Read Pure Harmony Online

Authors: McKenna Jeffries and Aliyah Burke

Pure Harmony (7 page)

“I’ll give you her number so you can tell her yourself.” Jonathon stared then asked, “I’m glad you’re accepting my help. How much do you owe Deyon? I—”

“No, that I won’t let you do. I’ll work it off at Deyon’s.” Harmony smiled.

“I don’t want you to have to work there if you don’t want to.”

“But I want to. Deyon is an interesting character and she has a lot she’s showing me.”

“Are you a sales person?” Jonathon sounded appalled.

Harmony laughed at his politically correct words. “Nope, I’m more like a Girl Friday at Deyon’s beck and call. She’s showing me a little of everything. It’s challenging keeping up with her.”

“Okay. But if you want to stop then you can and I’ll pa—”

“Give it a rest, Jonathon. I’m going to pay off my own debt. Besides, for how much Deyon is paying me, it won’t be for too long.” Harmony shook her head.

Deyon demanded the best and paid for it. At first, Harmony’d thought Deyon was giving her more so she could work off the money she owed quicker but Deyon had assured her it wasn’t, and had given her the pay scales she had for employees—one of the things Harmony would be helping out with was payroll. Harmony moved around the island and stood before Jonathon. This close, she inhaled his intoxicating scent. She ached with her need to have him. Even mad at him, as she’d been last night, she’d wanted him. Had been aware of his every movement.

“I’m heading up to bed, are you coming?”

“Yes. I’ll just lock up. Night.” Jonathon turned.

Harmony could tell he didn’t know what she’d meant. He’d figure it out soon enough. She strolled upstairs. She leaned against the wall just by the steps and soon she heard Jonathon coming up. When he was at the top of the steps, he went towards his room.

“I thought you were coming to bed?” Harmony stifled a smile as he jumped then turned to face her.

“I am.” His brow furrowed.

“Okay, then.” She sauntered towards him, passing him as she headed for his room.

“Where are you going?”

Harmony faced him and walked backwards. “For a lawyer, you really are slow. To bed with you. And I don’t plan on us sleeping for a while.”

Harmony let the desire she had for him seep into her voice. Even before the fire, she’d decided she was going to stop resisting and have him. Losing everything had derailed that momentarily, but she needed to be near him. Jonathon’s face changed and she saw the hunger on his face. He moved towards her, his movements predatory, arrogant and precise. All the things that made up who he was. Harmony’s pulse quickened and her pussy dampened.

Chapter Five




Harmony shifted when her back touched the wall and she searched with her hand behind her to find the edge of the doorjamb. When she did, she used it as a guide to step through the door while her gaze was still locked on Jonathon’s. His stroll was slow and made her heartbeat accelerate as she moved backwards away from him. Suddenly he moved faster and caught her, yanking her against his bigger frame. He lowered his head and kissed her, clearly marking his ownership, and Harmony met him, revelling in the possessiveness of his touch. The texture of his kiss was different from those they’d shared recently—this one was as she remembered from their one night together. It made the throb of her slit increase and her body prepared for his taking.

Jonathon loosened his hold and his fingers touched her throat then lowered as he undressed her. Harmony suckled his tongue as he worked on getting them naked. She cradled his head and stepped back, moving towards the bed. Jonathon matched her step for step. The cool air on her skin made her shiver slightly and she moaned as she felt him cup her breasts, kneading them then plucking at the nipples. Harmony kicked off her sandals and kept pulling him with her as she moved back. Jonathon’s hands on her hips stilled her then he grabbed her ass, pulling her tight to him again. She whimpered as his bare skin touched her naked flesh. His engorged shaft pressed along her sternum. He moved his hand down her hip then under her leg, changing her hold and lifting her leg up. Jonathon rocked rubbing against her, Harmony arched, countering his motions. Jonathon lifted his head and stared at her.

“Harmony.” The harsh need in his voice made the heat in her belly increase.

