Read Paranormal Curves (BBW Collection) Online

Authors: Curvy Love Publishing

Paranormal Curves (BBW Collection) (11 page)








soon as she left I realized how exhausted I was after such an emotional roller coaster of a day. Despite my success an odd melancholy fell over me when I realized I had nobody to share this momentous day with. It was as if “Eleanor Rigby” won the lottery, with nobody to tell. The thought of driving home to an empty condo just made it more depressing. I decided to take advantage of our insanely comfortable leather sofa on the upper level and the bottle of white wine lurking somewhere in the refrigerator.

After pouring myself a glass I decided to get comfortable. I stripped down, enjoying a wicked thrill from being naked in my own lab. I glanced over at the full-length mirror in bathroom. I was a big girl, but I took care of myself, exercised and had a pretty awesome level of cardio fitness. My size was who I was… genetics if you will. I was not ashamed of how I looked, it was my body and I took proud ownership of it.

I emptied my glass and lied back on the sofa. Closing my eyes I reflected on the day that was, and the day that could have been. If Craig had continued holding me, pressing his lips harder, hands restlessly exploring, pushing the boundaries of public affection. Instead of going home we would come back here where I’d proudly display my handiwork. I’m ready to show off my precious creation but when I turn to Craig… he’s gone. Another familiar voice echoes through the room.

“You’ve created something that can benefit all mankind.”

I turn, amazed to find Jonas Nilsson standing in my lab. He walks towards me, all poise and confidence. Touching my shoulder as he says, “We share the same dream of creating a better world.”

“How did you find me?” I ask, stunned.

“I’ve been watching you, following your work and your life. I’ve been searching for someone like you,” and he leans forward, kissing me gently, caressing my head in his strong hands.

My body is responding, nipples hardening as a warm sensation spreads through my panties. He’s experiencing the same thing, his breath is shorter and I can already feel his erection growing, pressing against me.

We kiss again, deeper and his hands roam freely, caressing my breasts. I loosen his tie, tossing it to the floor and unbutton his tailored shirt. I struggle with removing his French cufflinks but I eventually master them and they drop to the floor. His chest is solid, lean defined muscle honed by endless rounds of tennis, or polo, or whatever the hell billionaires play. I kiss his nipple, inhaling a trace of some subtle, exotic cologne mixing with his own manly smell.

Jonas unbuttons my blouse, hands stroking my cleavage lightly as electricity surges through my body. I moan as his lips kiss my chest and his hands expertly unfasten my bra. Seconds later my breasts are free, cupped in his hands. Well, not cupped exactly cause those puppies are big. I have a killer pair of tits by the way… you girls know what I mean. Now he’s moving faster, overcome by desire as his tongue rolls across my breasts, savoring every dimple on my areola and finally sucking on my hard nipples.

My hands roam downward, rubbing his hard cock through his pants. Lowering his zipper I reach inside and his body tenses with delight as I caress his thick penis. We kiss again, deeper, and then I kneel down, sliding his pants to the floor. He has a beautiful, thick cock. I giggled for a moment when I noticed he was uncircumcised… remember he’s European. I’ve never played with an uncut penis, so I take a moment to playfully slide his foreskin back and forth. By his breathing I can tell he doesn’t mind me exploring.

I take real joy in oral sex, maybe it’s because I deny myself so many traditional snacks, or is it the thrill of total control? Sliding back his foreskin I run my tongue around the head savoring the salty taste of pre-cum. Then breathing through my nose I let it slip down my throat. His hands are caressing the back of my head, fighting the urge to push on it, but he lets me do the driving. After a few minutes of oral bliss he pulls me up and kisses me again, deeper… if that’s even possible.

He leads me to the leather sofa and gently lays me down. He unbuttons my pants and slides them off, revealing my red panties. I prefer the lacy boy-shorts style, trust me, they’re flattering for a bigger girl. He kisses the inside of my thighs and heat radiates through my crotch. His tongue probes further, kissing the outside of my panties. My body shakes with electric jolts at each touch of his lips. In a flash my panties are off, and his face is buried between my legs, his tongue hungrily probing my hard clit. The shakes are becoming constant, the fire inside burning hotter until I can’t take any more.

