Read Once Bitten Twice Smitten: BBW Werewolf Shifter Menage Romance Online

Authors: Ariana Hawkes

Tags: #BBW, #Fiction, #Paranormal, #Werewolf, #Wolf, #Mates, #Adult, #Erotic, #Shape Shifter, #Romance, #Roller Derby, #Ménage, #Alphas, #Short Story

Once Bitten Twice Smitten: BBW Werewolf Shifter Menage Romance (13 page)

“You feel so good Aspen, so soft, and tight around my fingers,” he said.

“Mmm,” she sighed. She loved the way he was talking to her. Chase’s finger was still on her clit, driving her crazy with its relentless rhythm. Now he cupped her breast, lifting it until her nipple came out of the water, and he brought his mouth to it. He fastened his lips around it and began to suck, his tongue flickering over the tip. Aspen laid her head back on the edge of the bathtub. She’d had no idea it was possible to feel so many different kinds of pleasure at the same time. Her nipples felt hot and tingly, while Brad’s fingers filling her and chase’s finger on her clit were building up into something crazy. She’d been too shy to touch the men so far, but carefully, she reached out with her hands and found two strong thighs, muscles rippling beneath smooth skin. She kept going, until her hands found two big, hard cocks. She moved her hand up and down each one at the same time, and both men let out a groan. Encouraged by their reactions, she did it again, and again.

“Aspen, if you keep doing that, I won’t be able to control myself,” Chase said, his voice thick with lust. There was a fierce, animal look in the eyes that met hers, and it made her shiver.

“Maybe I don’t want you to control yourself,” she said, biting her lip. She turned and looked Brad in the eye too. His eyes looked pure black, and hungry. “I want to feel you both inside me. I want you to take me now and make me your mate.”

“Are you sure?” Brad asked. She nodded.

“I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life.” Brad broke into a grin.

“Ok, wait here for a moment,” he said, and he and Chase climbed out of the tub. They dried themselves quickly, and brought two towels over to her. They helped her get to her feet, and Brad wrapped one of the towels around her, while Chase used the other to dry her arms and shoulders. She stepped out of the tub, and Brad took over, drying her legs, while Chase rubbed at the towel that was covering her, making sure she was getting dry. She was amazed that they could be so gentle when their desire for her was so evident. Their cocks were big and swollen, and the sight of them, so ready for her, made her dizzy with arousal.

Gently, they led her to the bedroom and laid her back on the bed. As they opened the towel that had been covering her and took it away, she was fully exposed to their gaze at last. She squirmed, fighting the urge to cover her body, but the gazes sweeping up and down her body were full of admiration.

“You’re so beautiful,” Chase murmured. “So soft and curvaceous.” The men had climbed onto the bed on either side of her. As two hands gently eased her thighs apart, she felt the tension between them. They looked as if they were barely keeping their desires in check, and they both evidently wanted to be the first to mate with her. She was so turned on that she was barely capable of thinking right now, but, dimly, she realized that she had to let them both be first at something. She looked from one to the other.

“Come here,” she whispered to Chase. Eagerly, he lifted himself up, arching his body over hers, huge and wild. He knelt back, pushing her thighs wider apart, and gently spreading her pussy lips with his fingers. Slowly, he brought the tip of his cock close, and began to push at her entrance. At first it felt really good, and then it hurt a little, as it forced its way in, far bigger than Brad’s fingers. She gasped as the sharp, burning sensation intensified, and then it was gone. Chase slid all the way inside her. He fell on top of her body and looked into her eyes.

“Am I hurting you?” he said.

“No, it feels great!” she replied.

“Sure?” She nodded eagerly, and he began to move inside her.

“Oh my god!” she cried out. The friction of his cock against her pussy walls was incredible. She hadn’t thought she’d be able to take their cocks inside her, but he filled her completely, electrifying her nerve endings with every thrust. He began to move smoothly, faster and faster, and his rhythm suddenly hit her sweet spot. She began to shudder all over, and her muscles fluttered, as something that felt like a volcano welled up, deep in her belly. Suddenly, she seemed to be falling, and then she exploded, colors fizzing and bursting in her mind, and her pussy spasming in blissful sensations.

