Pleasing Her Racy Doms [Racy Nights 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (13 page)

Chapter Thirteen


Evan merged onto Interstate 465 and exited on West 38
Street then headed toward downtown Indianapolis. When he pulled onto the grounds of the Indianapolis Museum of Art, Cherilyn gawked at the manicured lawn and buildings. “This is awesome. Thanks, you guys.”

“We thought you’d like to see the place that inspired Maddox and Ellis before they built their homes,” said Thayer.

They parked the car, and then walked toward the Lilly House and Gardens. Cherilyn couldn’t believe how beautiful the magnificent old house was, or that they were actually going inside. “I can see the influence already.”

“Ellis’s house is more similar to this one in exterior design than Maddox’s,” said Evan. “But soon you’ll see how many ideas from this house that Maddox used inside his.”

The sweeping staircase in Stair Hall reminded her of the one in Maddox’s house, and when they entered the Game Room, Thayer whispered to her to remind him to have Maddox show her his library, as it closely resembled this room.

As Cherilyn listened to their guide describe the history of the home and the family who built it, she watched Thayer and Evan from under her lashes. She never would have believed the two would take her someplace like this. Almost every other man she knew would be bored to tears at an historical home like this.

They spent a long time on the second floor, studying various exhibits on the landscape architecture and interior design. “Did you two actually design The Fit Bod? Is that why this interests you so much?”

Evan nodded. “We did. I almost considered changing my major during my sophomore year, or at least adding a second one. But my parents convinced me to stick with the business degree, and by then Thayer and I were making plans to open the gym, so I also pursued my MBA.”

“It’s still pretty damn impressive, you know. I mean that for both of you.”

“Thank you.” Evan looked embarrassed. It still amazed her how humble they each were. Other than Thayer’s Porsche and its infamous license plate, they didn’t show off their business sense or their money. She’d never expected them to be so down-to-earth.

After they left the museum, Evan drove downtown and parked down the street from a building that would have looked more in place in New Orleans than Indianapolis. They got out of the car, and walked inside. “Welcome to the Bourbon Street Grill,” he said.

“Ah, now I get it.”

“I love this place. And don’t think you have to eat a salad. The food here is really great, so I want you to enjoy some of it.”

“Again? Are you guys trying to stuff me like a turkey or something?”

They were shown to their table, and Cherilyn admired the brick walls and fireplace at one end. It was cozy and comfortable, and the air smelled spicy and pungent.

“We’ll stuff you,” muttered Thayer, picking up a plastic menu. “And work off this food at the same time.”

“Oh, I see what the grand plan is this weekend.”

“Took you long enough.” Thayer winked at her, and it sent a fresh flood of wetness to her pussy.

“I take it you two have been here before?”

“We discovered it by accident one day. Evan and I went to New Orleans with a group of friends for spring break one year and fell in love with it. When we found this place we were so excited. Granted, it’s not the same as being in The Big Easy, but it’s closer than Louisiana.”

“I’ve never been to New Orleans.”

“We’ll take you.”

Cherilyn smiled, assuming it was one of those things people said, like “I’ll call you and we’ll do lunch,” but it was still nice that Thayer had said it. They decided to share nachos, Cajun smothered chicken, and shrimp diablo among the three of them. The food was incredible, and Cherilyn laughed at the way both men tried to do outdo each other with tales of their more embarrassing moments from high school and college.

“You see, I missed all that. I went to Ivy Tech Community College in Lafayette. I lived at home and hung out with Melinda, but she was already dating Michael, so I usually only saw her during the week.”

“When did you and Chuck start dating?” asked Thayer.

“The year I graduated. He already had a BS in information systems and cyber security, but was only doing basic IT stuff for the city, and he was bored out of his mind. When he found out he could join the Army and was qualified to be a signals intelligence analyst, he jumped on it.”

Thayer’s gaze turned thoughtful. “So he wasn’t killed in combat?”

She shook her head. “No. He and his team were on the base in a support position only. A jeep got bombed and he and a few of the others inside ran outside to see what was going on, and to make sure none of the troops were injured. There were snipers hiding in the trees and Chuck was hit in the head. He never regained consciousness. The Army told me he died almost instantly.”

