Read Passionate Craving Online

Authors: Marisa Chenery

Passionate Craving (6 page)

“Cut it out with the nips, buster. I know we’re all friendly and
such, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to let you keep biting me in the butt.”

No, she might not, but she’d let him do a lot more than that to her
beautiful body when he was in his human form and they were naked. He planned to
get her into his bed in the next short while.

Back on his family’s property, Memphis made sure Tori didn’t stop or
decide to continue her search for wolves. Luckily, that didn’t become an issue.
She kept pace beside him. Her hand rested on his back and every so often she’d
give him a scratch.

They were halfway to his cabin when Rhett came into view, in human
form. “Hey, Tori,” he said. “I see you found one of the wolves.”

She smiled. “Yes, I did.” She gave Memphis a pat. “Actually, he
found me, and when I needed him. I just crossed paths with a mountain lion.”

Rhett glanced at Memphis, then looked at Tori again. “On our

“No. I’d decided to go farther up the mountain. I was stupidly not
paying attention and got a little too close for comfort, for both the big cat and
me. My rescuer drove it off.”

“You might want to stick to the property. The cats usually don’t
wander down here. We don’t bother them and they don’t bother us.”

“Well, I’ve learned my lesson. I’m going to head back to the cabin
and see what Memphis is up to. I’ve had enough excitement for one day.”

“I bet. I’ll tag along.” Rhett said a little louder, “I was headed
that way. Memphis has a couple cords of wood he needs to split. I thought I’d come
and give him a hand since he said something about doing that today.”

Memphis took that has his cue to head to the cabin now so he’d be
there when Tori and Rhett arrived. He gave his mate a lick on the hand, then
sped away. Even taking a longer route, he was sure he’d make it to the cabin
and be able to start chopping wood before they got there. His brother would
make sure of it. He’d have to thank Rhett later.


* * * *


“There he goes again,” Tori said as she watched the wolf take off
through the trees. “He did that this morning before I went to Memphis’ cabin.
Just all of a sudden ran away.”

“I’m sure you’ll see him again soon,” Rhett replied with a smile.

“So far, besides the other wolf I met yesterday on the way to your
parents’ place, this one is around more. I’ve yet to see the other members of
the pack. Memphis told me there were eight in total.”

“They’re here. Don’t worry about that. If you stick around long
enough, you’ll get to see them all.”

“I hope so. I went looking for their den, but couldn’t find it.
That’s why I left the property. I thought maybe it’d be out in that area.”

Tori kept her pace to match Rhett’s slower one. He didn’t seem to be
in a hurry to get to Memphis’ cabin. It seemed more as if he were out for a
casual stroll. Normally, she’d walk a lot faster than that.

As they finally approached Memphis’ cabin, the sound of an axe
hitting wood reached Tori’s ears. She and Rhett stepped into the yard. Memphis
was by the side of the shed, swinging the axe. He split a log that was on top a
wide stump. There were only a few pieces of chopped firewood on the ground next
to it.

Memphis lowered the axe and watched them approach. “Done your
searching already?” he asked Tori.


“She had a little scare with a mountain lion,” Rhett added. “One of
her new wolf friends came to her rescue. He ran the cat off.”

Memphis nodded. “The mountain lions around here know they can’t go
up against one of those wolves and win.”

“That they do,” Rhett said with a chuckle.

Tori looked at the two brothers. The way they smiled at each other,
she had a feeling she was being left out of part of the conversation. As if
they knew something she didn’t.

“What are you doing here, Rhett?” Memphis asked.

“I thought I’d come help you with those cords of wood,” Rhett
replied with a wink.

“Here.” Memphis held out the axe to his brother. Once Rhett took it,
Memphis grabbed hold of Tori’s arm and started her walking toward the cabin.

“Hey, where are you going?” Rhett shouted.

“You wanted to help. You can do the chopping. I’ll stack it when
you’re finished.”

Memphis ignored his brother as Rhett yelled for him to get back
there and tugged Tori into a run. They raced up the cabin’s steps and then
inside. She was giggling as he shut the door behind them.

“That wasn’t very nice,” she said, laughing.

“He offered, didn’t he?”

“Yes, but I doubt he thought you’d stick him with the majority of
the work.”

“Oh well, too late now,” Memphis pulled her into his arms. “I missed
you.” He claimed her lips in a kiss that had her toes curling.

“I wasn’t gone that long,” Tori said against his mouth.

“It was long enough.” He walked backward while still holding her
against him.

“Where are you taking me?”

He lifted his head and smiled. “To the bedroom, of course. I’ve been
thinking about our shower this morning all day.”

“What about your brother?”

“What about him?”

“Aren’t you afraid he’ll come in? I haven’t been able to help but
notice you don’t have a lock on your cabin’s door.”

