Read PaintedPassion Online

Authors: Tamara Hunter

PaintedPassion (16 page)

The cop at her side glanced up as Carlos approached.

“She’s breathing with no problems.”

Carlos squatted next to her. “Trella?” He smoothed her hair
from her face. He picked up her hand, noting the scraped skin of her knuckles.

“Carlos?” Her voice sounded rusty and overused.

“I’m here.”

“Love you,” she mumbled.

His hands stilled, certain he hadn’t heard her correctly.

Donovan burst into the room with the paramedic team trailing
behind him.

Carlos rose to his feet. He watched as the medics checked
her vitals before loading her onto the gurney.

He glanced over her. Her dress was torn. Adrenaline rushed
through his body. Rodriguez was a dead man.

Chapter Eighteen


Carlos paced outside Trella’s room. He hated hospitals. Each
time he entered one he lost someone he loved.

Miguel sat in a nearby chair.

Swearing, Carlos lowered his head to his hands. He couldn’t
fathom life without her. Not when he’d found the woman he wanted to pose for
whenever she demanded it, to chase around a pool and to be the mother of his

And the thought that Rodriguez touched her or worse drove
him crazy.

“The news is everywhere. CNN is stationed outside,” Alfonso
said as he stood near Miguel’s chair with Ava and the grandchildren nearby.

“How is she?” Ava asked.

Carlos stopped moving. “They just brought her back from
testing. The doctor is in with her now. She’ll be fine.”

Adam blinked furiously. Carlos smiled at the young boy’s
determination. He bent to look the child in the eyes. “You can cry for her.”

The door opened. Carlos straightened as the doctor came out.

“I’m Dr. Randolph. Ms. Arnold’s CT scan showed no damage or
swelling. She may experience headaches and soreness. We’ll keep her overnight
for observation. But she’ll probably be able to go home tomorrow.”

Hope and relief bloomed inside him. “Can I see her?”

“Yes.” He looked at the rest of the group. “Five minutes and
then she’ll need her rest.”

Ava pushed Carlos toward the door. “Go on in. We’ll stay out
here with the children.”

Inside the darkened room his angel lay with her eyes closed.
He approached the bed.

She needed his strength. He bent, kissing a spot near her
hairline. “You’re fine. We’re fine. Just need for you to get stronger.”

“Hector…he told me about Louis.” Her voice sounded raspy,
like sandpaper.

“I know, sweetheart.” He kissed her forehead. “Get some rest
and we’ll talk later. The important thing is you’re alive.”

Her lids lowered but seconds later she opened them.

“Rest. I’m not leaving here until you come home with me.”

“Love you.” This time her lids lowered and her eyes stayed

He staggered to the chair next to her bed. He wanted to
believe her but did she mean it or was it the trauma and pain medication

He covered her small hand with his. The TV played softly in
the background. He stroked her skin. “I almost lost you, baby.“ His throat
tightened, making further words impossible for the moment. He stroked her
cheek, mostly to reassure himself she’d be okay.

The doctor returned ten minutes later.

Carlos rose to his feet. “I’m staying the night. I don’t
want her to wake up and not see me.”

After a few seconds, the physician nodded. “I’ll have a
nurse bring a blanket and a pillow.”

After checking to make sure Trella still slept, Carlos
followed the doctor from the room.

“How is she?” Ava asked, carrying Maria on her hip.

Her husband stood beside her, one hand on the small of his
wife’s back.

Carlos wanted that type of relationship with Trella. He
wanted to be the man by her side. Whatever time she allowed him, he wanted to
spend and enjoy with her, giving her strength and taking strength from her when
he needed it. He prayed she would give him the chance.

“She’s sleeping. I’m staying here tonight.”

“I’ll call Trella’s parents and Francois and let them know
the doctor’s prognosis,” Miguel said. “Need me to bring anything?”

Carlos shook his head. “I’ll call you guys if anything
changes.” He kissed Maria and Ava then waved as the small group headed toward
the bank of elevators.

Inside Trella’s room, he spotted the dress she’d been
wearing draped over the arm of the sofa. He folded it and put it out of sight
in a drawer. His first thought was to trash it but he figured Trella would
rather do so to give closure to the entire matter.

Jose opened the door and came into the room, followed
closely by Melissa and Selina.

“How is she?” Jose asked.

