Prepped For Love: BWWM Pregnancy Romance Novel (6 page)


This wasn’t over.


Victor stood up and tried to shove his cock back into his boxers. This called for a change in venue. He grabbed Tammy’s hand and led her upstairs to his bedroom. Tammy had never seen the inside of a teacher’s bedroom. If this were any other circumstance, she would have taken a look around and peeked on his bookshelf to see what type of books a man like Victor read. But this wasn’t a good time for snooping; Victor intended to keep Tammy more than occupied.


Once upstairs, Victor and Tammy resumed their passionate embrace. For the first time in a long time, Tammy actually felt like she had sex appeal. She was getting in touch with her inner sensual goddess. After having a child, Tammy was worried that she would never be considered sexy again. The media fills our minds with ideas about what a woman’s sexiness really is.


You had to be petite with the perfect body. You couldn’t have scars or stretchmarks. Once you became a mother, you were supposed to remain in the shadows. Sexiness was for the young, the virginal, the pure. You were either a virginal madonna or a dirty whore, there was no in between. But here in Victor’s bedroom, Tammy felt like none of that was true. She felt the ripeness of fertility didn’t conflict with her ability to arouse. Those media messages didn’t matter here. Victor began to strip off her clothing and as he revealed each piece of her mahogany colored skin, her awareness of her own beauty deepened.


Victor kissed Tammy’s neck as he removed her sweater and bra. When her breasts came into view, his cock twitched in his boxers. Her lush bosom had the appearance of ripe mangoes. Her dark brown areolas were large, covering almost all of her breasts. Victor had never seen areolas that big; they added to Tammy’s overall appearance of fertility. Victor thought about the fact that Tammy had fed a child with those large melons and the thought turned him on. He bent his head to her chest and licked around her deep brown nipples. He sucked on them gently and pulled her close. Everything about this woman was so beautiful. Victor hadn’t looked twice at her when she was in his class, but now she was a grown woman who was more desirable than any woman he had met in years.


Victor slipped off Tammy’s leggings and her black g-string. Her lingerie was merely a barrier between him and her pussy; his desire was too urgent for him to notice the beauty of her lingerie. When Victor finally caught a glimpse of Tammy’s warm treasure, he wanted to get down on his knees and praise God. She was completely bare without a single wisp of hair. Her pussy mound was soft and bulging out. Her labia looked like a blossoming flower. Victor lifted Tammy off her feet and lay her back on his bed. As he stood between her legs he ogled her gorgeous body from above. He couldn’t believe that he was about to have this beautiful black woman for the night. He couldn’t believe this woman had even been his student at some point!


Victor pulled his shirt off. Now it was Tammy’s turn to gaze in admiration, arousal and anticipation.Tammy admired his incredible musculature. She had known Victor was sexy but she didn’t realize that he was cut like a bodybuilder. His body was perfectly toned with lean muscle. Victor’s chest and eight pack abs heaved with anticipation. He revealed his hardness again and then positioned himself between Tammy’s legs. He was beyond ready for this. As Victor’s chest pressed against Tammy’s their breathing synced up.


Victor began to slide his length into Tammy. It had been a
time since she had sex; even after a child, her pussy still felt tight. Tammy grabbed onto Victor’s back as he pushed deeper and deeper inside of her. He was only about halfway in when Tammy felt
full. His fat cock was pressing against her sensitive walls and Tammy was already on the verge of orgasm. Victor thrust the rest of his cock inside Tammy and she cried out. Victor began to fuck Tammy hard, pounding her into the bed with aggressive force. She could already tell this would be the best first time with a partner.


For Victor, the need to cum was becoming more and more urgent. He had a beautiful dark skinned beauty in his bed and he wanted nothing more than to fill her up with his cum. The desire overcame all logic and common sense. This wasn’t time to stop and consider the consequences; Victor was acting with the deepest passion. Victor looked deep into Tammy’s eyes as he pounded her hard. She gasped and whimpered as she threw her head back in orgasm.


“Oh god! Oh god! Yes Victor Yes!” Tammy moaned.


Then Victor spoke to Tammy in a way she’d
expected to hear him speak.



“Yeah mami you like that? Take this dick slut!” He growled. Victor looked so menacing and powerful as he dominated her with his words and with his immense physique. To hear dirty talk coming out of the mouth of her
former teacher
turned Tammy on. Her youthful fantasy about her sexy Spanish teacher was coming true. Except the reality was so much better. Tammy cried out as another orgasm blazed through her body. Her flesh was tingling with euphoria.


