Read Pendelton Manor Online

Authors: B. J. Wane

Tags: #Erotica

Pendelton Manor (12 page)

This house was filled with hidden tables and benches, restraints and toys and Sophie was finding the subtle more unnerving than the obvious. At least if she had walked into a room filled with bondage equipment she would have known right away what took place, or at least have a vague idea. When Ash came back unwrapping a large, ridged dildo with a wide, suction cup base, she swallowed nervously, wondering what she had got herself into.

“Relax,” Ash laughed as he attached the dido straight up in the middle of the table. “This way you get something more than your fingers and we get to play with you, all without you fucking one, or both of us.”

Adam reached between her legs and ran one finger over her slit before bringing it up for all three of them to see the wet proof of her arousal. Moving his finger to her right nipple, he rubbed her own juices onto that tortured bud, making it pucker even more. “Climb on, Sophie, let us make you feel good.”

Before he had touched her nipple, that one small stroke of Adam’s finger had her pussy spasming in need, and before she could change her mind, Sophie scooted back, lifted up and, with the guys hands steadying her, slowly lowered herself onto the dildo. Her body shuddered with the simple pleasure of being filled and stretched again, even if it was to the point of discomfort. Biting her lip, she struggled to lift up to ease the pressure a little, but Adam’s hand on her shoulder stopped her.

“Take a minute to get accustomed to the feel. Relax. Here, let us help you feel better.” Bending forward, Adam sucked her right nipple into his mouth, licking off her juices that he had just put there as Ash caressed her buttocks.

“Feel good, Sophie?” Ash asked as he kissed her shoulder where it met her neck and started kneading the plump, pliant flesh of her ass.

“Yes,” she moaned softly as her pussy softened further, her cream soaking the dildo so that when she attempted to lift up again, she did so with ease.

Lifting his mouth from her breast, Adam rasped, “Hold on to me and let yourself go.”

Just as she clutched Adam’s bare shoulders and managed to lift herself almost completely off the dildo, Ash brought his hand down on her buttock in a loud, hard smack, the sting going straight to her crotch and making her cry out as she closed her eyes and impaled herself once again on the hard phallus.

Adrian entered the solarium just in time to look across the pool and hear Sophie cry out. The sight of her riding that dildo and his cousins aiding in her pleasure nearly had him coming in his pants. He had tried to stay away, had tried to immerse himself in work that could wait and shove all thoughts of her and what she might be doing here with the others out of his mind, but to no avail. Memories of how she came apart in his arms outside, how innocently she had gone down on him, of the feel of her soft ass warming under his hand plagued him until he gave up the battle.

Taking a seat on one of the pool chairs, he beckoned Nora and Rachel out of the water. Sophie wasn’t the only one who could watch.

Sophie opened her eyes to find Adrian watching her from across the pool, his black eyes piercing the distance between them. Nora and Rachel walked to him, both women kneeling between his spread legs, their hands working together to release his cock, their heads then dipping so their mouths could work together on his exposed flesh.

Sophie shoved aside the unwanted and inappropriate spurt of jealousy and simply allowed herself to bask in this new experience. Adam alternated between her nipples, first suckling one, nipping it then moving to the other while Ash never let up on spanking her buttocks as she tried desperately to ignore Adrian’s eyes on her. Not since she had fed Emily at her breast had she felt the erotic pull of a suckling mouth on her nipples and as she pushed her breast against Adam’s mouth harder, she thought between that stimulation and the pulsing heat Ash was generating across her buttocks, she could’ve come without the dildo filling her. But it was filling her, adding to her pleasure and as she used just her thighs, she rode the dildo up and down easily now, her body having stretched to accommodate it, her cunt so wet she slid easily against it.

Gripping Adam’s shoulders tighter, she couldn’t stop from crying out again when Ash landed a much harder smack on her right cheek, the pain quickly intensifying the ache he had already built, the pulsing warmth spreading across her ass increasing her pleasure unlike anything she could have imagined. Strange how she felt less vulnerable here, completely naked while getting spanked than she had when she had been draped over Adrian’s lap, her buttocks the only thing exposed.

“That’s it, Sophie,” Adam crooned in her ear as he slid his hand down her waist and sifted through her curls to find her clit. “Do you see how the girls are pleasuring Adrian while we pleasure you? Watch him while he watches you, see how much better it can be when you join us instead of remaining on the side lines.”

