Read Reclaim Me Online

Authors: Ann Marie Walker,Amy K. Rogers

Tags: #Romance, #Adult

Reclaim Me (9 page)

“Rougher.” His breath punched in and out of his lungs, and when she cupped his heavy sac, a groan ricocheted off the walls.

Fuck him, he could spend eternity working her mouth. Her skill was downright deadly. His arms dropped, his hands seeking, finding, and fisting Allie’s hair. Need surged in him, and he thrust himself even deeper, the drive to fuck overriding all else. An approving hum escaped Allie’s lips as if she were savoring every inch of him, and the sound vibrated up his length. He knew how wet it made her to suck him off, and Jesus Christ, what a turn-on. He wanted to return the favor and go down on her, to taste her and feel her pulse around his tongue as she came. But her punishing rhythm and the graze of her teeth yanked him back into the present.

She fluttered her tongue along the underside of his cock, then her lips closed around the head and she sucked. His grip on her hair tightened and the muscles in his neck chorded. He was dangerously close to the edge, but she didn’t ease up in the slightest. And like hell if he was going to slow things down.

He stole a glance at her as the water beat down around them. No makeup, her skin flushed, her lashes fanned against her face—she couldn’t have been more beautiful. Add to that the visual of him moving in and out of her mouth, her cheeks hollowed, her hands gripping his thighs . . . his breath caught and his body locked as his orgasm shot down his spine. Allie moaned as his release filled her mouth in spasms. “Swallow it,” he grunted. “Take everything.”

Her throat worked his cock while her hands milked him, and damn it to fucking hell, even as his orgasm barreled out of him, he wanted her again. He wanted to press her tits against the cold glass and fuck her hard and fast, pulling her hips back and driving into her until she was shouting his name. And he would. He’d spend the rest of the day inside her. She was there, in his house, and every damn surface would be used without apology.

He had no idea what tomorrow held. But for now, she was his.

Chapter Eleven

Allie looked up from her computer as Colin plopped a brown paper bag on her desk. Whatever was inside smelled delicious and her stomach growled in agreement.

“What’s that?”

“It’s called lunch,” he deadpanned. “Traditionally served somewhere between breakfast and dinner.”

“I know what lunch is.” She rolled her eyes. “I meant why is there a bag of it on my desk?”

“Because when two o’clock rolled around and you hadn’t so much as poked your head through that door, I figured you weren’t going out for lunch. So,” he said, snapping a paper napkin open with an exaggerated flourish and spreading it out in front of her, “lunch came to you.”

“That’s very sweet, but you really didn’t need to do this,” she said, although he was right about her skipping lunch. Again. In an effort to take her mind off Hudson, she’d spent the past week working round the clock. And while her frantic pace hadn’t done anything to lessen the emptiness she felt inside, it had managed to make her forget a few meals.

“Oh, but I did. You’re wasting away to nothing right before my eyes.”

Allie snorted. “Hardly. And flattery won’t get you a raise,” she teased. “You haven’t been here long enough.” While it was true Colin had only been her assistant for a little over a month, he actually did deserve a raise. He’d already proven himself to be a trusted and invaluable member of her team. The scope of his duties seemed to expand almost daily to matters far more important than arranging lunch, although his thoughtfulness, not to mention the food, was certainly an added bonus. She made a mental note to speak to Ben about offering Colin a contract, something that would not only increase his salary but also secure his position. At the very least, she wanted to insure he was given adequate severance should push come to shove. Regardless of what lay ahead in terms of her future at Ingram, Allie wanted to make sure Colin’s career wasn’t affected by any fallout from corporate maneuverings.

He pulled a clear plastic container out of the bag. “Hope salad’s okay.”

“Perfect,” she said. “And thank you. What do I owe you for all this?”

“Nothing. I charged it to your card.” He dug into the bag for a second box. “And you bought one for me as well.”

Allie lifted a brow but she couldn’t hide the smile that tugged at her lips. “How generous of me.”

“I thought so too.” He returned her smile with an impish grin and held up the two containers. “Asian Veggie or Southwest Chicken?”

Allie reached for the Asian salad.