It was true. There wasn’t a lock of any kind. It didn’t even have a
proper doorknob. What kept the door closed was a solitary old-fashioned latch.

They’d reached the bedroom and Memphis didn’t stop until they were
at the end of the king-sized bed. “Rhett won’t come in. He knows you’re in here
with me. Besides, he’ll be too busy chopping that wood.”

Tori put her arms around Memphis’ neck. “Now I see the reason for
sticking him with all that work.”

“I did have an ulterior motive.”

“Then I guess we’d better hurry before he finishes.”

They didn’t waste time taking off each other’s clothes. Jeans,
shirts and underwear ended up scattered around the room, landing wherever they
tossed them. Tori was almost panting by the time she was naked and back in
Memphis’ arms.

Even though it’d only been hours since she’d last made love to him,
she ached to have him inside her. His delicious scent enveloped her, causing
her arousal to soar. It’d become one of her biggest turn-ons. She smelled it
and her pussy went wet.

Memphis kept hold of her as he maneuvered them onto the bed. Tori
rolled to her side to face him, pressing close. She lifted a leg and put it
over his hip. His hard cock brushed against her pussy. She moved along it,
making it slick with her juices.

Their lips stayed locked as Tori reached between them and then led
Memphis’ erection to the entrance to her body. She’d had enough foreplay. She
wanted him. Now.

He sank into her as she pushed down at the same time. This was going
to be fast and hard. She moaned and sucked on his tongue. He half growled and
half groaned. He thrust in and out, taking her the way she needed.

Memphis held on to her thigh as he increased his pace, his hips
pistoning. He grew even harder, stretching her. She would have had no problem
reaching her orgasm in that position, but he kept them joined, and in a sudden
movement, rolled to his back.

Tori sat up straight, his cock sinking even deeper inside her pussy.
He lifted his hips to urge her to ride him. She put her hands onto his chest
and lifted onto her knees to take him back inside. She moaned as her pleasure
increased. She could position his shaft exactly where she needed it to get the
most enjoyment.

She shifted her hands to the mattress on either side of his head,
then leaned forward until she brushed one of her nipples against his mouth. He
sucked it inside and gently bit down. Tori rode Memphis faster, angling her
hips in just the right way. With each pull of his mouth on the taut peak, a
corresponding surge of pleasure shot down her spine to her pussy.

He switched to her other nipple and reached between them. He found
her clit with a fingertip and rubbed back and forth. The combination was enough
to have her release building before it exploded through her. She cried out his

Memphis held on to her hips and continued to stroke up into her. His
growls increased in volume. Surprisingly, he pushed her into a second climax as
soon as the first had ended. This time he joined her, his cock pulsing deep
inside her.

Once it was over, Tori collapsed onto Memphis’ chest as she fought
to catch her breath. That had been intense. As he wrapped her in his embrace, she
realized she’d have a hard time letting him go at the end of her four weeks. If
she really wanted to be honest with herself, she’d have to admit she didn’t
know if she could turn her back and leave him behind.

Chapter Six


It’d been a week since Tori had arrived in Canyon Creek, and Memphis
still had to tell her what he was and what she meant to him. His need to claim
her was no longer something he could push aside. Every time he made love to
her, it became harder and harder not to bite her. Twice he almost did. He’d
barely been able to stop himself. Once he realized he was about to lose the
battle, he’d made them both come. His climax caused the urge go away. Until the
next time, that is.

Memphis stood in front of the mirror in the bathroom. It was
morning, and he’d just finished brushing his teeth. His gaze caught on his mate
brand, which was still black. It should have already taken on the blues, reds
and greens of a mated male. If Tori had been a female wolf shifter, he would
have claimed her minutes after finding her. That was how others of their kind
did it.

Actually, he and his family didn’t totally agree with how other wolf
shifters handled newly mate branded males. He sure as shit wouldn’t want to
have all the unmated females lined up for him to sniff to see which one made
his cock hard. And then have to go off and claim her without knowing anything
about her. It’d be demeaning for him and the woman. That wasn’t for him.

Even though he found it hard not to make Tori his, he liked getting
to know her as a human male would. It’d given him time to fall head over heels
in love with her. He had a hard time picturing his life without her in it. Now
he had to find a way to convince her to stay.

So far, he’d had no luck getting Tori to commit to not leaving in
three weeks. Even though he’d taken her to bed every chance he got, which was
as often as often as his self-control would stand. She always was as eager for
him as he was for her. There was no denying the sex was good. Really good.

Memphis washed his face. Tori had already gone out to search the
property for wolves. He and his family had been taking turns going wolf and
“letting” her find them. They mostly did what they’d normally do while in their
animal forms, which wasn’t exactly like gray wolves. They didn’t hunt and kill.
That didn’t mean they wouldn’t chase a rabbit or a mouse if one happened to be

Tori had been back in town a few times, doing her best to get the
townsfolk interested in protecting the local wolves. She’d been mostly met with
opposition with Brad at the head of it. He’d already gotten more than a few
residents rallying to his side, demanding Tori keep her nose out of where it
didn’t belong. Memphis had already decided the next time she went into town to
go with her in case things happened to go a little too far.