Ash lightened up the next few swats as he leaned over and spoke softly in her other ear. “Your ass is bright red, hot to my touch, Sophie, and the sight of it has my dick hard as a rock. You’ve been hiding a delectable little body under your clothes.”

Sophie had always considered everything about her looks and body as average, nothing exciting or to rave about, but hearing Ash say how she turned him on was a definite boost to her flagging ego, and even though she knew better than to read too much into his compliment, she relished his words nonetheless. “I’m sorry if you’re uncomfortable, but, frankly, I don’t care right now,” she admitted as she felt her impending climax loom closer, her throbbing buttocks clenching as her pussy spasmed around the dildo.

The feel of two pairs of soft lips and two wet tongues wrapped around his cock and caressing his balls wasn’t near the aphrodisiac that watching Sophie climax was. With a scream that echoed in the high ceilinged room, she threw her head back and rode that dildo for all it was worth. Adam had moved to the side so he had a clear view of him pressing her clit against the fake cock, of how that device glistened with her cream when she lifted up and how stiff and red her nipples were, a red he knew her ass matched by now. His own release shot forward, erupting with all the fire of a volcano as he spewed his seed on Rachel and Nora’s breasts, the pleasure filling him and once again giving him a temporary reprieve from the remorse that ate at him.

“Where’s the rest of the gang?” James asked Adrian as he stepped into his office a short while later.

“As far as I know, still playing in the pool.” Adrian hadn’t stayed around to see how far Sophie was going to go tonight. It had taken all his willpower to get up and walk out of that room without looking back, something that irritated the hell out of him. “How’s that job going? I hear it’s going to be another feather in your cap. Great advertisement.”

James had landed a city contract, with Adrian’s recommendation, that included completely re-landscaping around the city buildings on Main Street. “A lot of work, but, damn if it’s not going to be worth it. Like you said, it’s going to be easy, free advertising once we’re done and have a permanent sign out front. Thanks again for your push.”

Adrian shrugged. “They asked for a reference, I gave them one.”

“There you are. Your girl is still in the pool, presumably waiting for you.” Ash walked over to a small side table and poured himself a shot of whiskey.

“You didn’t wear her out, did you? It’d be nice if you saved some for me,” James retorted even though they all knew better.

“Shit,” Ash snorted as he poured himself another drink and took a slow sip this time. “Those girls have more stamina than the four of us put together. That’s why it’s always been good there were more of us than them. When are you going to make an honest woman of Rachel? She deserves better than to be strung along indefinitely.”

“Match making now, are you?” James asked dryly. “If you must know, I was thinking of doing just that shortly. Just keep it to yourselves, will you? I want it to be a surprise.”

“Hey, that’s great. I suppose you’re going to get all possessive once vows are exchanged, like Adrian here did with Nicole.”

At the mention of Nicole, the jovial mood took a nosedive and silence reined for a few minutes before Adrian said coolly, “If you’ll recall, Ash, Nicole didn’t comply with my ‘no fucking others’ rule.” Adrian knew the look he pinned his cousin with contained distrust, but he couldn’t help it. James and Nicole had been an item for a short while before she put all her efforts into snagging him, but James had easily gone back to playing the field and had assured him his and Nicole’s relationship was never serious and it wasn’t long after he had hooked up with Nicole that James had seemed to latch onto Rachel. Ash, on the other hand, loved the ladies, the more variety the better.

“She may not have complied, Adrian, and I may be willing to fuck from one end of the coast to the other, but I draw the line at trespassing, even if the woman is willing.” Ash slammed his glass down on the table. “Nora and Adam headed upstairs already. I think I will also,” he said before walking stiffly out.

“Be careful, Adrian. I’m warning you as your friend.”

Adrian looked at James, the worry evident in his green eyes. “She was seeing someone, James, and that someone met her on the cliff that night. I’m as sure of that as I am that I’m a Pendelton.”

“That may be true, but she could’ve hooked up with anyone from around here, and you know it.”

