Pegasus and the New Olympians (28 page)

‘I don’t understand,’ Emily said desperately.

A-Two struggled to say: ‘Place – all – empty. Ours. No – more – people. All – prisoners. All – above.’

Joel approached the prince. ‘So your soldiers have gathered all the people here and taken them above? There is no one left?’

Prince Tobin shook his head and made several more sounds.

‘Pegasuses,’ A-Two said. ‘They – stay. Children – below.’

They understood that all of the CRU agents, scientists and human soldiers had been captured and taken to the surface. The facility now belonged to them.

‘All right, we’ve got to get the New Olympians out of here and the poor clones from down below. And I’ve got to free all of Pegasus’s clones as well.’

‘You’ve seen them?’ Joel asked.

Emily nodded. ‘Tornado is here too. But all the winged stallions are the same. They’re as wild and dangerous as Tornado. I’m still the only person who can get near them. I’m going to have to lead them out.’

‘Then what?’ Joel asked. ‘Em, what are we supposed to do with all of these clones? Yes, we can destroy this place, but then where do we take them? And how? Without Pegasus, I don’t even know how we’re supposed to get back to Olympus or get Prince Tobin and his people back to the Nirad world.’

Emily hadn’t thought that far ahead. Her only concern had been to stop the CRU from creating more clones. But now what? Joel was right. They were stranded on Earth with no way of getting back.

‘I don’t know,’ she said softly. ‘But Dad has got to know something is wrong by now. He and Diana will come for us. And Paelen, I hope. He was hurt, but I’m sure Chrysaor must have taken him back to Olympus. He knows where we are. We just have to get to the surface and wait for them.’

Joel didn’t sound convinced. ‘Or wait for the military to launch a full assault on us for destroying their base here.’

‘We’ll just have to risk it,’ Emily said. ‘We don’t have any choice.’

As the long night continued into dawn, Emily, Joel and the Nirads entered the secured quarters of the New Olympians. They welcomed Emily into their midst and showed no aggression towards Joel or the Nirads.

When Emily explained the situation, the clones were excited at the prospect of going outside. They had never been to the surface before.

The sun was rising on the horizon by the time all of the New Olympians emerged to the surface level. They looked at the approaching sunrise in absolute wonder. The Cupids were thrilled to leap into the air and soar in a wide open sky.

Emily took a moment to watch them with envy. Those sweet, ignorant clones had no idea of the danger and uncertain future they now faced.

There were hundreds, maybe a thousand gathered on the dry Groom Lake bed. The heavily armed Nirad soldiers kept the Area 51 personnel apart from the clones.

‘Is that my friend Emily I see?’

Emily turned at the voice and saw Earl approaching. He ran forward and embraced her tightly. ‘Ain’t you a sight for sore eyes! Lord, I thought you’d never get here. These CRU folks ain’t nice people!’

Emily clung to Earl, grateful that he was alive. There was a Nirad standing close at his side. Earl turned to introduce him. ‘This is my friend B-15. He got me out of my cell.’

As Emily greeted the Nirad, there were sounds and cries coming from the crowds. She turned and saw them all pointing up at the sky. The Cupid clones squealed in terror and quickly landed.

Emily and Joel looked up and their eyes went wide. ‘Jupiter!’


Emily watched Jupiter’s chariot blaze across the dawn sky, with Pluto and Neptune beside him in their own chariots.

A chill ran through her. It took the Big Three to move the Solar Stream. And here they all were.

‘That the big fella himself?’ Earl asked fearfully, watching the approaching chariots.

Emily nodded. ‘You’d better get back.’ Then she turned to Joel. ‘You too. I said I would fight Jupiter if I have to, and I meant it. He’s not going to destroy this world and all these innocent clones without one.’

‘No way,’ Joel said. ‘I started this with you. I’m going to end it with you.’

Emily’s heart swelled at Joel’s constant support and loyalty. She reached out and took his hand. Together they walked out on to the dry Groom Lake bed and awaited Jupiter.

As the Olympians drew closer, Emily noticed someone else in the sky. ‘Joel, look! It’s Paelen!’

Leading the Olympians was Chrysaor carrying Paelen. He was the first to touch down on the ground just a few metres from them. Paelen jumped off the boar’s back and ran to his friends. They embraced like they hadn’t seen each other in years. So much had happened since they were last together.

‘Las Vegas is destroyed!’ Paelen cried. ‘The military tried to kill us, but we fought back. Now it is all in ruin.’

