Read Pack Investigator Online

Authors: Crissy Smith

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

Pack Investigator (4 page)

“I know,” Haas said. “So what do you say about partnering up?”

“I don’t have my certification,” Garrett reminded him.

“Right now that doesn’t matter. With these arson cases, the new mayor has given me leave to pretty much use any resources I come across. He wants this case solved quickly. With all the fallout from the old mayor getting arrested, he doesn’t want any more negative publicity than we’ve had in the last three months,” Haas told him.

Garrett hadn’t been around when the previous mayor had been arrested for drug trafficking and targeting the shifters. He knew quite a bit about the case because Cooper had been one of the detectives involved in the takedown. “I understand.”

“We can call this a trial run for a partnership and see how we work together,” Haas suggested. “If we find we make a good team, we’ll work out a schedule to get your education and testing completed.”

The opportunity was almost too good to believe. It was definitely way too good to pass up. “When do we start?” he asked.

“Let’s begin with last night’s fire,” Haas suggested. “Did you know Nick prior to last night?”

“No, it just happened to have been my turn to search for survivors inside the structure. He just clamped onto me and didn’t want me to leave his side,” Garrett replied.

“That may be the best thing that boy could have done,” Haas said.

“What do you mean?” Garrett asked.

“I assume that the social worker spoke to you last night?”

He nodded as he watched Haas’ features. There was something that was bothering him and it worried Garrett.

“I’ve worked with Lillian before and Nick is in good hands, but I’m not sure how safe he is going to be right now with his dad missing and us not knowing why,” Haas stated. “I’ve spoken to both the Alpha and Randy’s business partner this morning. Alpha Jeremy had a security breach last night and Mr. Bolton’s law firm was broken into.”

Garrett sat back as he sucked in a breath. The case was about so much more than the fire. For the criminals to hit two shifter places that close together, wow, they were looking for something. Or someone. “Are they looking for Nick?”

“No,” Haas said quickly. “I don’t believe so. The struggle at the house and the break-ins suggest that Randy was taken for a reason. The neighbor that called in the fire also reported seeing Randy taken from the house. We know for sure that his hands were tied and he was barely walking on his own. Like he has something they want. I fear that if whoever took Randy doesn’t get what they want, they might come after the boy.”

His chest tightened and it was hard for Garrett to breathe. He clenched his hands into fists before forcing his body to take in a long, deep breath. Just the thought of someone hurting Nick made him want to kill them.

Haas remained silent but his gaze was steady with Garrett’s.

“The connection between the two of you is unbelievable,” Haas noted, his voice full of awe.

“I don’t know what it is about him but all my instincts are screaming at me to protect him,” Garrett whispered. “I need to make sure that he’ll be surrounded by enough security when he leaves here that we don’t have to worry about him getting kidnapped. That has to be our first priority.” He knew he wasn’t in a position to make demands but Nick had to be safe. “I know that Lily is working with the cops but I have to be involved.”

“I agree,” Haas replied. “I don’t think Lily knows about the two instances. When I spoke to our Alpha he stated that Nick was supposed to go over there but he was going to talk to her about other arrangements. He plans to have the Pack spread out over the town so they’re visible to anyone who is paying attention to the Pack. He doesn’t want to put the kid in harm’s way any more than we do.”

Garrett opened his mouth to say he’d take him but Haas held up his hand. “I know you’re going to offer but I don’t think that will work either.”

“Why not?” Garrett couldn’t keep the hurt from his tone.

“We’ll be working a ton of hours and you’ll be gone most of the time. He’ll need someone to stay with him until this is solved,” Haas explained.

Okay so he knew,
Haas was right but he still wanted the boy close to him.

“Maybe with a cop and an EMT?” he suggested. Julie would probably want to kill him at first but he knew she wouldn’t be able to turn away a boy in need. Plus Nick was a part of Cooper’s Pack, so Garrett was certain he could get the cop on his side.

“Cooper and your sister? That’s”—Haas sat back—“a really good idea. I haven’t met your sister yet but Cooper is a great cop.”

When he didn’t say anything else, Garrett raised an eyebrow. “But?”

“No, no buts.” Haas waved his hand as he spoke. “I’ve spent all morning trying to come up with a solution and you did it for me.”

Pride filled Garrett’s soul and he couldn’t help but smile. It felt good to be appreciated.