“I want you inside me, please Jonas,” I gasped, not ashamed to beg.

His chest slides across mine until we’re face to face. He kisses me again as I arch my back allowing his hard cock to slide into my pussy, muscles twitching with each thrust, faster and faster. I feel his hot breath panting on my shoulder with each thrust. Our bodies are in perfect synch and I sense it building until my back arches and my body stiffens grinding against his cock. Then a wave of bliss washes over me as I cum and cum again. He can feel the heat from my pussy radiating as he moans in ecstasy, releasing a load of hot cum inside me. Our bodies entwine, crushed together tighter than I ever thought possible. And then we release our grip, spent, happy. We lie side by side, spooning in silence because nothing needs to be said. Then I blissfully slip off into darkness.

I snapped awake. How long had I been asleep? I’m alone, fully aware that my billionaire tryst was a dream… but what a dream it was! Then I heard a sound… someone moving around downstairs. Shit, I think, Denise must have come back again, that girl should get a life. Oh wait; maybe I should get one to. I fumble around in the dark, finding an old Mariner’s t-shirt I keep lying around. I know I’ll never get back to sleep, so I lightly pad down the stairs… and my blood freezes.




men are tearing through my files, jamming hard drives and preserved specimens into black shoulder bags. I can tell they’re not run of the mill burglars. They know exactly what they’re looking for. I backed up quietly, but stumbled on the step behind me alerting them to my presence. One sees me and we lock eyes for a millisecond then he reaches into his jacket drawing a pistol.

But I’m fast for a big girl and hit the floor as the gunshot echoes through the room. The aquarium above me explodes, raining salt water and shards of glass down onto me. I keep moving, guided by innate survival instincts. Another shot fires. More glass, more water. I glance down and in that fleeting second see poor Bob twitching on the floor, his golden sheen fading. I crawl along the wet floor; my only advantage is knowing the layout intimately.

The second man has joined the hunt and a cascade of bullets strike around me. I never experienced true terror until this moment. I jump up, running towards the door when a sledgehammer blow strikes my shoulder. Balance lost, I tumble to the floor, knowing I’ve been shot. Adrenaline keeps me moving, staggering towards the door. The intruders approach me with terrifying casualness. Why waste bullets killing your prey from twenty feet when you can do it nice and close? I realize my life is about to end.

Suddenly the steel entry door bursts inward as if struck by a cannon. I looked over and saw a four-legged shape leap through the doorway with blinding speed. It was massive, like a German Sheppard on steroids. It attacked the closest man, knocking him to the floor, his pistol firing harmlessly into the air.

The animal was vicious, but these intruders were professional killers with honed reflexes. The second man whirled, aimed and fired, hitting the animal. It yelped in pain, racing into the darkness. But before the man could draw a bead on the fleeing animal something else leapt into the room, howling like a banshee. It was huge, at least seven feet tall, covered in fur, moving on its hind legs like a man. It crouched, then pounced as if shot from a catapult. In an instant it was on the second man slashing at him with sharp claws. The intruder’s anguished screams became gurgling sounds as he choked on his own blood.

The other intruder recovered from the dog attack and opened fire. I swear to god every shot hit the massive creature, but the bullets had no effect. Another leap and it was on the man, sinking its teeth into his neck. His body tensed, and went limp, sinking lifelessly to the floor.

The creature turned to me, but I couldn’t move, paralyzed by blood loss and sheer terror. It stared at me with piercing gray eyes… canine, yet intelligent, almost human. But the creature turned away, searching the room for any other threats.

The dog finally crept out of the shadows, limping but still alive. It slowly moved to me, nuzzling its face into mine. I’m no expert, but I knew this wasn’t a dog. This was a wolf. It tilted its head looking at me curiously… and licked my face.