“She worked too hard to reel me in and she wouldn’t jeopardize losing all this,” Adrian swept his arm out indicating the manor, “for a fling. Adam and Ash have just as much as I do financially, the only thing allotted to me alone in our parent’s wills and as the eldest Pendelton was the manor and the reins of Pendelton Industries of which I’ve shared equally with both Adam and Ash. She could keep the manor if she bore the first male heir.”

“So why didn’t you two have kids? That would have solved the problem.” James helped himself to a shot of whiskey, sipping it slowly as he watched his friend over the rim.

“We weren’t ready at first, then things started to go sour. Her flirting, her outrageous spending, and the endless fights over the changes she wanted to make around here. I finally told her I wasn’t willing to bring a child into our relationship when it was in jeopardy.” Just another thing to regret where his wife was concerned, he thought. It would have been better if he had just divorced her outright without trying to salvage something that wasn’t worth saving. “I think that’s when she set her sights on either Ash or Adam.” Adrian ran a tired hand over his face, hating himself for even considering one of his cousins would betray him, but the facts couldn’t be denied.

James frowned at his friend, saying, “The kid would be illegitimate, therefore unable to inherit. What would that have gained her?”

“If she got pregnant by one of them, all she had to do was divorce me and marry him before it was born. Then she’d make my life miserable by continuing to fight me over renovating this place to her taste and I’d have to live with it until I died and the house went to the next eldest Pendelton.” Adrian pushed away from his desk in disgust and began to pace. “She wanted to take our historic family home and turn it into some modern showcase mansion. Hell, in only a few weeks and with nothing but some hard work and polish, Sophie has this place looking the way it was supposed to look.”

A small smile played at the corners of James’ mouth as he eyed Adrian speculatively. “Growing fond of your new housekeeper, Adrian?”

“She’s a good employee,” he answered coolly as he stopped his pacing and saw the glint in James’ eyes. “Nothing else.”

James knew him well enough to know when to retreat. Dropping the subject, he said, “Well, just make sure you know what you’re doing. Mind if Rachel and I grab a room upstairs tonight?”

“You know you don’t have to ask,” Adrian said tiredly. “Help yourself.” As Adrian went to the elevator and sought his own solitary room, he wondered which room Sophie was going to end up in and why the thought of her in someone else’s bed tonight bothered him.

Sophie tossed and turned into the early morning hours, the cold, closed look on Adrian’s face as he left the solarium refusing to leave her alone. In a house full of people on almost any given day, why was it he always seemed to be alone? It was true he purposely held himself back from personal involvements, even with his cousins, but was she the only one who could detect how that bothered him? Maybe, she thought as she turned over again in an effort to get comfortable, she was reading him wrong, projecting her own solitary life, a life kept free of entanglements, onto him. She kept reminding herself she didn’t know him that well, but that didn’t seem to quell the urge she had to go to him again tonight, to try to take his mind off whatever put that closed look on his face, to try to see what those incredible eyes looked like thawed of the coldness they constantly held.

As Sammy curled next to her, her small furry body a light comfortable weight against her stomach, she finally settled into place and willed her mind to stay off subjects that were none of her business. She tried relishing the effects of the past few hours, her sated body still humming from her multiple orgasms, her nipples still tingling from Adam’s mouth, her pussy aching from being so unaccustomly stretched and filled and her buttocks feeling swollen and warm, still pulsing from the abuse heaped upon them, but her mind couldn’t let go of a dark, brooding face and the way Adrian had looked at her as he left the room. A look that slowly took in her nakedness, that lingered on her tight nipples still wet from Adam’s mouth down to where her folds were still spread around the dildo, her curls damp from her climaxes. A look that had her creaming that dildo all over again but wishing it was his cock instead. A look that had her aching even now to feel his cock between her thighs, replacing the memory of the dildo with an even more erotic one of his hard flesh filling her. Something she knew was a bad idea and was not going to happen if he had anything to say about it.

Over the next two weeks, Sophie discovered the unusual dynamics in this household were as unorthodox as they were welcome. Despite Adrian’s suspicions of his cousins, the three of them got on well and when James, Nora and Rachel were around, the six of them bickered like siblings, teased like friends and fucked like lovers. Their easy camaraderie and Adrian’s continued polite indifference made it easier for Sophie to face them again after the evening in the solarium, but at the same time, grateful that there hadn’t been any repeat performances since.

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