Read Protect Online

Authors: C. D. Breadner

Tags: #motorcycle club, #mc, #freak circle press, #mc fiction, #red rebels

Protect (44 page)

“Baby should be fine,” he went on, letting
her pet him. “It’s still really small. They watched the heart rate
or blood pressure or somethin.’ But everything’s okay. You got
bruised ribs, baby. You know about your jaw, I’m sure.” His grip
tightened on her and she let her hand drop to her stomach. “I’m
gonna find him and kill him. But I gotta know, baby. Did he ... did
he do anythin’ other than beat you?”

Her understanding brought tears to her eyes
again. She shook her head but the tears were coming fast and
furious, and she remembered the terror of two men attacking her
right before Earp decided to strike. The knowledge that she
couldn’t be strong enough to stop them, not two men. No amount of
struggling or fighting would change that.

Fritter got up, slid himself into her bed
next to her, resting his weight on this side and gathered her
carefully to his chest. She let her face rest on his T-shirt,
relief coursing through her, chasing away the flashback of panic
and terror.

“I’ll find him, baby. Nothin’ hurts you ever
again, I swear to Christ.”

She nodded, closing her eyes and relaxing in
his hold. His hand ran up and down her arm, and under her cheek his
heartbeat was even and strong.

“We need to think ... we should think about
where we’re gonna live, too.”

She stiffened, then pulled her head back to
look at him. He was smiling now, brushing his hand over the side of
her neck to her shoulder.

“Don’t look so terrified. But they lit your
house on fire, baby. The bedroom is torched. There’s smoke damage
in the back. A few windows got broken out. And I hate to point out
the obvious but it’s just a two-bedroom. That’s great for the baby
but when Brayden comes to visit he’s not gonna be thrilled to sleep
on the sofa. Or in a tent in the backyard.”

She nearly smiled, but stopped because it

Fritter cupped her cheek in one hand. “I
think you get that you mean a lot to me, Sharon. It doesn’t seem
like we’ve been together long, but really ... it’s been nearly two
years when you think about it. And I’m happy about this kid, I
really am.” He took a deep breath, his hand stroking her head, even
over whatever kind of bandage they had her trussed up in. “So, I’m
sayin’ we should think about us all livin’ together. You. Me. Baby.
And a room for Brayden.”

Sharon could only stare.

“It’ll sound morbid, but there’s a bunch of
houses coming on the market lately at a steal of a deal because of
some kind of pesky shootin’ rampage that happened a month back.”
His smile was a bit disturbing. “From what I’m told, a few of those
places are pretty nice.”

She shook in laughter, despite the grim
subject matter.

“What do you say? Wanna try livin’ with

She was nodding before she really thought it

He grinned outright. “I kinda like this not
talkin’ thing. You being agreeable or you just too hurt to

She made a grunt of outrage and poked his
stomach, making him tense. Hm. She’d always liked the feel of that
stomach, especially taught.

“I want to be in your life. And in our kid’s.
That means keepin’ you closer to me, protectin’ you. I know you’re
tough. Shit, Sharon. You capped three men on your own. But with our
baby in you ...” He took a breath. “You gotta step back and let me
swing my ass out there to keep you safe. You keep bakin’ the bun.
I’ll take care of everythin’ out here. Okay?”

She searched his face, surprised by the
resolve she saw. This was not the fun loving goofball she knew.
This was Mark Horton with something to care about. It was
comforting and damn attractive. So she nodded, and he tightened his
grip on her just to kiss her temple, then released her again.

“You okay with me lookin’ for a house for

She nodded again and his grin became
downright triumphant.

“Good. Because I already got one I want to
put an offer on. Just want you to see it first.”

Her eyes got wide and he laughed, fun loving
Fritter once again in the room.

“It’s a nice one. They cleaned it properly,
put down a new floor throughout the whole main level. It’s a four
level split, and I really like it. But I want you to see it. When
you’re cleared to leave and you’ve had a few days’ rest. Okay?”

All her life she’d been on her own, taking
care of her own shit. It might have been lonely at times, but she’d
never felt alone when she was on the job. Now that the job was
slipping away, her body was housing a new life, and her heart was
apparently deciding that it really liked Fritter’s protective
streak—and new, no-nonsense bossy side—she had no idea what to
expect anymore.

