Read One Love Online

Authors: Lynn Emery

Tags: #romance, #louisiana, #contemporary fiction, #geneaology

One Love (14 page)

I told you, it was my idea.
Karin only agreed because she’s so much in love with you.” Yvonne
scowled. “I’m shocked at how insensitive you are to her. A fling
with that Thomas woman is bad enough. But at least keep it

It’s a lot more than a
fling,” Alex said. “You’ll have to accept it.”

Yvonne stood fuming. “Your father will
have something to say about this,” she blurted out.

Dad is going to lecture me
about women? The man who’s on his third wife?” His anger drained
away as he threw back his head and laughed. “Thank you, Mother. I
needed a good joke.”

You’re right. This is all
his fault. Look what kind of example he’s set for his son.” Yvonne
switched her ire easily to her ex-husband.

Dad has been a wonderful
father and you know it. You’re both good parents. Don’t think we
didn’t figure out how hard you tried to stay together for us all.”
Alex and his sisters had watched them strain to hold their family
intact. Both worried about the effect of a divorce on their

Well, we put you first
always,” Yvonne said, her frown softened. “Which is why I’m
concerned about my granddaughters.”

So am I. Lanessa is no
threat to their well-being. You think I’d do anything to harm
them?” Alex said.

No, not purposely. But this
woman holds some kind of power over you.”

You mean I love her. That’s
the power she has,” Alex said softly.

Karin is so right for you.
Her family--”

Now I understand why Dad
would care.” Alex shook his head. “Tell him to give up the dream of
a merger with Roan, Inc.”

How will I ever face her
mother? Every month it seems we’ll see each other at some luncheon.
Not to mention the sorority meetings.” Yvonne put a hand to her

I think we’ll all survive.
It’s not as if Karin and I were engaged.” Alex gave her a peck on
the cheek. “Cheer up; you always wanted me to be happy. Well, I

Yvonne was subdued as they said
goodbye. Alex drove back to work with his mind still on Karin.
Strange that he had never recognized this side of her. She had
hidden a rock hard determination to own him. Maybe he had not made
more of a commitment because he’d sensed something. A picture of
Lanessa smiling at him flashed like a color slide. He had no such
doubts with her. They would be together soon. He turned down the
volume of his stereo radio and punched in her office number.
Hearing her voice would be better than any music.



Chapter 7



Lanessa twirled around to the beat.
The blues man belted out a song that had those who weren’t on the
dance floor tapping their feet and bouncing in their chairs. The
combination of blues, African rhythm and Cajun chords made Zydeco a
wonderful gumbo that was a feast for the ears. She laughed with
delight at the way Alex matched his steps to hers. They hadn’t
danced together in years. He caught her hand and led her in a
circle. They danced the two-step. With one last shout, the song
ended. Applause was punctuated by yelling from the appreciative
audience. Alex draped an arm around her waist as they walked back
to their table.

Good thing I’ve been
working out.” Alex fanned himself with a large hand. “Keeping up
with you on the floor can lay a brother out!”

Oh please. You jumped up
every time the band started. You know how to move it,

She was thrilled when he blushed with
pleasure. Making him happy was so fulfilling. How could she have
wasted all those years? No, she would not think negative thoughts.
Tonight was for pure no-holding-back exuberance. Lanessa enjoyed
the view. Alex was relaxed, totally at ease. He caught the arm of a
passing waiter.

Here, bring us a pitcher of
iced tea. So you won’t have to keep walking back.” Alex dropped
several bills on his tray.

More tea coming up,” the
waiter said with a grin.

Alex took her hand. “I haven’t had so
much fun since...” He traced a line along her arm starting at the
palm on up to the elbow.

Lanessa felt a shiver spread through
her. His touch was whisper light but the effect was potent. “Since
we went to that Zydeco dance club in Belle Rose. Seems a life time

We’ve got more happy
memories than either of us realized, don’t we?”His voice was quiet
yet reached her despite the buzz of noise around them.

This moment was crystal clear. The
color of his skin was like a rich chocolate confection. His deep
baritone reached out to her, every nuance caressing her soul. He
said her name with such tenderness. Lanessa pulled his face to her
and kissed him.

Thank you, baby.” Lanessa
brushed her lips across his one last time before pulling

Why are you thanking me?”
Alex gazed at her hair then looked into her eyes.

Because your heart is so
generous. After everything I’ve done--”

Hush.” He kissed her as
though to seal her lips. “We’ll have serious talk later. Tonight is
for dancing and laughing like crazy people.”

Come to think of it, I am
feeling a little giddy. Must be the company.” Lanessa pinched his

Watch out. I know all your
ticklish spots,” Alex teased. He reached out as though to grab

Don’t males ever grow out
of that?” Lanessa jumped back with a squeal.

True to their words, the rest of the
night was full of merriment. A comedian came on and told Cajun and
Creole jokes until everyone was gasping for breath. The band came
back from a much needed rest.

It’s late and we knows the
couples wanna smooch. So we gone slow it down.” The stocky man the
color of cinnamon glance over his shoulder and gave a sharp nod.
The band began a melody just right for a slow dance.

