Read Raising a Cowgirl Online

Authors: Jana Leigh

Tags: #9781301619559

Raising a Cowgirl (19 page)

“I want you to release me.” The desperation must have been so severe that within
five seconds she was free. She rubbed her wrists. They weren’t sore, but she needed
to put her hands on skin.

To force David back to where he’d been, she wrapped her legs around his back and pressed
downward. For Gage, she lowered her arms and grabbed his rock-hard cock.

“Careful, babe.”

She wasn’t going to do too much. Holding him in her hand was enough. Okay, her fingers
tapped out a beat, urging him to move quicker. The trail of kisses stopped. Gage
shot his mouth down to her breast and sucked hard enough to set her whole body on

“Gage,” Jolie cried out.

He left her left nipple swollen and needy as he latched onto the other one. He repeatedly
sucked and nipped. Her pussy clenched as the streaks of pleasure shot downward.

Drawing her attention back to him, David delved his fingers into her opening and circled
her walls, stretching her out. Blood pulsed in her head and her breaths came out

“We need to turn you over, darlin’,” David whispered.

From all the stimulation, her body had weakened. Fortunately, her two men were there
to help flip her. David lifted her hips and Gage straightened her arms then moved
in front of her.

Foil ripped and a jar opened. The expectant scent of strawberry lube reached her
quickly. “I like that smell.”

“Good. I’ll be sure to use a lot of it.”

David dragged a finger covered with lube around to her backside. She worked hard
not to clench her ass. He slipped in a finger and tingles shot up her spine. By
now, she knew what to expect, but the anticipation of finally getting his big cock
in her ass turned up the thrill.

The second finger really stretched the tight hole. He wiggled his fingers around
and around in a definite rhythm, which helped her to relax. With his other hand,
he pressed his palm on her stomach. Slowly, his hand lowered toward her pussy. She
urged him to play with her clit while he stretched her ass.

Before David reached her desired destination, Gage palmed both of her swollen nipples.
He rubbed them between his fingers, each press sent shivers of delight over her breasts.
Suddenly, David grabbed hold of that tiny nub and swirled his finger in a circle.

“I think she’s ready, Gage,” David said confidently.

David removed his hands from her pussy and her ass. The scent of more lube floated
into the air. When he pressed his cock against her puckered hole, he rubbed her cheeks
as he made tiny thrusts to get past that tight ring. The muscle widened.

“Don’t do that, darlin’. I’m working too hard to hold on as it is,” David groan as
she clenched.

She smiled. He must have flexed his abs because his cock shifted position and touched
new nerves. Chaos exploded both in her pussy and in her ass. Gage kept pressing
hard on her nipples. The erotic pain burst past the pleasure line and David drove
in deeper. Her breath caught.

David stilled. “Easy there. Take a big breath.”

She did and her muscles relaxed. With so much going on, she was being bombarded with
electric shocks that ran rampant all over her body.

Gage moved closer and lifted her shoulders so that she was kneeling. Her mouth formed
at the change in angle drove David’s cock deeper. Gage kneaded her breasts and leaned
in to kiss her. The moment he pressed his chest to her body, all thoughts disappeared.
The kiss was sweet and tender.

David grabbed her hips. “I need to move you back.”

Gage seemed to understand and got out of the way, but she didn’t know what was happening
except that David’s cock was impaling her. He slid his legs onto either side of her
so she was firmly sitting on him.

“Oh, my God. I can’t move.” His cock drove in farther. She didn’t think that was

“Don’t worry.” David lifted her up and held her tight.

She reached behind her to support herself. Her pussy was now within inches of Gage’s

“I need you,” Jolie whimpered.

“Hurry, Gage,” David nearly shouted.

Gage looked up and grinned. Kneeling on one knee while he placed one foot flat on
the bed, he threaded his cock into her opening. Her pussy sucked him in. As if he
still had a lot of patience left, he eased into her inch by inch. The slow, tentative
motion set her on fire.


She trusted these men. She loved them with her whole heart and knew they’d be careful.
She nodded, unable to form the words. When the tip of his cock bounced off the back
wall, he withdrew, and then David dove in. They glided in and out, in and out, in
a slow rhythm.

