Read One Love Online

Authors: Lynn Emery

Tags: #romance, #louisiana, #contemporary fiction, #geneaology

One Love (21 page)

So you know why I’m
worried. I see the pattern, Ev. I can see it so clear.”

Maybe you need to step back
a little.”

What do you mean?” Alex
rubbed his jaw.

Could be you’re just
sensitive because of the past. I know how hard it was on you
before.” Evan held up a palm when Alex started to speak. “Wait a
minute. Let’s look at it logically. Lanessa has a growing
consulting firm.”

Sure. I’m proud of her,”
Alex said with vehemence. “But she’s taking on too much too

Could be. Or maybe she’s
doing what she needs to do. There are a certain number of functions
I go to because of business.”

Yeah, but she’s been out
three and four times a week for the past month. That doesn’t make
sense.” Alex wore a stubborn expression. “You can’t tell me she has
to be everywhere.”

What did she say when you
talked to her about it?”

Well I mentioned it a
couple of times but. . . I don’t want to sound like a selfish man
trying to keep his lady all to himself.” Alex stared at the

Uh-huh.” Evan pressed his
lips together. “So you haven’t really talked about it.”

I haven’t been nagging her
if that’s what you mean.” Alex knew he sounded

Stop hinting, I say.” Evan
picked up the metal top covering the hot platter of food. He
scooped a generous helping onto his empty plate with a

I guess.” Alex watched him
eat for a few seconds. “Now if I can get her to slow down long
enough to listen.”




Lanessa was in her element. She looked
around the room with a slight smile on her face. Smartly dressed
men and women, none over forty-five, laughed and joked. Everyone
still wore their business attire. The men were in gray and navy
blue. The women were the same except some wore skirts while others
were in tailored pantsuits with a masculine cut. There were flashes
of color that livened up the conservative uniforms of the corporate
up and comers. Scarves and shirts were in all colors of the
rainbow. Just the right touch of style but still in line with

The early evening cocktail soiree was
buzzing with conversation. Lanessa circulated through the room
smiling. She was greeted warmly for the most part. A few people had
been in recovery around the same time she had. One woman pointedly
avoided eye contact. Lanessa made sure to respect her silent
request for space.

Look who’s here! You look
fantastic, lady.” A contralto voice called out to her. The tall
woman with red-hair draped an arm around Lanessa’s shoulder. She
pecked her cheek then stood back to look at her.

Thanks, Jeanne.” Lanessa
felt uncomfortable with her former boss. She had clashed with her
often in the old days. Most of it was Lanessa’s fault. “How are

Surviving in the bowels of
state government. And I mean that literally. You know what hits the
fan regularly.” Jeanne let loose a hearty laugh.

Lanessa joined her in laughter. “Don’t
I though. I hear you’ve got all new equipment. Real high

Jeanne nodded. “Advance Tech got us
all hooked up. Alex is a life saver when we screw things up.”
Jeanne bit her lower lip and frowned in dismay. “Oops, sorry.”
“Actually we’re back together.” Lanessa felt how good those words
sounded right down to her toes.

How wonderful! And I hear
impressive talk about you business.” Jeanne wore a sincere
expression. “I’m really glad for you.”

Lanessa was ashamed to be treated with
such generosity after the way she’d behaved toward Jeanne. The no
nonsense woman had run the documents section of in the state
capitol basement with efficiency. Lanessa had tested her tolerance
by coming in late or not coming in at all. When Jeanne tried to
help her realize she needed counseling, Lanessa had lashed out.
They had not seen each other since Lanessa resigned giving short
notice four years ago.

Jeanne, listen. I never
told you how sorry I was for the way I behaved. You covered my butt
so many times.” Lanessa spoke quietly.

I know, girl. Besides you
called me up one day and apologized three years ago. You were a bit
wasted at the time, but still...” Jeanne patted her arm.

Lord, I’ll spend another
fifty years trying to apologize for everything I’ve done.” Lanessa
put a hand to forehead briefly.

Hey, what matters is where
you are today. Right?” Jeanne said.

Thanks.” Lanessa gave her
hand a squeeze.

Listen, don’t nominate me
for sainthood. I’ve made a few stumbles myself along the way.”
Jeanne took a sip of cola from the glass she held.

So what are you doing here
with this crowd? I see at least five people you loathe.” Lanessa
tilted her head slightly in the direction of a group of men and

Like the old folks say,
sometimes you got to take the good with the bad.” Jeanne’s mouth
turned down as she glanced at them. “These snobby black folks
really work on my nerves.”

They are kinda hard to take
some days.” Lanessa settled into the familiar rapport they’d shared
for the six years she’d worked with Jeanne. “What gets me is how
they just bask in it. Look at them.”

Yes. So thrilled to be the
so-called Talented tenth.” Jeanne winked at Lanessa. “More than a
few are light on talent, if you get me.” She tapped a finger
against her temple.

Lanessa chuckled. “Who you know rather
than what you know.”

Precisely.” Jeanne eyed the
crowd in appraisal. “But family connections make up for it. Hell,
what can I say? I’ve got my first job out of college that

My parents helped me. But
we both performed once we got the opportunity. We didn’t expect to
skate by.” Lanessa saw several classmates from Southern University.
“But you’ve got to admit, there are some smart people in this

Oh yes. Except for a few
lightweights around the fringes, we’ve got some real brains in
here. Present company included.”

Thank you, ma’am. That goes
for you, too.” Lanessa gave a mock bow.

Speaking of the bad. Up
pops the devil.” Jeanne faced Lanessa. “Metoyer just slithered in.
That loathsome Glenn Curtis is right behind him.”

