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Authors: Jeanne McDonald

Politically Incorrect (23 page)

BOOK: Politically Incorrect
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Liam narrowed his gaze at Jordyn and I couldn’t stop the bout of laughter that bounded out of me. “I completely understand. He’s kind of like a stray puppy, isn’t he?” I teased, stepping around to the fridge and grabbing myself a beer. “You can’t help but want to rescue him.” I popped the metal cap off the bottle and took a long swig.

Liam tucked his hands into his pockets. “Great. Two McNeal woman giving me shit. I’ve entered the ninth circle of hell.”

“With Mom, I’d say more like the second, but what do I know of ancient texts,” Jordyn razzed.

“Isn’t that the lust circle?” Liam probed.

I smacked my hand over my face. Damn college kids and their literature courses. “Jordyn, how about another slice,” I interceded before she could answer.

Jordyn popped up from her chair, giving Liam a pat on the back. “Nah. I gotta head out.” She collected her empty paper plate from the table, but I stopped her before she could dispose of it in the trash can. “Wait? You can’t leave now. I just got here.”

She side-stepped me and deposited her plate into the trash. “That’s why I wanted to do dinner at seven. I have an exam tomorrow that I gotta study for. I’ll stop by your office afterward for lunch. Is that okay?”

I brushed her soft red hair away from her face. She’d inherited that trait from her father’s Scottish heritage. Or at least that’s what I always assumed. “Yeah. That’s fine. I’m sorry I lost track of time at work today. I’ll make it up to you tomorrow.”

Jordyn pulled me into a hug. “I know you will, Mom. I’ll see you tomorrow. I love you.” She pressed a kiss to my cheek and then thrust a hand at Liam. “And it was a pleasure meeting you, Congressman. You’ll be happy to know, you have my vote.”

Liam graced her with a sweet smile and shook her hand. “I consider that a great honor.”

“As you should.” Jordyn grabbed her bag off the island and draped it over her chest. “Layta, Bitchas!” She waved.

“Language!” I yelled out after her, shaking my head.

Liam sat back down at the table, laughing as the front door slammed shut. “What are you laughing at?” I demanded.

“Only that I’ve heard you use much worse language than
when a poll doesn’t go your way.”

I settled into the chair Jordyn had vacated and opened the pizza box on the table. Mushroom and olives, my favorite. “Just because I curse like a sailor doesn’t mean my daughter should.”

He scratched his ear. “I don’t think you curse like a sailor, really. You have your moments, but usually you’re well collected.”

I sank my teeth into the cheesy goodness, savoring the flavor. I couldn’t recall the last time I’d eaten today. For that matter, in the last twenty-four hours. Somehow I’d managed to survive off of English breakfast tea. I swallowed down my bite with a swig of my beer. “So, what has you calling tonight?” I grabbed a napkin, wiping my mouth. “And how do you know where I live?”

Liam laughed, chugging down the rest of his beer. “I got your address from Aaron.”

“You could’ve just asked me for it.”

“I was afraid you wouldn’t give it to me.”

I nodded. He was right, I probably wouldn’t have.

Liam reached over and twirled a lock of my hair around his finger. He stared at me for a protracted moment, swallowed thickly, and dropped his hand. “You know what, this was a bad idea.” He jumped up from his chair and rushed out of the kitchen.

A little shell shocked, I pursued him, calling his name. He didn’t stop. He reached the front door and placed his hand on the knob. “Look, I’m really sorry. I wasn’t thinking. I interrupted your evening with your daughter. Gah, I’m an idiot. I just thought... We hadn’t really seen each other since we returned…” His head dropped. “Never mind. I’ll be by headquarters tomorrow. I’ll see you there.”

Hesitant at first, I reached around him, taking his hand from the doorknob. In a gentle motion, I turned him to face me. His eyes were squeezed closed, his face scrunched tight. His whole body tensed. “Liam,” I rasped, “look at me.”

Those long lashes of his fluttered open. There, in his dark orbs, was everything he wanted to say, but couldn’t seem to put into words. I touched my fingers to his stubble dusted jaw. In an instant his muscles loosened. I pushed up on the tips of my toes and pressed my lips to his. His hands gently cupped my face, his thumbs caressing my cheeks as his mouth moved in time with mine.

An eternity passed, and when he released me, wave upon wave of emotions rolled over me. This wasn’t like making out. There was meaning behind this kiss, a power that had manifested itself inside me without me even realizing it. This was the same feeling I’d experienced after the rally.

He stared into my eyes, searching. Whatever he was looking for, I was certain he found it as a smooth smile settled on his freshly kissed lips.

“I’ve missed you so much. It’s killed me not being with you.”

“I’ve missed you, too,” I concurred.

Liam traced the lines of my face with his fingers. His movements were slow and intimate, causing me to wither beneath his touch. As his hand slid down my neck between my cotton clad breasts, he whispered, “I’ve ached to touch you. I want you so bad that I’ve dreamt of what it would feel like to make you mine.”

God help me, I wanted him, but this was risky. On the bus, it would’ve been clean. No one but us would know. But now he was parked outside my house. There was a reason why I wouldn’t have given him my address. If the media ever caught wind of his car parked outside ─ all night ─ it would certainly make the headlines.

Up next on the ten o’clock news: Senate hopeful, William Baxter, caught in sex act with his campaign manager.

I cringed at such a thought.

With that in mind, I knew I had a choice to make. Either, I could fulfill the hunger that was burned inside me and throw caution to the wind, or send him away and save us both.

There was only one answer to my dilemma.

“Make me yours.”