Alex took Lanessa in his arms. His
strong body was a wonderful guide as she gave in to the rhythm of
his swaying. They danced until midnight. As though this was a
signal, Alex murmured that he wanted to leave. The magic stayed
with them until they were at Lanessa’s house. No words passed
between them. There was no need. They made love with the sweet
deliberation of two people who knew just what they wanted. They had
touched like this before, Lanessa mused as her hand pressed the
small of his back. Yet they were learning how to please each other
all over again. She kissed his shoulders and neck. His skin was
tasty, like a spicy dish seasoned well with salt, pepper and a
touch of sugar. Soon any coherent thoughts were driven from her
mind. Lanessa heard their voices mingled in ecstasy as though from
a distance. When both lay still, Alex let out one long

I love you so much.” He
pressed his faced against her breasts, his voice impassioned. When
he looked up, his eyes were bright. “We’re going to make it,

Lanessa was shaken to the core. His
heart was in her hands again. There was so much at stake. She’d
failed him before. Had she slain the devils inside that drove her
need to blot out reality? There were times when memories of that
pleasant numbness from alcohol made her throat feel parched.
Lanessa wondered if she promised too much.

I’m not recovered, Alex.
I’m recovering. Even now there are days when I want a drink,”
Lanessa said. “You have to realize that.”

I know. I also know that
you have a wisdom and beauty that shines from deep inside. I’m not
afraid of facing anything with you.” Alex sighed and settled beside
her with his eyes closed. “Nothing at all,” he said in voice
slurred with content and sleep.

I love you, too.” Lanessa
held him tight as his breathing became regular.

Love you,” he whispered




Well, what do you think?”
Ken Hargrove sat across from Dawson in the CEO’s office.

Dawson still held the report though he
gazed out the window. “She’s found out more than we

Our own employees messed
up.” Hargrove spoke with a trace of scorn. “And we thought those
boys were so bright.”

We hired Savoie and
Brazeale because their fathers are power brokers. It certainly
wasn’t for their brains.”

Why don’t we just buy the
land and set up the plant? No one will care.” Hargrove lifted a

You’re cut from the same
cloth as those bright young men down the hall.” Dawson spoke in a
dry voice. He could switch from a gentleman drawl to cutting
remarks seamlessly. “So accustomed to having your way, you can’t
see the world has changed.

The only sign of anger was a twitch in
Hargrove’s jaw. “It hasn’t changed that much. Just ask my father.
He still holds powerful men by the balls.”

Even Taylor Hargrove can’t
call off the dogs when it comes to this. If they get wind that
we’re selling our goods to those middle-men in Belgium...” Dawson
let his voice trail off to make his point. “This is no local barely
legal quid pro quo.”

I know that,” Hargrove said
with a testy edge to his voice.

Then remember it when
you’re tempted to play by the good old boy rules,” Dawson said in a
sharp tone. “Ms. Thomas doesn’t know it, but her research will tell
us if anyone appears too interested in our

Hargrove gave him a stony look. “You
worry too much.”

I suppose you could handle
it better.” Dawson studied him for a long time. “I keep my eyes
open at all times, Ken.”

I don’t know what you’re
talking about.” Hargrove’s gaze did not waver.

Your father doesn’t
intimidate me. I’m going to be in control at Paxton-Waite for a
long time. Oh, and by the way, Isaacs has given me the reports from
Latin America. He understands how they’re to be routed now. I made
it clear.” Dawson smiled in a way that was empty of

Ken lifted both shoulders casually,
though the muscles in his jaw still jumped. “Just thought it might
be one less thing to take your attention from Belgium

Dawson was about to reply when there
was a knock on the door. His secretary came in.

Mr. Blanchard is here,” the
young woman said.

Orin Blanchard came in a few seconds
later. “I understand things are going well. My friends down in Des
Allemands say the residents reacted favorably at the last police
jury meeting.”

You were right about Ms.
Thomas. She pointed us in the right direction.” Dawson nodded. He
glanced at Hargrove pointedly. “Another excellent reason to use her

I have to say, I’m sold.
Her idea to offer training hit the mark. When your staff presented
plans to partner with the local vo-tech and high schools, they were

The old promise of jobs
isn’t enough now, Ken.” Dawson looked at the younger

Right. Opponents know most
plants end up hiring workers from outside, even other states.”
Blanchard rubbed his hands together. “But we’re on our

I still say it’s a waste of
effort.” Ken wore a sour expression. “Training people who can
barely read is pointless.”

Climb out of that
protective upper-class shell,” Dawson said. His manner was of a
patient parent dealing with a dense child. “I’ve told you a million
times, the old order has shifted. Strange that one your age can’t
see it.”

You’re new to this state.
I’m telling you--”

Dawson cut him off. “Orin, tell me
more about plans for construction. How did they react to the

He ignored the look of furor on Ken’s
face as he listened to Blanchard’s detailed account. Blanchard was
so delighted he seemed not to notice the tension. After about
fifteen minutes of close questioning, Dawson clapped both hands

Wonderful news all around.
Ms. Thomas should complete her report in the next few weeks.”
Dawson looked at the men in turn. “Gentlemen, we’re going to make a
big profit.”

Your idea is a risky
venture. The board will offer you as a sacrifice if it’s exposed.”
Hargrove spoke in a mild tone but there was a dark undercurrent
mirrored in his eyes.

Yes, I do.” Dawson gazed at
him. “And don’t get too comfortable. We
have a lot at stake.”

Blanchard’s bright expression dimmed a
bit. “You don’t think...”

Look at the time. My wife
is expecting me for dinner. Orin, why don’t you come.” Dawson
slapped the man’s thin shoulders.

Ken followed them out and went to his
office. He sat down at his computer and logged onto the Internet.
After gazing at several screens in quick succession he picked up
the telephone. He punched in a number himself instead of getting
his secretary to do it.

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