Carlos glanced at the women whose faces bore signs of recent
tears. “Doctor says he’ll probably release her tomorrow.”

The women hurried to Trella’s bedside. Selina brushed a hand
over Trella’s hair. “Thank goodness she’s okay.”

“Jose, can I talk to you outside for a moment to give the
ladies some time alone?” Carlos waited for the door to close behind them before
he spoke in a low voice. “Is Rodriguez in custody?”

Jose leaned close. “Picked him up on the I-10. Feds are
swarming all over his home and office. The smuggling ring was the most expansive
the state’s ever seen.”

The news sent relief coursing through him. Carlos leaned his
back against the wall. “Is it true Hector killed Louis?”

Jose nodded. “That’s what the suspect we arrested at the
warehouse told us.”

Carlos frowned. “But how’s that possible? Hector wasn’t there
that day.”

“Apparently he was—hiding in that back office. Of course, he
wasn’t supposed to do his own dirty work. But his henchman got cold feet and
Rodriguez had to pull the trigger himself.”

“We were set up.” Carlos wiped a hand down his face. “Was
this same guy planning to kill Trella?”

Jose shook his head. “He claimed Rodriguez instructed him to
leave. But when he was able he came back to check on her.”

“Why’d he come back?”

“He was concerned about what Rodriguez may have done to

Carlos’ shoulders sagged. “All the families that man has
destroyed. Great job cracking this case, man.”

“You and Trella did the work by researching Louis’ notes.”
Jose patted Carlos on the back. “You two have better things to look forward to
in your future.”

Carlos regarded his friend. “Is this optimism talking or do
you know this for a fact?”

Jose snorted. “A little of both.”

“I need to know something. Trella’s dress was torn. Did

“No, Carlos.” Jose shifted closer. “Trella wasn’t harmed in
that manner.”

Intense relief flooded through Carlos.

“I’ll drive the ladies home. Let you get back to Trella.”

When they entered the room, Melissa held Trella’s hand. “I
can stay the night with her.”

Carlos exchanged a look with Jose.

“Carlos has everything under control.” Jose joined her,
gently extracting her hand to hold it in his.

Selina bent to kiss Trella’s cheek. “We’ll be back

“Maybe one of you can bring her a change of clothes?”

Selina nodded.

Carlos followed them from the room. He stopped at the
nurses’ station for directions to the chapel then walked through the quiet
halls. He peered inside before entering the small sanctuary.

Carlos lit a candle for Louis. He sat on a bench and said a
quiet prayer for his brother and friend.

Louis, man, Trella’s safe. If it wasn’t for her
questioning your notes we may not have learned the truth. I’ll take care of
her. We miss you.

The candle flared brighter. He rose to his feet and crossed
himself before leaving the small room. On his way back he stopped at the gift
shop and purchased a bouquet of flowers for Trella’s room along with a white
teddy bear wearing a leather jacket.

Carlos pushed open the door to Trella’s room. After placing
the flowers on a small table, he crossed the floor to peer closely at her. She
slept soundly on her side, her hands curled beneath her chin. He lifted the
sheet, tucking the bear next to her chest.

He shrugged off his jacket then placed it over the back of
the chair. He turned off the main overhead light, allowing the glow from the
one in the bathroom to provide the only illumination. In the darkened room he released
the tears he’d been holding back throughout the course of her ordeal.

He hoped she’d allow him to remain at her side forever. But
if she didn’t mean her earlier admission, he’d survive not being a permanent
part of her life as long as he knew she was safe.

* * * * *

A week later Carlos invited Trella’s friends, Alfonso and
his family and the guys over to celebrate her release from the hospital. He and
Alfonso flipped burgers on the grill as Melissa, Selina and a few of their
other female friends floated in the pool. With so many female assets on display
the guys sat near the edge, ogling while pretending not to.

Yesterday Trella’s friends had taken her to the spa for a
day of treatments. Her parents called and mentioned coming for a visit soon.

Melissa and Selina had become part of his extended family.
Maria was in heaven, enjoying the attention of the women doting on her while
Adam sat captivated as Donovan and Jackson regaled him with tales of BB5’s

Jose, trying to downplay his interest in Melissa, watched
the steaks, but more than once Carlos had to rescue the thick cuts of meat
because his friend’s interest had wandered to the pool.

“Where’s Trella?” Miguel carried a tray of condiments, which
he set on the middle of the table.

