Read Nyght's Eve Online

Authors: Laurie Roma

Nyght's Eve (26 page)

BOOK: Nyght's Eve
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“You have,” she agreed, tilting her head to
the side so his mouth could trail soft kissed down the side of her neck.

“But I haven’t ignored you, have I?”

“N-no, you haven’t,” she gasped as he pinched
her nipples.

“I got a job this week.”

“You...what?” She tried to turn around, but
he pressed tighter against her, holding her in place. His hands moved down to
her jeans, unsnapping them and pulling down the zipper so he could shove his
hand between her legs. “Oh my God!”

“I did,” he murmured. “At the hospital. I’ll
be working as a part-time trauma surgeon there. This way, I can still spend
some time at the center, with you.”

“Dare...” she moaned as his clever fingers
slid along her slit, then he pushed a finger into her slick entrance.

“Did you know that the hospital has a program
that will help emergency response teams like your search and rescue unit? I
talked to them about sponsoring your team, since I will be going with you from
now on when I can. Having a doctor with you can be very helpful, don’t you


He chuckled at her explosive response when he
stroked his thumb over her clit. “I thought you would agree. Not that this will
make things easier between us. Hell, it will probably only make things more
complicated. I’m still going to make sure you don’t overdo it, and take breaks
when you need to. I also intend to take over your security unit at the center.”

“Dare,” she panted. “It’s a rescue center,
not a military compound.”

“Doesn’t matter. I’m going to be changing
some shit that is sure to get you hot under the collar, but you’re just going
to have to deal with it.”

“Oh, am I?” Her haughty tone lost some of its
effect when she let out another moan when his fingers slid back inside her
pussy, stroking in and out. He pulled her hips back so he could rub his throbbing
cock against her ass.

“Yes. You are. Oh, and I want to adopt Hero.”

Evie felt her heart simply melt. “You do?”

“Yeah. He’s already mine, but you have to be
okay with having another dog hanging around.”

She bit her lip to stop herself from smiling.
“I think we can manage.”

“Good.” Dare had teased them both enough, and
he pulled his fingers out of her. He jerked her jeans down to her knees, then
when to work on his own. His hard cock sprang free as soon as he lowered the
zipper and he rubbed the engorged head against the slick folds of her pussy.

“Dare, we can’t! Not here!”

“There is no one here, baby. Spread you legs
for me and push your ass back...that’s it.” He let out a growl as she did what
he asked so she was in the perfect position for him to enter her from behind.
He bent his knees and surged up hard, shoving his cock into her tight pussy.
They both let out a gasp at the exquisite pleasure of being connected to one
another. He ground his hips into her, making sure he was buried in her to the

“I’m tired of having to steal quiet moments
alone with you, Eve. You know how I feel about being around people all the
time. I can do it, but there will be times when I need you, alone like this.
When it gets to be too much, I’ll need you to take a break with me. We can make
sure the center is covered, but I need you with me. Can you do that?”

“Yes, Please, Dare...”

He pulled his cock back, then surged back
inside her. “I don’t want you to fight me on this, Eve. I need you to tell me
you understand.”

Evie could barely think beyond the pleasure
of feeling him fill her, but she could hear the tension in his voice. She knew
that he was expecting her to argue, but how could she? He was giving her the
world right now. No, he was committing to her world. Taking a job with the
hospital in town, working at her rescue center and with the search and rescue
team, and even adopting a dog they had rescued together. The love she felt for
him was overwhelming. How could she not agree to take breaks with him when he
needed to?

“I’ll go with you, Dare. Whenever you need a
break, I’ll go with you, wherever you want to go.”

His growl of pleasure rumbled through his
chest and reverberated against her back. Turning her head to the side he kissed
her again as he began slamming his cock into her with heavy thrusts. She pushed
back against him, bracing her hands against the rock wall in front of her for

There was something highly erotic about
making love out in the open, practically fully dressed except for where they
were connected so intimately. Her pussy fluttered with her impending release,
and he pushed her closer to the edge as he wrapped her hair around his fist and
pulled her head back. “Tell me,” he demanded harshly.

Since the first time she had told him, he
always demanded to hear the words of love, whether it was on a whispered sigh
or a scream as she climaxed. He needed those words, and hearing her declaration
acted as a trigger for him. She held out as he pumped into her, hard and fast,
waiting until she was ready to explode. When he demanded the words again, she
screamed them out as she came. “I love you, Dare. Oh God, I love you!”

He bit down onto her shoulder as his own
release hit him. His big body shuddered against her as he pumped her full of
his seed, spurting over and over again as her body milked him for every drop.
He leaned against her, pressing her against the hard rock surface in front of
her, but she didn’t care. “I love you, too, princess.”

And she knew in her heart it was true.





Life was pretty close to perfect.

Evie carried a large bowl of potato salad out
on to the patio and smiled as she watched her friends and family mingle
together for their Sunday evening cookout. She couldn’t describe how happy it
made her to see all the people she cared for enjoying themselves together.

Kali, Madeline, Anna and Becca were still in
her kitchen, preparing mass quantities of food to feed the masses. Rescue
center staff members and volunteers laughed and chatted together. Several of
them had even started up a competition of Bocce Ball, while a few others tried
their luck at a game of bean bag toss out on the lawn.

Beckett, Zoe, Sam, Nikita, Dante and Sheriff
Wyatt sat at one of the large picnic tables having a heated discussion about
something, while Hammer, Nate and a few other teens stood close to the two
large barbeques where Hunter and Dare were dutifully flipping burgers and hot
dogs. Evie looked over to her right as she set the bowl of potato salad down on
the makeshift buffet table and had to grin.

