Read Rebel Soul Online

Authors: Kate Kessler

Rebel Soul (11 page)

"Then how would you know it was an accident?" She narrowed her eyes and glared at him.

"Jr. told me. He said he was holding the gun, just like you are now, and it just went off," he soften his voice, "Emily, I know you don't want to shoot me. I know you love me so put the gun down will you?" he held his hands to her as if to say steady now calm down.

Emily thought about it for a minute, no she never planned on shooting him. Just running him off, and yes she did love him, that’s why they had to end it. She knew that Josh would most likely kill Billy and if they broke up, maybe just maybe he wouldn’t. Emily raised the gun and shot above his head. She watched as Billy ducked, and saw the bullet graze a tree behind him.

“Now leave Billy Johnson, you better leave now. You know someone heard the shot, and you are on Canton land. Go Billy, get going, and get out of here, and don’t come around here anymore."

Billy stood his ground, “I don't care, shoot me, but I’m not letting you go so easily.” Then he quickly reached for her and kissed her. A long, hard, passionate kiss. Emily felt dizzy as Billy let her go and stepped back. She felt weakness in her knees as if she couldn't stand any longer.

"Hey” she shouted Step back Billy, I think you should leave now." She pointed the gun at him again, but her voice said otherwise. Her emotions were tangled, all tied in knots, she felt like she could never free them again.

    "Stop Billy, This is it, we are through, now leave and don’t come here anymore." She pointed the gun at the ground by his feet and pulled the trigger. He screamed as the bullet grazed his ankle, and she seen him reach for it, and wanted to run to him, check on him, but stopped herself.

"You shot me, dammit," he reached to look at his ankle.

"It's just a graze Billy, you'll live. Now leave before someone comes, give up Billy." Emily demanded.

"I love you Emily," he said as she watched him limp away.

Emily felt the tears well up inside of her as she entered the cave, to head back toward the trap door and out into the cemetery. She quickly made her way back then stopped at Joe's grave again and sit down, then lite the other half of the joint. She had the last of the peach moonshine in her hands and she finished it off trembling. Her whole body shaking like the leaves on the tree above Joe’s grave.

"Well Joe, I broke it off with Billy.” She cried her tears dripping onto his grave.” I love him you know, as disgraceful as that is. I hope you didn't judge me for it. I don't think you did."

She laid down on the grave and looked at the sky above. The sun was beginning to set, but it was still hot, no breeze to be felt.

"I could come out here and get a suntan. I love you to, you know.” She said, “And I'm going to miss you. I shot him a little while ago, only on the ankle, it grazed him, but I guess you seen that from heaven. You was always a good person so I'm sure you’re in heaven." The tears began running down her face again, and she reached to wipe them away. "Jesus Christ" she said as she set up. "I must be losing my mind. Here I am laying on a grave talking to my dead brother. Telling him how I shot somebody today. They would send me to the looney bin, if they see me."










Sun 24th June


Billy felt like his life was over, and he didn’t know if he could go on, without her. He was angry, mad at Jr was doing something so stupid and ruining his life, both their lives. No, a lot of lives the lives of two families. He wanted to hit something, somebody. Anything.

He had been at his Dads moonshine steal for two days, drunk. Drunk out of his mind and felt like a part of him was missing. The emptiness only Emily could feel. He couldn't handle the feeling, as he drew up his fist and put it through the old wooden door. It stung as his fist swelled slightly, and he shook it, holding his hand in his other and slumped back to the floor, his back against the wall and cried. He was in love with that Canton girl and could not see himself going on with life without her. He had never felt hurt like this before. “Aw-w-w-w-w” he screamed and fell over on the floor, pulling his knees to his chest, curling up in a ball.

     “What’s going on with you boy?” His dad walked into the steal and slammed the door. Billy jumped he hadn’t known anyone was around. He set up, looking at Andy, his eyes red and swollen.

“I just can’t live without her Dad.” He cried.

“Come on boy, what girl is worth all of this?” Andy glared at him, then the hole in the door, shaking his head back and forth, then spit in the tobacco cup setting on a table. “You going to answer me boy?” Billy just set there staring into space, as he rubbed his aching hand. He could move it, his knuckles were skinned, just bruised he thought.

