Read Premier Deception Online

Authors: S J Crabb

Tags: #romantic suspense, #coming of age, #love story, #football story, #strong woman, #new adult romance, #russian billionnaire, #footballers wives

Premier Deception (25 page)


he almost screamed causing the


to look with interest.

Come with
me and I will transform you. I am your fairy godmother my darling
and you shall go to the Ball!

blushed again but laughed. She loved Jason and was always
interested in his gossip.

Janine get
Charlotte a tea pronto, I will double poo you myself,

he exclaimed flamboyantly.

Charlotte settled
down for the next hour whilst Jason worked his magic and talked non
stop about football, footballers, footballer

s wives and anything else he could think of connected with
football. Charlotte was very discreet with her answers but loved
hearing the gossip.

That Ronnie is a
naughty boy,

he exclaimed.

The amount of ladies I get in here who claim
that they are the new loves of his life I couldn

t tell you, and he has such a lovely wife, whatever

He then went on,

And as for that coach Luke Sandor, well I

t chuck him out of bed, and

ve always had a thing for the strong
brooding type. Is he Gay? Oh I do hope so, can you introduce me to
him if he is?

Charlotte laughed at the
thought of Luke fending off Jason.

Soon he spun the
chair around with a flourish and she looked at her reflection in
the mirror. She was transformed, like a true Hollywood Star. Her
hair shone like a gold halo around her and he had piled it on top
of her head with tendrils escaping framing her blue eyes.


t forget lots of
eye make up to really bring out the colour, smoky eyes are in with
natural lips,

he advised.

You really will be the belle of the ball my
darling. If they ask you who did your hair for the magazines
remember to tell them.


Charlotte thanked him and made her escape. She popped
into the local department store Brownings and asked for some advice
from the girl behind the make up counter. Then she went over the
road to get her nails done. Goodness she was becoming used to
having her hair and make up done for magazines and TV appearances
but this time she had to concentrate on what they were saying as
she would have to re create it herself later.

She was glad when it was over and she got home in
time for a cup of tea and half an hour to catch up on her favourite


Chapter 25


Charlotte spent a long time getting ready, listening
to her music and enjoying pampering herself. She could get used to
this she thought. Her thoughts turned to the evening and once again
felt a frisson of excitement course through her. A whole evening
spent with Max, surely by the end of the evening he would have
plucked up the courage to ask her out.

She loved her dress.
It was very Greta Garbo and she even had a little faux fur bolero
jacket to wear over it, another one of her mum

s finds in the charity shop. She accessorised it with the
gloves and a black diamante choker and was very proud of her smoky
eyes. The shoes were a triumph, cream high heels made out of cream
leather that were not only stylish but really comfortable. She just
finished off her lipstick when the doorbell rang. Quickly she
grabbed her bag and made her way down the stairs. Her mother had
got to the door first and there waiting for her was Max looking
very smart and sophisticated in a black dinner jacket. His hair was
curling gently at the nape of his neck and he looked really sexy.
His eyes softened as he saw her and it was some time before he
could move his gaze away from her. He stepped forward and offered
her his hand.

You look

he said his eyes boring into
hers, mesmerising her. Her mother stood there quietly for her
taking it all in smiling happily at the scene. Charlotte turned to
her and smiled and kissed her cheek.


t wait up mum as it may go on
late, don

t worry I have my phone and
will call you if necessary.
” “
I am not

said her mother looking happily
at Max.

I am sure that Max will take
good care of you.

She wiped a tear from
her eye and Charlotte said,

Oh my God
are you crying again.

Her mum cried at
everything, she always blamed her hormones but really even

Laughing they went to
the car and Charlotte was amazed to see a different car. It was a
white Ferrari looking completely out of place in their drive. In
confusion she turned to Max and he laughed.

Your Chariot awaits, you need to arrive in style
” “
But whose car is it?

she asked incredulously.

Somebody I know extremely well,

he said.


t worry it

s all above board.

They roared
off and Charlotte was amazed at how great the car was. She felt
like a film star and they listened to the loud music blaring from
the cd as they went. This was great; life couldn

t get much better than this, a fast car, dressed up to the
nines and a gorgeous guy accompanying you, what more could a girl
wish for? They reached Gloria and Mitchell

s house a bit too soon for her liking and as they drove up
through the gates she noticed a brilliant red carpet laid out
leading the party goers up to the front door, which was flanked by
two living statues, sprayed from head to toe in gold paint
resembling the Oscar statuette. There were flashlights flashing to
resemble photographers and each guest was afforded the red carpet
treatment on arrival. Charlotte looked at Max and they grinned. He
opened her car door and took her gently by the hand. It was like a
volt of electricity passing through her and she could never have
been happier than at that moment.

They headed up the red carpet and once inside a
butler took their coats and showed them through to a large marquee
at the back. This was done out to resemble an Oscars after show
party. There was a champagne fountain and fantastic ice sculptures.
There were tables dotted around with fancy tablecloths and gold
gilded regency chairs to sit on. Floral arrangements dazzled
everywhere amongst which burned candles setting the mood for the
evening. Large black and white photos of the Hollywood greats were
blown up and on the wall of the marquee and waiters and waitresses
were milling around with drinks and canapés on silver platters. A
string quartet were playing around a huge dance floor and Charlotte
felt that she had never seen such a beautiful and elegant setting
as this.