Memphis finished up in the bathroom, then went to the bedroom to get
dressed. He’d made the decision that today would be the day he grew a set and
told Tori everything. He’d promised himself he’d give her a week to get to know
him better, and that time was now up.

He headed out of the cabin and then walked to the tree line at the
far side of his yard, where he’d seen Tori go into earlier. He took on his
animal form as he stepped into the bush. He’d spend some time with her as a
wolf, then as a man.

Memphis had no trouble picking up Tori’s scent. By now, it was
permanently engraved in his mind. He’d never be able to forget it. Her trail
swung around toward Talon’s cabin. At that point, his brother joined her.
Memphis looked at the tracks they’d left behind. Talon was in human form.

He continued on. Tori and Talon were close to the property line by
the time Memphis spotted them up ahead. They were talking, and his brother
laughed at something Tori had said. She had no idea, but his family had already
accepted her as part of their pack. She’d forged friendships with each of them,
and was thought of as his mate, even though he hadn’t made it official and
claimed her.

Memphis ran toward them and let out a howl to tell them he was
there. Tori turned in his direction and smiled. He came up to her and leaned
against her thigh, his typical greeting while in wolf form. She reached down
and scratched behind his ear.

“It’s good to see you,” she said.

“I had a feeling he’d show up,” Talon said with a grin.

Of course his brother would. Talon had been the most vocal in
getting Memphis to get the truth out in the open. It was getting to be a bit of
a strain on the family to have to watch when they shifted. The hiding was no
good for anyone.

“Do you want me to leave the two of you alone?” Talon asked with
humor in his voice.

Tori chuckled. “No, it’s fine. You said you saw some gray wolf
tracks around here. You still have to show me where.”

“That I did. They’re not too far from where we are.”

Memphis ranged a little away, trying to pick up the scent of his
wolf cousins while Tori and Talon continued on their way.

They’d just reached the line where their property ended when Brad
stepped out from behind a tree about fifty feet away with a shotgun hanging
from his shoulder. He wasn’t on their land, and made no move to come any
closer. He glared at Tori. Memphis growled low in his throat. He didn’t like
the loudmouth hanging around. Not sure what Brad was doing there, Memphis held
back. Some of the trees hid him from view, but he could still see and hear
everything ahead of him.

“I’ve been tracking those wolf prints,” Brad said. “I figured you
might come along since you’re a wolf lover.”

“I hope you’re carrying that shotgun for protection in case you run
into a bear,” Tori replied.

“Maybe I am and maybe I’m not.”

“Leave the wolves alone.”

“Some killed one of my neighbor’s cows. Those cattle are his
livelihood, just as mine are for me. The damn beasts threaten it.”

“Don’t even think of coming onto my family’s land with the intention
of hunting wolves,” Talon said. “You’ll be trespassing, and there are laws
against that.”

Brad snorted. “Why do you think I’m over here? All I have to do is
wait for the wolves to come to me. You can’t stop me when I’m not on your

Memphis had heard enough. He came loping toward Tori and Talon.
Brad’s eyes widened when he saw him. Then in a move Memphis hadn’t expected,
Brad grabbed his shotgun and took aim at him. Tori yelled at the other man to
stop and threw herself between Memphis and Brad as Brad fired.

Tori let out a pained cry and landed hard on her side on the ground.
Brad turned tail and ran. Memphis would have chased after him, but Talon
grabbed him by the scruff of his neck.

“Memphis, don’t you dare. Your mate is hurt. I can smell the blood.
We’ll deal with that asshole later. She’s more important.”

Memphis pulled free of his brother’s grip and ran to Tori. She held
a hand to her stomach as blood seeped through her fingers. She looked at
Memphis, then at Talon.

“Memphis? Did you call the wolf Memphis?” She tried to sit up, but
groaned in pain. “That asshole shot me.”

Talon squatted at her side. “Don’t try to move. Let me have a look.”
He lifted Tori’s shirt to reveal the wound and then turned his gaze on Memphis.
“Bro, it’s not good. We can take the chance of getting her to the hospital in
Helena, but it’ll be a painful ride. Plus, the bullet could move and cause more
damage. Or you can finally tell her the truth and claim her. She’ll heal then.”

“Why are you talking to the wolf as if he really were Memphis?”

Talon looked at Memphis. He moved his lupine head up and down in a
nod. His brother turned his attention to Tori. “That’s because it is Memphis.”


“We’re wolf shifters.”

“There’s no such thing.”

“Time to show her, Memphis,” Talon said.

