Prodigal Son (Jensen Family #1) (13 page)

BOOK: Prodigal Son (Jensen Family #1)
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Easter holidays proved to be
a busy time for Paul, gardens were beginning to come to life again and he found
himself much in demand from clients old and new, he was raking in money hand
over fist and eventually persuaded Matt to give up his bakery job and work
alongside him.

Kay Morello had informed Paul
that her regular gardener had decided to retire after a long illness and she
asked if he would consider taking over her garden and property maintenance on a
permanent basis to which Paul readily agreed.

Paul always set aside a full
day for Kay’s garden as her grounds were extensive and now that he was
officially her maintenance man, he needed to ensure everything was just how she
liked it. Taking Matt with him, he set his brother to work weeding the patio
area and rockeries as well as leaving him to clean the pool while he began on
the lawns.

Kay called both boys over to
her mosaic tiled garden table for lunch where Paul stayed with her when Matt
went back to work.

“Business is good?” she asked

“Yeah, so
good that it has me questioning my decision to stay on at school.”

“Surely it will be difficult
to run a business full time when you can’t drive?”

“That’s what I was thinking
but I have looked into buying a van and hiring someone who can drive for the
times when I’m at school, it’s not like I can’t afford it, the downside would
be not being able to keep an eye on the quality of the work unless I leave

“You have given this some
thought haven’t you? You just need to hire someone you can trust, you’ll also
need to invest in some tools, not everyone is as well equipped as me” she

“I have to admit, taking care
of your property is one of my favourite jobs,
make it easy for me as everything I need is here.”

“I’m only one of your
favourite jobs?” she chided “Let me guess, Edwina is your other favourite.”

Paul laughed “I have a lot of fun working for her.”

“Please tell me it’s just

“Of course it is. Although,
Edwina is a very attractive woman.” he admitted.

“Paul” Kay warned.

“It’ll never go any further
than flirting honestly, the connection she has with Mum is way more important
to her, having said that, if she wasn’t Mum’s friend, there wouldn’t be
anything to stop us.”

Kay gasped “I’m shocked,
she’s old enough to be your mother.”

“I know but credit where it’s
due, she keeps herself in fantastic shape and like she says, I’m a bit of a
whore, if it’s got a pulse I’m generally there.” He grinned.

“I’d have to agree with her
there. The accounts of your exploits I’ve heard from your mother are quite eye
opening, you should be careful, you will get caught big time one day”

“I already have been, didn’t
Mum tell you? They keep catching me; apparently discretion isn’t in my nature.”

“I don’t mean caught in that
sense, I mean babies and infections.”

He shook his head “I’m far too careful for that.”

“I hope you are
Monica keeps saying to me that for the first time in your
life she wishes you were more like Matt.”

“What? He was at it before I
was and he’s with more girls than me, he just doesn’t bring them home” Paul
said “Me getting caught in the act just keeps the heat off him the snidey git.”

“In that case, you both need
to be careful.”

“We will be” Paul told her
“I’d better get back to work.”

“Yes you should. I’m popping
out to pick up my niece, I won’t be long.”

“Ok, thanks for lunch.”

Kay returned an hour later to
find the Jensen twins fooling around in the pool. A quick survey of her garden
revealed it in excellent shape and all the equipment had been put away, she was
sure, knowing Paul that all her tools would have been cleaned; letting the boys
use the pool was a perk she gladly allowed them.

“I’ve put my things in my
room” Hayley Simms, Kay’s twenty year old niece stepped onto the patio.

“Good, have a seat, I’ll make
you a sandwich.”

“Cool. Who are they?” she
asked pointing to the pool.

“You remember Monica and
Michael Jensen don’t you?”


“They are the twins, Matt and

“Oh, they were babies last
time I saw them.” Hayley’s parents, Kay’s sister and brother in law were in the
process of moving home to England from South Africa, Hayley had been sent ahead
of them to be able to receive their worldly possessions as they arrived. An
unfortunate economical downturn had caused the family to be forced into
bankruptcy and necessitated their move home. Kay had insisted the family move
into her spacious home, she would enjoy their company and it would give them a
chance to get back on their feet without added financial burden.

Hayley watched the boys
splashing in the pool; they hadn’t noticed either her or her Aunt and were
happily entertaining themselves in the water. The darker of the two boys pulled
himself out of the deep end of the pool, picked up his towel and wrapped it
around his hips, with his back to her she was able to get a good look at the
firm back and long muscled legs, he turned and said something to his brother
and that was when he saw her, he smiled and began a slow saunter down the side
of the pool, she heard him tell the other boy to get out.

Hayley’s eyes almost popped out
of their sockets when Matt hauled his stocky frame out of the pool, the water
cascading down over his massive shoulders and wide chest, his blond hair
slicked back from his face. He stood up and wiped the water from his body then
caught the towel the dark haired boy threw at him. She noticed the darker one
incline his head towards her which caused the blond boy to look in her
direction just as her Aunt placed a mug of tea and a plate of sandwiches in
front of her.

“Boys, come over here.” Kay

Still dripping from their
swim, both boys checked their towels were securely fastened and made their way
to the patio. Hayley found that her throat was dry and her stomach churning,
she couldn’t keep her eyes off the shorter, stockier twin, a sentiment clearly
reflected in his eyes as they didn’t waver from hers during the walk over.

Kay made the introductions
and announced that she was holding a barbeque that evening to welcome her
niece, the entire Jensen clan were attending and Kay had asked Tessa to bring some
friends and introduce them so that Hayley would have some people of her own age
to talk to and hopefully make friends with.

