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Authors: Noam Chomsky

Power Systems (20 page)

Chinese, 9–10, 11–12

collective bargaining, 40–41

demonstrations and strikes, 29, 33, 35, 40–43, 68, 120, 146

Depression-era, 23, 40, 67–68

global, 9–12, 76–77, 169–70

organized, 23–25, 39–41, 67–68, 147, 171

rustbelt, 11–12

solidarity, 39–41

unemployment, 22–23, 38, 66, 76

unions, 24–26, 33, 39–41, 68, 79, 147, 171

language, 126–42

biological acquisition of, 129–36

culture and, 138–40

sensory deprivation and, 134–35

similarity of, 140–41

study of, 137–38, 142

universal grammar, 126–59

Latin America, 4–7, 22, 61, 160–62, 164

drugs, 160–62

integration of, 6–7, 47, 161

U.S. military bases in, 6–7

Laxness, Halldór, 106

Lebanon, 63

Lee, Ching Kwan, 11

Left, 23, 25, 32–33, 59, 117, 147, 149, 150, 151

student, 73–74

Left Forum, 25, 27, 33

libertarianism, 157, 158, 163

Libya, 50–54, 91

no-fly zone, 50–52

Lippmann, Walter, 81


Madison, James, 84, 85

Magna Carta, 59, 72, 116

Mandela, Nelson, 71

Manning, Bradley, 113, 114

Marcos, Ferdinand, 17

market system, 80–81

Marx, Karl, 173, 175

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 13, 37, 105, 122, 134, 136, 149