Memphis knew there’d be no other way to convince Tori of the truth
other than shifting in front of her. They didn’t have the time for a long,
drawn out explanation. She was bleeding too heavily. He stepped to her opposite
side, then took on his human form. Tori’s mouth fell open and her face went
white, but he didn’t know if the latter was from her being shot or her fear of

As he whipped off his t-shirt, his dad, Kiel, Cyrus and Gage
arrived, all in wolf form. They must have seen Memphis shift as they’d headed
in their direction, because they all turned human as they came to a stop close
to them. Memphis ignored them, leaving Talon to explain what had happened as he
balled up his shirt and pressed it to Tori’s stomach.

“You’re going to be okay,” he said.

“I recognize them as wolves. I’ve seen all of you like that. Is your
mother one too?”

“Yes. She’s the lone female. Jaimie, Shyla and Neha are human like
you. Though they aren’t exactly the same now that my brothers have claimed

“What do you mean?”

“Wolf shifters are long lived. We can live to be a hundred and fifty
years old. It seems when we bite our female human mates, we give them the
ability to heal. It cured Jaimie’s cancer in a matter of hours, and she’d been
on her death bed.” He met Tori’s gaze. “You’re my mate, Tori. I haven’t claimed
you yet. If I do now, your gunshot wound will heal. The choice is yours. Just
know I love you. There will never be another mate for me, even if you decide to
leave me.”

“Sit me up,” Tori said. Memphis gently lifted her into an upright
position, then put his arm around her to support her. She looked from him, to
his dad and brothers, then back to him. “So I’ve been basically living with a
pack of wolves all week?”

“Yes. And making love to one.”

“I’m your mate? How did you know?”

He pointed to his brand. “This is called a mate brand. When the
males of my kind reach thirty, they become marked. Once it happens a certain
part of him doesn’t work until he finds his mate. You did that for me.”

“Lean down,” Tori said. Memphis did, and she gave him a kiss. “I
know I should be freaking out, but I think I’m going into shock from being
shot. I love you too, Memphis. I just didn’t want to admit it. Now it seems I
can love a man and a wolf at the same time. I always thought I couldn’t have

“You still haven’t told me what your choice is.”

“Bite me. And just so you know, I’ll be wanting wolf cuddles as much
as man cuddles.” Tori’s teeth started to chatter.

His father squatted. “She’s definitely going into shock. If you’re
going to claim her, you’d better do it now.”

Memphis met Tori’s gaze, and she nodded. His teeth shifted. He
opened his mouth to show her before he gently pulled the collar of her t-shirt
away from the left side of her neck. He bent his head and bit hard enough to
break the skin where it met her shoulder.

She let out a yelp. “It’s done?” she asked.

He lifted his head and nodded. “My bite mark is completely gone and
you’re marked with the mating brand too.”

“Yours is colored now.” Tori’s brows drew together. “Something is
starting to hurt really badly.”

She pushed his hand away from her wound. She stiffened, then held
onto his arm as she dug her fingernails into his skin with a whimpered cry.
Blood welled faster from her stomach as the bullet appeared at the surface. It
fell to the ground once it was all the way out. Tori went limp.

Memphis used his shirt to wipe away the blood. The wound no longer
looked as deep as it had. It was healing. “It’s working.”

“Memphis, take me home. I’m so tired.”

Gage stepped closer. “She’s going to sleep as her body finishes
healing. That’s what happened to Jaimie. She’ll be okay.”

Memphis scooped Tori up into his arms, then stood. “Sleep, mate.
I’ll be here to look after you.”

“You’d better,” she said in a whisper, then fell into a deep sleep.


* * * *


Memphis and Tori had been mated for two days, and his life couldn’t
have been better. She’d slept until the following morning after he’d bitten
her. He’d stayed to watch over her for the rest of the day and then had climbed
into bed to hold her for the night.

They’d woken up, and after he’d made sure she was completely healed,
they’d made love until the afternoon. In between rounds of lovemaking, Memphis had
answered all of Tori’s questions. He didn’t know if she was more excited about
learning there were actual wolf shifters out in the world or about being mated
to one.

They now were at his parents’ cabin, along with the rest of their
family, for dinner. His mom had cooked a huge meal to celebrate his mating and
Tori joining the pack. There was plenty of food and drink to go around.

When it came to Brad, Memphis had gone to see him the day before.
Brad had thought he’d missed Tori. The asshole had taken off so fast he hadn’t
bothered to see if he’d shot her. Memphis had told him if he came anywhere near
his family’s property again, Memphis would be making a call to report the
incident to the police. Brad had promised to stay away. He’d even promised to
let Tori champion the wolves if she wanted to. He’d no longer get in her way.

Memphis put his arm across the back of the lawn chair Tori sat in
next to him and nibbled on her ear. “How about we get out of here?” he
whispered into it.

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