Holding her leg, he lifted her off the floor and stepped forward. Jonathon lowered her to the mattress and covered her with his body. He pushed open her legs and surged into her. Harmony writhed, whimpering as his sheathed erection filled her. She closed her eyes, smiling. Jonathon was very efficient at donning protection without her ever realising it, just as he had been that night. Her thoughts scattered as he set a hard, fast rhythm. Harmony held his shoulders, squeezing them in time with his thrusts. She moaned continuously as he took her without any mercy. Her body was on fire with need and she wanted…no,
his masterful taking. She blinked then opened her eyes and stared at his face, which was carved in harsh lines of pleasure. The muscles in his throat stood out as he pumped deep and twisted his hips.

“Jonathon,” she whimpered.

His gaze focused on her as he moved quicker and his lips pulled back in a snarl. Harmony’s pussy gushed at the sight of him so out of control. Jonathon was usually so contained in everything he did. Even on their one shared night, he had been meticulous in driving her out of her mind. Yet now this untamed man made her pulse jump and canal clench with the pleasure he was giving her. Harmony couldn’t decide which version of his sensual conquering she preferred.

“Come for me.” His harsh demand was punctured by thrusts.

“Jonathon,” she groaned, arching as she flooded with her release.

Tightening her legs around him, she rocked against him, demanding that he give her his own pleasure. Jonathon’s breaths puffed out and his sweat-dampened face was hard. Harmony lifted her head and licked along his lips from top to bottom then bit down on the centre of the bottom one before letting it go with a pop.

“Now,” she screamed.

Jonathon stiffened then shuddered, grunting as he came. He jerked, shaking, then relaxed, collapsing against her. Harmony held him and kissed the side of his face. Her heart beat frantically as she inhaled his scent. Jonathon was limp against her, his body sprawled over her.

“You’re a chameleon—a contained man one moment, then this fierce conqueror. When I think I have you figured out you change on me. Who is the real Jonathon Wright?” Harmony mused.

Jonathon lifted his head and his serious dark brown eyes were unfathomable. He studied her then rolled off her, disposing of the condom. He reached for another and quickly put it on his revived erection. Jonathon returned to his previous position, gliding into her canal. Harmony moaned as he filled her again.

Jonathon watched her, pumping lazily. “All of them. I’m a versatile man but at the bottom of it all I’m just me.”

“And I want to get to know all sides of you.” Harmony moaned, gripping him, as he thrust in a maddeningly slow pace.

“I want to know all your secrets, Harmony. Get to know the woman who has been in my thoughts all these months.” Jonathon’s gaze was steady.

Harmony gulped at what he was asking. There was so much she didn’t…couldn’t…share with him, and she wasn’t sure if she ever would be able to.

Jonathon’s face softened. “Not all at once—when you’re ready you can tell me. Just give me…us a chance,” he assured her.

Harmony studied him then nodded, hugging him.


Jonathon inhaled the scent that was them and rocked into her wetness. She clenched around him, creating a delicious friction as they strived towards another fulfilment of their passion. Harmony made him lose control and he didn’t know how she did it. One look at her captivating face and all he could think of was finding someplace to have her—horizontal, vertical or sideways didn’t matter. Groaning, he thrust slowly and deliberately. The hitch of her breath sounded with each motion, guiding him on. Her nails dug into his back as she moved her head back and forth against the pillow. She was so very beautiful. The quiet dignity and grace she portrayed in everything she did left when she let loose the passion inside her. The memories of their one night paled in comparison with now and somehow he knew each time they were like this, she’d surprise him.

He couldn’t wait to enjoy each and every moment with her. Lowering his head, he kissed her hungrily and pumped his hips. She tightened around him, moaning and babbling words he didn’t understand, which made him smile. Harmony was vocal and, even if he couldn’t understand the language she was speaking, he enjoyed knowing he made her lose her senses enough that she forgot to speak English. He hitched her leg up on his hip and rolled them, moving inside her grasping canal.

“Jonathon—” Then a spatter of an unrecognisable language.

He moved in quick, deep thrusts and felt her clench then she gushed arching her head as she came again. Jonathon groaned and joined her in pleasure. He shifted off her to dispose of the protection then cuddled her against his side. Sated, he held her as he drifted off to sleep.


* * * *


Jonathon enjoyed the view outside his front window and in the glass he could see the smile on his lips. Three weeks spent with Harmony and he couldn’t stop smiling. Even at his office, they had noticed his happier countenance and Jonathon didn’t care. Harmony was a breath of fresh air and she had such a zest for life. In and out of bed, they had so much to talk about and he’d found she was even nicer than he’d thought, smart and had a wicked sense of humour. He chuckled at the thought of her humour, which sneaked up on him. Arms slid around his back and he was hugged from behind.