‘Las Vegas is destroyed?’ Joel repeated.

Paelen nodded and concentrated on Emily. ‘He is going to do it. Jupiter is going to destroy this world. He’s already started with Vegas.’

This only strengthened Emily’s resolve. ‘No, he’s not.’

‘You cannot stop him,’ Paelen cried. ‘He is Jupiter.’

‘And I am the Flame of Olympus!’ Emily shot back. ‘If he wants to destroy this world, he’ll have get past me first!’

The screaming of Pluto’s skeleton stallions as the chariots landed on the dry lake bed before them cut off further conversation. Emily saw Jupiter’s face. It was furious. She had never seen the leader of Olympus so angry.

‘Emily!’ Jupiter boomed. ‘What have you done?’ The leader of Olympus climbed down from his chariot and stormed up to her. ‘You have a lot of explaining to do!’

But before she could even think of how to respond, a comforting voice cried out her name.

Emily turned round and watched as her father climbed down from Diana’s chariot. He ran past Jupiter and scooped her up in his arms. ‘Are you all right?’

Emily nodded and fought to keep control of her emotions. She turned to Jupiter. ‘Pegasus is dead. So is Alexis. My powers got away from me and I killed them.’

A shocked silence halted the Olympians. The only movement came from Neptune, his face a portrait of pain. ‘My son is dead?’

‘Neptune …’ Emily started to break. ‘I didn’t mean to… We were fighting the CRU… I got shot and lost control.’

‘They shot you?’ her father cried.

Emily nodded again. ‘I’m OK,’ she said sadly. ‘But Pegasus isn’t.’

Chrysaor started to squeal and howl in pain, breaking Emily’s non-existent heart.

‘Please, Jupiter, I beg you,’ she cried, facing the leader. ‘There has been too much death already. Don’t destroy my world.’

The fire was gone from his eyes. But his expression was still full of anger. ‘The CRU have left me no choice. Their crime cannot be forgiven.’

‘Then punish
!’ Emily’s father cried. ‘But not the whole world!’

‘No,’ Jupiter insisted. ‘There will be others just like the CRU ready to rise up and do this again. We must not let that happen. Earth must be destroyed.’

Emily stepped away from her father and approached Jupiter. ‘I understand you are angry,’ she said, suddenly very calm. ‘So am I. I have lost Pegasus. I have seen at first hand the horrors these people have done here. But I cannot let you destroy my world.’

Jupiter paused and a frown darkened his brow. ‘Are
challenging me?’

Emily inhaled deeply. This was it. She felt the Flame rumbling inside her, but felt equally sick realizing what she was prepared to do.

‘Yes, Jupiter, I am,’ she finally said.

A hush fell over everyone as Emily and Jupiter faced each other.

‘Em, stop,’ her father cried.

Emily looked back at him but shook her head. She turned back to Jupiter. ‘You know how I feel about Olympus and how I have fought to protect it. I love you, Jupiter. But I will not allow you to destroy my world.’

Pluto and Neptune’s eyes flashed from Emily back to their brother and to Emily again. ‘Emily, stop,’ Neptune warned. ‘You do not want to do this.’

‘No I don’t,’ she said, concentrating on him. ‘But to protect this world, I must.’ She looked back at Jupiter. ‘You have taught me so much. Like how to care for others outside my family, my race and even my species. You have shown me the price you must pay and the sacrifices you have made for leadership. You have taught me to be a better person. How could you teach me all that and then expect me to allow you to destroy this world?’

‘This is different,’ Jupiter said.

‘No it’s not,’ Emily insisted. ‘Most of the people on this planet are innocent. They have no idea what the CRU have done. Why should they be made to suffer for that?’

‘Do you care so much for these people that you are prepared to make war with me?’ Jupiter asked incredulously.

Emily stared Jupiter in the eye. She raised both her hand as they burst into brilliant flame. The powers bubbled up from her core as she prepared to fire at the leader of Olympus. ‘To save Earth? Yes!’


Emily closed her eyes and commanded her powers to fly. An instant before they did, a crying whinny shattered the stillness of the air around her. It was a sound she never thought she’d hear again. A sound she loved. The Flame in her hands went out. She turned and saw Pegasus tearing through the sky. Alexis was behind him, struggling to keep up.

‘Pegasus!’ she howled.