Victor slowed down and looked deep into Tammy’s eyes as he pumped his cock deep inside of her. He groaned as he emptied his cum deep inside Tammy’s wetness. Victor shuddered and Tammy dug her fingernails into his baubled ass cheeks as he finished inside of her. She was milking him for every last drop of cum. Victor removed his cock from Tammy’s entrance. He collapsed next to her on the bed and kissed her on the cheek.


As they lay together, Victor wanted nothing more than to have a cigarette. But he knew American women weren’t much for smoking compared to the Spanish. He ignored the jittery feeling that came from nicotine withdrawal and held Tammy close. Just a few moments of her soft breath landing on his chest soothed Victor. He didn’t even remember his intense craving for nicotine.


“I don’t know what I’m feeling about you Tammy Powers… But I’ve really enjoyed my evening,” Victor began. He took a deep whiff of Tammy’s hair. She smelled like coconut oil and flowery perfume.


Tammy kissed Victor’s cheek. “I’ve really enjoyed the evening too. Victor… You’re incredible. That was incredible.” Tammy closed her eyes and tried to imprint every detail of their experienced on her memory.


“Oh… And don’t worry, I’m on birth control,” Tammy murmured. The thought hadn’t even crossed Victor’s mind, but he was glad that Tammy brought it up.


One less thing to worry about.


Chapter 6


When Tammy arrived home after her romp with Victor, she felt a mixture of pure joy and naughtiness. She didn’t want anyone to know about what had happened but Tammy felt like shouting from the rooftops. It pained her to know that she couldn’t breathe a word of this to anyone. As Tammy entered her house, she noticed Jabari was downstairs clicking around on his laptop. She couldn’t believe this little rascal was up that late when he had school the next day. Tammy cleared her throat to get Jabari’s attention. He was so lost in his world of technology that he hardly looked up.


“Uh huh. Gimme a sec,” He mumbled.


Tammy folded her arms.


“How about you get your little butt into bed since you have school tomorrow?” Tammy countered.


Jabari realized his mom mean business and closed the laptop. Jabari gave his mom a good night hug and hustled off to bed. As her son tucked himself in, Tammy was left alone with her thoughts. When she was younger, the idea of being truly alone scared Tammy. She had tried to fill the void with meaningless dates, but Tammy could never let anyone get too close. With Victor, Tammy actually felt like she had a chance to get close to someone. Victor knew who she was before her entire reputation was tainted by rumors. Victor didn’t just believe the stories people around town told; he had asked Tammy for the truth and believed her version of events.


Tammy checked her email as she sat down with a cup of chai at her kitchen counter. Finally, she’d received a response about the PTA; it was an email from none other than Stephanie Wagner just as Victor had informed her. Tammy cringed as she opened up the email.


Hello Mrs. Powers,


Thank you for your email. I’m Stephanie, head of the PTA. Our first meeting for the month is actually tomorrow. We are having it at Marilyn Martin’s apartment tomorrow so please make sure you show up on time. The meeting starts at five o’clock in the afternoon and you’ve been assigned to bring a peach cobbler (not store bought!) Hope to see you there!


Stephanie G. Wagner


Tammy read through the email a number of times. She saw that Stephanie hadn’t changed. “Mrs. Powers”? What was that all about. Stephanie, like everyone else in town, knew that Tammy was an unmarried mother. Perhaps it was an innocent mistake, but underestimating Stephanie was always a bad move. Tammy’s intuition told her that this was intentional. Stephanie loved to “one up” people; pointing out that she was married while Tammy wasn’t was just the beginning. Tammy didn’t miss her “store bought” dig either. Tammy wasn’t looking forward to coming face to face with her high school’s Queen B again.


In high school, Stephanie Gardner was the queen of the class and she knew it. When she arrived at Willowcrest as a fresh ninth grader, every single guy in school wanted her. Within three weeks, she was onto her third senior boyfriend. Every freshman girl wanted Stephanie’s secret for nabbing hot guys.


Tammy remembered one particular instance when all the freshman girls gathered around Tammy for her to recount her  tactics for getting guys. Stephanie’s “secret” was just the fact that she was blonde and skinny. She advised all the girls in the class to “eat less” or “maybe just throw up a little”. Tammy remembered when she’d reported this to her parents and they’d flipped out. But Stephanie was untouchable and she didn’t get in trouble for her “advice” at all.


