things that challenge me and are erotic. Tell me, have you ever had a man’s cock in your sweet mouth before, Affinity?”

Affinity shook her head with her eyelids crimping in pleasure. She was unable to speak because Law’s fingers stroked through her pussy lips and up over her clitoris, while his other fingers plucked her nipple again.

The expression on his face was lean and dark, like a bird of prey intently watching its captive, and his firm lips were reddened from their kisses with the top curve damp. His thick brownish-blond hair was tousled, hanging nearly down in his eyes. Eyes that were inky black and had a clear amorous purpose in mind. He looked, with his bare chest and shadowed jawline, like everything a man should be, and he was solely intent on her. “I want to play with you. I want to make you writhe for me and cry my name, Affinity. I want to give you as much pleasure as you have given me.”

BOOK: Regency Rogues Omnibus
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