Emily ran out on to the dry lake bed. Pegasus landed and galloped towards her. His mane billowed behind him, his nostrils flared and his golden hooves stirred a wild dust storm in the air. Pegasus was covered in foaming sweat and panting heavily as he whinnied to her.

They met in an explosive reunion.

Emily threw her arms around his neck. She squeezed him as tight as she could, just to prove he was there. ‘You’re alive! You’re alive!’

Pegasus neighed excitedly and turned his head back to embrace her as best he could. His wings were fluttering and his tail flashed behind him.

Alexis landed on the ground beside Pegasus. Her face was bright red with exertion, her hair was a matted mess, and she was panting with exhaustion. Frankie was on her back with a huge grin on his face.

‘We’re back!’ he cheered. He climbed off Alexis and ran over to Joel and Paelen. He threw his arms around them and hugged them tightly. ‘That was so awesome! We went to another planet! There were lots of big statues and it was a jungle! There were helicopters from here too. The pilots are waiting for us to come get them.’

Emily was too emotional to speak. She released Pegasus and collapsed on the ground before Alexis. She hugged the Sphinx tightly. ‘I’m so sorry,’ she started to cry.

‘It is all right, Emily,’ Alexis panted softly, patting her on the back with a large lion’s paw. ‘We are all right.’

Neptune and Chrysaor ran over to greet Pegasus. ‘When Emily told me you were dead, I could not bear it.’ Neptune’s eyes were filled with tears as he embraced his son.

Pegasus held his father, and greeted his brother, but then stepped closer to Emily. He neighed for her.

She left the Sphinx and kissed his soft muzzle, his face and finally his eye. ‘Oh, Pegs, I really thought I’d killed you.’

‘Hardly,’ Alexis said. ‘Though you did cast us to the very end of the Solar Stream.’

‘She did what?’ Jupiter asked as he approached.

‘The Flame cast us to the very end of the Solar Stream. The journey lasted the shortest blink of an eye. But it has taken us ages to fly back here.’ She paused and looked from Emily to Jupiter and then back to Emily again. ‘It appears we arrived just in time.’

The Sphinx climbed stiffly to her feet and padded over to Emily. ‘Do you know everything you have made disappear was on this beautiful world? There are no people but many kinds of plants and wildlife. There are ancient temples and signs of a great society that must have existed there. But they are gone.’

Emily was still holding on to Pegasus to prove he was really alive. ‘I don’t understand. How could I send you there? Why would I do it?’

Alexis smiled gently. ‘Child, do you not remember? The soldiers were shooting at us. You had been hit. You did the only thing you could to protect us. You sent us away from the danger.’ The Sphinx paused and smiled. ‘Though to be honest, I would have much preferred being returned to Olympus and not across the cosmos.’

‘I don’t understand,’ Emily stammered. ‘How did I do it?’

‘That is a very good question,’ Jupiter said as he approached her. ‘And one that I believe we should investigate …’ He stopped and his eyes concentrated on Emily. ‘Together.’

Emily gazed up into the face of the leader of Olympus. Her hand was wrapped around Pegasus and she was pressed closely to him. ‘What about Earth?’

Jupiter dropped his head. ‘Perhaps I was a bit rash in ordering its destruction. I never realized how much this world still means to you. I was wrong, and I am not above admitting it.’

‘So you won’t destroy it?’

Jupiter shook his head. ‘Not this time. But Emily,’ he warned, ‘these people must be punished for what they have done.’

Emily nodded her head. ‘I agree. And if you will allow me, I want to turn Area 51 to dust!’

Jupiter opened a ground-level portal to the Solar Stream. He summoned Olympians to come to Earth to escort the New Olympians back home.

With his two brothers, Jupiter watched the long lines of clones heading into the Solar Stream. Diana was standing among her many clones. The new Dianas looked at the original in awe and sought to touch her. Though she was greatly disturbed by them, Diana felt no urge to fight.

Prince Tobin was still covered in cuts and burns but his strength had returned. Tirk was behind him keeping a protective watch over him while other Nirad soldiers kept guard over the Area 51 employees.

As the final clones entered the Solar Stream, Emily turned to Neptune.

‘There’s a lot of winged stallions still inside. They’re clones of Pegasus and they’re wild and dangerous. But we can’t leave them behind. It’s not their fault they exist. Would you help me get them to the Solar Stream?’

Neptune looked uncomfortable at the mention of his son’s clones, but he agreed. With the Nirads on the surface guarding their prisoners, Emily spoke to Pegasus, asking him to remain with them.

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