Stephanie always gave off the impression to other students that she was dumb as bricks; Tammy knew that was all an act. Stephanie was anything but stupid. She understood women, men and the power of her sensuality better than anyone. One of the few times Tammy had seen Stephanie act like a real person and not just a plastic Barbie, she had confessed one of her deepest beliefs…


“You know Tammy… All women have are their looks. And we don’t have them for long. I want to be hot while I can be you know? I want to settle down with some nice guy who travels often so I can just be on my own and enjoy life… My mom has always been a career woman and look how that paid off? She still got saddled with five kids and a good for nothing husband who runs around on her. All you can hope for in this world as a woman is that you suffer in comfort.”


Stephanie’s revelation stuck with Tammy for years. Tammy wondered if Stephanie still felt that way. They hadn’t spoken more than a few words to each other since their junior year of high school. Tammy had finally had enough of Stephanie’s arrogance and the way she bullied the class “losers”. Stephanie the preppy, pretty little princess really thought she was better than everyone. When Tammy realized she didn’t
to take Stephanie’s shit she had never felt freer.


Can people really change?
Tammy wondered. She felt like she’d changed since high school. But everyone thought
were the ones capable of change and no one else was. Perhaps Tammy was the one who remained the same while everyone around her shifted with the times. Perhaps she was reading too much into Stephanie’s message because
was the one who needed to grow up.


Tammy decided that she should hold out hope. She would approach the meeting as the most pleasant version of herself in hopes that things would be different. At one point in her life, she and Stephanie had been all but rivals. This could be their second chance.




5 p.m. Marilyn Martin’s House

PTA Meeting - First Meeting Of October


Tammy had spent all afternoon learning how the hell to make a peach cobbler. She’d ruined two attempts completely before she finally found one that was worthwhile. The ladies of the PTA were content. Everyone was marveling over Tammy Powers’ baking prowess.


If only they knew what kind of labor went into this…
Tammy thought to herself. She sat awkwardly off to the side. She didn’t quite know any of the mothers yet and she felt like an outsider. None of Tammy’s old friends had stayed in town and she was forced to acknowledge how isolated she was from other parents. Stephanie was standing in the center of room just like she used to in high school; she commanded everyone’s attention.


Tammy couldn’t wait to get to know a few parents here so she could stop feeling like the outsider. Before she could ponder her awkwardness
much, Stephanie began to speak.

“Well. I hope you all enjoyed the dessert. It looks like Ms. Powers really
cook! Let’s get this meeting under way,” She said. Stephanie was smiling, but her eyes looked cold and unhappy.


She was the same old Stephanie. Tammy’s only petty comfort was the fact that Stephanie’s face showed how much she aged. She was no longer the most beautiful woman in the room. Her biggest fear had come to life far earlier than she had expected…


Stephanie continued to run her show, “Right. So the eighth grade play is coming up in December. Of course, despite the attempts to take the
out of Christmas, we are going to be doing a Christmas play, God bless. I want to make sure everyone in the PTA does their fair share of work. I’m tired of carrying the team!”


Everyone smiled and a few people even clapped. Tammy felt like she was the only one who noticed the trance-like state everyone was in. They were completely mesmerized by Stephanie, even if she wasn’t saying anything profound. She was disrespecting them to their face and they were clapping and nodding their heads like she was the world’s most compelling public speaker. Tammy couldn’t believe she thought Stephanie would be any different. She was quickly proven wrong.


Stephanie said that she would email tasks out to everyone over the course of the next three days. Then she gave stern warnings to everyone not to mess things up. Again, there was applause. Then Stephanie decided to have an open forum for parents to discuss issues plaguing their students.

That part of the meeting wasn’t so bad. Tammy brought up her concern that students weren’t receiving enough leisure time and everyone including Stephanie seemed to agree with her. This was a step in the right direction when it came to making friends or at the very least finding allies. The meeting ended just around seven p.m. Tammy returned home to find Jabari busying himself with his homework.


In the dim evening light, he looked just like his father Randall. Tammy rarely saw her ex in Jabari… But that night it was difficult to ignore. The way he furrowed his brow when he focused made him look just like his father. She hoped that Jabari could be spared more pain in his life from that man. As she watched her son, Tammy promised herself that she would give her all to the PTA. It was the least she could do to make her son happy.


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