“You need to put some ice on that hand Billy, then get down here and fix this door today. I want you to get that Canton girl out of your head, we’ve already got enough problems with the Cantons.”

To Billy, Emily was worth everything. This romance had even startled him at first, it had all happened fast, and he was scared for his sanity. Jack turned and walked away leaving Billy setting in the dark, as he thought about Emily and cried. He had come too far with her to just let her go that easily. He laid on the floor and thought about her smiling face, the good times he had when he was with her. The feel of her body next to his, he wished she was with him now.

He suddenly set up, his mind made up, he was going to see her, tell her he loved her and wasn’t going to let her go. If her Dad or her brother shot him so be it, he was going down loving her. “Shoot me down Fuckers” he said, as he staggered to his feet. Then he laughed in his drunken state “If I make it, over there.”


* * *


Emily had sulked around the house for two days crying. It was horrible and she didn't know how she could go on with life. Her Mom had ask her that morning what was going on with her. “Nothing Mom I’m just sick,” she had told her, adding “I’m going to skip church this morning Mom.” Judy had wrapped her arms around her, giving her a hug then said “Emily, even though Joe’s gone we still have to go on with life.” Emily didn’t want to tell her, she had lost more than just Joe, she had also lost her soul mate, the love of her life. She really missed and loved him, Billy, but didn't want any more trouble, no one else needed to get killed.

Billy had sent her one text after another and had even tried to call her. She had ignored them all, all of his many I love you and I miss you’s, but they had tugged at her heart, so badly she wanted to die. Would she die without him, just pine away, possibly if she didn’t eat, she could just lay down in her bed and never get up again. That’s what she felt like doing.

Emily walked over to her bed and picked up the blue stuffed dog, she set down cradling it in her arms, pulling the dog close to her, hugging it so tight it would have choked if it had were real. “Oh Billy” she moaned, “What will I do?” That’s when she heard it, the voice, flowing into her room, the voice she knew so well.

"Emily, Emily" screamed outside her house. It was Billy, his voice slurred, he was drunk beyond believe.

"Emily, come out and talk with me, I love you." He shouted.

"Shit, I hope they don't shoot him right before my eyes."  She opened the curtain to look out. “Oh Billy”

"Emily, Emily" he yelled as she seen him stagger almost falling. He could hardly stand.

She took off running down the stairs hoping to shut him up before her Dad or one of her brother heard and shot him.

"Get back up those stairs, young lady” Jack standing in front of her, shouted, his finger pointed in her face. “It will be your fault if this boy gets killed here tonight.” Emily saw the gun in her Dads hand, she was frozen with fear, not for herself but for Billy, how could he be so stupid, to come to her house this way? She knew her tears were near and tried to hold them back. “Dad please don’t shoot him.” She begged.

“Judy call Andy Johnson and tell him his son is over here drunk and pining away at my daughter. He needs to get him before he gets shot.” Then Jack walked out the door as Judy reached for the phone. Emily was still frozen unable to move.

"Get the hell out of here." She heard her Dad say. "Before I shoot you boy."

"I'm sorry sir, I mean you no disrespect, but I'm madly in love with your daughter.” Emily watched as Josh grabbed a gun and glared at her then walked out the door. She ran to the window to watch.

"Josh he's drunk. Don't shoot him. Your Mom is calling Andy to come and get him." Jack told him calmly.

"But dad, I've been waiting on this day to come." Josh held his gun steady. Emily seen it pointing at Billy’s head. A bright gleam in Josh’s eye.

"Oh, oh your sister already shot me and I lived.” Billy laughed in his drunken state. "See right here," Billy said pointing at his foot.

"Emily, I love you Emily." Billy yelled again looking at the windows of the house, his arms flinging in the air.

"Billy you need to get off my property boy, now and leave Emily alone." Jack told him sternly as Ricky and Dan walked up both carrying guns. Emily closed her eyes as she still set at the window watching and praying silently.