mathematics, 137, 138

McCain, John, 103

McCarthyism, 24

McKiernan, Kevin, 95

media, 32, 66, 150, 151

mental slavery, 34–35, 101–25

Mexico, 11, 152–53, 162, 175

Middle East, 17, 44–64, 89–100, 111

Arab Spring, 44–55, 60–64, 67, 112–13, 168

oil, 21, 49–55

Turkish-Israeli relations, 92–94

uprisings, 44–64

military, 5, 98

Arab Spring, 44–55, 60–64

detention, 70–73

police, 119–20

U.S. bases in Latin America, 6–7

Mobutu Sese Seko, 17

Mondragon, 171

Montgomery, David,
The Fall of the House of Labor
, 23

Morgenthau, Hans, 63–64

The Purpose of American Politics
, 64

Morocco, 46

Mubarak, Hosni, 45, 47, 62


Nader, Ralph, 150

NAFTA, 163, 175

Nasser, Gamal Abdel, 61

National Defense Authorization Act, 70

Native Americans, 22

natural gas, 17–18, 164–65

natural resources, 17–22, 164–65

Navy, U.S., 6–7, 14, 52, 116

Nazism, 28–29, 115–16

New Deal, 23, 82

New York, 67, 100, 166

New York Times
, 60, 81, 89–91, 124, 144–45, 160

Ngo Dinh Diem, 2, 3

Ngo Dinh Nhu, 2, 3

Nicaragua, 7

9/11 attacks, 14, 15–16, 139

Nixon, Richard, 125, 150

No Child Left Behind, 153

Non-Proliferation Treaty, 18

North Africa, 46–48, 57, 60

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 50, 51, 91, 92

Norway, 115

nuclear weapons, 97, 98, 100, 110, 112, 176

Nuremberg Trials, 115–16

Nystrom, Paul, 36


Obama, Barack, 7, 33, 63, 90–91, 93, 110, 111, 114, 153, 162, 164

Afghanistan War and, 14–15

civil liberties and, 70–73

Libya and, 51–52

organized labor and, 41–42

2008 election, 102–3

Obamacare, 124

Occupy movements, 47, 65–69, 74–77, 118–21, 146, 168, 177

oil, 21, 22, 49–55, 124

Orwell, George, 19, 97


Pakistan, 16, 17, 22, 61, 98–100, 110

drone attacks on, 18–19, 98–99

nuclear industry, 98–100, 110

TAPI pipeline and, 18

Palestine, 46, 72

-Israel conflict, 46

Palmer raids, 68

Pamuk, Orhan, 91

Panama, 7

Panetta, Leon, 114

Pashtuns, 99

Patterson, Anne W., 99, 110

Paul, Rand, 157, 162, 163

Paul, Ron, 75, 124–25, 157, 163

pensions, 12, 22, 24, 26

Peres, Shimon, 93

Peshawar, 16

pharmaceutical companies, 107–8

Philippines, 4, 17

Pinochet, Augusto, 61

piracy, 107–8

political Islam, 49, 61

Political Science Quarterly
, 82

police repression, 119–20

politics, 32, 41, 57, 59, 121, 142–45, 171

electoral, 102–3, 117–19

labor demonstrations and, 41–43

poverty, 6, 66, 82, 84

Powell, Colin, 115

Powell, Lewis, 150–51

Powell memorandum, 150–51

power systems, 34–35, 69

aristocrats and democrats, 160–78

chains of submission and subservience, 34–43

global shift, 5–13, 58, 76–77

language and education, 126–59

mental slavery, 101–25

new American imperialism, 1–33

uprisings, 44–64

privatization, 11, 38, 39, 40, 156–57, 167

Progressive Labor (PL), 73

propaganda system, 35–40, 66, 80, 82, 102, 119, 122–24

property rights, 84, 85

public, power of the, 78–81

public education, 37–39, 147–48, 153–56, 166–68

public relations, 35, 79–81, 102–3


Qasim, Abd al-Karim, 61


Race to the Top, 153

racism, 3, 31, 92

Ravitch, Diane, 154

Reagan, Ronald, 62, 71, 82, 95, 99

recession, 23, 48, 86–89

Red Scare, 23, 68, 120

Reich, Robert, 170, 172

Reilly, John, 122

Republican Party, 41, 57, 75, 76, 124, 125

Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), 72

Ribbentrop, Joachim von, 115

Right, 23, 32, 150–51

Riyadh, 52

Romney, Mitt, 57–58, 75

Roosevelt, Franklin D., 14, 23, 54

Roy, Arundhati, 22, 29, 31

Russia, 17–18, 20, 50, 61, 98, 102, 145

rustbelt, 11–12


Saharawi movement, 46

saltwater fallacy, 3–4

Saudi Arabia, 21, 49, 52, 61, 99, 111, 144

science, 142–43, 144

education, 154–55

modern, 143

sectarianism, 73–74

Seib, Gerald, 54

self-destruction, 42–43

Senate, U.S., 63, 85

sensory deprivation, 134–35

Shiites, 52–53

Singh, Manmohan, 19

Sino-Indian War, 20

slavery, 3, 34, 36, 51

end of, 34, 35, 36

mental, 34–35, 101–25

Slim, Carlos, 11

Smith, Adam, 8–9

social Darwinism, 157

social media, 105, 107, 145–47

Social Security, 39, 156–57

solidarity, 38–41, 146–47, 159

South Africa, 21, 50–51

apartheid, 71

South America, 6, 7, 57, 60, 161

Southeast Asia, 4, 60

South Korea, 9, 17

Spain, 4, 6, 33, 87

sports, college, 154–55

Stack, Joseph, 25–26, 29

Stalin, Joseph, 61

Stohl, Bev, 105

Stop Online Piracy Act, 107

strategic hamlets, 2

student activism, 73–74

submission and subservience, chains of, 34–43

Summit of the Americas (2012), 160–61

sunbelt, 11, 12

Sunnis, 52–53

Supreme Court, U.S., 70, 150

Buckley v. Valeo
, 175

Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission
, 173–74

Holder v. Humanitarian Law Project
, 70–71

Syria, 63, 95, 106


Taft-Hartley bill, 40

Taiwan, 9, 21, 169

Taliban, 15–16, 98, 100

taxes, 38, 75–76, 82, 159

cuts, 41–42

Tobin, 76

Tea Party movement, 28

technology, 9, 145–46

television, 67, 102

terrorism, 14, 21, 96, 109, 114, 139

against Kurds, 89–92

military detention and, 70–73

9/11 attacks, 14–16, 139

theory of mind, 132

Tobin, James, 76

Tobin tax, 76

torture, 37, 89, 92, 109, 145

totalitarianism, 64, 79, 158

trade, 9, 87–88

deficit, 9

Trans-Afghanistan Pipeline (TAPI), 17–18

Trilateral Commission report, 150, 151

Truman, Harry S., 24

Tunisia, 44–45, 48–49, 53, 67, 112–13

Turkey, 51, 89–94

human rights violations, 89–92

-Israel relations, 92–94

Kurds, 89–92

Turkmenistan, 17

Twitter, 105, 145



unemployment, 22–23, 38, 66, 76

United Arab Emirates, 8, 15, 49

United Auto Workers, 25

United Nations, 46, 50–52, 115, 162, 163

universal genome, 129

universal grammar, 126–29

universities, 150–53, 165–68

corporatization of, 152, 167–68

sports, 165–66

uprisings, 44–64

Arab Spring, 44–55, 60–64, 67, 112–13, 168

Egypt, 44–49, 60–64

Libya, 50–54


Vietnam War, 1–3, 15, 31, 64, 97

visual system, 141

voting, 81, 84, 117–18


Wallerstein, Immanuel, 77

Wall Street Journal
, 54, 169

Walmart, 9

war, 13–18, 20

crimes, 114–17

Warfalla, 50

Washington, George, 3

Weathermen, 74

Weimar Republic, 25, 27–29

Weisskopf, Victor, 149, 154

welfare, 82–83, 84, 87

Western Sahara, 46

“When Elites Fail” (Chomsky), 22

Wiesel, Elie, 94

WikiLeaks, 99, 107–13

Wilson, Woodrow, 13, 23

Wisconsin, labor demonstrations in, 40–43

Wolf, Martin, 78

Wolff, Richard, 88

women's rights, 79, 150, 177

World Bank, 47

World Trade Organization, 107

World War II, 5, 7, 56, 57, 115–16


Yemen, 49, 114

Yglesias, Matthew, 59, 63

YouTube, 104


Zaire, 17

Zinn, Howard, 1, 22, 78

About the Authors


is the author of numerous best-selling political works, including
Hegemony or Survival
Failed States
. A professor of linguistics and philosophy at MIT, he is widely credited with having revolutionized modern linguistics. He lives outside Boston, Massachusetts.


, director of the award-winning and widely syndicated
Alternative Radio
), is the winner of the Lannan Foundation's Cultural Freedom Fellowship and the ACLU's Upton Sinclair Award for independent journalism. Barsamian lives in Boulder, Colorado.


Chomsky and Barsamian have collaborated on two previous books for the American Empire Project:
Imperial Ambitions
What We Say Goes

The American Empire Project


In an era of unprecedented military strength, leaders of the United States, the global hyperpower, have increasingly embraced imperial ambitions. How did this significant shift in purpose and policy come about? And what lies down the road?

The American Empire Project is a response to the changes that have occurred in American's strategic thinking as well as in its military and economic posture. Empire, long considered an offense against America's democratic heritage, now threatens to define the relationship between our country and the rest of the world. The American Empire Project publishes books that question this development, examine the origins of U.S. imperial aspirations, analyze their ramifications at home and abroad, and discuss alternatives to this dangerous trend.

The project was conceived by Tom Engelhardt and Steve Fraser, editors who are themselves historians and writers. Published by Metropolitan Books, an imprint of Henry Holt and Company, its titles include
Hegemony or Survival
Failed States
by Noam Chomsky,
The Limits of Power
Washington Rules
by Andrew Bacevich,
Blood and Oil
by Michael T. Klare,
A Question of Torture
by Alfred McCoy,
A People's History of American Empire
by Howard Zinn, and
Empire's Workshop
by Greg Grandin.

For more information about the American Empire Project and for a list of forthcoming titles, please visit

Also by Noam Chomsky

Hegemony or Survival

Failed States

Imperial Ambitions

What We Say Goes

Metropolitan Books
Henry Holt and Company, LLC
Publishers since 1866
175 Fifth Avenue
New York, New York 10010

Metropolitan Books
are registered trademarks of Henry Holt and Company, LLC.

Copyright © 2013 by Aviva Chomsky and David Barsamian
All rights reserved.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication data is available.
ISBN: 978-0-8050-9616-3

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