Thayer took her hands. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have asked.”

“No, it’s all right. I can talk about it now. For a long time I couldn’t. It was such a senseless thing to have happened, but then again, so is all war, you know?”

As they drove back to Racy, Cherilyn allowed herself to relive the moments after she found out about Chuck’s death, the chaos afterward, and the funeral. But that was it. She let the memories fill her senses, gave over to the emotions, and then pushed it all back down into the black hole where she kept everything locked away. She even visualized putting the key on a hook by the door, the way Julie had taught her to.

She and Julie had worked for a long time on that neat little trick. Cherilyn had asked if hiding the memories away in an actual hole that she visualized was healthy, and Julie had assured her that it was healthier to take them out, examine them, allow them to produce emotions, and then place them back inside the blackness than it was to totally deny that they existed at all, and never work through them. She told Cherilyn that over time, the emotions would become less and less intense, until one day she no longer needed to take them out at all.

“You’re very quiet.” Evan glanced at her with concern on his handsome face.

She forced a smile. “I’m fine. Just tired. Thank you both for this. I had a perfect day.”

“We hope it’s not over yet, Cherilyn.” He took one hand off the steering wheel and brushed it across her arm.

“It’s not. I’m not

“Damn right it’s not,” said Thayer. “I owe you a spanking for your endless questions earlier.”

Cherilyn turned around in her seat and gave him a big grin. “How do you do that?”

“Do what?”

“Make me tingle all over with just one sentence.”

He leaned forward in his seat and rested his forehead against hers. “I’m magical.”

“Okay, Magic Man. One of us is trying to drive here.”

“Then maybe Cherilyn needs to come back here with me so you can chauffeur us?” Thayer winked at her, and Cherilyn couldn’t help but laugh.

“Laugh now,” said Evan. “But remember this. Thayer isn’t the only one with a collection of toys that he’ll use on you.” His grin forced a soft moan from her throat.

“Ah, now we have her attention.”

“I can never tell if you two are working together or just know each other so well that you feed off one another.”

“And we’ll never tell you,” said Evan. He pulled off the freeway and headed toward Racy. “So, where are we headed? My place? Yours? Cherilyn’s?”

“Cherilyn has no toys.” Thayer glanced at her. “Do you?”

Did her vibrator count? She shook her head, hardly able to contain her excitement. She was in for another night with both men. It was almost too good to be true.

“Do you need to stop by your place for anything, Cherilyn?”


“Then let’s go to my place. Evan can get whatever he needs from his and then come over. Evan and I live in the same complex, three condos away.”

She smiled. “What? You couldn’t get side-by-side units?”

“That comment just earned you extra swats, sub.”

When they arrived at Thayer’s condo, she got out with him and Evan told them he’d be over in about ten minutes. Thayer’s condo was exactly as she’d pictured it. Expensive-looking furniture and art on the walls, but he’d managed to make it appear homey and comfortable. It smelled like he did—a combination of musk and sage. “This is really nice.”

He lit the gas fireplace. “Thank you. Would you like some wine?”

“Yes, please.” She followed him into the kitchen and admired the stainless steel appliances and neat countertops. “Do you do much cooking?”

“Sure do. It’s easier to eat healthy that way.” He flashed her a quick grin as he opened a bottle of Pinot Grigio. “Although we’ve all fucked that up during the past two days.”

“Like you said, once in a while isn’t going to derail everything.” She took the glass he offered and sipped. “This is good. Thank you.”

Evan came in, carrying a black bag. He accepted a glass of wine from Thayer and the three went into the living room. Cherilyn took a seat on the sofa and watched them. Her pulse raced and the wine glass felt slippery, but she knew that was only from her suddenly sweaty palms. “Thank you again for today.”

“You’re very welcome,” said Thayer. “I’ll be right back.”

She watched him walk up the stairs, and then gazed into Evan’s eyes as he sat next to her. “I hope I’m doing well.”

“What do you mean?”

“At this. The sub thing. I’m clueless, Evan. I feel like I’m learning how to ride a bike or something, you know? At first it’s scary, and then once you’re moving you realize it’s not so bad and that it’s a lot of fun, but the first time you fall it hurts like hell and you’re afraid to get back on again.”