Chase had stopped moving. It took Aspen a while to become aware of this. She’d been lying still, her whole body floppy, and tingling with the aftershocks of her climax. She opened her eyes, to see him looking down at her with delight.

“Wow, you’re some girl, Aspen,” he said. She smiled at him lazily, and then she remembered Brad. She turned her head to the side. He was looking at her, his expression a mixture of hunger and envy. She smiled at him, and he understood. He moved towards Chase, pushing him away, off her body. For a moment, she thought Chase was going to respond with aggression.

“That was incredible, Chase,” she said. Comprehension came into his eyes, and he acquiesced, moving away, letting Brad take his place. Aspen hooked her legs around Brad’s hips, pulling him close, wanting him to know that she wanted him as much as Chase, valued him equally as her mate.

“Take me,” she whispered. Fired up by his constrained desires, he drove his cock deep into her, and she gasped. He felt a little different from Chase, slightly wider maybe. She couldn’t tell for sure, but she loved the way they weren’t exactly the same. As he began to move, she moaned, digging her nails into his back and holding him close. He began to thrust hard, pumping his hips against her pelvis. He was rougher than Chase, which she hadn’t expected, arching over her, the set of his jaw and cheekbones looking harder and more angular than ever. It was delicious how he’d hidden this side of himself, she thought vaguely, panting as he lifted her hips up and put her ankles over his shoulders. In this position, he drove himself still more deeply into her, his cock buried in the core of her body. It felt incredible, almost too much to take, and she let out yelps and gasps, animal sounds that she was hardly aware were coming from her mouth. He began to thrust faster and faster, and then he put all of his weight on top of her, tangling a hand into her hair, pumping into her again and again, before he came with an unrestrained roar.

As his orgasm subsided, he pulled himself up quickly.

“I don’t know what came over me, Aspen,” he said. “I absolutely didn’t mean to be so rough with you on your first time. I felt like I lost control of myself for a moment there.” His eyes were full of shame. Aspen stroked the hard line of his jaw.

“It’s ok, Brad, really,” she said.

“It isn’t, Aspen. I’ve thought about this moment for so long, how gentle I’d be, how I’d make sure your first time was amazing. And, instead, I’ve acted like an animal.” Aspen stared up at him, overcome with tenderness.

“But my first time has been amazing!” she said. “I’m a tough girl. I play sports, and I don’t break that easy!”

“Really?” he breathed. She grinned and pulled him into a hug.

“Absolutely,” she murmured into his hair. With her free arm, she reached out for Chase, and he snuggled into her back, so she was sandwiched between the two of them. She was silent for a moment, lost in the bliss of having both of them wrapped around her.

“I couldn’t have asked for anything more,” she said.

“Is that so?” Chase said. “Because it just so happens that I haven’t finished with you yet!”

“Oh!” she said, remembering that he still hadn’t had an orgasm. She could feel his cock hard on the small of her back, rubbing back and forth. Brad pulled away from her, giving Chase space. From the position Chase and Aspen were in, it only took a little maneuvering for his cock to slide between her thighs and begin to probe at her entrance from behind. He curled her thigh up, towards her body, and entered her smoothly, all the way to the hilt. Aspen cried out. It felt incredibly intense in this position, Chase’s cock rubbing against the front wall of her pussy. As he began to thrust back and forth, he reached around, and stroked her clit, the motion matching the rocking of his pelvis. Aspen bit down on her thumb, as another dizzying orgasm ripped through her body. Her climax seemed to arouse Chase further, and he started to pound her as roughly as Brad had done, faster and faster, harder and harder, his breath coming in ragged pants, until he exploded too, his teeth sinking into the back of her neck.

“Sorry,” he said, as his orgasm subsided. “I was a little rough too. Despite our best intentions, our werewolf natures are hard to control at the moment of climax.”

“It’s nothing to apologize for, trust me,” Aspen said. Her whole body was humming with pleasurable sensations. She felt completely sated, and secure in being desired by the two men. She glanced over at Brad. He’d fallen into a doze, knocked out by his orgasm. She giggled to herself. She’d heard that guys tended to do that. She scooted over to him, and Chase followed, and they all fell asleep in a tangle of bodies.