“We can make it a working lunch,” he said as he took a seat across from her. “Go over your schedule for next week, maybe?”

“Great idea. But let’s talk about the gala instead since it’s only two weeks from tomorrow.”

Colin passed her a can of lemon LaCroix and popped the top on his Diet Coke. “Can take the girl out of the event planning business but can’t take the event planner out of the girl?”

She laughed. “Something like that.” But truth be told, a lot was riding on this event, and Allie wanted to make sure it went smoothly. The annual Ingram Foundation Gala was the single largest event the company held, both in terms of fund-raising as well as community relations. The event she’d organized in the fall for Better Start had been small in comparison, and whereas the proceeds from the dinner at the Field Museum had benefited only that one charity, the annual gala would fund all twelve of Ingram’s charitable interests. With the board scrutinizing her every move, Allie needed to make sure the event was not only a success, but that it went off without a hitch. She was quite sure her father never took a hands-on approach to such matters, but given her background in fund-raising, she knew the board would hold her personally accountable if the evening was considered a failure, despite the fact that the planning had begun long before she ever joined the company. Which is why she’d handpicked her team, bringing both Harper and Colin in to oversee the final stages of preparation.

Colin wiped his hands on a his napkin and flipped open the cover to his tablet. For the next thirty minutes they munched on salads while he gave Allie a detailed rundown on everything from the crab claws the hotel was having flown in from Alaska to the color of the tablecloths.

“And each couple will receive gift bags with a pair of his and hers UGG slippers and a box of Godiva truffles as a thank-you gift when they leave,” he added at the end.

A box of candy for the limo ride home and some comfy slippers to change into after hours spent networking and dancing was a very nice finishing touch. It seemed as though he and Harper had truly thought of everything. Allie was impressed. She was about to tell him so when he hit her with one last detail.

“Speaking of couples,” he said, trying and failing to sound nonchalant. “Shall I put you down for a plus one?”

She decided to ignore the question behind the question and instead merely answered the one he’d asked. “No, I won’t be bringing anyone. Between the board and the donors, I’ll barely have a free minute. Plus, I want to be available if anything comes up last minute. If I brought a date he’d just end up feeling neglected.”

“Harper and I can handle any issues that pop up.”

“I’m sure you can.” She gave him a genuine smile. “But I still won’t be bringing a date.” Without missing a beat she segued out of that minefield. “Thank you, by the way. I realize working with Harper on this event isn’t technically part of your job description. I really appreciate you jumping in with both feet.”

“Not a problem. And Harper’s great. Planning this with her doesn’t seem like work at all.” Colin leaned back in his chair. He crossed one ankle over the opposite knee, giving Allie a prime view of his Gucci oxfords. No wonder he and Harper got along so well. They both had a penchant for shoes that cost them a week’s pay.

“You still in for tonight?” he asked, referring to the plans they’d made with Harper. She’d been trying to set a date for the three of them to go out clubbing pretty much since the first time she and Colin spoke on the phone.

“Of course. Why wouldn’t I be?”

He shrugged. “I don’t know. Maybe you feel like having me there will keep you from switching out of work mode and cutting loose.” His brows rose. “Or maybe you have a hot date?”

The plus one might have been Colin’s idea of subtle, but this approach was an all-out freight train charging full steam ahead.

“Tell you what,” she said. “I’ll promise to forget about the office and resist the urge to dictate memos if you’ll promise to stop fishing for details on my nonexistent social life and resist the urge to fix me up at the club.”

He clapped his hands together as he stood. “No can do, Boss Lady. I’m on a mission to make sure your dance card is full tonight. You need to let your hair down and have some fun for a change.”

Before she had a chance to object, he was halfway out the door. Allie sagged back in her chair. Colin was right about one thing: she could definitely use a night off from the worry and stress that had plagued her the last two weeks. But what she really needed was a night with Hudson.

It had been a nearly a week since she’d surprised him in the shower. Five days, to be exact. And as wonderful as it had been to spend a lazy Sunday afternoon at his penthouse, she’d taken a huge risk by sneaking into his building, one they both agreed she shouldn’t repeat. So instead they’d spent the week apart, each working in their respective towers on opposite banks of the Chicago River.