“Now we just have to convince Lily,” Haas said. “She’s by the book and what we’re talking about isn’t regulation. She’d have to bend some of the rules.”

“I saw how much she cares about Nick,” Garrett told him. And he had. Lily wasn’t what he’d expected when he’d pictured a woman working in social services. For some reason he’d anticipated an older lady who looked like his grandma. He didn’t know why he’d thought that but when Lily had walked in with her long blonde hair, clear blue eyes, and cute, pert nose, he’d been shocked. She appeared to be around the same age as he was, but that wasn’t what had thrown him for a loop. Lily was stunning.

“She does care,” Haas agreed. “We just have to find a way to convince her.”

Garrett drained his cup before he held it up to the waitress for a refill. “I’m going to need more coffee.”

Haas laughed. “We’ll come back to that. What do you know about the other fires?”


* * * *


Lily woke to a small whimper close to her ear. She opened her eyes and saw Nick thrashing but still asleep. She pushed back her chair, moved closer to the small boy and ran her hand over his hair. “Shh,” she soothed.

Nick settled before he blinked his eyes open. “Garrett?”

It was sweet that the boy’s first thought was of Garrett. “He’ll be back, hon.”

“He left?” Nick popped up.

“No,” she assured him. “Look, his bag is still in the corner there,” she told him, pointing to where Garrett had been sleeping. “I bet he just went to get coffee.” She couldn’t see Garrett taking off without a goodbye to the kid.

“Not just coffee,” Garrett announced as he walked in. “I got a chocolate milk here too. I wonder who I’ll give it to.”

“Me!” Nick cried as he waved his hands.

“Well, I guess you can have it,” Garrett teased.

Lily was surprised when he passed her a large to-go cup as he made his way to the bed. “Yum,” she murmured as the aroma of the fresh coffee drifted up to her.

“House blend,” Garrett said before he winked at her. And damn if her knees didn’t go weak.

She didn’t care what it was as long as it was brewed strong.

Nick giggled as Garrett reached down and tickled him. Lily found herself smiling as she watched them.

“Okay, little man,” Garrett said to Nick. “You drink this and I’ll turn on some cartoons for you. I need to speak with Lily for a minute.”

“Sure,” Nick agreed easily.

Lily sipped on her beverage as Garrett got Nick sitting up in bed with his drink and
Scooby Doo
on the television mounted on the wall. Once Nick was busy, Garrett motioned her into the hall.

Since he had brought her an amazingly good coffee, she rose without question.

“We’ll just be in the hall,” he called to Nick before following her out and closing the door behind them.

“What’s going on?” she questioned as she leaned against the wall.

“I need to talk to you about where you’re going to take Nick once he’s released,” Garrett told her.

Lily had been waiting for this conversation. “I’ve already spoken to the Alpha of the Pack. He’ll take Nick in until we find his dad.”

Garrett was shaking his head before she’d even finished her sentence. “That’s not going to work.”

“And why not?” she asked skeptically. Garrett seemed like a nice guy and he was hot as fuck but he wasn’t going to tell her how to do her job.

“Listen,” he said as he held up his hands. “I just spoke to Lieutenant Haas. The Alpha compound had a breach last night.”

“Oh my god.” Lily had to tighten her hand on her cup to keep from dropping it. “Was anyone hurt?”

“No, the guards responded quickly and no one got in. But it might not be safe for Nick. Someone is targeting shifters,” Garrett said.

Lily glanced back toward the door that Nick was safe behind. This did complicate matters. She couldn’t put Nick in any more danger. It was her job to keep him safe. “Okay, I have other homes I can place him in. Human families that shouldn’t be targets.”

“They won’t be able to protect him. What if whoever took his dad comes back for Nick? That might be what the attempted break-in was about. Plus Randy’s business was broken in to,” Garrett argued. “He needs to be with shifters but not somewhere that anyone would look for him.”

Lily agreed but her choices were limited.

“So here’s what we’ll do. I put a call into my sister and asked if she and Cooper could take Nick for a few days. They’re working different shifts right now so someone will always be with him. Plus we have a couple of buddies, shifters, that will hang out when Julie is alone with Nick,” Garrett told her.