Lanessa discreetly looked over
Jeanne’s shoulder to see the handsome profile. She was relieved at
least to see he was alone. Three women circled him like hungry cats
just catching sight of cream. Lanessa had a feeling he would not be
alone much longer.

He’s got his faults. But
I’d hardly call him evil incarnate.” Lanessa followed Jeanne as
they slowly walked in the opposite direction of Metoyer and his
admirers. “Glenn is a chump, but small time.”

Take it from me; Metoyer is
a real piece of work.” Jeanne sounded bitter. “And Glenn’s
influence is growing.”

There’s a story behind that
advice. I want to hear it, Jeanne.”

Jeanne shook her head. “Too long, and
I can’t go into now.” She glanced around to make sure no one was
paying close attention to their talk.

Lanessa grabbed her arm. “Come over
here.” She led them to an alcove with two chairs. No one could
stand nearby without them knowing. “I’ve got to know.”

I’ll give you the short version.
Metoyer is toxic waste. He poisons whoever gets too close to him.
Especially women.”

Details, Jeanne. It’s
really important.” Lanessa leaned toward her and spoke in an
intense voice.

Don’t tell me you’ve gotten
mixed up with him.” Jeanne frowned. “Believe me, honey. Alex is
better for you. Sure he’s less glitzy, but--”

That was the old Lanessa,
honey. Bright plumage and a great strut don’t excite me anymore.”
Lanessa watched Charles move with confidence around the


But I know two very nice
women who are dating him. Unknown to each other naturally. One is a
dear friend.”

Humph, then keep a supply
of tissues handy,” Jeanne said. “She’s going to be crying on your
shoulder one of these days.”

I’m going to tell her the
truth.” Lanessa was surer each day she was right to do

Remember Brianne Thurgood?
We were close at one time. I tried to tell her not to trust
Charles.” Jeanne shook her head. “She hasn’t spoken to me since.
The man has them mesmerized until nothing anyone says

Yasmin and I have been
through it together. Our relationship goes deep.”

I’m telling you it’s
happened over and over. Let her find out for herself.”

I can’t. She’s been through
too much all ready.” Lanessa kept an eye on him without

Then all I can do is wish
you luck. You’ll need it.” Jeanne placed her now empty glass on the
small table between the two chairs.

What else happened to make
you despise the man so much?” Lanessa felt a thrill at getting real
firsthand knowledge about his misdeeds.

You’re only one of a very
few I’d tell. But...”

I’m getting a real creepy
feeling. You sound like he’s a vampire or something,” Lanessa

A stake through his heart
wouldn’t be a bad idea,” Jeanne retorted with a malicious glint in
her eyes.

Jeanne spoke in a rapid undertone. In
a few minutes, she told Lanessa of three incidents in the last two
years where Charles stabbed someone in the back, drove one lover to
attempt suicide, and betrayed a business partner.

I can’t believe no one’s
kicked his butt!” Lanessa was amazed at the audacity of the man.
“He just goes through life stepping on people!”

I could tell you more, but
you get the picture. I’d bet money that the worse he’s done hasn’t
seen the light of day yet.” Jeanne cast a glance at Metoyer. “He’s
an accomplished escape artist.”

Thanks, Jeanne. I
appreciate the info.” Lanessa mulled over this added evidence
against Charles’ character.

No problem. Now I’m going
to make one last circuit, kiss up to the hostess and go home.”
Jeanne waved to her. “Let’s have lunch soon.”

Sure enough.”

Lanessa watched Jeanne do just as she
said she would. Jeanne strolled toward Nadine Hoffman, the woman
who had given the party. Few people could entertain like Nadine.
Lanessa was about to look away when she caught sight of Charles
Metoyer. He said something to Glenn, and then headed straight for

Now this is going to be
interesting,” Lanessa said to herself.

She sat forward in her chair as though
at movie that was riveting. Charles smiled and greeted Jeanne with
warmth. Even from this distance, Lanessa could sense Jeanne’s
chilly response. Charles bent his head forward and led her to a
corner. They spoke quietly for a few minutes. Finally Jeanne said
something and left him standing alone. Charles watched her leave
with a stony expression on his face. Lanessa felt a prick of
frustration. She would have to wait another entire day before
getting the scoop. She was deep in thought about Metoyer and her
all too soon discussion with Yasmin when a voice startled

Hello. My I’m Karin

Lanessa glanced to her right. Karin
stood with a drink in her hand. “Hi,” was all she could think to

You don’t know me but I’ve
heard a lot about you,” Karin said. Her tone was heavy with the
implication that what she’d heard was all bad.

Oh, yeah,” Lanessa said.
“I’m famous in certain circles.” She sat back and crossed her legs
in a relaxed pose.

Yes.” Karin let a short
silence pass before speaking again. “Mind if I sit

Not at all.” Lanessa wore a
brief stiff smile.

As usual, Nadine has
everyone enjoying themselves.” Karin took a sip from her

She knows the right
combination of good food, drinks and music will please a crowd
every time.”

I noticed you at several
functions in the last few weeks.” Karin glanced around the room.
Her tone was casual.

I like to keep in touch
with what’s going on. Having my own business, it’s important.”
Lanessa put down her glass of melted ice and watered down soft

I understand. It must
really take you away from your personal life.” Karin waved to
someone across the room.

Not as much as you’d
think,” Lanessa said. Looked at her for a long moment. “Alex and I
do find time to be together.”

Karin started at the mention of his
name. “I suppose I should have guessed as much,” she said in a taut
voice. “But he’s used to more attention than you seem to give

Is that a fact?” Lanessa
turned toward her. “You’re the expert on Alex St.

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