Read One Love Online

Authors: Lynn Emery

Tags: #romance, #louisiana, #contemporary fiction, #geneaology

One Love (3 page)

Uh, let’s not start
something up in here, girlfriend,” Lanessa mumbled to Yasmin. She
eyed the annoyed women.

Yasmin waved a hand without even
looking at them. “Don’t look at them and they’ll go

Jackie laughed and shook her head.
“Wow, those dancers are something else.”

She accepted a glass of pink lemonade
and Lanessa had Sprite. Both were in wineglasses. Yasmin smiled her
thanks to one of the handsome men when he handed her a glass of
diet Pepsi.

What did I say? Didn’t I
tell you they’d take your breath away?”Yasmin looped arms with
Jackie and Lanessa.

Girl, I’d be a groupie for
those fine brothers any day. I mean that!” Jackie fanned herself.
“Lord have mercy.”

I’m talking about the
majesty of a dance tradition that goes back centuries,” Yasmin
said. She took a dainty sip of the cola.

Uh-huh,” Jackie

They’re telling stories
that our ancestors listened to and told after coming to this
country in chains.” Yasmin led them to spot away from the bar and
those pressing forward for refreshments.

How anyone could call our
cousins uncivilized is beyond me,” Lanessa said.

Simple, chauvinistic
stupidity,” Yasmin said with her usual bluntness.

I’d love to visit Africa
one day.” Lanessa nodded. “In fact we should definitely make plans
to go on a tour.”

I’m there if we can find
the fine brother that played the chief’s son,” Jackie said with a

I’m going to pour these ice
cubes down your blouse to cool you off.” Yasmin frowned in
disapproval. “Must you make this superb cultural event into a peep

Pu-leeze, I saw you gawking
at those manly brown frames.” Jackie’s dark eyebrows went up. “When
that man with the lion costume leaped on stage, you

Because I was startled.”
Yasmin avoided her gaze. She dabbed at her neck with a paper

Yeah right.” Jackie

Yasmin, she’s got you.”
Lanessa joined in the laughter. “I thought you were going to climb
up there, baby.”

After a few seconds, Yasmin giggled
wickedly. “The man’s thighs are so...” She let out a low purr from
the back of her throat.

Yasmin and Jackie joined in a spirited
discussion about the assets of the male dancers. Lanessa let her
attention wander. She scanned the well-dressed crowd enjoying
herself. Souvenir items of the performance were being sold at a
stand in another corner of the lobby.

I’ve got to have this
soundtrack,” Lanessa said.

Jackie and Yasmin nodded without
missing a beat in their conversation. Lanessa moved through the
throng intent on her goal. She was determined not to let the
compact discs sell out or miss one minute of the performance. The
stack of recordings was steadily disappearing.

Pardon me.”

Lanessa pushed by a group of
chattering matrons blocking her path. They looked a bit miffed at
her but she kept going. Her effort was rewarded when she arrived at
the counter. There were only three people ahead of her. She was
glad to see there was another box of compact discs being opened.
One woman wavered over which African print scarf would suit her.
Lanessa looked over to see Jackie waving to her. She nodded to
indicate she would soon join them. Just as she was about turn away,
the broad shoulders of a man caused a catch in her throat. Could
she be mistaken? Of course not. She’d recognize him anywhere, even
with his back to her and at the other end of a wide room. Alexander
James St. Romaine stood out in any crowd. Alex was intent on
something the woman beside him was saying. She was petite with
shoulder length dark hair. Her black dress was a classic, simply
cut with cap sleeves. When they walked toward the auditorium to
return to their seats, Alex smiled down at the woman. His strong
profile confirmed what she already knew. It seemed their seats were
to the left and below the middle section where Lanessa sat.
Lanessa’s heart thumped causing her to let out a small cry. The way
he’d looked at the woman was like an arrow in her chest.

Ma’am, what can I get for
you?”The cashier raised his voice.” Ma’am?”

A tall man to her right smiled.” Hard
to choose. I’m having the same problem.”

Lanessa could only nod. She swallowed
hard and forced her gaze away from the handsome couple. “I’ll—I’ll
take a compact disc. Make it three. And give me one of those head

She worked hard to slow her
I knew this was a mistake. I never
should have come.
Lanessa paid for her
purchases. For the rest of the evening she tried to blot out the
familiar stunning smile. A smile that was for another woman




Aren’t you glad I talked
you into coming? And you were going to work late again.” Karin
tightened her hold on his arm.

You were right,” Alex
admitted easily.” I would have kicked myself for days if I’d missed

I know African dance and
music are two of your passions.”

Every movement is like...
magic.” Alex said.” I’d seen them on television but nothing equals
a live performance.”

How true. I’m glad you’re
enjoying yourself.” Karin smiled up at him.

Definitely. Too bad they
haven’t been to Baton Rouge.” Alex took one last sip of California
Sauvignon. He placed both their glasses on the empty tray a passing
waiter held out to them.

Oh, what a wonderful idea,”
Karin said with animation.

What idea?”Alex handed her
a fresh napkin.

Thank you. Your idea about
bringing them to Baton Rouge,” Karin said.” My chapter could get a
grant from the Arts Council.”

My idea?”

We could sponsor groups of
inner city children.” Her eyes sparkled at the prospect.” They
would love it.”

This wouldn’t have anything
to do with the rivalry, would it?”