Lily wasn’t entirely sure how she’d lost the upper hand of the conversation with Garrett but she was determined to let him know that she wouldn’t be bullied into doing what he wanted. No, her job was to care for and protect Nick.

“I understand how you feel but it is against department policy to place Nick with someone who is not trained for this type of situation,” she told him.

“You were going to place him with his Alpha,” Garrett replied.

“Yes, and depending on what Jeremy says about the break-in I still might. He’s met all our requirements and is qualified to foster children temporarily. If he’s not able to take Nick now, I have other homes that are fully capable of seeing to Nick’s needs,” she said with confidence. “I can get patrol cops to watch the area.”

When he groaned, she had to work to suppress the shudder her body had in reaction to him. Damn, that sound echoed down her spine.

“I understand you care about the boy but so do I,” she assured him.

“He needs protection, more than just cops sitting in front of the house. Especially since this guy likes to burn homes to the ground,” Garrett argued. “This is a special case. You have to be able to do something.”

Lily sighed. They were just going around in circles.

“Let him stay with Cooper and Julie. Cooper’s a police officer and he can ensure his safety. Julie is a trained EMT so his health will be looked after. This is the best idea if you really think about it,” Garrett repeated his earlier argument.

“It’s not just up to me. I have superiors that I have to answer to,” she said. She was weakening and knew it.

Garrett’s dark eyes softened. He reached out and grasped her elbow. The heat of his palm burned into her flesh. She had to work to control how his touch affected her.

“Try, just please see what you can do.”

She was going to give in and it had nothing to do with his damn puppy dog eyes, she tried to tell herself. “I have to call my superior and Jeremy. See what they think.”

He grinned. “That’s all I ask.”


Chapter Three




Garrett glanced up from where he’d spread out his papers and laptop on the kitchen table when the back door to his sister’s house opened. Julie was currently at the stove making dinner while he was reading over the files that Haas had brought him.

Cooper entered the kitchen, letting in a cold gust of wind. The warmth of the kitchen against the chill of the fall night had Garrett shivering just a little.

“Shut the door!” Julie called out. “You’re letting the cold in.”

“Mike, hurry up,” Cooper yelled.

Mike Riley came rushing in and closed the door. “Hey.” Mike nodded to him. “Good to see you.”

Garrett stood and held up his hand. Cooper, of course, had gone straight to Julie to get his welcoming kiss.

“You too,” Garrett said to Mike. He’d first met Mike when his sister had thrown a barbecue for hers and Cooper’s friends and family to get to know each other. Mike was one of Cooper’s best friends from their college days. Garrett had become fast friends with the lawyer.

“Next time we should leave out arson, break-ins and kidnapping and just grab a beer,” Mike said.

Garrett lifted an eyebrow in question.

“Randy Bolton is my law partner,” Mike explained.

“The break-in?” Garrett asked.

“I don’t know what they were looking for but I doubt they found anything. They trashed the place but I didn’t find anything missing.”

That is weird.
Garrett needed to find out how all the shifters were connected. Lieutenant Haas was already starting that line of research and Garrett had a feeling that would be where they found their answers. That didn’t mean that he couldn’t ask Mike a few questions, even if he wasn’t officially assigned to the case until the next day.

Garrett pulled out a chair from the table and motioned for Mike to do the same. Cooper joined them as Julie finished off making dinner. She pulled down plates from the cabinets and he knew they didn’t have much time to talk before Nick would come in.

“What’s next?” Garrett questioned because if he knew Cooper and Mike they would have a plan.

“Our Alpha is heading out in the morning to California to talk to the Council and ask if they can give us any help. While he’s gone we’ll continue to look for Randy and protect Nick,” Cooper answered.

“It was a good idea bringing Nick here,” Mike added.

“It’s all I could think of to keep him safe,” Garrett admitted. “I feel like it’s my responsibility. I don’t know why, but I’m going to do it.”

“Follow your instincts,” Cooper told him.

Garrett knew that shifters believed strongly in fate and instinct. He was glad he had someone to talk to. While Nick was out of the room, he wanted to mention Nick’s social worker too. Lily hadn’t been far from his thoughts since they’d separated earlier. She was planning to stop by later to drop off some clothes and stuff for Nick. She’d said it was normal procedure but Garrett had a feeling that this wasn’t just an everyday case for her either. The connection between Lily and Nick was as strong as the one he had with the kid.

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