“Upstairs. Painting. She had a flash of inspiration,” Carlos

“You guys a confirmed couple now or what?” Jose asked.

He shrugged. “Don’t know, man.”

“How could she not love you?” Alfonso joked.

“I agree. How could I not?”

At the sound of the husky, warm voice Carlos—along with
everyone within earshot—turned toward the doorway where Trella, dressed in a
white tank and black yoga pants, stood with one hand on her hip.

“Glad to see everybody. Feel free to stay awhile. I’m sorry,
guys, but I need Carlos’ help with something for a minute.”

She smiled sweetly. “Jackson, can you help Jose? I don’t
think his mind is one hundred percent on the grill. Seems the bulk of his
attention is on the pool for some reason.”

Melissa gasped and Trella laughed.

“If you guys get hungry, feel free to go ahead and eat. ”
Pivoting, she headed back inside.

“You’re in for it now,” Jose murmured.

Jackson hurried to take the tongs from Carlos. “Where’s your

Selina lifted her sunglasses off her face. “You’re still the
man, right,

“Don’t let her punk you,” Donovan advised him.

“If you’re being punished,
, take it like a man.”
Ava kissed his cheek as he passed her.

Unsure if what transpired was for the guys’ benefit or if
Trella intended to rip him a new one, Carlos ascended the stairs with as much
enthusiasm as a student visiting the principal’s office.

She sat on an upholstered chair in her bedroom, elbows resting
on her thighs. She watched his approach but her face gave nothing away.

He knelt in front of her. Since her release he hadn’t been
in her bed. It took all his restraint to stay away from her but he wanted her
to have time to process what happened and deal with her own closure.

Her gaze ran over his face. “When are you leaving?”

His chest tightened. So it had been the medication talking.
“You ready to see me go?” He forced out the question.

Minutes dragged by before she answered. Minutes that aged
him an entire lifetime.

She brushed the lock of hair off his forehead, smiling when
it fell back into place. “No I’m not ready for you to leave but I know you’re
not interested in a long-term relationship. I need to know when you’re leaving
so I can prepare myself.”

She doesn’t want me to leave
. His heart tripled its
beat. He tried to answer her but he was frozen from the desire to hear the
words he prayed she would utter again.

She cleared her throat. “

He clasped her hands in his. “I can’t.”

She nodded, glancing down at their hands. “I figured as
much. I mean, I know you probably don’t feel—”

“I’m tired of you trying to tell me about my feelings,
woman.” He anchored his hands on her hips, propelling her forward on the seat.
He kissed the sweet curve of her neck.

“What’s between us isn’t going away. You can run from it if
you want but I’m not, Carlos. I’m yours whether you want me or not.”

He leaned closer, dropping a gentle kiss on her lips. The
immediate rush of desire sent a shudder through him. After a second she sank
her hands into his hair, caressing his scalp with her fingertips.

“I love you. We’ll make this work, Trella,” he murmured
against her lips.

Her body trembled against his and she pulled away.

“Sweetheart?” He straightened then swung her weight into his
arms. He sat on the bed, easing toward the middle. He settled her back against
him within the space created by his splayed legs. “What’s wrong?”

Her fingers entwined with his. “I love you back,” she

If he hadn’t been sitting down, he’d have leaped into the
air and tried to fly. He grinned so wide his jaw hurt. He nuzzled her neck.

She chuckled. “Can you do a long-distance relationship?”

“I’ll do whatever it takes to be with you.” He stroked her
thighs. “What would you say if I opened the next office in Phoenix?”

“I’d say fantastic.” She rose to her knees, shifting around
to face him. She caressed his cheek. “You were right about us.”

He turned his head to kiss her palm. “Been trying to tell
you that for a while now.”

Laughing, she eased off the bed. “I want to paint. Come on.”
She tugged at his arm.

Carlos rose. He pulled her back against him and slid his
hands down her arms. Pushing against her, he allowed her to feel the stirring
of an erection tightening his shorts. “You don’t want to do something else?”


He groaned. “You really want me to watch you paint?”

She nodded. “More than anything.” An enigmatic smile curved
her lips. Sliding from his arms, she stripped off the white tank.

He groaned. “You’re lucky I love you.”

She unhooked her black lace bra then hung it around his
neck, baring her beautiful breasts to his view. “No. You are the lucky one—I
have body paint.” She headed into the studio. “Coming?”

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