Now that her body had accepted both cocks, she wanted it faster. She tried to help
by lifting her butt, but David clamped down on her. “Let us control the speed.”

“I want it faster,” she cried out.

“In due time,” David said.

Thank God, he was listening to her. While he didn’t go real fast, they both plunged
in at the same time. Her body coiled tight and her abdomen clenched and fluttered.
Having them inside her at the same time turned her lust dial to high. Her climax
built with each thrust. As their breaths came out faster and faster, so did the speed
of their thrusts.

As if a green light flashed, both men seemed consumed with an unquenchable desire.
They pumped and plunged, driving in and out of her. She dropped her head back and
closed her eyes, loving the incessant pounding.

“Yes. Yes. Yes.”

Heat scorched her insides and fireworks exploded in her ass as David hit every nerve
possible. Gage’s cock expanded the closer he came to his climax. His final thrust
pushed her past all ability to think. An orgasm rained down on her. Her body pulsed
and vibrated, releasing the tightly wound spring inside her. The climax burst forth
and a primal scream erupted.

Gage’s cock exploded, too, as he pressed tightly into her. David’s fingers dug into
her skin and lifted her ass high in the air as his heat filled her.

She had no idea when breath returned to her chest. Her shallow pants slowed as the
sweat dripped down her forehead.

“Wow.” She loved them.

“I think so,” David said, but his voice sounded far away.

Gage pulled back, his cock still erect. “I’ll get a towel.”

He managed to get to the bathroom and back before David lifted her one more time and
disengaged his cock. “I don’t think I’ll ever be able to move again.”

She laughed, “I feel the same way.”

Gage swiped her pussy, and she rolled over on the bed. David patted her ass.

Tomorrow was going to be a long day. They needed to figure out how the hell they
missed so much information; it was as if someone was working against them. The only
way that could happen is if they had someone on the inside, none of them wanted to
think about that, but nothing else made sense.

Chapter Twenty


"She is sleeping,” Jolie whispered as the men sat at the table. They had discovered
more information, but it still was not making much sense.

“The men who attacked the ranch were from a gang belonging to a known drug lord.
We have never had anything to do with that shit,” Alex said as he shuffled through
the papers on the table. “We still don’t know how the fuck they got here without
going through town and into the house without us seeing them. There has to be a blind
area somewhere.”

For the last few days, the names of the men they killed had been flowing in. They
ran each of them for a connection and found nothing. “None of them should have known
where this place was, they were not even from this country. Hell, Healing is a little
blip on the map,” Alex continued.

“The leader has disappeared, and we are trying to find him. His last known whereabouts
was San Diego. He is connected somehow. We just don’t know how. No emails, texts,
nothing. Whoever contacted him has a long reach to be able to cover it so well,”
Drake said.

“What do we have on the families? I mean do we contact or hold off?” Jessie asked.

“We still don’t want anyone doing something foolish, there are men going to get them
now and bring them back. Mason and Thane are looking for Arden Plane right now.
They have Mason’s mom,” Drake reported.

“Good,” Gage said. “And the files? Where are we on them?”

“Like a needle in a haystack, we have so much information and only a few eyes,” Jessie

David pulled Jolie onto his lap and said, “What are we missing?”

“Nothing, we have been given everything,” Gage said grimly and lifted Jolie’s feet,
placing them in his lap.

Sable was resting upstairs, the excitement from the last few days had taken its toll
on the pregnant woman. Alex had Slone take her to bed and keep her there.

The guys and Jolie were the only ones sitting in the dining room with the computers
spread out along with maps and papers tacked on the wall. The office had been great
but too small. All of the guys had a problem going into a small room where they had
only one window. Jolie said it was the PTSD, they would all be having flashbacks
because they were thrown into battle once again.

She planned for time to talk to each of them. They all protested but agreed when
Thane basically ordered them to do it. Lou and Timothy were back in their rooms with
a few additions, which included a gun rack.

“You need to remember,”
Ted whispered in his ear and Gage shivered. He hated it when his friends just appeared.