Returning to Kay’s that
evening, Matt, unaccustomed to a girl obviously finding him more attractive
than his brother fully intended to make the most of this and had harassed his
parents into hurrying out of the house and into their car shortly after Tessa
had left to collect her friends much to Monica’s surprise as she usually had to
drag Matt to these sort of occasions.

All became clear when she
caught sight of Hayley. The girl could be a model with her brown highlighted
hair, large dark blue eyes and lips in full pout, it would appear both her sons
had an eye for a pretty face.

Paul found Matt’s immediate
obsession with the girl most amusing and was prepared to tease him mercilessly
about it, he hadn’t seen Matt this enthusiastic about a girl before and felt it
was the brotherly thing to do by winding him up about it as much as he could.

After a brief circuit of the
guests, Matt subtly made his way to Hayley’s side and slid into the seat next
to hers.

“I hate these
.” She blurted as he sat beside her.

“Me too,” He replied.

“And to make it worse, I’m
told I have to spend the day shopping tomorrow with your sister and her friends.”

“That won’t be so bad; Tessa
and her friends are good fun to be around.”

“The point is
I have no money. How much fun is shopping when you’re

“You honestly think Kay will
send you out without money? She’s not like that.”

“You obviously know my Aunt
better than I do.” Hayley replied. Wow, she loved his eyes, blue with flecks of
brown and green, his presence dominated her just from his size and she was a
sucker for blond hair and while he wasn’t as obviously good looking as his
brother, she noticed his face was well proportioned, his eyes twinkled when he
talked and he used hand gestures to emphasise his point, his laugh was a deep
rumble and the attention he paid her was unwavering.

“I could always show you
around town when you tire of shopping.” He offered.

“I’d like that. Aunt Kay said
I can borrow her car anytime, maybe we could catch a movie one evening?”

Matt grinned “Not backward at
coming forward are you?”

“Sorry, I know I come on a bit
strong, it’s the South African upbringing, I’ll try to
it in a bit.”

“Please don’t, I like it.” He
told her.

Without Matt to fool around
with Paul had decided to sit in a corner and get quietly drunk, his plan was
going rather well until Tessa arrived with three of her friends. He first
caught sight of Holly, a demure brunette; Fay a loud and exceptionally funny
blond followed Holly across the garden, both girls turned and beckoned to the
third friend Tessa had brought, Suzanne.

Rising from his seat and
taking the circuitous route around the guests, he stopped by his mother who was
talking to Kay; he had managed to put himself directly opposite Suzanne.

She looked sensational, her
long, usually straight hair now hung in loose curls around her shoulders. She
wore bright red high heeled shoes over a calf length red wrap around dress that
displayed her cleavage beautifully and emphasised her tiny waist.

Taking a sip from her glass
of wine, she let her eyes wonder around the assembled guests. She spotted Matt
talking to a girl she didn’t recognise but guessed it was the new girl. Michael
was manning the barbeque, Monica was talking to Kay and there he was, standing
just behind his mother wearing a black shirt, open at the neck and with the
sleeves rolled up, black trousers and the inevitable black trainers, his eyes
fixed firmly on hers. She smiled and nodded ever so slightly in greeting then
turned her back on him and joined Fay in filling up her glass. He was gone when
she turned back; she shrugged and went to introduce herself to the newcomer.

Suzanne enjoyed her
conversation with the forthright young woman and even threw in a little light
flirting with Matt. Deep in conversation the three of them made their way to
the barbeque and that was when she felt his presence behind her, his warm hand
pressed against the small of her back, his lips by her ear. She felt his hand
slide down to caress her behind and heard the escape of his breath

“You bad
He whispered.

She smiled but didn’t turn
around; he had discovered that she had neglected to put on her underwear. She
took one step back and pushed her bottom into his groin, both his hands had
come to rest on her hips.

“Pool house?” He asked
sliding his hand across her back and stepping to her side.

“Ten minutes.” she replied.

He left her side and
disappeared into the throng of guests. Suzanne removed herself from the queue
of people waiting for food and headed for the nearest bathroom to freshen up
before her rendezvous with Paul.

He had closed all but one of
the blinds by the time she joined him.

“I could ask Tessa if I can
borrow her car for a bit and we could disappear to yours.” She
suggested .

“Good idea.” He agreed
reaching for her “But I honestly don’t think I could wait that long before I
have you.” He attempted to kiss her, she pushed him away.

“I seem to remember you
telling me you would do anything I asked of you.”

“And I will, just don’t make
me endure a car ride sitting next to you when you look good enough to eat” he
plucked at the tie holding her dress closed, opening the front flap to reveal
the inner hidden one;

“Huh, that wasn’t as easy as
I thought it would be.”

“Let me” she undid the hidden
tie and held the dress open. Paul stepped back and took his time drinking in
the sight of her minus her knickers, her breasts barely concealed beneath a
sheer black bra.

“Beautiful.” He whispered.
She came into his arms then, raising her face to his to receive his kiss. She
loved the feel of his hands roaming her body and could feel him becoming
aroused as she pressed herself against him. She
her hands from his neck to the front of his shirt, once it was unbuttoned she
pushed it from his shoulders, he dropped one arm and then the other letting it
fall to the floor. She pressed her lips to his chest, his skin soft, warm and
heavenly smelling, she felt the firm muscle that had replaced the previously
slim, athletic build. She ran her hands over his chest and stomach.

BOOK: Prodigal Son (Jensen Family #1)
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