Routine, out the window. Come what may; that
was the new plan.

She gave a valiant effort at another smile
and nestled back into Fritter’s hold. She fell asleep that way, his
hand warm on her back, cheek resting on the top of her head.




Life could be a whirlwind. Sharon had been
getting used to that professionally. What with DEA and FBI agents
taking over her town, human trafficking rings springing up in
Markham and highway shootings to contend with, her own life might
have seemed dull and unimpressive.

But it wasn’t, not in the least. As soon as
she’d been released from the hospital she’d walked into a surprise
“Get Well Soon” soiree at the clubhouse that had really rocked her
to the core. Her parents were even there, which was a lot like
seeing Martha Stewart and Mister Rogers strolling through Sturgis
hand-in-hand. As an added bonus, her brother Scott was on leave. As
soon as she saw him she dropped Fritter’s hand and ran to him. He
swung her up immediately into a hug, making her ribs twinge in
protest but she didn’t care. She hadn’t seen him in years, and just
that alone was healing medicine.

With news of the baby, the club seemed a lot
less wary of the Sheriff in their midst. A huge barrel drum grill
was smoking away in the lot and Tank was grilling the steaks. Rose
hovered close, keeping him stocked with beer, kisses, and ass
groping. Sharon couldn’t get over how cute the Amazonian woman was.
Her baby belly had finally “popped,” and she looked like she had
half a basketball tucked under her top. Not a lick of fat on her
anywhere else. It was hard not to hate her, just a little bit. From
the way Tank kept rubbing his hand on his old lady’s stomach it was
obvious there were no body issues on either side.

Brayden was there, too. Steven and Jasmine
had stayed at the hotel they’d booked when they got that call
Sharon had been hurt. When she found out they’d driven out, even
with Steven still in a full leg cast, she was touched. They all
planned to head home the next day, but this wasn’t their scene. She
appreciated them letting her son out for the evening.

Strangely, she thought of Adeel. How odd that
family could spring up in so many different forms, and Adeel’s
blood wouldn’t want him. With all this love, how could there not be
enough in the world for one little boy?

From her seat on an ancient, battered sofa
Sharon took in her brother, father and Knuckles involved in a very
spirited conversation. It could have been about the military or
bikes; either made sense. Sharon’s mother had locked right onto
Gertie, who was on the sofa opposite with Dave Junior resting in
her arms. Her mother’s face was adoring as it watched the little
one sleep. Buck sat next to his old lady but was turned to Jayce,
and they were debating the finer points of charcoal briquettes
versus natural gas or propane grills. Fritter, Brayden, Spaz and
Tiny were playing pool.

It was a fucking weird world sometimes.

“I know you can’t talk too much, but I
thought you should know that we’re already reaching out to the Rats
to figure out what the fuck they wanted with you.”

Sharon was startled, and turned to see that
Buck and Jayce’s conversation had apparently ended. Now she had
Jayce’s full attention and vice versa. “Okay,” she said stiffly.
Talking was still difficult but at least the bandages had come

“We have reason to believe they may have
taken an issue with law enforcement. Assuming you were in bed in
more ways than one with us.” Jayce’s smile was apologetic as she
felt her cheeks color a bit. “Sorry, I couldn’t resist.”

“I understand.”

“Until we talk to them, we’re assuming
they’re out to get anyone and everyone affiliated with us. No one
goes anywhere alone. We got a patched member on every old lady at
all times, even when they’re at home. And during our meet, we’re
sequestering everyone here. I got Nomads coming to town for the
meet so we’ll be able to have a few people watching the place.”

Sharon felt a chill. “And this is where
you’ll want me to be, too.”

Jayce nodded. “I
you here,
actually. You’ll keep shit calm. I know you can do that. You’re
smart. And having one more crack shot in the group makes me feel
better about not being here.”

She hoped her smile was more wry than a
wince. “You’re buttering me up.”