“Damn it, why the hell do you keep saying that!” Gage yelled.

“Uhhhh…” Jessie said.

“They are back!” Alex said, waving his hand.

“Ahhh…” Drake said, going back to reading the papers and highlighting phone numbers
trying to find a connection.

“Just say what you mean!” Gage said.

“I can't, you know this, I only know that you have the information, you just have
to find it,”
Ted said.

“Find, where is it?” Alex said in frustration. “Do you get that your families are
in danger?”

“Yes, we do know. Here is the rub though,”
Ted said.
“None of us knew the information we held. So I know you have it, but I don’t know
what it is. If we did, we would tell you.”

“Great, we are getting heavenly help but not really?” Alex said.

Jolie, David, and the others just sat and listened trying to figure out the one-sided
conversation. Gage was frustrated and getting more and more pissed as the seconds
wore on. Alex wasn’t far behind.

“We can only tell you what we know. Look at what you have,”
Ted said and the guys left.

“Nice and cryptic, next we are going to have to dance naked under the full moon and
piss on a tree. Then we will find out where the pencil I lost yesterday is at,” Gage

eryone looked confused.

"Seriously, though. Unless we find who is behind all this and why. None of us will
be able to
have closure
and the others will never be able to find peace
they deserve
," Gage said solemnly.

Knowing the seriousness in the situation they faced and the truth in Gage's words,
they all shook their heads in agreement.

Ted and Marie stood by their daughter's crib and smiled down at her as she waved at
them with a smile. She could see them, it was so important for her to know their

“She will grow up so fast,”
Marie whispered.

“And we can watch from time to time. I know this is hard, but we have to do what
is best for her,”
Ted said as he reached down and touched Sammi’s cheek.

The little bundle of joy turned her head into his palm and sighed. It was breaking
his heart to have to say goodbye. The other guys appeared in the room and Sammi squealed
and held up her hands. All of them smiled at her and touched her.

One by one, they approached the crib and whispered something to her, and played with
her. This was the only time they could speak to her and not give it away.

“There is so much she doesn’t know, so much I didn’t get a chance to say. To her,
to Jolie and Gage,”
Marie cried.

“They will know,”
Ted said and took her in his arms.

“It is just so out of control, why us—why this?”
Marie asked.

“I don’t know, but we do know there is a purpose for everything, we have to wait the
same as them. The others will make sure she is safe,”
Ted whispered against her hair.

“Promise we won’t miss the important parts,”
Marie said.

“I promise. We will be there for every step and fall. Gage and the others just won't
be able to see us anymore,”
Ted said.

“How are we going to tell him she hates bananas and loves apples?”
Marie said.

“He will know,”
Ted whispered.

“It's not fair,”
Marie cried.

“I agree,”
Ted replied.

“Jolie is going to be a good mom, and she will have two dads to look after her,”
Marie sniffed.

“Gage and David really are stepping up to the plate. I am so glad we talked about
this before I left that day,”
Ted said.

Marie nodded and pulled a wrinkled letter out of her pocket.
“You know I kept a copy with me at all times. It was in my bra that day
but I
knew they would search me so I placed it in my shoe."

“I know, just like I know that David and Gage will find it when they actually go through
our stuff. Gage is going to be so pissed off at us, we had better be prepared,”
Ted smirked.

“I remember sitting on the beach, and writing this together. Sammi was kicking in
me so hard that day. I thought she was going to come popping out,”
Marie laughed.

“I memorized it word for word, in case something happened to us, or God forbid her,
I just felt the need to put them down on paper,”
Ted whispered.


Dear Samantha Gage Farat,


I am so sorry we are not there with you right now. Your daddy and I wanted to make
sure that you know how much we love you. I know you probably have a lot of questions,
and trust me, we have left all the answers in this lock box.

I would guess Daddy G is the one who is reading this right now. How do we know you
are going to call him that? That is what prompted us to write this letter. I can’t
explain, nor can I ignore the feelings we are having. Just knowing you are safe and
happy is all we have ever wanted. Of course, we wish we were there, but we have come
to peace with the fact we are not.