There was far too much pain and madness for my mind to handle, and thankfully I blacked out.




slowly clawed my way out of a mental fog, regaining consciousness. A low rumbling sound filled my head. I was lying on a reclining seat, a needle in my arm connected to a blood transfusion bag. I tried to move but I was tied down by restraining straps. At first I panicked, thinking I’d been kidnapped, but as the remaining haze lifted from my mind I realized they were the standard safety straps used by airlines.

Okay, I said to myself… stay calm, look, listen and process the information. I finally identified the low rumbling sound as airplane propellers. I was on a small private plane. I counted eight other passenger seats, all of them empty. The needle in my arm and the transfusion apparatus appeared clean and professional, so whoever had me didn’t want me to die. I touched my shoulder expecting a sharp wave of pain. Instead it only felt tender, like sore muscles after a workout. I gently pulled at the bandage, finally tearing it away. Where a bullet hole should have been there was only a slight indentation, surrounded by bruises.

But I knew what happened hadn’t been a dream. I’d been shot and then watched the gunmen torn apart by some giant Hell spawn. Well at least I’m alive… for the moment.

The doorway into the cockpit slid open, and my assistant Denise stepped into the passenger area. What was she doing here?

“You’re awake,” She said kneeling down beside me. “How are you feeling?”

“Like ‘Alice in Wonderland’… if she’d been shot, and the rabbit turned out to be a monster grizzly bear. How long was I unconscious?”

“About six hours. I don’t think you’ll need this any more” Denise said, gently pulling the transfusion needle from my arm, “We’ll be landing in a few minutes.”

“Wait a minute, six hours? Denise as far I know gunshot wounds don’t heal in six hours.”

“They do if you have the right blood donor. I know this all feels crazy but trust me, you’re safe.”

“But our work… they destroyed everything… they even killed poor Bob.”

“The work is also safe and it will go on.”

I was still trying to wrap my head around all this. Why is Denise here? How can I be magically healed? I decided to take all in baby steps; collecting whatever facts I could “So where are we landing?”

“In Canada, off the coast of Vancouver. A place called Lyall Island,” She pointed to the window, “It’s the big one.”

I looked out at the breathtaking aerial view. Small islands dotted the ocean, surrounding a large one that must be Lyall. It was covered in unspoiled woodlands, shining like an emerald. “It’s beautiful, Mr. and Mrs. Lyall must be very happy there.”

“Lyall is Norse for wolf,” Denise replied, letting that factoid hang there for a moment, “Now I have to go help the pilot.”

“Wait a second Denise, I see a lot of trees on that island, but no airport!”

She smiled, “Relax, we’re in a sea plane,” On that note she headed to the cockpit area.

I sat, quietly humming “come fly with me” and pondering the weirdness life had dealt me.




seaplane touched down smoothly, and then gently bounced in the waves as it taxied to the dock. I climbed out, letting my eyes adjust to the bright sunlight. The plane was quite a majestic bird with top mounted turbo props and a silver metallic fuselage. One of those planes you’d see in an old Hollywood movie.

The island was quiet and peaceful. I took a deep breath of the clean, refreshing ocean air.

A massive estate sat atop a hill about a hundred yards away. It was built into the hillside using a design that made it blend in with the unspoiled surroundings, as if it grew there naturally.

“Quite a shack,” I said to Denise.

“It’s completely self sufficient, with solar energy and no carbon footprint. Even the vehicles on the island are battery powered. I have to unload some more things, but you go ahead and I’ll meet you at the house. He’s expecting you.”

That was pretty cryptic, “Is ‘he’ someone I know?”

“Not exactly, but you’ll recognize him. Oh and if you see any animals don’t be frightened, the island’s also a wildlife sanctuary.” Denise ducked back into the airplane.

I walked towards the massive house. Birds were chirping away, and squirrels bounced around playfully in the trees overhead. The peaceful surroundings did much to ease my anxiety; I guess it’s tough to be nervous in Eden.