“Not at all. When Trinny was around she would
have been the one I put in charge but ...” He wet his lips and
looked around the room. “I think it’s pretty obvious that we got
tough, brave women. You’re the kind that can lead, and not just
broads. But you know what this means. You’re a cop. And if shit
goes bad here, I’m trusting you to handle it in a way that is in
interest as opposed to your sworn duty to protect.”


“Killing a prick because he’s wearing a Dirty
Rats kutte, not because he drew on you.” Jayce’s eyes were serious.
“If a Rat walks in here he has to be taken out. They are not our
allies. They beat and rape women. They killed Mickey, Sharon. They
are not allowed to be here.”

She blinked, taking a deep breath. The
mention of Mickey did it. As surreal as the conversation was, she
got it. She knew that this life had no room for half-measures or
the fantasies of people wanting to live a life they saw on TV.

was what it meant to be with

She re-examined the room. She knew Rose was a
scrapper when she had to be. She’d seen the men who’d tried to kill
Tank while he was unconscious in the hospital. Jolene, who was no
doubt hurting but Sharon couldn’t imagine her being less of the
woman she was. She had spirit and passion and Sharon knew she’d
fight to the death for the people she loved. Gertie has escaped a
biker compound, with help but that meant nothing, and she’d gone to
the wall to help Trinny. And Trinny herself, who wasn’t there but
Sharon had nothing but respect for her. But all this wasn’t the
strength of these women. With the exception of Jayce’s old lady,
they took risks with the belief their men were there and wouldn’t
let anything happen to them.

That was faith.

She sought out Fritter. He was pointing with
his pool cue, standing next to her son. Giving pointers, no doubt.
Then when Brayden stooped to line up his shot, Fritter used his cue
to tip the kids’ downward just as he was in motion. He scratched
the shot, looked surprised, and Fritter was laughing while he gave
Brayden’s shoulder a friendly jolt. Spaz and Tiny also cut up, and
then her son did, too. With a slightly redder face but none the

Yes, she had that kind of faith.

“I understand. And this isn’t just because
I’m losing the election,” she said for clarification. “I have no
idea how this would have played out if it wasn’t for the election
when the club found out—and I’m sure I expected the club to find
out somehow anyway. You asked me why I was fighting this so hard,
and my job was why. I’ll admit that now. It was never that he
wasn’t enough. I knew it was bad but I kept going back.”

“I’m sorry he took advantage,” Jayce

She had to laugh. “Don’t be fooled. I started
the whole thing. All he did was respond to my calls.” The she
frowned. “He hasn’t told you that?”

Jayce looked just a bit surprised. “No, he
hasn’t told us anything.”


“Little secret.” Jayce leaned in, motioning
for her to do the same. “Men don’t talk about the women they like
that way. They keep private shit private, if she’s a keeper.”

“I understand.”

“That being said, he knows about us.”

Her eyes got big. “What?”

“Tiny kinda spilled it. He’s the only one
that knew.”

With a nervous glance around she wet her

“I didn’t go into details, just confirmed it.
And then Fritter beat my ass down.”


The Red Rebels President leaned back,
chucking. “Don’t look so shocked.”

“I thought most would have found out when I
became Sheriff. Thought that might have made for hilarious locker

Jayce shook his head. “Nah. You may not be
woman, but you’re also not the type that a guy fucks then
tells his buddies about like it’s a sport.”

“Is that a compliment?”

“You tell me.”

“Not really. But thank you.”

“And to tell the truth, I was pretty wasted.
I honestly don’t remember too much.”

Ouch. Well, maybe that was for the best.
“Yeah,” she said slowly, looking away. She remembered. Of course
she did. Yeah, it was definitely for the best. “So, anyway. This
meet. When’s it set for?”

Now he grinned. “Nah, not giving you a heads’
up. Sorry. No offense. Just let your brothers in blue know that two
MC clubs in town at the same time, at
time in the next
week, they should maybe just stay out of it. Could get more than
hurt, if not at the time definitely after. Word gets
out we set them up with the law...” He shrugged and let that trail

That was more trust than she’d expected,
actually. So she tried to show she was worth it by nodding and
saying, “We actually wear khaki and brown, not blue. You have us
confused with a municipal police force.”

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