Allie spun her chair around to face the windows. In the distance she could see the Chase Industries building. The mere sight of the postmodern structure, towering over the city in an architectural display of masculine power, sent a sharp pang of longing through her. Instinctively she opened her desk drawer and reached for the burner phone she kept tucked in a pocket of her purse. The text she sent was simple and to the point and told Hudson exactly how she felt.

I miss you.

She waited a few minutes, watching the screen for the tiny bubbles that would indicate Hudson was typing a reply, but none came. She knew she shouldn’t have expected an immediate response. It wasn’t as though he was sitting around his office waiting for a random message from her. He had a multibillion dollar conglomerate to run. Not to mention his responsibilities at Ingram and the investigation he was spearheading into Julian’s involvement in her parents’ murders. How the man found time to sleep, much less text, was a mystery.

Her thumb had just pressed the lock button when she heard a soft ping. His answer was equally direct.

I want you.

A feeling of warmth spread through her. Before she had a chance to reply, another message from Hudson popped up on the screen.

Did you and Colin have a nice lunch?

How the hell did he know about that? Was he at Ingram HQ while she was holed up in her office with Colin? She was about to ask when her phone lit up again.

That color looks lovely on you, by the way.

Her mouth popped open.
You can see me?


A thought occurred to her and she quickly typed a follow-up question.
Did you buy a telescope?


Then how?

I may have procured some equipment from my recently assembled team.


Just utilizing available technology. Lift your skirt.


Do it.


Because I’ve been wondering all day if you’re wearing garters.


Show me, Alessandra. Now.

It was just a text, but as she read it she could almost hear the deep timbre of his voice commanding her to submit to his will, and a surge of heated pleasure shot straight to her core. Slowly, she slid the hem of her skirt up her thigh until the black garter was revealed, along with the lace edge of her stockings.

Her phone pinged.

She pulled the fabric higher, so her lace panties were visible.

Fucking hell.

This isn’t fair
, she typed.

The fact that I’m now inconveniently hard and you’re across the river? I agree.

That’s your own fault.
She laughed.

I meant that you can see me. All I can do is stare at granite and glass and try to picture you in your office.

And what are you picturing?

A wicked smile curved her lips. Hudson might have started their little game, but two could play.
You at your desk. Me under it.

Now who’s the pervert?

She ignored his comment and continued to describe the image in her mind with a series of rapid-fire texts.

Rather like that time in the chair.

But instead of riding your cock, I’d be on my knees...sucking you off while you rule over your kingdom.

There was a long beat of silence, then her phone rang in her hand.

“I’m coming over,” he said. His voice was tight with a barely leashed restraint.

“No, don’t. It’s too risky. We don’t know who at Ingram is on Julian’s payroll. And we’ve taken far too many chances as it is.”

“I’m your business partner, for fuck’s sake. Any number of issues can bring me to that building.” His frustration was palpable, but they couldn’t do anything to blow their cover or to encourage Julian to move up his timetable.

“If we’re alone together too often, he’ll expect progress, and we need more time.”

“Then we’ll stay in plain sight.” His tone softened. “Christ, Allie, I need to see you. I’m losing my mind without you.”

“I feel the same way, but . . .”

“But what?”

Her words tumbled out in a rush. “I can’t bear to see you and not be able to touch you. And I don’t want to have to pretend that I hate you. It kills me. Because even though you know it’s an act, there’s a tiny piece of you that still feels it. I can see it in your eyes and it breaks my heart.”

He let out an resigned breath. “Tonight, then. Give me an hour or so to come up with a plan.”

“I can’t. I’m meeting Harper and Colin at a club.”

“First lunch and now drinks? I’m starting to get jealous of your assistant.”

Allie gave a small laugh. “Don’t be. I’m not his type.” She stood and walked over to the window. “I miss you,” she said, echoing the words she’d typed at the start of their conversation.

“I miss you, too. More than you know.”

She pressed her palm to the glass, and wondered if across the river, he was doing the same. “Tell me it will all work out, Hudson. Tell me the good guys will win this time. Tell me we’ll end up with our happily ever after.”

His voice was hoarse when he answered. “We will, Allie. I swear to you, somehow we will.”

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