Then I glanced into the woods and stopped abruptly. A pair of wolves observed me from the forest. Magnificent creatures with piercing, intelligent eyes. They seemed more curious than threatening and eventually the loped off into the trees. Denise had said “Lyall” was Norse for wolf, so now that made sense. At least something made sense… a rarity today.

The house was an architectural masterpiece, all heavy cedar and tinted glass. As I got closer I realized the term ‘house’ was an understatement, it was really a vast network of buildings tucked into the hillside. I stepped onto the wraparound cedar deck taking in the spectacular view of the island and coastline. I wondered who could afford to live in this Shangri-La?

“Do you like it Shelly?”

The voice snapped me out of my Zen state. I turned, stunned to find myself face to face with Jonas Nilsson. I was speechless; the day had just taken the final step from high strangeness to surreal. “It’s incredible,” I stammered, “I can’t imagine a more serene place.”

“Thank you,” Jonas replied, “I built it for my family.”

“I thought your family lived in Sweden?”

“I mean my real family. Come there is much I need to show you,” Jonas paused for a moment, “Oh, and let me congratulate you on your incredible breakthrough.”

“You’re familiar with my work?” then I realized what a fool I’d been. “Of course… you’re the one who financed the lab!”

The billionaire smiled, “Correct, so now things are making sense…yes?”

“No, nothing about the past twenty four hours makes any sense, but at least I feel safer.”

“You are safer than you have ever been, now let me give you a tour of the facility.” He gently took my hand, leading me towards the main building.

It was an incredible example of open concept architecture, with a central area cascading into a high tech kitchen, a massive dining room, a library and a workout area that would be the envy of any health club. Skylights in the beamed ceilings bathed the interior in soft light.

Jonas stopped in front of the only sealed off room. “I think this will capture your interest,” Jonas said, entering a key code into the security panel. The door buzzed and he ushered me in.

The massive room was an exact replica of my lab right down to the salt-water aquariums. I rushed inside like a kid on Christmas morning, peering into the aquariums, delighted to find an identical collection of seahorses swimming about.

“I thought it wise to recreate each step in your research here in case of events like last night.”

The mere mention of the night’s events shook me. “Why did those men try to kill me?”

“My enemies hired them to prevent your research from being completed. My own people searched the lab after the incident and found listening devices planted. When my enemies heard about your breakthrough they took action.”

“But you’re in the electronics business, why would your competitors care about genetic research?”

“They are not business competitors,” Jonas walked back into the main foyer, “I can try to explain but maybe I should just show you.”

I followed Jonas back onto the outside deck. We stood for a moment, and then he whistled softly. A wolf loped out of the nearby woods and onto the deck sitting down in front of us like a faithful dog. Jonas nodded and the wolf obediently lay down on the cedar deck, stretching its limbs luxuriously. It rolled around slowly, muscles stretching, reforming. The fur receded into its body, revealing smooth pink skin. I gaped in amazement as the transforming creature slowly made its way onto its hind legs, shaky at first, but quickly finding its balance.

Jonas studied my reaction with amusement, “Don’t worry, the transformation process is awkward, but not painful.”

Seconds later the wolf was gone and Denise stood before us, naked and unashamed.

“You know my sister Daciana, though she goes by Denise to the outside world.”

“Are you alright Shelly?” Denise asked concerned.

I must have looked as overwhelmed as I felt. “I’m fine, a little shaken up but okay. Last night, the wolf that came in…”

“That was me, I only wish I’d been there sooner.”

I looked at Denise and finally noticed the change in her appearance, aside from her being stark naked. “Weren’t your eyes blue before?”

“I wore colored contact lenses. Gray eyes are a sign of being a werewolf and might tip off anyone who was watching us.”

I looked at the two of them. “But the other creature… ” I looked into Jonas’ gray eyes and instantly knew the answer. “It was you Jonas!”

Jonas nodded, “I had been in Seattle for weeks, waiting for your results. When you sent the data I decided to tell you the truth and allow you access to this lab. Unfortunately those men arrived first. Mercenaries hired by those who hate my family and will stop at nothing to eradicate our kind. It was a miracle that we arrived in time to stop them.”