She saw Gloria
heading towards them and thought Wow! She looked just like Jessica
Rabbit wearing a figure hugging red velvet dress, diamonds
glittering around her neck and on each arm, with her hair styled in
waves, with the reddest lipstick on and killer heels. She smiled as
she approached.

You have done a
marvellous job,

Charlotte said,

is Maurice here yet?
” “

smiled Gloria.

Mitchell told him to come around at 8.30pm for
dinner and he doesn

t suspect a

Charlotte noticed several of the
team and their partners but she couldn

see Luke, Sylvia, Ronnie or Ben and Chantelle.

It looks like we

re one of the
first here,

she said looking around. Max
looked at her and said,


s fine by me, the longer we
are by ourselves the more I like it.

looked at her so intensely that she blushed.

Come on,

he said

lets have a look around.

They made their way
outside the marquee. The garden was equally as impressive. Despite
the cold December evening the garden was alight with torches and
fairy lights. There were fire pits and chimneas burning around
little seating areas that housed deep comfy seats with blankets
draped over the arms to help keep out the cold. Charlotte shivered
and Max put his arm around her and pulled her into one of the
seats. He wrapped a blanket around her shoulders and sat down next
to her and put his arm around her pulling her against him. They sat
looking at the stars with the sound of the band spilling out from
the marquee. Max said.

Are you warm
enough? We can go inside if you are too cold.

Charlotte replied,

No I am just
enjoying the peace and quiet.

lowered her eyes and added,

and the

He looked deeply into her eyes
and it was as if they were completely alone, but before he could
speak they heard someone approaching.

Charlotte, Max
there you are. Maurice is arriving and we must all gather inside
the marquee for the big surprise.

turned to see Gloria approaching and quickly jumped up to follow
her. Charlotte was once again frustrated, she was sure that this
was the moment that she had been waiting for, just a couple more
minutes and she was sure that they would have kissed. Max too
seemed distracted as they walked with her towards the marquee.
Before they all went in Gloria said in a hushed voice,

Mitchell is not too happy at the moment.
Because the share prices are so high and the morale through the
roof he needs to do something to affect it. He is very close to an
overall majority so watch yourselves and keep on your guard. If you
do that there is not much that he can do and we can keep on buying
more time. Keep a close eye on Ronnie in the matches and note
anything no matter how small. They are bound to make their move

Charlotte looked at Max in alarm
and his face had set into a tight expression. It all came back to
Charlotte and she felt dismay set in. How much longer would this
fairy tale last? Once Mitchell got control they would be out of a
job and all of this would be over. No more Max every day and she
was sure that he would not hang around as he would need to find
another job somewhere else.

She saw that the
Marquee had filled up and everyone was milling around in hushed
tones waiting for Maurice. Gloria held up her hand for quiet and
they could hear voices approaching.

Sorry Maurice,

they heard
Mitchell say.

Gloria had a charity
fundraiser here today so she is probably sorting things out in

He swept open the door and then
the band struck up playing, For He

s a
Jolly Good Fellow and everybody cheered and clapped as Maurice
entered the marquee. Gloria stepped forward and Maurice looked in
shock and totally taken aback. Gloria hugged him wishing him a
happy birthday and everybody surged forward to congratulate him. It
was total mayhem and Charlotte forgot her worries and enjoyed the
moment. They saw Chantelle and Ben who came racing over. Chantelle
looked lovely, she had dressed like Marilyn Monroe in a pink satin
dress with Diamonds and her hair was long and wavy with a beautiful
matching diamante clip holding it to one side. Ben looked
resplendent although a little awkward in a Dinner Jacket but their
happiness was all too apparent and Charlotte enjoyed teasing them

They all grabbed
drinks and enjoyed each others company. Shortly Max nudged
Charlotte and they saw Ronnie and Sylvia enter the Marquee. Sylvia
looked amazing in a dark green dress that matched her eyes. Her
hair was also up which made her look even taller and she had the
most fabulous matching jewellery. Ronnie looked around and saw them
and with a sinking feeling Charlotte saw them making their way
over. Max stiffened as they approached and his expression hardened.
Sylvia looked pleased to see them and Charlotte and Max smiled at
her complimenting her on her appearance.

Yes she scrubs up well don

t you

said Ronnie sneaking his arm
around her waist.

I bet most men would
give their right arm for a wife like mine.


s face was set and the
group smiled awkwardly.


re looking good boss,

he said turning to Charlotte.


d better watch
her mate,

he said turning to Max,

It won

t be long
before someone snaps her up and you

ll be
out of a job. Surprised to see you two here anyway,

he said to Max and Chantelle,

I didn

t think the
staff were invited.

Charlotte saw the
expression on everyone

s faces turn to
anger and quickly stepped in.


t that what we all are
Ronnie, you included. Surely we are all staff, I

t see many family members around do


face clouded over as everybody laughed.

Come on darlin

he said to

lets leave this lot to talk
amongst themselves I can see John and Laura over there.

Sylvia said in a hard voice,

you go I

m happy here

Ronnie looked angry but turned
and walked away. Sylvia said,

I am so
sorry to you all, he is so rude and occasions like this seem to
bring out the worst in him. He

s been on
edge all day.

Charlotte looked at her

No worries, lets find
you a drink and make sure you stick with us, we

ll look after you.

Sylvia smiled
and looked grateful. Ben and Chantelle excused themselves and
headed over to see Fabio and Isabella his wife and the three of
them were left alone.

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