The last syllable was barely off my tongue before his lips came crashing down on mine. His hands dropped to my waist, pulling me tight against his hard body. I wrapped my arms around his neck, yearning to be closer. His mouth was hungry, desperate to be sated. Everything inside me waited for him to put on the brakes. He always did when we came this close, but it didn’t happen. Not this time.

His tongue coaxed my mouth open, sliding inside. Intensity mounded between us. Each stroke of our tongues expressed a sense of urgency that neither of us could fight against. The flame of desire was no longer an ember, it was a forest fire, burning wild and out of control. I was consumed by my unwavering need for this man.

Without warning, Liam pulled back. His face was wild with passion. His hands moved to the hem of my shirt, bunching the soft cotton beneath his fingers. Questioning eyes smoldered, giving me one last chance to back out. But there was no escape for me. I was in it, lock, stock, and barrel.

“Take me,” I breathed.

“With pleasure,” he growled.



Our mouths collided. It didn’t matter where he touched me as long as I felt his hands on me. In one swift move, he shoved my back against the cool wood of the door, pinning me between it and his rock hard body.

In my arms he came to life. Wild, ferocious, and unrestrained. All this time he’d held back. Always the perfect gentleman on the bus, but now my caged lion was freed.

I almost screamed when he stopped kissing me, certain he was about to put on the brakes yet again. He pulled back, his mouth parted, panting. He pushed my hair back from my face, staring into my eyes. Lust and longing transformed his features from a man of power to a man of carnal prowess.

He lifted an eyebrow, a smirk turning his lips. He gripped my waist, and pushed his knees between my legs. “I see it in your eyes,” he purred. “How you want me to fuck you right here against this door.”

My insides clenched tight. He’d pegged me right.

“I’m not going to, though.”


He gripped my hair in his fist, twirling it several times around his hand. I gulped back a yelp when he yanked my head back against the door. “Instead, I’m going to show you how a real man can make you feel.” He dragged his tongue down my neck, tasting me inch by inch, until he reached the hollow of my throat. “You’ve never been fucked the way I’m about to fuck you.” His smooth confidence convinced me without so much as feeling him that I was in for the ride of my life.

My eyes widened and my mouth gaped as he ground his pelvis into me. I tried to move my hands between us, wanting to expose what I was feeling inside his pants, but he wouldn’t have it. He released my hair as he grabbed both my hands and pinned them against the door, securing them beneath his oversized palm. He shook his head, his eyes scolding me for my insubordination as he drove his erection into me.

“What do you think you’re doing?” he demanded, squeezing my wrists.

I pursed my lips. This was a challenge, and I loved a challenge.

“Why, Congressman, you’re not the only one with moves.” I dropped my eyes to his crotch, smirking at the twitch in his pants.

I leaned forward and flicked my tongue along the smooth surface of his mouth. He growled and parted his lips, allowing me to taste his sweet tongue against mine. I reveled in my success, however my momentary control of him was merely an illusion. He circled his hips against mine, and sucked my tongue deeper into his mouth. In that single action, I was defeated. All power lost. And I loved it.

Liam released my hands, stepping back from me. He toyed with the hem of my shirt and his eyes bright with mischievousness. “Arms. Up.”

Lesson learned the last time, I did as I was told. He curled his fingers into my shirt and yanked it over my head, tossing it aside in a heap on the floor. He traced the tip of my bra with his finger, causing goose flesh to explode across my skin. Liam lowered his head, his eyes honed in on mine as he captured my silk-covered nipple between his teeth. My whole body pulsed while he sucked and rolled my hard, sensitive pebble with his tongue. I inched my hands out to touch him only to be met with a warning glare. I pounded my fists against the door, hyperaware of his dominance over me, but aching to touch him.

A sultry grin pursed his lips. “Don’t make me go out to my car to get a necktie,” he warned.

My fuzzy brain was lost on that one, and he didn’t mind clarifying. “To tie you up with, Lizzy. Good and tight, so you can’t move or see.”


“You wouldn’t.”

“Try me,” he dared.

My mouth dropped at his insinuation. He captured my untouched nipple between his teeth, repeating the same torture. I clenched my fists, withering against the hard wood. Brazen moans tumbled from my lips. I wanted to feel him, everywhere. I needed to feel that hard body, naked and hot, plummeting into mine. I thrust my pelvis forward, utilizing the seam of my jeans to gain some much needed friction. All those make-out sessions on the bus never prepared me for this.

Liam released my nipple and gripped my hips. “Not yet. I’ve waited a long time for this, and I’m going to take my time. Do you understand?”

He’d waited a long time? Jesus! Fuck! If the US Military wanted to torture a woman for information, this was the perfect way to do it. My panties were soaked through and he still had me practically clothed.

“But I need you,” I shamelessly whined, puckering my bottom lip into a pout.

He clamped down on my lower lip, sucking it hard between his teeth. He released my tender flesh with a pop and grinned. “I need you, too, but I want you every which way I can have you. I’m going to lick, bite, suck, and tease you until you’re on the brink of madness. And when you think you can’t take anymore, I’m going to do it all over again. I’ll keep doing it until you finally give yourself over to me…completely.”

Oh, those words. Those sexy as fuck words. If I hadn’t already been drenching wet, I would’ve been with those words. Liam pressed his palm in between my legs, rubbing me with the hilt of his hand. I cried out at the much needed pressure. “You like that.” There was no question. He already knew my response. This was no inexperienced boy. This was a man to whom I was helpless to struggle against.


He took two fingers and pushed upward into my jeans. His mouth grazed my jaw. “Imagine how good it’s going to feel when I’m pumping them hard and fast inside you. I will know your every moan, whimper, and cry. I will memorize the way you shudder as you come for me. Now, tell me, where’s your bedroom?” His low growl resonated deep into my core.

BOOK: Politically Incorrect
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