“What’s got you laughing by yourself? Better be careful or someone will think you’re crazy.” Harmony’s warm lyrical voice made him hard, as it typically did.

Jonathon turned in her loose hold, lowering his head and kissing her gently. Then he couldn’t resist and deepened their kiss. Harmony opened, moaning. He lifted her into his arms and her legs wrapped around him as they usually did. This hold was becoming his favourite. Harmony pressed against him, her legs open for his taking.

Too bad we’re not already naked.
Jonathon stepped forward, intent on getting them both that way immediately. A chiming ring tone interrupted them. Harmony pulled her lips away and turned her head then she released the hold of her legs and slid down his body. She moved away to the cell on the side table. Jonathon clenched his fist, tempted to throw the cell against a wall. Harmony had bought it a few days after moving in with him so that she wouldn’t be giving out his phone number to other people. He hadn’t minded, but she’d insisted that she was here temporarily and once she moved to a new place he wouldn’t have to worry about getting calls that were intended for her. As he had then, Jonathon glared at the phone she was talking into. The idea of her leaving was making him ornery.

Although they slept together each night in his room, Harmony still kept her things in the guest room. Jonathon had mentioned she could move her things into his space but Harmony had laughed and said he had everything so organised in his room that her more relaxed way of keeping her things would drive him daft. Jonathon knew she was partially right—it would bug him but he’d accept it
for her

Harmony lowered her hand and faced him. A wide smile was on her face and she was almost bouncing in place.

“The landlord found me a new place. Same rent and everything. I’m going over now to meet the representative from the management company to check it out and get the keys.”

She spoke so fast in her excitement that it took a moment for what she had said to register. When it did, Jonathon’s smile faded and he stared—he was not pleased that she’d already found a new place so soon after moving in with him. Jonathon knew she’d been discussing things with the landlord but not that he’d been looking for a place for her.

You knew she wasn’t going to be here forever.
Jonathon spoke, “Great, I’ll take you, let me get my keys.”

He turned and went to the kitchen to get his keys and to give himself time to pull himself together. Jonathon took a few deep breaths then returned the way he had come. Harmony was already waiting for him. She didn’t have a purse, which he knew was because when she went out casually she didn’t walk with one but put her things in her pockets. Harmony always had clothing on that had pockets and Deyon had even fixed some of the clothing she’d bought, putting in pockets. If Harmony went to work or out somewhere to shop or dinner she carried a bag. He watched her, realising he knew that little quirk as well as others he’d observed of her in the last few weeks. Jonathon jingled his keys as he joined her by the door, then opened it. Harmony exited and he followed her. In moments they were in his SUV. Harmony gave him the address and Jonathon frowned.

“Are you sure that’s the correct address?”

“Yes, see, I wrote it down and he gave me directions if you don’t know how to get there.” Harmony showed him a piece of paper.

“I was born here. I know all the nooks and crannies of McKingley.” Jonathon pulled onto the street and drove towards their destination.

As far as he knew, the place they were going was in a less than savoury part of town. Although, it had been a while since he’d been there so maybe it had changed. They were silent on the drive and Jonathon’s frown deepened the closer they got. The area had changed and he saw that it wasn’t for the better. The buildings looked abandoned and in his opinion the area was dangerous. He kept his thoughts to himself, found the correct number and parked in front of the structure. Jonathon exited before going to Harmony’s door and helping her out. Harmony’s expression was blank so he couldn’t tell what she was thinking. She lifted her hand and placed her fingers over where he knew the scar was on her right arm. She traced it idly as she stared at the building. Seeing that, Jonathon realised she was in deep thought. Harmony moved forward and he followed her.

Jonathon noted there was no security door and the front door lock was busted. As they went in, he made a mental list of all that was wrong with the place and they hadn’t even made it to the apartment. Harmony stopped before an apartment at the end of the hall. She knocked and almost immediately the door swung open, revealing a smiling man. Jonathon took an instant dislike to the smarmy-faced, immaculately dressed man.

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