He frowned slightly. “Have we frightened you in some way?”

“No. No, you haven’t. Bad analogy. What I mean is that I thought I had it all figured out last night, but right now I’m wondering what to do, and whether you two are happy with me.”

Evan’s eyes softened and he took her glass, placing it on the sofa table behind them. Then he cupped her face gently. “You are wonderful, Cherilyn. No one knows what they’re doing at first. And there is no right or wrong way, okay? This kind of a relationship is whatever the people in it say it is. We get to make up the rules for the three of us as we go along. And don’t forget. Thayer and I have never shared a sub before. We’re playing this by ear, too.”

“Okay. That makes me feel better. Thank you.”

He pulled her close and kissed her. Cherilyn melted against his body and let the kiss chase away all her insecurities and uncertainty. He had such a fabulous mouth. She wanted him to devour her with it. As his tongue moved over hers, she moaned softly and wrapped her arms around his broad shoulders. When she lifted her right leg and wrapped it around him, he made a satisfied noise and stroked her thigh.

“Hey, you started without me.”

Evan released the kiss and winked at her before turning to glance at Thayer. “Tough shit. You took too damn long up there.”

“Move over.”

“Fuck you. I’m busy here.” Cherilyn started to laugh as Evan began to kiss her again, but soon her mouth was too busy to worry about things like laughter. Thayer moved behind her and inserted his hands between hers and Evan’s body to massage her breasts. She moaned as Evan released the kiss and trailed his tongue down her neck.

Thayer removed her top and unhooked her bra, then planted tiny kisses down her spine. “I do believe I owe you a spanking, sub. Stand up.”

She couldn’t refuse him anything when he used that sexy tone.

Chapter Fourteen


Cherilyn stood, and then Thayer removed her jeans and panties, letting them pool around her ankles. She watched Evan as his gaze traveled down over her pussy and legs. “Take off the bra,” he said.

She did as he asked, tossing it next to her top. Thayer told her to step out of her clothing and take off her shoes as well, which she did. He massaged her ass cheeks, giving each one a hard slap. Cherilyn trembled and continued to gaze into Evan’s eyes.

“Over my knee,” said Thayer. His voice never failed to arouse her. How was that possible? She draped herself over his left thigh and waited. Evan slipped a blindfold over her eyes and she moaned. Then soft rope was bound around her ankles, tying them together, and Evan told her to place her hands behind her back.

She did so, and her wrists were bound as well. Hands that she assumed belonged to Evan massaged her breasts and played with her nipples, tweaking them into taut points. She whimpered and moaned as her arousal grew. She heard the sound of something liquid, and a warm wet finger slid into her asshole, in and out slowly several times.

Thayer removed it, and she heard rummaging noises, but her attention was on Evan’s hands as he continued to play with her nipples. Something larger than Thayer’s finger was gently inserted into her anus. It was wet with lube, but it stung.

“It’s a butt plug,” he said. “I’m going to leave it in for a while. You should get used to it in a few moments.”

He was right. She did. The stinging subsided, and she enjoyed the sensation of having her asshole filled. He continued to lightly slap her ass cheeks and massage them, and soon his smacks were more forceful. “This is just a warm-up, Cherilyn. I’ll let you know when the real spanking starts.”

She moaned as a shiver ran down her spine. She was already so aroused that it was making her crazy with need. The combination of Evan’s hands on her breasts, the butt plug filling up one hole, being totally tied up, and Thayer’s hands on her ass cheeks was overwhelming. She wanted more.

Cherilyn heard more rummaging, and then what felt like a wooden paddle landed on both ass cheeks at the same time, forcing a yell from her. He waited a few seconds and then struck her again. The butt plug only enhanced the paddling, sending jolts of desire straight to her throbbing clit with each strike. Thayer kept them a few seconds apart, which served to increase her anticipation. The searing combination of pain and pleasure had her squirming against the rope, which was pointless. She was totally at their mercy.

Evan’s hands left her nipples for a moment, but Thayer continued to paddle her. Her ass cheeks were burning, and when something sharp sent a jolt of pain into her nipples, she suspected Evan had put the clamps back on them.

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