Chapter Ten


Days passed and they left Aspen’s room only to take baths or run in the forest. The rest of the time was spent making love, in every position possible – with Aspen on her back, on her side, laying on her front with a pillow under her hips. She discovered that she loved to sit on top of them, riding them, cowgirl style, while they looked up at her adoringly, cupping her breasts in their massive hands. She couldn’t believe she’d ever felt bad about her body. Now she felt like a goddess, with every inch of it caressed and licked by the two sexy werewolves. Brad’s mouth was the first to find its way to her clit, and she learned the pleasures of being licked in her sensitive place by incredibly long and skillful tongues. After that, she couldn’t get enough of it, longing for the moment that a dark head, or a golden head would begin to kiss a path over her soft belly, or up her tender inner thighs. Brad and Chase were both incredible lovers, sometimes excitingly rough, other times so sweetly dedicated to her pleasure. Brad’s unexpected wildness was delicious, something he hid beneath his cool guy exterior, while Chase’s gentle side contrasted so much with Aspen’s earlier impressions of him.


One morning, Aspen woke up to find Brad and Chase both looking down at her.

“What is it?” she asked sleepily, rubbing her eyes.

“Seven days have passed,” Brad said.

“Which means that the first mating phase is now complete,” Chase continued.

“And it’s been totally awesome,” Aspen said. “But what does this mean?”

“It means that you and me – ” Brad said.

“And you and me,” Chase interrupted. “Are now formally mated.”

“You have made an unbreakable bond with both of us,” Brad continued. He raised Aspen’s hand to his lips. “Aspen Richardson, you are now joined to us forever.” Chase raised and kissed her other hand.

“You will be the queen of our packs when we become the Alphas in the time to come,” he said.

“All that remains is for us to introduce you to our packs,” Brad said. Aspen looked from one to the other, overwhelmed with happiness.

“This is almost too much for me to take in,” she said. But then another thought clouded her mind. “Wait – but what about my family?”

“We’ll go back to your hometown today, and tell them the news,” Brad said. He caught the anxiety in her expression. “Don’t worry, Aspen. We’ll stay as long as it takes them to accept the situation. It’s really important to us that we have good relations with your parents.”

“Ok,” she replied uncertainly. “I just hope that won’t take the rest of our lives.”


Brad rode in Aspen’s car, while Chase drove his own car. After a break for lunch, they arrived in Williston mid-afternoon. Aspen’s heartbeat speeded up as she followed Chase onto her street. The past few days had been so incredibly unbelievable, that she couldn’t face having a scene with her parents now. If they said anything insulting to Chase or Brad, she was going to walk straight out. As hard as it would be to leave them, they needed to respect her choices. As Aspen opened the car door, it made its usual clunking sound, and her parents came outside immediately.

“Honey! You’re back!” her mother said, throwing her arms around her.

“Great to have you back, baby!” her father said, his voice cracking with emotion.

“Mom, dad, meet Chase and Brad,” she said, trying to hide the tremor in her voice. To her amazement, her father stepped forward and shook each of them by the hand.

“Chase, Brad, it’s good to know you,” he said, his eyes crinkling at the corners. “Shall we go inside and get a drink?”

“Sure,” Aspen replied dubiously.

Aspen’s mother showed them all through to the living room. Chase and Brad sat on the couch, looking more uncomfortable than Aspen had ever seen them before. It was such an unreal situation that Aspen had to suppress a nervous giggle. Aspen’s mother returned a moment later with a bottle of champagne and put it on the coffee table with six glasses.

“What are we celebrating?” Aspen asked. Her mother sat down on the couch opposite next to Aspen’s father and Venus.

“Honey, your father and I have been talking quite a lot since you’ve been gone. When we left Gila, we thought we were doing the right thing, to protect you. But the truth is that we’ve missed it so much over the years. We left all our friends behind without a word, along with the house we loved. There’s not a day that’s gone by when we haven’t thought about it. And we got to talking, and we decided that, if you choose one of these young men to be your husband, then, instead of you leaving us behind, we’d move back to Gila with you!” Aspen gasped.

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