“Your kind? You mean there’s more of you?”

“Sadly there are only thirty pure werewolves left. We are a dying race. As the Supreme Alpha Male it’s my duty to protect them, so I created this island as a sanctuary where we can live in safety. Everything I’ve done, all the business triumphs and breakthroughs are really to fund research that could save us.

Denise took my hand, “Changes in the environment and interbreeding has made our Shape-Shifting genes more recessive with each generation. But your discoveries will reverse that. The next generation will once again have the abilities god gave us.

Jonas gently put his hands on my shoulder. I felt a warm rush and a shiver at the same time.

He put his mouth to my ear and whispered, “Shelly, you are our savior.”

I had nothing to say… how do you even respond to something like that?

Jonas sensed my confusion, “This has been quite an ordeal, my sister will show you to your room so you can rest until dinner.”

Denise took my hand and led me into the house. I just wished she’d put some clothes on.

Jonas called out to us, “Shelly if you are still feeling weak I will be happy to give you another blood transfusion.”

“Thanks, but I think I’m okay.”

Shelly and I walked through the labyrinth of a house. “So that was Jonas’ blood you were pumping me full of?”

“Yes, the blood of an Alpha Male is incredibly powerful, healing almost any wound.”

“He just gets more and more intriguing every minute.”

Denise stopped for a moment, turning to me, “So you do find him attractive?”

“Well, yeah… wait, Denise are you trying to set me up with your brother?”

She smiled, “Is that such a terrible thing?”

“No,” I said, blushing inside, “I don’t have a problem with that.” Holy crap I thought, Jonas’ sister is on my team… maybe I had a chance.

Denise’s tone became more serious, “It’s not easy for a human to be with one of us. There are…. Complications. But we will talk about that later.”

We arrived at my room, which in keeping with the theme was… amazing. A variety of new clothes were laid out on the canopy bed, all in my size. I felt a flush of embarrassment. Big girls don’t really want men knowing their sizes before the first date. Then I realized that being a billionaire, industrialist, Alpha Male, werewolf, Jonas probably didn’t have time to do his own shopping.

“I wasn’t at the lab to spy on you,” Denise said, sounding confessional, “Well… I suppose at first I was.”

“You had to make sure Jonas’ money wasn’t being wasted, right?”

“No, my brother could tell that from looking at the data, he’s quite brilliant you know. It was more important to ensure the money and resources weren’t used for something that could cause harm to werewolves, or humans. People have always been afraid of werewolves, but in truth killing is forbidden to us unless it’s to protect our family. Last night marked the first time in many years a werewolf killed a human.

I felt relieved, “So werewolves never hunt people, just animals?”

“We are the one’s who have been hunted by humanity because of ignorance and fear. We only hunt animals on special occasions. Believe it or not I have to go to the grocery store just like you.”

“So you really do live on Twizzlers and Diet Coke?”

“Sometimes,” Denise laughed, “Shelly, after we started working together I realized what a rare person you were, and how much I valued your friendship.”

“It’s a shame we never got to spend any time together outside of work.”

“Would you have joined me running naked through the woods and howling at the moon?”

“I do love a good cardio workout.” It felt nice to open up to Denise. I just wished to hell she’d put some clothes on, or at least stop having such a tiny ass… it was annoying.

Since we were being honest I asked the magic question, “When you change, are you still… you, or does a wolf mind take over?

Denise thought for a moment, “It’s hard to explain, it’s like being two souls united, your own conscious mind meshed with the primordial instincts that humans spend their lives silencing. Every sense is heightened, and all feelings of human guilt or fear vanish. I wish you could experience it.”

“Sounds better than sex,” I said trying to lighten things up.

“Hard to say, I’ve only had sex with other werewolves… and there’s nothing better than that.” She said, practically winking. “I should let you rest, we’ll have dinner in three hours.” Denise left, quietly closing the door behind her skinny bare ass.

I set my brand new wardrobe aside and lay back on the bed. Within about forty-nine seconds I fell asleep.



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