We have thought long and hard about what we want to tell you. Your daddy and I both
dreamed of the day when we would have a baby together and raise a family. We were
both so excited when we found out you were being blessed to us. Nothing could have
made us feel that kind of joy, except for when you were born.

Your daddy, he wanted to be there, but he was doing a very important mission for our
country. You can be proud of him. All of them. We are enclosing a picture of all
of the men, your daddy and Daddy G served with, they are all wonderful. Please know
this is the hardest letter for us to write, because we know we are saying goodbye
to you, until we meet again.

Daddy is rubbing my stomach and talking to you at the same time I am writing this.
Just know we love you, and we will always be there if you need us. We know that we
will be able to watch you grow up, and we know you are going to be an amazingly brave
and wonderful woman. There is nothing you can’t do.

I need you to know, as you become a woman, I don’t want bitterness because we are
gone, don’t be mad at anyone. When your daddy and I made the decision to bring a
child into the world so we could share our love, we knew what we were getting into.
It came with the uniform, the dedication, and promises. Be proud of your heritage,
and your beliefs, if nothing else please understand, we would have sacrificed everything
to keep you safe, without a thought, because you are our little girl and you always
will be.

If by chance you are sitting in the nail salon getting a pedicure, I will be the light
that hits your eyes when the door opens. When you are out with your friends and being
silly, we will watch over you to make sure you are safe, Daddy G will protect you,
but we will be with you. When you throw your cap after you graduate from High School
and College, we will be the sun that shines down on you. When you are walking down
the aisle at your wedding, we will be in the tear that flows down Daddy G’s face because
we will be walking with him. Just know we will be with you always.

Now daddy is insisting I write the following part, I don’t necessarily agree with
it, but truthfully, he knows that Daddy G will summarize until you are older.

First, let me tell you something about Daddy G, he has a few issues you are probably
going to have to deal with. His commitment issues for one, which I think is because
he had to depend on himself too much when he was younger. I can guarantee you are
not having to do the same thing. Second, Daddy G has a thing he does when he is freaked
out about something. Now don’t worry it has nothing to do with you at all, it has
to do with the way he copes with things, but under no circumstances are you to allow
him to go out with a woman named Candy again. I have a feeling he is going to meet
the woman who will finally bring him to his knees, but just in case it takes a while,
I want you to make sure you remind him of the lawn mower. Trust me, he will know.
And, Gage, if you skip this part of the letter, you are in trouble. But I understand
if you condense it a little.

Lastly, Gage is going to be an amazing father for you, he'll remind you of what we
look like and tell you stories about us.

Don’t let him forget that he was our best friend, and our family. They all are.


Love you so much,


Mommy and Daddy


P.S. Gage, give her a hug, then take off this post-it-note and look. There is something
in this box to help you figure out this mess. That is all I have been shown, but
if Marie and I were killed, the answers are in here.


“Yep, he will be a little pissed about this. But we don’t know what is in here that
they want so badly,”
Ted said.

“I just hate being so cryptic,”
Marie said.

“Those are the rules, I was not about to tell them much either, I wanted to be able
to stay until all of this was over. It was the deal we all made,”
Frank said.

“Okay, baby girl, we need to let you get some sleep,” Marie said. “We will be here
until you wake, then back again at nighttime and every other night until you are completely

The men nodded and they all kissed her forehead one by one, and then sat on the floor
to keep watch, while Marie sat in the rocking chair and began to sing.


“Hush, little baby, don't say a word,

Mama's going to watch you until you stir.


If you stir when we aren’t here,

Mama's gonna make sure that you don’t fear.


If you fear a little too much,

Mama's going to protect you with all her might.


If that might seems a little too weak,

Mama's gonna call in her favorite geek.


If that geek can’t help you fast,

Mama's going to kick him in the ass.


So hush little baby, don't you cry,

Daddy loves you and so do I.


"Nice talk for a mama,"
Ted said with a smirk.

"Like she will never hear anything worse than 'ass' out of Gage's mouth or any of
the guys' mouths for that matter,"
Marie said smugly.

The guys snorted softly but remained quiet. They could hear Sammi’s soft breathing,
letting them know she was asleep.

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