"No disrespect boys' but I love your sister. Did I tell you she shot me and I still love her." he laughed "Emily I love you." He shouted with his hand to his mouth. "Mr. Canton, sir I love your daughter. I want to marry her sir.” Emily saw him stagger almost falling again.

"Billy, I think it's time for you to leave," Ricky said, remaining calm.

Emily continued to watch from the living room window as she prayed for no one to shot him and for Mr. Johnson to get their quickly. “Oh Billy” she cried.

"You shot him Emily," her mother said as she set down next to her on the couch.

"It was just a graze on the ankle, I didn't mean to shot him."

Judy laughed "I guess I never told you not to shoot someone you loved, but I guess it worked for you, and he's handsome to.” Judy added as she looked out the window. “Looks like his Dad” Emily was shocked by that comment. Did her Mom really call Mr. Johnson handsome?

"Mom" Emily said as she shook her head. "It don't matter that I love him. I broke it off with him, to save his life. Don't you know if Dad hadn't of told you to call Mr. Johnson. Billy would already be laying in our yard with a bullet in his head." Emily cried as her Mom pulled her into her arms.

"Emily, I love you, we can leave I have money, Emily." She heard Billy shouting again, and her tears fell harder. “Oh God Billy go home” she said.

"Billy you need to leave, Emily ant going nowhere with you." Josh shouted still aiming at Billy’s head. Emily could tell Josh was itching to shoot him.

"Easy Josh," Jack told him.

"Emily, I love you. I will be there every day at our place, you know the one, the place where you shot me. I will camp out if I have to. I love you" Billy shouted. Emily cried even harder, she couldn’t hold back her cry’s turning from silence to moans of pain. She did love him but she knew their love wouldn't end well. It could though, she perked up a little; remembering her mother’s story about her great aunt. Could it work, she silently ask herself?

"Boy you best leave if you know what’s good for you before one of my boys here shoots your dick off." Jack told him, as all three boys had their guns aimed at Billy. Emily felt her Mom stiffen, and knew this was beginning to get more serious than it already was.

"No disrespect Mr. Canton, I mean no disrespect." Billy nodded his head.

“I see car lights”, Judy told her. Emily saw them also and sighed a sigh of relieve. The car pulled up and into the yard and Mr. Johnson and Ed got out.

"Let’s go Billy" Mr. Johnson told him.

"But I love her Dad." He looked lost, and hurt, and Emily felt a pain for him.

"I know Billy, let’s go now son." Andy opened the car door and motioned him in.

"But dad the fact that I'm still alive proves our families can get along." Billy staggered again this time falling.

"Billy" Mr. Johnson shouted. Ed helped him up and Billy stepped toward the car then turned around.

"At our meeting place Emily. I love you. Never forget that, I love you, I’ll be there waiting.” Then he climbed into the car. Mr. Johnson thanked Jack, tipped his hat at the boys then got in his car and drove off. All was quite as they watched the car pull out of the driveway. Silent, suddenly total silence. Emily felt chilled. She rubbed her they were now sore from crying, even her throat hurt.

As Jack stepped through the door, he looked at Emily "I thought I told you to go to your room." Then he headed for the kitchen as Judy followed.

"You shot him." Ricky said as all three boys stared at her with smiles on their faces.

"It was just a graze." Emily growled as she tried to hide her red eyes. Then ran up the stairs to her room threw herself face down on the bed and cried. Billy's words kept going through her head, I love you Emily, I want to marry you, we can leave, and I will be there every day, every day she repeated in her mind. She thought about that kiss, the last one he had given her, the one that made her dizzy, her knees weak and shaky. She loved him so much, and never wanted to be away from him.

“Oh. My gosh! What do I do?" She silently whispered, I have money we will leave, she remembered the words Billy had shouted. She would talk to him, she had to.

Emily heard a knock at her door then it opened. "Are you alright honey" her mother ask her?

"I'm fine Mom." Emily rolled over trying to hide her face from her Mom.

"It will all work out honey."

"Sure it will Mom" Judy walked into the room giving Emily a hug and kissed her. “Go to sleep now honey, tomorrow will bring a new day."

"Good night Mom" Emily curled up with her stuffed dog and cried herself to sleep.

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