Anna’s husband Tim was sitting at a table
with Malcolm Fox, her uncle Tony and Shane, where they—along with a few other
older men—were teaching the young boy the intricacies of poker. Russ and Leanne
held hands as they passed by the card game. Russ was holding onto the leash of
Nibbles, the little pit bull they had saved a few weeks ago. They had recently
moved in together and had asked Evie if they could adopt Nibbles after he had
been moved out of the medical unit of the clinic.

Evie looked around to see where her own dogs
were, and laughed softly as she noticed them sitting by Dare and Hunter. Galahad,
Percival, Lancelot and Gawain had accepted Hero into their little group as if
the little boxer had always been a part of them. The five of them had become
inseparable, and all five dogs’ soft, brown eyes were watching the men cook
with hopes that some of the food might be passed their way.

The last week had passed by in a blur of
activity, and it was nice for this break away from the normal chaos that seemed
to surround them.

The trial of Bill Hollis had been quick. As
promised, the courtroom had been filled with the men and women of Breakers.
There had been a sea of black leather vests and jackets worn by the official
members of the Breakers’ Bad Boys, all there to support Nate and Shane. When
Nate took the stand, he had told his story staring straight into the eyes of
the man that he wanted put behind bars. Nate was a fighter, and wouldn’t back
down from doing the hard. Evie was so grateful that Hammer and Dante had formed
a bond with the young man. They kept him busy at the gym, helping Nate channel
all the anger he felt into something constructive.

And then it had been Shane’s turn.

It had brought tears to Evie’s eyes as she
thought about what Dare had done for Shane. He had given him hope. He’d given
that young boy a chance to speak and tell his story without fear. And Shane
did. When the young boy had taken the stand, Shane eye’s had sought out Dare in
the crowd of people. Shane had relaxed when Dare nodded to him, silently
conveying to him that he had nothing to be afraid of any longer.

After taking a long, deep breath, Shane had
answered the questions put to him, and told his story of that terrible night
Bill Hollis attacked him. Evie had watched the reactions of the judge and the
members of the jury, and knew they could feel Shane’s pain as he spoke. Because
of that, it took very little time for the jury to come back with their
deliberations, and Bill Hollis was sentenced to life in prison for what he had
done. Nate and Shane’s mother had also been charged with kidnapping, and they
were finally free to live their new lives with Anna and Tim.

They were officially a part of Breakers now,
and the men and women of Breakers took care of their own.

The sound of feminine laughter filled the air
as Madeline, Kali, Becca and Anna walked outside carrying trays packed with
food. Others jumped up from the tables to go inside to help get the rest. Evie
looked back over toward the grills and saw the men were almost finished

Every time Evie thought about her
relationship with Dare it put a smile on her face. Since he had moved out of
the boarding house and in with her, they had fallen into a rhythm of living
together as if they had been doing it for years. They still had their bumpy
moments. He was autocratic and demanding, but she was equally as stubborn and
hardheaded as he was. It made for some very interesting arguments, and even
better make-up sex.

As if he sensed her looking at him, Dare’s
head turned and their eyes locked. She loved him so much, and knew how much he
was changing his life around to be a part of hers. She made a vow that she
would try to give him the breaks he needed. In fact, she had planned a little
break for them herself before he started working at the hospital next month.

Dare walked over carry two plates with
hamburgers on them. “Foods ready. Let’s eat before the horde descends.”

They made their way over to the buffet and
filled their plates full of food, then sat down at one of the tables. When
their friends sat down with them, Evie once again was overcome with a feeling
of happiness. The engagement ring on Kali’s hand flashed fire in the sunlight,
almost blinding her for a moment. Someday she wanted that with Dare, but Evie
simply smiled as she continued speaking with her friends. She could wait. It
was a damn good feeling to be surrounded by the people she loved, and that was
what mattered.

Dare couldn’t stop looking at the woman next
to him. His Eve looked absolutely radiant as she smiled. God, he loved her so
much it fucking hurt. “I think you should marry me.”

Evie froze, then blinked at him. “What?”

Dare turned so he was facing her completely.
This wasn’t exactly how he had planned to ask her, but somehow it felt...right.
Surrounded by all their friends and her family, what could be more perfect? “I
made it clear I wasn’t going to let you go, so you might as well just marry


Hammer sighed. “Oh, man. That was...”

“Bad. Really bad,” Hunter said around a
mouthful of food.

“Jesus, and I thought I had romance issues,”
Dante scoffed.

Dare glared at them, then focused back on
Evie’s stunned face. “I know this isn’t exactly candles and roses. I had a
plan...I was going to wait until I got you a ring and found the perfect setting
to ask, but all of that is just bullshit. You know I never say the perfect
thing. Hell, you know I’m not a perfect man. But I am the perfect man for you,
and I promise you, no one will ever love you more than I do. I don’t want to
wait. I love you, Eve. Marry me. What do you say?”

Evie smiled brilliantly at him, thinking back
to when he had asked her to be his biker babe. Be Dare’s for life? She wrapped
her arms around his neck and said, “I think I can handle that.”

Dare crushed her against him, kissing her
with all the love and passion he felt for her. He heard the riotous applause
around them, but he didn’t care about anything but the woman in his arms. The
woman he loved more than anything.

He had finally found his home, the place
where he belonged.

With his Eve.


The End



BOOK: Nyght's Eve
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