There were two chapters of the
venerable Delta Sigma Theta sorority in Baton Rouge. They competed
to put on the premier social and cultural event of each

Certainly not.” There was
no real denial in Karin’s voice. Her eyes held a glint of
mischief.” But a performance this magnificent would leave their art
show and sale in the dust.”

Alex chuckled.” Not that you’d rub
their noses in it.”

Well, I can’t promise.”
Karin laughed.” Oh, don’t forget you wanted to buy a

I almost forgot.” Alex
looked across the lobby.” They might be out of them by now...” His
voice trailed off. He blinked hard.

Better hurry. The
intermission will be over in about one minute.”

It was her. Lanessa. Her hair was
pulled up in a swirl. His favorite style. In a flash he remembered
the feel of it, like soft dark fleece. How many times had he taken
out a decorative comb and pulled his fingers through it? She’d tilt
her head back to let him kiss her throat. Such a vivid image after
all this time. A tall man stood near her. Alex turned his back to

I’ll wait until later,” he

They’re sure to sell out by
then. Come on, the line is short.” Karin started off but stopped
when he did not move.” Alex?”

They’re about to start.
Let’s go in.” He guided a confused Karin toward the open

All right. If you’re sure.”
Karin looked at him with concern.” What’s the matter?”

Alex pulled his lips back in what he
hoped was a smile.” Nothing. I just don’t want to risk missing a
second of those fabulous moves. I’m sure they’ve got plenty of CDs
since it was a sellout performance.”

Good point. I can’t wait to
see how it ends.”

Alex nodded and tried to
answer in all the right places as Karin talked on. Another part of
his attention was on erasing the lovely face from his mind’s eye.
He’d heard she had her own business, that she was doing much
better. What was in the glass she carried? Who was that man
standing close to her? Probably another wealthy idiot buying her
whatever she wanted. Alex felt hostility toward the nameless,
faceless man.
I must be out of my mind!
Forget it. Be glad she’s somebody else’s headache now.
It appeared Lanessa was had not changed at all.
Karin’s voice broke through his thoughts. Sensible, stable Karin
Roan. She deserved all his attention. Karin would never take him on
a wild emotional roller coaster ride.

I’m sorry what did you

Are you sure nothing’s
wrong?” Karin stared at him with a slight frown.

Positive,” Alex said in a
firm voice.” I’m Looking forward to dinner at our favorite place.”
He worked to banish sensuous memories of a troubled woman for the
rest of the evening.



Chapter 2



Alex walked around in a circle on the
basketball court. Sweat dripped down his face. His best friend,
Evan Jones, took a deep drink of bottled water. Alex, Evan and a
group of guys they’d known since college played on the YMCA court
every week. The others sat around talking about business and more
sports while they cooled off. After a few seconds, one by one they
trailed off to the showers.

Man, your game is off
tonight. Or maybe I’m just so damn good.” Evan nodded to himself.”
Yeah, I like that better,” he said with a cocky grin.

You wish.” Alex wiped his
face with a towel.

I know the signs.” Evan
plopped down on the wooden bleachers.


You got woman trouble
written all over you, brother.” Evan lifted both hands out.” You’ve
been testy since I picked you up. And you were out with Karin last
night. I rest my case.”

You make a lousy lawyer.
Which isn’t surprising since you’re an electrician.” Alex sat a few
feet from him.

See? Testy as a

There is nothing going on
between Karin and me, all right?”Alex leaned back to put both
elbows on the seat behind him.” She’s a sweet lady. No mood swings,
no guessing what’s wrong or nasty surprises.”

So you keep telling me.”
Evan stood up and did cool down stretching exercises

No mind bending highs and
lows. No wanting to dash off on some crazy trip at the last
minute.” Alex rolled his shoulders.” I’ve got no

Evan stopped to stare at him.”

Yeah.” Alex sat on the
floor, spread his legs and grabbed his ankles.” So you’re wrong,
it’s not Karin.”

I was wrong. It’s not
Karin.” Evan nodded.


It’s Lanessa.” Evan pointed
a finger at him before going back to his exercises.

Alex sucked in air.” How did you?” He
stopped short with a look of chagrin.

You and Shauntelle are good
pals despite a divorce.” Evan scratched his head.” And by the way,
you guys are strange. My ex-wife regularly threatens to put a stake
through my heart.”

Try not telling the world
she’s a devil worshipper,” Alex said.

Hey, the woman tried to
strip me of everything I’ve worked for.” Evan spoke with

You tried to hide assets,
man. Women can scent money during a divorce.” Alex

I’ve got my girls to think
of.” Evan frowned.

Alex wore a look of sympathy for him.
Evan had lost his first wife to breast cancer when she was only
thirty-two. Now he was raising a ten year old and a twelve year old
alone. His second marriage had been a disaster.

You’ll be okay,” Alex

Yeah, at least the girls
seemed to be taking it well.” Evan was a doting father.

Are you kidding? They’re
still celebrating.” Alex laughed. They had disliked their
stepmother on sight.

Evan grinned.” They did do a dance
around the living room when I broke the news.” He squinted at
Alex.” But back to Lanessa.”

How did we get to Lanessa
is what I want to know.” Alex’s mouth turned down. He picked up his
towel again and looked away.

Mood swings, highs and
lows, rushing off on exciting spontaneous getaways?”

I never used the word

Only one woman fits that
description,” Evan went on.” Lanessa Thomas.”

Alex frowned and said nothing. For the
past week Lanessa had popped into his mind like a genie out of a
bottle. With disturbing frequency he found himself thinking of her.
It was only curiosity. They had known each other for years. He only
wondered how she was doing with her business.

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